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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Emergency Maintenance, not enough italics I guess.

    15:30 to 20:00 (PDT)
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Cure glitch, pretty funny to see Undead getting hit for 9999.
      Rothy of Valefor Server. MyLittleChocobo Shell Holder Join DiV v2 Today!
      Jobs: | BLM 90/90 | THF 90/90 | WHM 51/90 | SCH 34/45 | RDM 46/49 | WAR 30/49 | NIN 49/49 | DNC 35/49


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        They fucked up Cure?

        I guess I'm not playing tonight...
        99 DNC
        99 WHM
        99 WAR
        * 99 THF
        99 BLM * 99 RDM *
        99 PUP



        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?



          Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
          Emergency Maintenance ..15:30 to 20:00 (PDT)
          Um... Squiggs.. if this:
          Originally posted by Rothy View Post
          Cure glitch, pretty funny to see Undead getting hit for 9999.
          *Then you would be the ...
          Bestest DD EVAR!!!!

          Oh... and cuz it hadn't happened yet...

          FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
          FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

          Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
          aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            They made cure spells do 99,999 damage to undead. idk how they screwed that one up but apparently it's some way that takes over four hours to fix.
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              From what I have read, they claim a full restart is 2 hours (this may be completely wrong, I'm just re posting).

              I'm sad I didn't get to go hand out some BLM/WHM punishment while the glitch was still there.. Even on /WHM people's cures could one-shot a large amount of undead.

              GoV Curaga Parties anyone?
              Rothy of Valefor Server. MyLittleChocobo Shell Holder Join DiV v2 Today!
              Jobs: | BLM 90/90 | THF 90/90 | WHM 51/90 | SCH 34/45 | RDM 46/49 | WAR 30/49 | NIN 49/49 | DNC 35/49


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                They made cure spells do 99,999 damage to undead. idk how they screwed that one up but apparently it's some way that takes over four hours to fix.
                Probably the lowered resistance to elements after a skillchain change didn't take cures in to consideration so when a cure gets cast on something it will hurt, the target's resistance gets set insanely low or something.
                You might be stopping to enjoy the game instead of rushing to cap, but that is not normal now. -Mhurron


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by Neverslip View Post
                  *Then you would be the ...
                  Bestest DD EVAR!!!! *against Undead
         would have been the one and only time.
                  99 DNC
                  99 WHM
                  99 WAR
                  * 99 THF
                  99 BLM * 99 RDM *
                  99 PUP



                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                    They made cure spells do 99,999 damage to undead. idk how they screwed that one up but apparently it's some way that takes over four hours to fix.
                    Identify, fix, test, deploy, test. The issue is large enough that the game has to be taken down for the whole process.

                    Someone probably forgot to put a decimal point in somewhere.
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Oh fair enough, but that doesn't make me not butthurt and yes I recognize that is the problem.
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        I'm just mad that I didn't go one shot Kharon a bunch of times for freaking Mavi head seals.


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Ehh we probably should wait for Myefe to do that. Maybe we can sucker some people into doing Emperador de Altepa for body seals.
                          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                            They made cure spells do 99,999 damage to undead. idk how they screwed that one up but apparently it's some way that takes over four hours to fix.
                            I suspect their source code is utterly incomprehensible at this stage of the game, based on some of the excuses that have been dropped over on the official forums. Spaghetti code etc.
                            Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                            Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                            Name: Drjones
                            Blog: Mediocre Mage


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                              I suspect their source code is utterly incomprehensible at this stage of the game, based on some of the excuses that have been dropped over on the official forums. Spaghetti code etc.
                              You've never worked with a large, evolving codebase have you?

                              They all turn into spaghetti until it is simply discarded and replaced.
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                                it's some way that takes over four fucking seven hours to fix.
                                This is me NOT closing the [butthurt] tag
                                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

