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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    I get the co-operation thing. I wonder how people who first started out on the game managed to get anything done. I know some of the quests are "easy" but (from what I have seen so far) they seem to be in the minority.

    Maybe I just don't like asking for help as I admittedly feel I am taking people away from things they would rather be doing. Personally I am (mostly!) more than happy to assist other players where I can and would volunteer assistance (if convenient and of use I suppose) if someone announced their intentions of trying something without an implicit cry for help.

    I must admit the thought of finding another LS has crossed my mind (I know that at least one member of the LS is also on another). Not sure what that would achieve though.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Bassman View Post
      I get the co-operation thing. I wonder how people who first started out on the game managed to get anything done. I know some of the quests are "easy" but (from what I have seen so far) they seem to be in the minority.
      By working together. They didn't have high level help that could swoop in and solo things for them, so they got a party or alliance of folks together and went out and completed the quest. These days, most people have at least one 75 job sitting around, so it's a lot easier to just grab one person who has a bit of time to help you through things. Even then, there are things in this game that require more than one person to help.

      Generally people enjoy helping others. There are exceptions, of course, and it seems that the deeper folks get into endgame (not casting aspersions here at anyone, but just noting what I've seen), the less inclined they seem to be. Or maybe they are just super busy, I don't know. Still, if your LS doesn't have at least ONE person who is willing to help out from time to time, you're in the wrong LS.

      Maybe I just don't like asking for help as I admittedly feel I am taking people away from things they would rather be doing. Personally I am (mostly!) more than happy to assist other players where I can and would volunteer assistance (if convenient and of use I suppose) if someone announced their intentions of trying something without an implicit cry for help.
      No one at 75 got where they are in this game without some help. So don't be afraid to ask. This game is built to encourage cooperation, not discourage it.

      I must admit the thought of finding another LS has crossed my mind (I know that at least one member of the LS is also on another). Not sure what that would achieve though.
      You might get some actual assistance for one. That seems like a pretty valuable achievement.

      ---------- Post added at 07:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 AM ----------

      Murphie's personal Pet Peeves Double Post Extravaganza!

      - 360 Voice Chat (I've maybe mentioned this before), or Voice Chat in general.

      My linkshell is primarily composed of 360 players. Heck, with my power supply on the PC down and out, I use it too. Many of the people in the shell use Voice Chat. What that means is that virtually nothing is said in /L. And unlike Ventrillo or TeamSpeak or any of the other options out there, you can't break the chat up into multiple rooms so you can have a group of three or four folks doing a quest over here and six people doing a BC over there and a handful of people just shooting the breeze somewhere else. You have a maximum of eight people in a chatroom talking pretty much all the damned time, and it's like a fucking cacophony of nonsense in your ear.

      I'm all for voice chat for missions or endgame stuff. It can definitely help to keep things more organized, though I don't like it when it's made mandatory. Learn to type faster, folks. Still, I don't need it every moment I'm on the game. I'm peppered with voice chat invites constantly when I'm on. People don't understand why I don't want to talk to them. I do! I just like the music and sounds in this game, and would like to hear those things too. And when we ARE doing a mission, or something kind of focus intensive, I don't need three people chit chatting about American Idol or the latest sporting event, or what the fuck ever in my ear. I want to [Focus].

      It's very frustrating, and honestly, causing me to rethink being in this LS. That said, I realize it's mostly my issue, so I try to let it go as much as possible.

      - I don't mind helping, but I don't need to buddy up for every single thing in the damn game.

      I'm in an LS with my parents, and honestly, they are some of the biggest perpetrators of the previous peeve but certainly not the only ones. What they are mainly responsible for is this one.

      YES, this is a cooperative game. I like to group for many activities. Duos are fun. I enjoy hanging out with a friend to do things together. But I don't need to group up with you guys for everything. My play time is limited. I don't always feel like dropping everything in order to go with a group of 75s to get Kazham Keys for a new guy to the LS, or subjob items or something. I want to EXP on my DRG! I want to make money! I want to accomplish some of my own goals, while still taking time here and there to help others achieve theirs. If I'm needed, then I am absolutely going to be there. But if you just want me to come along because you want as many people as possible for no discernible reason, than I'd really rather burn through my EXP charge I just used.

      - People, please stop bitching at me for my blinking. Learn to adjust for it.

