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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by hexx View Post
    Tak, you played long enough, but unfortunately only played a DD (SAM 2nd most mindless job next to MNK) so you really wouldnt know what it's like.
    I played Drk up to 70 on a diff char, Pld up to 50 and nin to 36 Rdm to 60, but never tanked anything high with them. I know how to play all the other jobs as I've played most of them, excluding Bard, Cor, and Pup. I think I know what it is like.

    I've raised on Drk, and Rdm when I get a chance. Hell, I've even sat there and cured a pld that was nearly done for on drk before.

    As for the other such stuff, I'm not complaining about Plds running off with a mob. I'm just complaining at how long it takes for Plds to solo it to death while I'm sitting there waiting to get my 2k exp and the rewards while you are fucking around with it making everyone wait. I mean, letting one or two DDs onto the mob can't be THAT bad, can it?

    When people are shouting [Enemy], [Where?]. Tell them where it is. Theres obvisiouslly none left at the fort, let them finish off the mob, or atleast help finish it off if its nearly dead so that peopel can get their rewards and exp so they can move on to the next fight.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Takelli View Post
      How would you die fast if there are others attacking the mob as well? Sure its getting more Tp, but its going to die even quicker though.
      Waves like the Shadowwing horde in Beaucedine [S] prove why you don't want to have a mob spam TP moves; this shit hurts. I generally drag my own gargoyle off behind the fort and fight it just fine as NIN/DNC or RDM/anything, but then you have retards who can't sustain themselves(SAM/WAR, THF/NIN with no bloody bolts, etc) whacking on the mob, it spams TP moves and either the damage overwhelms me or I run out of TP/MP from having to spam cure myself and die anyway, although by that time majority of the melee on my mob are dead but the damage is normally already done.

      Frankly the problem with campaign is alot of people are morons and don't want to sub something that'll help them stay alive, as even if they don't have hate alot of mobs and NM's use AoE moves or spells. It's not a huge deal in the city areas but in Icelands if you can't support yourself you're generally just making it worse for the people around you. People will rather attack a red mob rather than an unclaimed one, and frankly after having dealt with campaign as a BLU, RDM and NIN I'm quite tired of having to deal with alot of this stupidity. If dragging a mob to myself means I get A) more xp/limit points and B) not have to see any of this then I win twice. The Union update already showed people would rather let someone stay dead in a zone so they can have a chance to win a lot on a random item, if I don't know the person in the zone my courtesy is best spent elsewhere

      And on the "finding mobs" comment, it's generally better xp/hr to solo kill a mob or fight a few mobs, do an assessment, get tags again and fight some more or leave depending on the battle situation. If you're standing around waiting for the last mob to be found or running around looking for it too long, and there are other battles active, you're losing xp. If I finish my mob and I notice the battle is still ongoing(which it generally is if I go NIN/DNC since I kill most mobs fast with auto attacking) I just get an assessment and leave and move on to the next battle.
      Cleverness - Hades


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Since we're having all this fun talking about jobs in Campaign, I thought I'd share my thoughts on giving everybody Widescan for Campaign (an opinion a lot of people on other forums have been expressing). And my thoughts are... want Widescan, bring a job or subjob that has Widescan. One of the unique positives my job brings to the table is Widescan. If we all have Campaign Widescan, wanna give me Campaign Cure, Campaign Provoke, Campaign Stun, Campaign Sleep, and Campaign Footwork while we're at it?

        It's an under-realized aspect to the job, but nonetheless it gives a lot of information when it comes to Campaign, including what direction the mobs are coming from if Reconnaissance is low. And even if it isn't, sometimes they seem to come from the darndest directions. And when all the mobs seem to be gone, but the wave hasn't retreated yet, it can find all the stragglers.

        Funny thing. I noticed, when I bring BST to Campaign, people actually follow me around. But you still occasionally got that one guy standing way out there even though I shout that the boss is coming first and from that direction. Why do I always have to convince people I know what I'm talking about?


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by hexx View Post
          Like Aks said, once someone who's been tanking a mob long enough gets a bunch of stupid melees whacking away, the mob starts spamming TP moves so much (quadavs and yagudo being the worst) that you cant do shit to be honest.
          Pretty much. If I've built up hate on a particular target before a gaggle of DDs comes whacking on it, I get the excesses of the TP it's gaining, but I'm not losing the hate nearly quick enough. It's focusing those moves on me until someone successfully rips hate off, or I die. Usually it's the latter.

          I don't wanna hear complaining about raises. Like Itazura suggested, come prepared with a Reraise item or endure the consequences. If you need a raise, Haste, Cure, whatever--I suggest you join a party with someone willing to, sufficiently motivated to oblige you, experience parties are perfect for that. Alternatively, you could simply Campaign as a job suited to take care of itself. RDM, PLD, BLU, and WHM are all ideal choices. Campaign might be an "all comers welcome" event, but I've no obligation to cooperate with you or acquiesce to your desires. That's why I'm in Campaign, and not a party.

