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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    ***The hoops one must jump through when a 360 dies (RRoD)... Getting FFxi back up and running was a epic undertaking...then to FINALLY log on and find that all my macros, settings, and map markers were saved to the dead 360. I didn't know that I could save my settings to the server until it was too late.

    ***People who spew mis-information over LS in such a steady stream that you have no way of catching up and correcting the continual BS they constantly been setting out.

    ***Also peeved at how many DNC/LOL's are on my server (mayhaps everywhere?)... Now that I'm leveling SAM, it's painful partying with these lazy DNC's who think if the party sees "bubbles" and a back-up heal occasionally, they don't have to do anything else... specially when you know how much they could be actually helping the party. Please read/learn about DNC... don't make DNC look so bad that people get a stigma toward me ...pretty please.
    FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
    FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

    Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
    aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      "The shop is closed.
      The shop's hours are 8 to 23."

      Stares at time... 23.27.

      Seriously fucking fuck. Remove this dumb, unneccesary, blatant cockblock already. It achieves nothing positive.


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
        "The shop is closed.
        The shop's hours are 8 to 23."

        Stares at time... 23.27.

        Seriously fucking fuck. Remove this dumb, unneccesary, blatant cockblock already. It achieves nothing positive.
        Seriously.. why is it everytime I want to check out the random shop I'm passing by, that day happens to be the shop's holiday?!?!?!? This happens so frequently, I almost believe bored GM's follow me around shutting shops down at /random days just to mess with me.
        FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
        FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

        Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
        aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Elwynn View Post
          Fixed. Just because my health bar is down to 50% doesn't mean I need healing. If I'm standing by the book in front of Valkurm outpost, no goblin is going to suddenly wander in and aggro. And if you'll take a moment to /sea <t> on me, you'll see that I have a mage job, and not only can I heal myself, all the HP in the world won't help recover my MP, which is what I really need. And you certainly aren't going to get points for healing me, since there are no FoV books in Besieged or Campaign battles.

          I recently discovered that Alacrity + Warp II proves extremely effective in stopping party members from doing that when you just want to get your refresh back because the party leader wanted to wuss out of a new camp and screw the entire party out of skill ups because they want to invite another member to sync to so they don't have to leave their precious Qufim Island camps *breathes*.

          That he and was dumb enough to drop sync just after I got 100 tabs worth of buffs and not run away upon seeing "Sardia begins casting Warp II on you" appear in their chatlog.
          Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
          Reiko Takahashi
          - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
          Haters Gonna Hate


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
            Wasn't assuming anything... Really did have at least four "d/c shortly after level" people in the last week and half, plus other miscellaneous idiots. All English speakers. All NA players bad? Of course not. But, NA parties lately really do make me want to put "JP Only" in search comments--I'm trying to remember the last decent NA party I had on SAM that didn't have LS members and friends--and failing.
            You always go on and on about how horrible your NA PTs are and how good the JP ones always are. You have a very selective memory and a chronic distrust of other players, particularly English-speaking ones. I mean, come on, you default to /NIN with tanks you don't know - not because its better but because it makes you feel safe. You gush and gush about JP parties, yet I've never seen you say one positive thing about an English-speaking party.

            You have a very clear bias.

            It's not easy being party leaders; those who take on the duty should be given some consideration--like not have their party further broken when people "d/c" and they are desperately asking for people to come to keep the party going.

            So, yes, I do 'owe' them something when I agree to join parties, in a manner of speaking. (Even to the 5 DD + 1 RDM + PL at Lv.40 kind of party leader--the /search situation really could've been that desperate, I suppose.)
            You know what, I don't trust half the players in this game, but if I'm going to lead I have to make some concessions. If it means having to put my foot down and remove people - I will do it. I don't lead often because I don't like the stress of it, but that doesn't mean I'm incapable of getting the job done.

            When it comes to CoPs, I'm absolutely ruthless. I will remove people who don't perform to expectation. If I must lead a party, yes, I have an obligation to them. If it means dropping someone who doesn't perform - I'll do it.

            Being a leader does not mean you will always you will be an awesome person in everone's eyes. If that's what you want out of leadership - please do not lead anything.

            Whether its by your own actions or not, somone will eventually take issue with your methods.

            Because I enforce rules as a administrator at LBR, I've had people go crying to thier blogs with wild and completely insane conspiracy theories regarding my motives. Like how I have some secret war with Viceroy's LS, the Chocobo Knights. Crazy because many of the people in Chocobo Knights are LBR forum members.

            Because I wanted a win for my CoP static, I had to turn away a really good RNG from my party because I honestly didn't need him as much for that fight as I needed the BRD - I did wantto kick Selphiie though, I really did, even though she was my girlfriend at the time because she was being so whiny about getting her win - but I had to consider the rest of the group. We needed her BRD more than we needed this RNG.

