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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Actually Iv never fought Nyzul Mamool, only ever birds... hmmm


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Best if you know the people, and have a good bard, or else you just get overrun. Some of my best parties have been there.

      Originally posted by Aksannyi
      "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        And there is my problem. I only ever really merit when the LS does CoP based stuff, so the majority of the LS are tied up. Otherwise Im at an event.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          mamjools hongman would do fine there he doesn't seem like an idiot (meant as a compliment) As long as you have a brd and rdm who are not idiots you can camp in the pass and get amazing exp/hr.
          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but seriously - over hunting. I understand that parties want to get as much exp as they can, but is one mob that doesn't give much exp reason enough to move a party that isn't ready for the next zone to the next zone?

            Personally, I say no. But then again, invites are sparse, so I went anyway.


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Pet peeve or the week. Whm who say:
              "Why am I casting haste, we have a rdm lol"


              in an all nin (/nin) party or with a 5 man refresh.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?


                Meripo, WHM RDM RNG WAR WAR PLD.

                PLD: Camp?
                RNG (Ldr): Mamool Ja SP
                PLD: I dont like Mamools
                RNG: Where do u suggest then
                PLD: The Mire
                RNG: Theres like 4 meripos there already
                ME: Mamool = empty
                PLD: I dont like Mamools /goodbye
                All: Noob


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Were you wondering why I completely dislike meritpos, Bau?

                  As it stands, I feel I've had more than my fair share of [moronic] meritpos and me trying to party up to 75. I'm soloing the last of my 26k on crabs in Kuftal, I think.

                  That and I abhor pulling.

                  Perhaps, someday, I'll be able to look into getting some merits, but for the time being I'll be happy with a 75 job. Then I can go back and work on some other jobs... or something.
                  Kindadarii (Bahamut)
                  90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
                  70.3 + 2 Woodworking
                  52.2 Synergy

                  Breeding Chocobos? Visit to find chocobos in your area!


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Is Bard different for you at these levels than when you started it, and all the way through? I just cant see how u could have stuck at it for so long if you dont like partying with it etc. :/


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Partying as a BRD (or even a COR) its.... well... see, RDMs aren't expected to pull so much and the RDM juggling act tones down a little to the ugle Pink Mage stuff. There's some haste and stuff, sure, but BRD can be really, really demanding and non-stop.

                      I liken it to way back when RDMs could enfeeble stuff and it actually matter. It was way, way busier of a job than it is now. Don't get me wrong, RDM can still have those moments, but its not so much now.

                      BRD hasn't changed much. It was zomgpullpullpull way back when and its zomgpullpullpull now. I actually don't mind pulling as COR, RNG or BRD, but it really, really, REALLY wears on you. And when you're a BRD, you're pestered to merit even when you're in an alliance or /anon.

                      I got invited to merit my BRD once... while was seeking as my DRG. Gee, thanks, asshat. Get back to me when BRD merits really can be converted into DRG EXP, then I'll care.

                      But instead of banging my head against a wall and soloing my BRD EXP, I just made another character so the taru BRD couldn't overshadow its jobs. And no one really pesters a COR with random invites as much as a BRD. Some may frown on the low population of COR , but I for one do not mind it at all. Beats the hell out of fighting it out with 9384934873 RDMs for RDM endgame gear, too


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Blinking when equip swapping. Here am I, being chased by a statue in Dynamis which I am trying to nuke down, poor Bautier trying to refresh me, and I blink when I change staff with my macros. Cue much grumbling (actually, that was mostly when he was put in the blm party). I have also been on the other end of it enough times to know it is bloody annoying.

                        Originally posted by Aksannyi
                        "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Ok here is my new pet peeve:

                          part 1) Running out to the jungles for an Outpost warp to realize you have found a glitch and now have to wait for a hour for a gm to work his magic.

                          part 2) Getting asked 5 times for a party while not seeking and on war. Kujata has plenty of war 75's. I'm new to the server and people still hunt me down for merits wtf.

                          ldr-> Party?
                          Me-> No Thanks, I'm running to an event.

                          2 min goes by...

                          Ldr-> {Party} {Do you need it?}
                          Me-> {Thanks for the offer but I will have to pass}

                          5 min goes by

                          Ldr-> Dude do you want a party or not?????
                          Me-> I have said it 2 times before I'm busy maybe when I'm done here, but not right now. I don't know why you have asked me so many times but if you think i have a ridill and e body your mistaken.

                          10 min later: I get annoyed notice the 60 gm calls and just leave. Warp to windy, npc to Whitegate to check AH.

                          Ldr-> Here is your invite
                          me-> Wut? Ah screw it I'm bored any ways.

                          Part 3) Joining the party seeing War/Ninx4 Brd/nin And whm. I think ok atleast it will be a good merit pt burn get some merits done.

                          Then hearing these.

                          War/Nin one => Hey guys I'm switching to pld/nin
                          War/nin two => ya i need a buffer on rng
                          war/nin three => ya i should lvl my 73 mnk
                          brd/nin => ya im switching to rdm

                          Hell i would have probably joined the party if it was like that, but seriously if you seek on job A stay on job A. Then we go to the mire of all places >.<

                          part 4) Brd's who do nothing but complain and are utter bitches. Had some brd who spammed her Minuet macro and never gave the melees minuet, and never gave our rdm ballad. Shit was horrid.