      I try really hard to do well. I research the gear I need well in advance, and make sure that I can afford all but the truly pie in the sky pieces before I ever end up needing them. I don't gimp myself intentionally, and I admit that I am kind of overly anxious about how well I'm doing gear-wise. I have a lot of swaps! Blame RDM, I guess, but if it has taught me anything it's that one gear set is not really enough for any job. So I have sets for all of my various functions. Sometimes that just requires swapping out a piece or two, or in some cases, nearly everything. Yes, it's a nightmare of macro editing in order to take care of that on a console, but I do the best I can. But my god, healers STOP COMPLAINING THAT I AM GOING TO DIE FROM THE BLINKING.

      There are tools to help you heal me regardless of how many times I change gear. When I'm on a healing job, I manage to do it, so why can't you? Asking me to just pick one set and stick with it is a sure fire way to make me want to go do something else altogether. I'm trying to do my best to help the party succeed, otherwise I would just full time everything and I'd never blink ever.


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Originally posted by Bassman View Post
        I get the co-operation thing. I wonder how people who first started out on the game managed to get anything done.
        When we did the genkai 2 quest back in 2003, we had like 30 lvl 55's or somesuch. XD

        But I think it was easier back then, because most of the English speakers were on one server (Ragnarok).



        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Murphie View Post
          Or maybe they are just super busy

          I hardly ever have time to join a simple XP party anymore, and when I do, Khim or Tia decides to be a tit and pop early so I have to leave.

          Originally posted by Murphie
          People, please stop bitching at me for my blinking. Learn to adjust for it.
          God, this SO shouldn't even be an issue anymore, with <stpt> and <stal>, people have no excuse to get fucked by you blinking. I use *ahem* 3rd party tools for curing that save me time and keep me from the clunky macro system that had slowed me down for years, but even if you don't do that (which a lot don't, and that's fine) you should be able to cure people without worrying about them blinking. People who bitch about blinking are tards to me, really, because there are ways around that. I will never stop blinking on any of my jobs, get used to it.
          ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
          ~I has a blog~~
          ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
            God, this SO shouldn't even be an issue anymore, with <stpt> and <stal>, people have no excuse to get fucked by you blinking. I use *ahem* 3rd party tools for curing that save me time and keep me from the clunky macro system that had slowed me down for years, but even if you don't do that (which a lot don't, and that's fine) you should be able to cure people without worrying about them blinking. People who bitch about blinking are tards to me, really, because there are ways around that. I will never stop blinking on any of my jobs, get used to it.
            EXACTLY. I tried to explain that to another RDM in our LS the other day when we were doing something and I was on DRG and he was all "Yeah, sure you've told me about that but I still think it's a problem." And I'm like "DID YOU USE <STPT>? BECAUSE IF YOU HAD YOU WOULD NOT BE COMPLAINING."

            You can only tell someone so many times. :/


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              BLM burn last night in Vunkerl_S. It worked pretty well, and I used up my last 4 anni-ring charges in about 20 minutes each. Mostly it was a trio, BLM BLM WHM, and yes, the WHM was burning too. Flash pulls, Holy + Afflatus Misery for nice damage. But all good things must end, and he had to go AFK to pick someone up. So he gets a RNG75 in to do pulls. Nobody complained about leaving him in the PT leeching because things had gone so well, but he was both PT leader and Level Sync target, and I knew something could go wrong.

              It went well for maybe another half an hour or so. But after a couple of link pulls, and the other BLM casting Stun for dark skillups instead of a second nuke, I died a few times. The stuns were fine when we had three nukers, but with only two, that meant that if we had a resist, or the tiger interrupted me, we were in deep doo-doo. Some rules I came up with for burn parties here: Priority #1 is to kill the damn mob, you can skill up your dark magic later in Besieged, or at least use Drain, and At least two people must be nuking the mob at all times to ensure at least one is actually going to do some damage.

              The worst was when the RNG was paying more attention to LS chat than pulling and ran down for another pull immediately after I had reraised from a death. It seems that "Don't attack it" does NOT work when you've already brought the mob into the camp. It wiped everybody, including the AFK WHM, even running around a corner to get me, and we had to disband and form a party all over again. (And I even cast Raise 1 on the WHM, who had been away long enough for RR to wear off.)

              But everything above was merely just an xp party gone a bit bad, with some lessons learned. It's not my peeve from all of this. My real peeve is this:

              No experience points gained...
              The Level Sync designee is either too far from the enemy, or unconscious.