            That RNG quit the game because of my decision to turn him down on that fight. There was some miscommunication on his part, he said he wasn't going to be able to come initially and that he and another group lined up anyway, but then he showed up on the scheduled day because those plans fell through and expected me to tow him along on a second fight after I had an ideal setup ready

            He quit over this. Do I feel bad? Sure. For a little while. He had helped on every prior mission and he didn't even need those previous wins. He felt useds most likely, but it was a matter of miscommunication and there was no way I was going to do extra runs just to get one person a win.

            I busted my ass for everyone in my old Titan EGLS. I worked hard for our BLMs on COR, always manaburning with them. I merittied with our PLDs on COR to make sure they kept EXP capped. I was always there to farm sky and get shit done. I was also one of the only two RNGs (and COR, which the other RNG also was) in the LS and I had a lot of points because I put in the work. I was labeled a lootwhore for getting Seiryu's Kote and Wyrmal Hands on the same day, and then later for getting Suzaku Sune-Ates when no one else wanted to bid on them. Apparently working hard for other's and earning points for myself along the way makes me a bad person because some others didn't have the time or didn't put in the work. Mystifies me why I'm a lootwhore when I had no competition even when I was bidding.

            At the end of the day, as a leader, you won't always get a rave review, even if you do right by everyone. You have to make hard decisions, sometimes even at the EXP level. If I form an EXP PT - its my obligation to see that people who are working for that EXP get it, screw the people that constantly AFK, I owe them nothing. If they're gone for longer than a time agreed upon by active PT members, I'll replace them.

            If someone wants to think I'm an asshole for that - I'm fine with it.

            I just have a good scapegoat for not being a leader in EXP - I play jobs that are either attractive to PTs or stuff I can solo on. Plug and play.


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              You always go on and on about how horrible your NA PTs are and how good the JP ones always are.
              Funny you say that; I just remembered an NA Garliage Citadel party I had on BRD/WHM, where I was the puller. Great party; was a pick-up group too. (I mentioned in the other post, but didn't say it was NA, since JP or NA wasn't an issue.)

              I tend to remember bad things longer than good things, so I'll throw in a few bad JP experiences while I'm at it: One inattentive JP NIN in Aydeewa party. One JP COR whom I couldn't convince to use /RNG instead of /WHM for Greater Colibri camp. One (very obviously newb) JP MNK who picked heck of a weird place to party (Lv.17-ish? been a while...), fighting skeletons--and out damaged by my RNG.

              Now, it's a matter of public record that I have said bad JP players exist, and even find their way into the parties I'm in from time to time.

              There, positive things on a specific party, and a few bad JP players. Happier?

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              You have a very selective memory and a chronic distrust of other players, particularly English-speaking ones. I mean, come on, you default to /NIN with tanks you don't know - not because its better but because it makes you feel safe. You gush and gush about JP parties, yet I've never seen you say one positive thing about an English-speaking party.
              Actually, I felt a bit abused by all the trashing I received on the "DD should consider /NIN for pick-up parties" topic. So, I've been trying to use /DRG on SAM as much as possible, just to check out the merit of the other side's argument.

              (Picked up Wyvern Earring and Mantel, too, so not "gimping parties" by not going /WAR or when I get to pick SJ--still don't like the damage taken with Berserk up.)

              The result so far? Can't use Hasso without becoming an MP spong. Pretty much Seigan full-time once I had it, whenever I'm on SAM/DRG. (Used /WAR a few times to tank, so Seigan full-time in those parties as well.) I'm still plowing away at it...

              Haven't used /NIN since I posted on the topic, so I'm really trying hard, you see, though I keep wondering if it would be better if I use /NIN instead and perhaps maybe I'd get to use Hasso 70% of the time instead of Wyvern Earring for 5% haste full-time.

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              You have a very clear bias.
              That I do.

              Too many inconsiderate NA players created this bias you picked up on.

              I also complain near weekly about JP players faking AFK while seeking to avoid answering invite requests, but not so much on this forum.

              * * *


              Is it me, or do you have a tendency to turn disagreements personal? Instead of focusing on weakness of the argument, you drift toward impugning the person making the argument.

              When I wrote I feel party leaders deserve some considerations once I accept their invites because they are putting forth more effort than those who merely have the invite flag up and waiting, you went on a huge tirade about your own leadership style--how is that even an issue when the topic was only about how fast one should bail a party in trouble (due to "d/c'ed" people")?

              * * *

              I want to go full out on SAM/DRG in party, just once... Soboro in hand, Hasso up, Wyvern Earring on, Swift belted, and get a Haste cast on me--and ride the timers as closely as I can.

              Not able to do that is my newest pet peeve.
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                RMT driving up the price of shit so they can grind... something.

