Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?
I may be a very new player, but I just want to add for fun, even though I'm probably causing annoyances to others in some ways I haven't found out yet.
I did read something in someone's earlier post aboutbeing annoyed at seeing a lvl 1 with someone PLing them. Yeah, it's kind of silly, but that's what I needed at first. The controls were tough for me to figure out at first, my game came manual-less, and I was just plain confused and lost. My friend came, helped me out a bit, showed me the ropes, and I was on my way. I don't have a problem with it at all. New people need help.
That being said, here are a few that I've come across:
1) It's already been said, but people who have such condensed english that they can, and feel the need to, cut a full sentance down to six letters. I refuse to party with people who can't type a full sentance, because every single person I've encountered so far that are unable to do so has led me to incredibly sucky PTs or certain death / annoyance.
2) Snarky JP players. Yes, I understand why a lot of them act that way-- they have very good reasons... but I can't stand when they have to act all @$$hole-ish and mumble about other non-JP player's imperfections, just because they're english-speaking. I lived in Japan, I grew up partly in Japan, I can speak pretty da** near-fluent Japanese. The NA client doesn't allow me to type in JP characters, and therefore I am instantly shot down over 50% of the time when many of them see I'm typing in romanized letters.
Not cool. Yes, I can see and read what you're saying about me and the PT in general. No, it's not flattering, and I don't appreciate it. Then if I make any notion that I can understand them and to please stop making a fool out of me, they continue giving short, snarky responses or stop talking in general. WTF?
Please note, I'm not saying ALL JP players... but I've encountered it a lot. I understand that reading romanized Japanese is not natural and annoying- I blame SE for that. I understand that English-speaking players can be really stupid. However, some JP players have just shown this complete elitest attitude that, while they're doing their job well, can ruin a perfectly good PT experience for me.
For example: just yesterday I was in a PT with my 19 WAR in the V. dunes. At the time, there was a very limited pool of people to choose from and the PT leader was having a tough time putting a balanced group together. He was english-speaking, obviously practiced in the game, and very polite. We had one RDM in the group who was JP, and the rest all spoke English. When I got there he started speaking to me in Japanese, and I apologized right off the bat for not being able to type kana in-game. From then on, his attitude completely changed to be a snark. We had quite a few damage-dealers / tanks in the group, and there was just no one else to choose from. We went to go beat up Pugil fish, and every so often the RDM would complain to me about pretty much everything. He knew I understood, and every time I replied to him, he would just give an equivalent of "whatever" or "hmph". I kept explaining to him that there WAS no-one to choose from, and if he found someone he thought was better suited, to let the PT leader know.
Our group was doing really well, but this RDM kept making comments that the PT leader was already aware of. Finally, just after I hit 20 another RDM had put up their PT flag, and the PT leader and I agreed that since I was too high level for everyone else, that I just leave so they can invite the RDM since we had so many damage-dealers. The leader even gave me a few gil compensation (even though I told him no) for leaving so our RDM could be happy with another mage.
Long-winded story, I know, but it's happened to me more than once. I have had great parties with JP members, but their willingness to communicate hasn't always been the best. Just because a lot of English-speaking new players can be complete idiots (myself included probably), doesn't mean they all are. That PT leader knew exactly what was wrong with the PT, but he couldn't exactly fix it so he made do until he could.
3) everyone's favorite- people who log in the middle of a dangerous fight to send everyone to near-death, or just log without telling people.
Don't head into a PT unless you're ready to commit your time, and give ample notice when you have the first doubt about how much more time you can put in so a replacement can be found for you.
I may be a very new player, but I just want to add for fun, even though I'm probably causing annoyances to others in some ways I haven't found out yet.
I did read something in someone's earlier post aboutbeing annoyed at seeing a lvl 1 with someone PLing them. Yeah, it's kind of silly, but that's what I needed at first. The controls were tough for me to figure out at first, my game came manual-less, and I was just plain confused and lost. My friend came, helped me out a bit, showed me the ropes, and I was on my way. I don't have a problem with it at all. New people need help.
That being said, here are a few that I've come across:
1) It's already been said, but people who have such condensed english that they can, and feel the need to, cut a full sentance down to six letters. I refuse to party with people who can't type a full sentance, because every single person I've encountered so far that are unable to do so has led me to incredibly sucky PTs or certain death / annoyance.
2) Snarky JP players. Yes, I understand why a lot of them act that way-- they have very good reasons... but I can't stand when they have to act all @$$hole-ish and mumble about other non-JP player's imperfections, just because they're english-speaking. I lived in Japan, I grew up partly in Japan, I can speak pretty da** near-fluent Japanese. The NA client doesn't allow me to type in JP characters, and therefore I am instantly shot down over 50% of the time when many of them see I'm typing in romanized letters.
Not cool. Yes, I can see and read what you're saying about me and the PT in general. No, it's not flattering, and I don't appreciate it. Then if I make any notion that I can understand them and to please stop making a fool out of me, they continue giving short, snarky responses or stop talking in general. WTF?
Please note, I'm not saying ALL JP players... but I've encountered it a lot. I understand that reading romanized Japanese is not natural and annoying- I blame SE for that. I understand that English-speaking players can be really stupid. However, some JP players have just shown this complete elitest attitude that, while they're doing their job well, can ruin a perfectly good PT experience for me.
For example: just yesterday I was in a PT with my 19 WAR in the V. dunes. At the time, there was a very limited pool of people to choose from and the PT leader was having a tough time putting a balanced group together. He was english-speaking, obviously practiced in the game, and very polite. We had one RDM in the group who was JP, and the rest all spoke English. When I got there he started speaking to me in Japanese, and I apologized right off the bat for not being able to type kana in-game. From then on, his attitude completely changed to be a snark. We had quite a few damage-dealers / tanks in the group, and there was just no one else to choose from. We went to go beat up Pugil fish, and every so often the RDM would complain to me about pretty much everything. He knew I understood, and every time I replied to him, he would just give an equivalent of "whatever" or "hmph". I kept explaining to him that there WAS no-one to choose from, and if he found someone he thought was better suited, to let the PT leader know.
Our group was doing really well, but this RDM kept making comments that the PT leader was already aware of. Finally, just after I hit 20 another RDM had put up their PT flag, and the PT leader and I agreed that since I was too high level for everyone else, that I just leave so they can invite the RDM since we had so many damage-dealers. The leader even gave me a few gil compensation (even though I told him no) for leaving so our RDM could be happy with another mage.
Long-winded story, I know, but it's happened to me more than once. I have had great parties with JP members, but their willingness to communicate hasn't always been the best. Just because a lot of English-speaking new players can be complete idiots (myself included probably), doesn't mean they all are. That PT leader knew exactly what was wrong with the PT, but he couldn't exactly fix it so he made do until he could.
3) everyone's favorite- people who log in the middle of a dangerous fight to send everyone to near-death, or just log without telling people.
Don't head into a PT unless you're ready to commit your time, and give ample notice when you have the first doubt about how much more time you can put in so a replacement can be found for you.