          Maybe when S-E bumps point yield for Raise/Cures/buffs to 1000 exp per cast, maybe then I'll move it up on my list of priorities.


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            ... me-firsters. Intentionally selfish attitudes only perpetuate what EVERYONE complains about. It's a game... try and at least make your first intention be - to have fun.

            FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
            FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

            Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
            aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Neverslip View Post
              ... me-firsters. Intentionally selfish attitudes only perpetuate what EVERYONE complains about. It's a game... try and at least make your first intention be - to have fun.
              "It's your job to raise me!" sounds pretty selfish to me. That attitude makes it less fun for me in Campaign, and frankly takes away the joy I get out of helping out people by giving them a Raise.

              The fundamental flaw with Campaign Battle is this: most things we can do to help others don't do much for our own exp. In fact, the majority of things people do lower my exp.

              "Help" me kill my target faster? You mean making it spam TP moves more, and when it dies (faster), I can't get another one or can't build up enough enmity to tank--and tanking gives me more exp than not tanking.

              A party of adventurers cooperating is far stronger than any six single players can be. In an exp party, they'd all be getting the same amount of great exp, far better than any single player can on his own. In a campaign party, people who's tanking and getting the benefits of Haste to do more damage and buffs/cures to keep upright would be getting the good exp, while the back line people doing all the support work would only get the so-so exp.

              That's why I advocate RDMs and WHMs ignore the DD types in Campaign Battles--all the DDs want is to better their own exp--they do not care about the RDMs or WHMs exp. It makes no sense to be other people's support unless you have no other choices; even a BRD/DNC can solo an NQ with the proper gear.
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Originally posted by Neverslip View Post
                ... me-firsters. Intentionally selfish attitudes only perpetuate what EVERYONE complains about. It's a game... try and at least make your first intention be - to have fun.

                I liked meleeing on RDM before Campaign, but was always respectful enough not to do so in parties. I found myself soloing a lot.

                I always make fun my first priority. Unfortunately, my idea of fun often conflicts with everybody elses.

                Thankfully, RDM has the advantage of Refresh and Convert, so I do have MP for things like Raises and Cures. So be grateful for whatever I do for you, for simply tabbing around to see how your HP fares is a courtesy I don't have to afford you. Just realize my 1 rule: I never never /heal unless I want to.
                Last edited by Ketaru; 05-21-2010, 06:16 PM.


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                  When people are shouting [Enemy], [Where?]. Tell them where it is. Theres obvisiouslly none left at the fort, let them finish off the mob, or atleast help finish it off if its nearly dead so that peopel can get their rewards and exp so they can move on to the next fight.
                  No, I wont, because chances are, they wouldn't either if they were soloing a mob Tak. Again, its Campaign, play it however you want, just don't burden someone else because of your lack of preparedness.
                  Originally posted by Van Wilder
                  Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                  Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                  I'M BACK BABY!


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by hexx View Post
                    No, I wont, because chances are, they wouldn't either if they were soloing a mob Tak. Again, its Campaign, play it however you want, just don't burden someone else because of your lack of preparedness.
                    How is it when you are waiting for some one to finish off their mob lack of preparedness? When everything but one mob is dead and its being slowly killed by a pld somewhere out there is lack of being prepared? How so? I sit there waiting for them to kill the mob and growing bored wanting to get the exp and chance of getting items while the pld has to be a mile away with their own mob making everyone to wait for them to kill it. Now that is selfish when you don't let others know where the monster is so that people can get their items and exp.


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                      How is it when you are waiting for some one to finish off their mob lack of preparedness? When everything but one mob is dead and its being slowly killed by a pld somewhere out there is lack of being prepared?
                      Originally posted by Clever Ninja View Post
                      And on the "finding mobs" comment, it's generally better xp/hr to solo kill a mob or fight a few mobs, do an assessment, get tags again and fight some more or leave depending on the battle situation. If you're standing around waiting for the last mob to be found or running around looking for it too long, and there are other battles active, you're losing xp. If I finish my mob and I notice the battle is still ongoing(which it generally is if I go NIN/DNC since I kill most mobs fast with auto attacking) I just get an assessment and leave and move on to the next battle.
                      As people have touched upon, you get less xp by being helpful than if you intelligently take care of yourself.

                      Few days ago in campaign I pull a mob off the fort with my NIN, immediately a DRK and a few others run to me since they were standing there before I arrived, just staring at the mobs. I didn't engage after that, let them whack it twice and it turned to them, I left and grabbed another mob and each time someone was trying to jump in I just let them take it and then I finally got the solo mob I wanted for good xp. Took a few minutes but if these other 75's can't even solo shit themselves in the easy zones they don't deserve to be in campaign honestly.