              The WHM tended to be the one dying most because he was pulling, and when we had the wipe and he was still dead, the one good mob we got in gave us no xp because of this. So we lost out on quite a few kills. I suppose SE did it this way because it could be somehow abusable, but it was still a pain in the ass.

              EDIT: for what it's worth, the BLM was probably casting Stuns because that's what it said in the guide, to help bounce hate. The same guide that recommended coming /NIN. (back when you didn't get Reraise until 66) And since I wasn't /NIN, Stun couldn't pull hate fast enough for me to not get interrupts (when Blink didn't proc), versus another nuke that could have finished the tiger off.

              Originally posted by Murphie View Post
              By working together. They didn't have high level help that could swoop in and solo things for them, so they got a party or alliance of folks together and went out and completed the quest. These days, most people have at least one 75 job sitting around, so it's a lot easier to just grab one person who has a bit of time to help you through things. Even then, there are things in this game that require more than one person to help.
              For me it was the BLM AF hat. WHM75 can simply not solo this. It took me two tries duo with a THF75/NIN, and I had to switch to strictly healing to barely win.

              Generally people enjoy helping others. There are exceptions, of course, and it seems that the deeper folks get into endgame (not casting aspersions here at anyone, but just noting what I've seen), the less inclined they seem to be.
              Which just reinforces my "endgame NEVER" decision. It'll suck your life dry, just so that you can get better gear to do more endgame to get better gear to to more endgame to... Do I hear a hamster wheel squeaking? There's plenty of content people never even see in their race to "endgame". If I ever go to areas like Dynamis, it'll be for clearance, not loot.

              - 360 Voice Chat (I've maybe mentioned this before), or Voice Chat in general.
              When someone asks me if I am on 360, I know that's why they're asking. And then I can proudly say I'm on PS2. I would so hate voice chat, especially since I can actually touch-type at 80wpm. And the old "why reading a book is better than a movie" argument.
              Last edited by Elwynn; 05-21-2009, 05:09 AM.
              Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
              99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
              F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

              >not having all jobs at 99

              Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                EXACTLY. I tried to explain that to another RDM in our LS the other day when we were doing something and I was on DRG and he was all "Yeah, sure you've told me about that but I still think it's a problem." And I'm like "DID YOU USE <STPT>? BECAUSE IF YOU HAD YOU WOULD NOT BE COMPLAINING."

                You can only tell someone so many times. :/
                That would allow you to select only among your party members, but typically the F1 through F6 buttons would service the same purpose. Short of making a macro that says:
                /ma "Cure IV" <p5>
                Don't you still lose the target if you target them but they blink before you can start casting?

                Personally, with all the outlandish mismatches in gear appearance in this game, I don't know why SE doesn't allow you to change gear, but still somehow lock your character model to a "preferred look" of sorts. Others take pride in blinking like Christmas trees. I find it distracting. Especially the ridiculous ones like changing from Jug Pets or Virtue Stones to Tzar's Egg or Smart Grenade or some other ammo. It does absolutely nothing to change your appearance, but you blink anyway.
                Last edited by Ketaru; 05-20-2009, 07:18 AM.


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by Ketaru View Post
                  That would allow you to select only among your party members, but typically the F1 through F6 buttons would service the same purpose. Short of making a macro that says:
                  /ma "Cure IV" <p5>
                  Don't you still lose the target if you target them but they blink before you can start casting?
                  Not with <stpt> and <stal>, which is kind of the point. You lose target to blinking because the big target arrow over the character's head gets confused. <stpt> and <stal> don't give you that big arrow, just the little one on the party list in the lower right. And that arrow is a little trooper, so it doesn't throw the same emo fits its big brother does.
                  Ellipses on Fenrir
                  There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                  . . .


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Today's Pet Peeve:

                    Camping Charby for 2 1/2 hours (spawned that long after window) and getting beat out by a MNK because Charby spawned behind you out of your range and watching as all your hopes and dreams get shattered against the brick wall of unrealisitic competition.

                    Well actually, I was on BRD and I had him targed before anyone with Elegy and was less than a second from completing cast and the MNK woke up and chi blasted. ; ; /cry My WAR friend was only one w/voke in my little 4man party and our RDM fell asleep; THF was outside watching for outside mob. The WAR was covering the front end cuz Bou the Righteous kept blocking her /targetnpc spam.

                    I think next time, we're just going to do it horizontally to avoid Bou that way we got the whole area covered; her on side, me on the other, and I might sub /war on my brd >.> lollerskates. I think I might ask the THF to come camp in the room, cuz Steal is fast, but Steal claiming has always been a lil lackluster for my tastes, but at least its something!

