Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?
I totally agree, but as a WHM there are times where the party just doesn't let be effiecent. Some DD wants to opens a fight with a 2k weaponskill, or the Kraken Club dark with soul eater wants to show off. Or the pld that only uses his mp for flash.
But I agree that there are a number of whms that don't manage mp very well. And I do so love my clear mind traits, now if there was a way to convince the galka mnk with 1800 hp that he did not need to interuppt my clearmind for poisona we would be set.
Originally posted by BurningPanther
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But I agree that there are a number of whms that don't manage mp very well. And I do so love my clear mind traits, now if there was a way to convince the galka mnk with 1800 hp that he did not need to interuppt my clearmind for poisona we would be set.