Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?
@ Firewind.
I see the same thing at times when I am just sitting in Aht Urgan planning on what to do next.
I see some one shout for healers, and DD for a few mins. After about 15 mins, I see it changed to Sam, and Rdm only. I hate how picky people are.
Same thing is for level sync. Some one has lvl sync to 55+ only. I will send them tells some times, especially when I am close to leveling for a lvl 54 sync. Some of them will bitch at me for asking them, but I just ignore it. So I fill my party, gain a few levels, and come back about 4 hours of killing stuff, and I search the person. Still in the area still seeking. Some peopel are WAY to picky. Hell, if I get a party invite for a level lower than what I want, I accept it. Some exp>none
@ Firewind.
I see the same thing at times when I am just sitting in Aht Urgan planning on what to do next.
I see some one shout for healers, and DD for a few mins. After about 15 mins, I see it changed to Sam, and Rdm only. I hate how picky people are.
Same thing is for level sync. Some one has lvl sync to 55+ only. I will send them tells some times, especially when I am close to leveling for a lvl 54 sync. Some of them will bitch at me for asking them, but I just ignore it. So I fill my party, gain a few levels, and come back about 4 hours of killing stuff, and I search the person. Still in the area still seeking. Some peopel are WAY to picky. Hell, if I get a party invite for a level lower than what I want, I accept it. Some exp>none