                    I've been trying to get this sword for 4 years and its always such terribly fierce competition on Gilgmesh. ; ; I never seem to get there with no one else camping. Why can't they make this an instanced camping or something lol?

                    Curses to you MNKs and your Chi Blast that lets you half-assed claim a mob! I will never play your job and go delevel it back from 21 right now! You'll pay! xD
                    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME!"


                    THIS LOOKS AWESOMESAUCE:


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      I didn't mind having that NPC there when I was looking to target a mob ... but I didn't know about /targetnpc, I used /target <stnpc> and just tabbed off the NPC.


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by Ellipses View Post
                        Not with <stpt> and <stal>, which is kind of the point. You lose target to blinking because the big target arrow over the character's head gets confused. <stpt> and <stal> don't give you that big arrow, just the little one on the party list in the lower right. And that arrow is a little trooper, so it doesn't throw the same emo fits its big brother does.
                        Just a question on this, what if you are generally faster without macros??? I know where my cure spells are, I find macros to be annoying and would rather know what spell I am casting and that it is going to work? Why should I have to change my style of play because you want to have that extra bit of damage that generally doesn't help the party as much as you think it does.... honestly, 10 seconds isn't going to make any difference to me or anyone else int he party.
                        Sorry for the rant, but that really pisses me off that people think that changing your gear is REALLY going to do that much for the party, when you are ONE person in a group of SIX. Get over yourself. Does not changing gear cause you to have a bad party experience because I can tell you that Curing is stressful enough without your goddamn blinking because you think you are Uber or Leet or whatever the hell it is, therefore, in the end on this issue it's going to be the healer that gets angrier throughout the party and will leave. And why should I HAVE to use macros when I find it easier to not use macros... I know where my spells are and can get to them fast enough without a macro.

                        Sorry for the rant, lot's of pent up hostility.
                        Tarutaru Female
                        Nations: Complete Zilart: Complete COP: Complete ACP: Complete


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Just a question on this, what if you are generally faster without macros??? I know where my cure spells are, I find macros to be annoying and would rather know what spell I am casting and that it is going to work? Why should I have to change my style of play because you want to have that extra bit of damage that generally doesn't help the party as much as you think it does.... honestly, 10 seconds isn't going to make any difference to me or anyone else int he party
                          The short answer: It's you VS the world. Who needs to change? Everyone gear swaps. Adjust or quit. =/

                          That came off kinda mean. But it IS the short answer. Allow me to elaborate a bit more. At 75 there's a big difference between TP gear and WS gear. The classic example is the Hecatomb Harness Set but there are others. That set is excellent for WS but one should NEVER EVER wear it for TP. But it's not just the the DDs. Let's take a look at this one: Iron Ram Sallet Set. +16 Enmity! Not exactly full time gear though. I'd rather be wearing W.Turban + Dusk hands/legs/feet for big, nice Attack+Haste bonuses. It's hard for you to justify having the PLD not switch into this set when casting Cures or using JAs just because you don't want to adapt. And then there's THF. They not only need TP and WS gear, but also gear just for SA and TA. But, hell, you as a mage are also guilty of blinking like a strobe light. If you can do it, why can't the others?
                          Sorry for the rant, but that really pisses me off that people think that changing your gear is REALLY going to do that much for the party, when you are ONE person in a group of SIX. Get over yourself.
                          If only one person is doing it there won't be a difference. But the fact of the matter is that most people will do it, and that WILL cause a difference. That much should be apparent from the examples I showed. You should be GLAD your party members are blinking. That means they care.

                          Sorry to ruin your rant but I'm just telling it like it is.
                          Last edited by Armando; 05-20-2009, 08:56 AM.


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by Andromache View Post
                            Just a question on this, what if you are generally faster without macros??? I know where my cure spells are, I find macros to be annoying and would rather know what spell I am casting and that it is going to work? Why should I have to change my style of play because you want to have that extra bit of damage that generally doesn't help the party as much as you think it does.... honestly, 10 seconds isn't going to make any difference to me or anyone else int he party.
                            Sorry for the rant, but that really pisses me off that people think that changing your gear is REALLY going to do that much for the party, when you are ONE person in a group of SIX. Get over yourself. Does not changing gear cause you to have a bad party experience because I can tell you that Curing is stressful enough without your goddamn blinking because you think you are Uber or Leet or whatever the hell it is, therefore, in the end on this issue it's going to be the healer that gets angrier throughout the party and will leave. And why should I HAVE to use macros when I find it easier to not use macros... I know where my spells are and can get to them fast enough without a macro.