                      If you want cooperation in Campaign then maybe have SE design it so people got more xp helping each other rather than doing solo things, that should have been what the Union update should have done for campaign. But it's obvious that's not their intention, so therefore if I have to do campaign cause other camps are occupied and I don't feel like leveling something else at the time I'd rather do it for as much xp as possible.
                      Cleverness - Hades
                      DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        That almost audible *CLUNK* of shifting gears between sword & shield soloing and teaming up with a passing dungeon crawler.
                        It irritates me because it totally throws off my rhythm and I'm never sure whether I should be swinging my sword or sitting in the back nuking.
                        Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                        Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                        Name: Drjones
                        Blog: Mediocre Mage


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                          How is it when you are waiting for some one to finish off their mob lack of preparedness? When everything but one mob is dead and its being slowly killed by a pld somewhere out there is lack of being prepared? How so? I sit there waiting for them to kill the mob and growing bored wanting to get the exp and chance of getting items while the pld has to be a mile away with their own mob making everyone to wait for them to kill it. Now that is selfish when you don't let others know where the monster is so that people can get their items and exp.

                          Fact is, they're not gonna care for me if I'm dying or laying dead on the floor, so neither am I gonna be caring for them in that respect. Personally, I could care less for the meager drops that come from the union coffers. You care so much, go and find me, otherwise too bad, let me be to my soloing.
                          Originally posted by Van Wilder
                          Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                          Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                          I'M BACK BABY!


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by hexx View Post
                            Fact is, they're not gonna care for me if I'm dying or laying dead on the floor, so neither am I gonna be caring for them in that respect. Personally, I could care less for the meager drops that come from the union coffers. You care so much, go and find me, otherwise too bad, let me be to my soloing.
                            With that attitude, its a wonder...

                            If I see some one onthe ground, I raise them, even if I am drk/Whm. Or if I am low on Mp, I will actually rest up until I have 150 and raise them. I will sit in one spot and raise some one. If I see that they are having issues and need a cure, I give it to them.

                            If you keep with the attitude you have at this moment, no one will even think about raising you if your dead. I have actually shouted out that if some one needs a raise, give me a tell many times. I don't just sit there and be like "Oh, your dead, to bad, I don't care." I will actually go out in search of people in need of raises.

                            Just because one person doesn't give you a raise when you need it, doesn't mean that no one will. One person is not everyone, just ignore that one person and wait. I have had to wait for a raise a few times as well. I even ask politley for a raise if theres a mage standing right next to me and they don't see my body and they aren't doing anything. Know what? They give me a raise because I asked politly.

                            I don't know what server you are on, maybe its just a bad server for you, but the server I am on actually raises people and helps out plds if they are taking too many hits. I've actually gotten myself killed for curing a pld from nearly no hp to full a few times.


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              If I see some one onthe ground, I raise them, even if I am drk/Whm. Or if I am low on Mp, I will actually rest up until I have 150 and raise them. I will sit in one spot and raise some one. If I see that they are having issues and need a cure, I give it to them.

                              If you keep with the attitude you have at this moment, no one will even think about raising you if your dead. I have actually shouted out that if some one needs a raise, give me a tell many times. I don't just sit there and be like "Oh, your dead, to bad, I don't care." I will actually go out in search of people in need of raises.
                              So do I. The difference I don't believe that I should be shamed into doing so. This "Raise me!" attitude that people have is precisely why I avoid going to Campaign on RDM, unless it's to a Campaign where skills specific to it (like the ability to cast Silence) are absolutely necessary. I know a RDM who doesn't go RDM but SAM/DNC. His reasoning: He still melees. He still cures. But now he's not expected to cure other people.

                              These days, I go BST/BLU as my favored job combo in Campaign. Jug pet prices have gone down. And people don't realize it, but /BLU is actually a very MP efficient curing subjob. Healing Breeze is Curaga II for the less than the price of Curaga I, for example. Cocoon dramatically increases my ability to tank.

                              This has made me envy those BLUs, PUPs, and DNCs. They can cure people- they can cure quite well in fact- but they're not expected to because they can't target outside their party.

                              It's liberating when it's only possible to be on the receiving end, isn't it? Like all those WAR/SAMs, and all those NIN/WARs, and all those DRK/THFs. They can sure ask for cures, but it isn't even an issue of them "not caring for me." The issue is that they simply "don't have anything to offer me in return". And when I do come RDM, and I cast Protect and Shell on people and they don't thank me, I take note, they're the ones I don't cure during the battle. Because nobody is entitled to any aid. Never forget, anything I cast on you is charity.


                              ...or an underhanded attempt to steal hate from you.


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                After reading all these comments about campaign, I don't look forward to doing it. My main is only 63 so I'm still a ways off, but now I think I'll just chill and xp in groups.
                                Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


                                This is why I J9:


