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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by fallenintoshadows View Post
    -Tele whores who take your gil and don't tele you. DAMN YOU PEOPLE!
    That's why I don't pay or expect payment until after the teleport is complete.
    Kindadarii (Bahamut)
    90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
    70.3 + 2 Woodworking
    52.2 Synergy

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    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Callisto View Post
      I guess this one falls into 2 categories of 'rudeness' and 'stupidty', then again that's probably a common occurence.

      I went to merit in Bhaflau Thickets at the Greater Colibri camp yesterday. The last 5 times that I've gone to merit there, some party has tried to forcefully invade my party's camp after we've been there for over an hour. This is where the rudeness comes in. It's beginning to happen to me every single time I come to this camp without fail. Instead of finding another camp when they see us, parties just camp right on top of us and try to outpull us. They're usually in for a surprise when they find out that I pull merit parties as RDM/DRK, and well, you can't outpull a RDM/DRK w/ FC5. Just isn't going on.

      Now this particular party was a bit more idiotic than the normal crews who attempt this. On their third pull, their BRD attemped to pull from the level below and linked 5-6 Colibri. He then proceeded to use Horde Lullaby. Most anyone who has merited on Greater Colibri can tell you that using Horde Lullaby on 5 of them is pretty much suicide, as when they wake up in about 15 seconds, they'll all spam Horde back at you. I tried to help them out by taking one bird off of their train. I was careful to not use any DoT to claim the bird, as I didn't want to MPK them. I used Stun(as it's probably my strongest hate spell), Bind, and Paralyze all in succession to claim the mob and pull it off of their BRD. The rest of the birds woke up and started pounding their BRD. Their WHM cure bombs the BRD, pulling the one that I claimed off of me as I'm headed back to my party's camp. I come back and Stun/Bind/Para again trying to build hate back up, and apologize in /say, letting them know that I'm trying to help and not mpk them. The other birds they have eventually kill a good chunk of their party, I take my bird back to my party and we kill it.
      If a PT is out to monopolize the zone, you have no reason to be nice to them, just let them fuck up and die.

      Its satisfaction enough when you are a COR or RDM outpulling a BRD just enough to make them get overzealous and screw up big. I always laugh when it happens, to be honest, especially if the BRD cries about losing EXP and having to take R1.


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Getting a /tell, "pt?" (which was annoying enough, in syntax) and responding, "{Yes, please} {Where?}"

        And getting nothing



        for fifteen minutes, and then, "Come 2 Crlr Nst plz"


        I had my doubts, but the party turned out to be better than the leader's English skills (and it almost had to be) and I was reasonably pleased. Too bad I couldn't stay too long.
        ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
        ~I has a blog~~
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        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Iv lost count the number of time I have had blind invites on THF already, lol.

          Annoying one is when you have flag for event, and get asked to pt. Once is fine, but after you have told them and put in /seacom that your are doing dyna/ks99/whatever and they still ask....


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            If a PT is out to monopolize the zone, you have no reason to be nice to them, just let them fuck up and die.
            Its satisfaction enough when you are a COR or RDM outpulling a BRD just enough to make them get overzealous and screw up big. I always laugh when it happens, to be honest, especially if the BRD cries about losing EXP and having to take R1.
            Reraise gorget/pins are your friend. If you are so pissy about losing xp, suck up the money and use them. When I'm main healing on rdm, I will always use a RR gorget - mainly cause I can't waste the 150mp on reraise once an hour, when that lasts 2 hours.

            My personal peeve. People in merit parties etc who delevel to 74, especially on princess jobs such as bard. You get xp at a phenominal rate - what excuse do you have for not taking that 15/20 mins and getting a goddamn buffer. I will NOT be Raise IIIing your lazy hide because you are too damn stupid to get a buffer. If you are known at events for dying, np. If you are lazy, gtfo.

            Originally posted by Aksannyi
            "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Kirsteena View Post
              My personal peeve. People in merit parties etc who delevel to 74, especially on princess jobs such as bard. You get xp at a phenominal rate - what excuse do you have for not taking that 15/20 mins and getting a goddamn buffer. I will NOT be Raise IIIing your lazy hide because you are too damn stupid to get a buffer. If you are known at events for dying, np. If you are lazy, gtfo.
              If someone can't buffer thier BRD, they're not really a BRD at all, I'd think.

              That's what makes it funny when the RDM, the COR or anyone outpulls the manteele BRD and watches them die. They're prideful enough to get flustered that we outpulled them and ballsy enough to compete with us, but not enough pride in the job to buffer it.

              It says BRD is awesome for meritting other jobs and wearing status-symbol gear, but not awesome enough to care about it otherwise. Few take it seriously, too many use it to merit thier THF, DRG or whatever. Its all well and good if you respect the job to do that, but if you don't its a pretty lame way to level because you probably don't genuinely enjoy the job.

              I've killed my BRD just to wipe out a three hour food effect because I wasn't near the city. I did it because I know I'll get the EXP back that fast. When you earn EXP like crazy on BRD and then die horribly a lot on BST, death and EXP loss really just stop bothering you.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                I'm exactly the same with rdm. HP death does not bother me at all (I try soloing some stupid things at times, and they don't always work), because I know damn well that within 5 or so minutes of a party, my buffer will be back. I object a bit more on blm, but I do my best to keep my buffer close to cap.

                We have one brd in the ls, he is a drk and can't get merits as he would like on it, and every single event we do, he manages to pull hate, dies, delevels to 74 and whines. Get a 10k buffer fool...

                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Iv found that just switching to exp mode when doing silly things (where xp comes in small doses - ie camping charby and killing PH's, Sahagin etc) builds my buffer up nicely.

                  But becuase Im too merit eager, what I tend to do is leave myself on xp mode for 10-20 mins, then swap to merit. I dont die that often anyway, and thus far I have not delvled, and my buffer has gone from 10k (my initial buffer on dinging) to about 20k. 2 more months and its capped, without any real effort


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by Callisto View Post
                    The whole camp takeover thing is seriously becoming an issue though, I know I made another post about it elsewhere on here awhile back, but seriously I can't merit on colibri once without some other party trying to forcefully take over my party's camp and/or attempting to mpk us.
                    Thats why I usually get another brd into my merit parties, we're getting unlimited chains easily and whenever another party even tries to take over our camp we can make them cry by pulling the half area at once, having 5 colibris at camp all the time is not a big deal with 2 brds and a rdm who can sleep the mob.
                    I refuse to take over a claimed camp, so whenever my party attempts such a thing I'll f'ing disband.


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Originally posted by hongman View Post
                      Iv found that just switching to exp mode when doing silly things (where xp comes in small doses - ie camping charby and killing PH's, Sahagin etc) builds my buffer up nicely.

                      But becuase Im too merit eager, what I tend to do is leave myself on xp mode for 10-20 mins, then swap to merit. I dont die that often anyway, and thus far I have not delvled, and my buffer has gone from 10k (my initial buffer on dinging) to about 20k. 2 more months and its capped, without any real effort
                      Exactly. Besieged gives you a little, might as well use that. Promy run? Switch to xp.

                      My xp isn't capped on RDM, but I've got like a 24k buffer, and I don't die very often in Dynamis although most often I'm getting assraped because no one bothered to voke the mobs I just attempted to sleep. Those Vanguard's Slimes are resistant bastards, and 3 of them on me take me down in about 14 seconds.
                      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                      ~I has a blog~~
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                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        I love the way you count how long in seconds it takes


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Originally posted by Kirsteena View Post
                          princess jobs such as bard

                          That made me lol a bit.

                          It also mentions one of MY pet peeves: people who refuse to merit without a bard.

                          ESPECIALLY when there's a corsair right there LFP, who has a number of similar buffs in HIS arsenal and makes a great puller also.

                          I've had so many good merit's without a bard anywhere in sight, granted they're not the phenomenal pt's brd in my dynamis LS talks about. But it's better than sitting around whitegate seeking for the rest of eternity.

                          But the basic situation I've seen for the past several months (and I'm SURE it didn't used to be like this) is brd+meree onry merit plz. If you're not a bard or a melee, you're, well...

                          If you're a smn you go out and solo or join a manaburn.
                          If you're a rdm you go out and solo or join a manaburn.
                          If you're a blm you go out and build or join a manaburn.
                          If you're a whm...lolwhm.

                          I DON'T want to have to level a whole nother job to 75 just to get merits, on my whm, but it's REALLY looking like that's what I'm going to have to do.

                          Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                          If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                          *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by Irisjir Callard View Post
                            If you're a rdm you go out and solo or join a manaburn.
                            You can complain all you want, but if you see this a lot you're just hanging out with idiots.
                            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                              You can complain all you want, but if you see this a lot you're just hanging out with idiots.

                              I'm on midgardsormer, what do you think?


                              Actually I think rdm gets invited to the 'unwanted people' merit pt's with pld's (Who apparently don't count as dd) and a couple of other random jobs that are considered gimpy (DRG comes to mind, but Midgard also has drgburns in the same style as manaburn, 6 drgs or 5 drg and a brd). But with rdm and pld, healing is covered, so whm doesn't get the love anyway.

                              It bums me out. I know back when I was in my 40's I used to talk to 75 whm's just for advice and I got told that whm was in high demand for endgame. Apparently times have changed.

                              Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                              If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                              *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Again, no. Standard Melee Burn merit party is: 4DD (WAR/NIN is heavy favorite) BRD and RDM.

                                RDM is, as it was before, a highly sought after job. It's just not must have for the same reasons as before.
                                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


