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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    To the general public - I apologise on behalf of Murphie. Be sure, his wyvern will be suffering appropriately.

    Originally posted by Aksannyi
    "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Murphie View Post
      Today I got a party invite from a NIN. He was getting the party together, and announced that we were going to fight Colibri, and that he had a WHM on the way. Well, I'm pretty damn useless in a Colibri party as it is, and if there is a WHM around, I'm even more useless. Also, this WHM only had a 22 BLM and a 30 SMN sub to offer. At 65. So I told the leader that I appreciated the invite, but I wasn't interested in partying with someone who wouldn't bother to level his subs appropriately, and once again I was the asshole. The NIN and the WHM both kept sending me tells about how I was a terrible person.
      A couple pages back I know, but I have to address this =D

      I'm a lvl 8 WHM right now and I can tell you my BLM sub probably won't be up to date. I'll acknowledge your "At 65" comment but i'm addressing this subject "no leveled sub no party" in general because I fear it happening to me.

      I'm new to FFXI. I plan on subbing summoner. -Back story alert- I've always liked summoners due to the thought of being able to do nothing while my summons kill crap around me. (A mindset brought on from StarCraft custom maps and Diablo 2) I have long since realized that I have to control my summons in most MMORPGS but I accept that.-Back story over-

      Imagine my glee when I found out that summoner is a wonderful combo for a white mage. Now imagine my [raspyvoice]Distaste[/raspyvoice] when I found out I have to sub Black mage until I can sub summoner. I say "have to" because I want my MP bonus.

      So my Black mage will probably be only level 5 or 6 since I really hate playing it.

      I don't like the thought of being forced to suffer by leveling my Black mage just so i'll be invited >.<

      Well that is all =3.

      Can't wait until I get to 30 so I can do the quest and start having fun on my summoner until I put him in the back seat of my White mage.

      *P.S. Isn't a level 30 sub pretty up to date for a level 65 main?


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        People named dark- death- evil- something. Invariably lead parties that net me negative xp.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          There is no excuse for having an underlevelled sub - ever. Take the time, level it. You are missing out on stats/abilities.

          Smn is an ok sub for whm, personally I prefer blm - I like having warp, I like conserve MP, I like having ES for those emergency situations. It is generally best if you have both - blm isn't that bad really!

          Originally posted by Aksannyi
          "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Originally posted by Kirsteena View Post
            Smn is an ok sub for whm, personally I prefer blm - I like having warp, I like conserve MP, I like having ES for those emergency situations. It is generally best if you have both - blm isn't that bad really!
            Its that age old MMORPG problem. Do I want to use less MP or gain MP per second?


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Jrgsubzero View Post
              A couple pages back I know, but I have to address this =D
              I'm a lvl 8 WHM right now and I can tell you my BLM sub probably won't be up to date. I'll acknowledge your "At 65" comment but i'm addressing this subject "no leveled sub no party" in general because I fear it happening to me.
              I'm new to FFXI. I plan on subbing summoner. -Back story alert- I've always liked summoners due to the thought of being able to do nothing while my summons kill crap around me. (A mindset brought on from StarCraft custom maps and Diablo 2) I have long since realized that I have to control my summons in most MMORPGS but I accept that.-Back story over-
              Imagine my glee when I found out that summoner is a wonderful combo for a white mage. Now imagine my [raspyvoice]Distaste[/raspyvoice] when I found out I have to sub Black mage until I can sub summoner. I say "have to" because I want my MP bonus.
              So my Black mage will probably be only level 5 or 6 since I really hate playing it.
              I don't like the thought of being forced to suffer by leveling my Black mage just so i'll be invited >.<
              Well that is all =3.
              Can't wait until I get to 30 so I can do the quest and start having fun on my summoner until I put him in the back seat of my White mage.
              *P.S. Isn't a level 30 sub pretty up to date for a level 65 main?
              You'll manage. If I can endure leveling DRK to 37, or tanking 36 levels of NIN without Utsusemi: Ni, I'm sure you can handle leveling BLM for you WHM.

              BLM as main or sub isn't as bad as you might think. You might enjoy it.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Trust me, auto-refresh isn't all it is cracked up to be. 20mp a minute is what you get back. I can take a knee for 20 seconds and get that back. Plus, you won't get auto-refresh till 50. I like the convenience of having my own way home to my HP, also the ability to ES (whm have reasonable enfeebling magic, and if there is no rdm, will generally be expected to slow/para/silence - especially silence).

                Edit: I agree with BurningPanther. NOTHING compares to having to level drk to 37 - blm is a breeze compared to that.

                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?



                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Elemental Seal. It's a very useful ability that you can only gain as a BLM main or with BLM subbed.

                    There is never an excuse to have an under leveled sub. Especially in the earlier levels, when keeping your sub up to date is ridiculously easy.


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Originally posted by Jrgsubzero View Post
             extremely off topic man, but it means Elemental Seal, level 15 BLM Job Ability.

                      Pet Peeves: Someone named Puzzycatdoll on my server. Just made me sad to see them. >_> And the lamp level of that new assault...I'll defeat you soon, just you wait!

                      Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        It improves the magic accuracy of your next spell - making it less likely to be resisted.

                        And no, it wasn't off topic, I was talking about it in my previous two posts.

                        Originally posted by Aksannyi
                        "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Originally posted by Kirsteena View Post
                          It improves the magic accuracy of your next spell - making it less likely to be resisted.

                          And no, it wasn't off topic, I was talking about it in my previous two posts.
                          Err it kinda seems off topic to me in a pet peeves thing, and to only ask what it was. :x Also considering how much info there is about it...well everywhere.

                          Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Isn't ES too short to do a search on?


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Lol I had talked about it twice (if you actually read through my posts on this very page), and I didn't explain what it was. Yes, ES wouldn't have helped you, you would have had to know about Elemental Seal, and if you are a new player you wouldn't have known it. Don't worry, I think it was a perfectly valid question - it was my fault for being lazy and assuming everyone knew.

                              Originally posted by Aksannyi
                              "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                It is. Especially if you don't know what it means.

                                Kirsteena is often lazy. I've just grown used to it.