                            Sorry for the rant, lot's of pent up hostility.
                            Don't shoot the messenger, but if you used Macros for curing, it would make the blinking less of a headache. Don't get me wrong, it still sucks at times, but it sucks less when using macros.
                            75: Sam, Nin, Blm, Thf, Pld, Cor, Rdm
                            RANK 10 Bastok
                            CoP: Done
                            ZM: Done
                            ToA: Done
                            Assault rank: Captain
                            Campaign Medal: Medals
                            Wotg: Complete the quests already and I'll start

                            Originally posted by Etra
                            This thread brought to you by Malacite's lack of understanding.


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              It really does make a difference when you change gear, as Armando pointed out. Hell I get bitched at by people for changing gear on WHM ... you do want my cures to do more so I save more MP, right? Seriously some people annoy me. I got told by a Bard that I blink too much ... seriously, no one has to cure me when I'm on WHM, (yet for some asinine reason they do ... which is another peeve lol) I don't know what the big deal is.

                              How do you cast? List cast? You will always have the blinking problem with list casting, there is absolutely no way around it. I hate macro casting, too, which is why every spell I do is typed. That way, the person's name is typed out and I cast directly on them without ever needing to target them to begin with. Blink to your heart's content, it won't affect me.

                              Honestly, I would be super pissed if I was in a party and some noobtard was in my party not changing gear so that he doesn't have to worry about not getting cured when he blinks. It gimps your damage SO MUCH when you don't swap into a WS set, and it slows down the experience points significantly, which does affect you in the end. I've never gotten higher than 15k/hr at birds when I've had people who don't change gear, and that's actually really a sad xp/hr rate for merits. People always use that line "It's my $12.95 and it's not affecting you," but it actually is. Unless you're soloing, what you're doing - gimp or not - is having an impact on the people you're grouped with.

                              Blinking used to annoy me, even though I've known it was necessary, and always will be necessary. I found a way around that. I changed up my entire way of playing to work around that (and other issues, that wasn't the only one), and yes while it sucks and it takes some getting used to, I've maximized my effectiveness.

                              I'm not telling you to change. I am telling you that if you don't want to deal with the blinking thing, you just may have to change your playstyle, or simply deal with it. One or the other. Doesn't mean you can't still be annoyed by it, but blinking is never gonna change, and please don't advocate people NOT blinking, as it really does have an adverse affect on damage over time and kill speed for pretty much everything in the game.

                              ---------- Post added at 12:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 PM ----------

                              Originally posted by Mezlo View Post
                              Don't shoot the messenger, but if you used Macros for curing, it would make the blinking less of a headache. Don't get me wrong, it still sucks at times, but it sucks less when using macros.
                              I haven't used a macro in months. Typing is where it's at! Blinking doesn't bother me in the slightest, and it saves me the trouble of opening my macros and trying to find the one I need at a critical moment. Trust me, my memory just isn't that good and I can't just find macros without thinking, I have to look for them. Typing everything puts every single spell and JA on my list at my fingertips without having to stop and think about where I saved it. When seconds count, I don't want to be searching for Paralyna.
                              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                              ~I has a blog~~
                              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Why are you all complaining about gear swaping?

                                It helps kill the monster faster, and it can even help the people survive longer if/when they pull hate.

                                I have a 75 Samurai with a WS gear, and a Defensive gear in case I pull hate. I will use my Ws macro, my character changes once, uses the Ws, then changes back to normal, and if I pull hate, I just do the same with my defensive gear. Healers never coplained once about me blinking like that. And I macro every 30-45 seconds due to hate/weapon skills.

                                I as a healer (When I healed) never had any issue with selecting people when they did blink. I NEVER used any macros, and I never had any issue healing some one. When I saw the WS macro go off, I would wait to heal them as they change gears, and changed back, then I woudl heal them. Same thing for the Tanks. They use a Macro that changes gear, I would wait a few seconds then heal. Never had any issue, even with out macros.

                                My opinion. When I am healing. I HATE macros, same for when I am nuking. I prefer to acutually be going through the menues and concentrating on the fight rather than sitting through macros. As a melee I prefer to do macros as it is faster to gear swap, and pull of Ws to possibly chain with them, and then fire off a spell (If I am drk and the mages arent paying attention.)