                          (;_; ) halp me!

                          (p.s. moving to bahamut to merit with hong)
                          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            How about people just asking you the same question several times when you gave them the answer already? Doesn't have to be about PTs or anything specfic.

                            Was crafting a bit yesterday cause I had some leftover Shall Shells from a little while back. Guy starts sending me /tells asking for my Dusk Ledelsens. They are signed by someone that got banned for pos hacking or something, so he doesnt craft anymore (obviously). So the guy keeps sending me tells asking for them. After telling him no twice (and politely I might add. I said "No, thanks." the first time cause he was offering a trade, then said "no, sorry" the second time) he continued to send me tells. I just ignored him.

                            After a while he got it, but then said something like "If you decide to sell them give me a tell"
                            ..... Did you not understand the first 2 times I said no? I'm not selling the damn boots, leave me the f*** alone!

                            Warrior TP Warrior WS


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Being unable to communicate why someone's actions in a party don't make sense to me, because of a language barrier.

                              It's a minor thing, really, as most of the time the people I party with seem pretty competent. But this morning I was in a party with a COR that kept slapping Puppet Roll and Ninja Roll on the melees in the party. No matter how many different ways I asked why we were getting those two rolls, and if there was possibly something else we could get instead, I was consistently ignored.

                              Party setup was PLD NIN SAM COR WHM BLM. So already maybe not ideal, but this COR wasn't helping make it any easier.


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Originally posted by Mythos View Post
                                Being unable to communicate why someone's actions in a party don't make sense to me, because of a language barrier.

                                It's a minor thing, really, as most of the time the people I party with seem pretty competent. But this morning I was in a party with a COR that kept slapping Puppet Roll and Ninja Roll on the melees in the party. No matter how many different ways I asked why we were getting those two rolls, and if there was possibly something else we could get instead, I was consistently ignored.

                                Party setup was PLD NIN SAM COR WHM BLM. So already maybe not ideal, but this COR wasn't helping make it any easier.
                                Yeah its not the most ideal setup, but you did have a SAM and if this was a level 37+ PT, then the COR had no reason not to roll Samurai Roll + Chaos or Hunter's Roll at least. Or Fighters if it was 49. But Puppet Roll is Pet Accuracy + roll,so something was broken inside that COR's head. There were no pets and even if there was one, there's no real point in rolling it. Pet based PT? Sure, Puppet Roll away, but I'd rather do Beast Roll.

                                I had a know-it-all join my server and LS three weeks ago. He had a 75 BRD, RNG, SMN and BLU. He actually argued with people that March didn't lower spell recast timers.


                                Argued with the leaders a lot, too. His buddy we also took in did a lot more agruing and bashed jobs because her SMN was 10x better than anything.

                                Not only that, our bare minimum for events is two per week. They chose to do Limbus with another LS, so they lost an opportunity to fufill the minimum there and they hated doing sky and never came to those while they were online. They just levelled subjobs and did other crap in-game.

                                So we asked him why they never came to anything and they just go ballistic. They talk about how thier last LS (on Fairy) made them do so many events. Apparently, helping with random NM for low level job or doing Assault qualified as an event. Don't get me wrong, its nice, but it doesn't get the LS sky triggers and it doesn't boost our Limbus attendance.

                                So we asked them to leave and they make a huge fuss about it. The Haste-Challenged one actually made it a point to cross-post his complaint about my LS to Allakhazam, Killing Ifrit and the Limit Break Radio Forum. When you cross-post to different websites, you're crying for attention.

                                You especially cry for attention when you talk about your tenure in the game and kick up your vocabulary ten notches above average. When you do that, you're usually wrong about something and don't want to admit it, so you try to look sophisticated instead.

                                Putting it on the LBR forum was just asking for it. I'm an admin there. I said my piece and locked the thread because I already had a policy about endgame linkshell drama threads ages ago and he was talking about mine even if he didn't name it directly.

                                Some mod there moved it to the Flame Thread forum where we nuke that stuff to oblivion eventually. Wasn't me. So it get a /tell in-game from his psycho SMN friend that she has screengrabs of my reply and will post them.

                                I had nothing to hide, so I just cut and paste what I said to the KI thread. I made it a point to note to mention thier thread was a cross-post to LBR and KI, too.

                                Thread lost steam right about there.

                                Just to add, they neglected to mention their Limbus linkshell also asked them to leave this week for the exact same reasons as my linkshell. They put no faith in that team, either. There was another arguement about the March songs there, how it wasn't Haste or something stupid and that he wouldn't use his Omega pop set since he didn't feel they had the numbers to do Omega.

                                So they popped Omega with thier own set, beat it and kicked him and his SMN pal before the drops took place. Without the March songs they requested, at that. They were then asked to leave.

                                If you're on Titan and need to know who these two are, you can just ask and I'll share names.
                                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 07-30-2007, 10:48 AM.