                About two weeks ago I noticed the price of water crystals in Bastok was 4k/stack with 200+ in stock, when Jeuno was only 2k/stack. Of course most of those were being bought by names like Jmka and Kxyq. I knew something was up with the RMT, figured they were grinding some craft like alchemy (this being Bastok), so I started farming water clusters to help them dispose of their filthy gil. Because crystal farming is something that I made a point of learning months ago when the economy hit bottom, thanks to my natural cheapness... and partly as revenge for those air elementals in tahrongi silencing and ganking me.

                Then I saw someone farming the far ponds in La Theine. Then people started camping the ponds in Pashhow, never mind that the repop time makes it better to keep walking and use teleports. And I noticed all the naked hume clones outside the Bastok Markets MH, going back and forth like some kind of ants. And the other day I noticed that lightning crystals in Bastok have hit 4k/stack too.

                And apparently some of these RMT have reached Jeuno, because the prices of water and lightning just jumped to 4k there too. And the price of vitriol just jumped, with an RMT-ish name buying up stacks of vitriol for 4k (previously it was 3k) and churning out acid bolts. Also, someone in my LS was begging me to make acid bolt heads and complaining about an arrowwood shortage. (even though ABs use ash, maybe he was just confused)

                So it looks like they think they can somehow corner the acid bolt market, or something. I just have a feeling that with all the money they're throwing at crystals, they're going to lose their shirts when they try to undercut. I'll be sure to keep helping them throw away their gil.
                Last edited by Elwynn; 05-19-2009, 06:54 AM.
                Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
                99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
                F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

                >not having all jobs at 99

                Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by Elwynn View Post
                  RMT driving up the price of shit so they can grind... something.

                  About two weeks ago I noticed the price of water crystals in Bastok was 4k/stack with 200+ in stock, when Jeuno was only 2k/stack. Of course most of those were being bought by names like Jmka and Kxyq. I knew something was up with the RMT, figured they were grinding some craft like alchemy (this being Bastok), so I started farming water clusters to help them dispose of their filthy gil. Because crystal farming is something that I made a point of learning months ago when the economy hit bottom, thanks to my natural cheapness... and partly as revenge for those air elementals in tahrongi silencing and ganking me.

                  Then I saw someone farming the far ponds in La Theine. Then people started camping the ponds in Pashhow, never mind that the repop time makes it better to keep walking and use teleports. And I noticed all the naked hume clones outside the Bastok Markets MH, going back and forth like some kind of ants. And the other day I noticed that lightning crystals in Jeuno have hit 4k/stack too.

                  And apparently some of these RMT have reached Jeuno, because the prices of water and lightning just jumped to 4k there too. And the price of vitriol just jumped, with an RMT-ish name buying up stacks of vitriol for 4k (previously it was 3k) and churning out acid bolts. Also, someone in my LS was begging me to make acid bolt heads and complaining about an arrowwood shortage. (even though ABs use ash, maybe he was just confused)

                  So it looks like they think they can somehow corner the acid bolt market, or something. I just have a feeling that with all the money they're throwing at crystals, they're going to lose their shirts when they try to undercut. I'll be sure to keep helping them throw away their gil.

                  This is happening on my server too! I started to level alchemy, and as soon as I was able to make Vitriol Treant Bulbs, Water Crystals, and the Virtriol prices shot up! 4-5k a stack of water crystals.

                  I was about to be making about 40-50k a week selling acid bolts until the Acid Bolts started to get undercutted (Only reason why I leveled alchemy and Woodworking was so I can make money)! Jeuno went from 3k a stack to 2k a stack in about a days time. Its going back up, but its still only at about 2.5k last time I checked. Hell, I can get from selling the Acid bolts in Sandy.

                  I am starting to think that RMTs are trying to make the economy theirs so that people HAVE to buy money and items from them. If they succeded in trying to do what I think they are trying (Monopolize the economy, which is possible, but very hard), then we can just say good bye to FFXI.

                  SE needs to get these RMT sights shut down, and bann all RMTS (Not IP ban, but bann their Credit Card, Card Number, and Name that is on the card all together so that 1 specific card can not be used again.)


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Whatever the RMT are trying to do concerns me as well. I'm getting closer to having all AHable gear I want for my jobs, really only need to pick up a Hauby and a few oddball pieces like Hachiman Kote possibly for my Samurai, but not there yet. Also started to level cooking on a mule. However the more I think about it, the more I think that I should change from weaving to cooking as my main craft for Vyuru. Get woodworking and leather to 60 and I'd be pretty much set to be largely independent from the AH if I wished to be. Plus I like going out to gather my own ingredients even if it may not be the most cost efficient way, although I've got my own tricks to make it more cost effective.

                    I think three or four years ago, a lot of English-speaking players in parties had to help mothers bring groceries in or move furniture while partying in Valkurum to Jungles range.
                    Crap, it's still going on for me x.x

                    Haven't used /NIN since I posted on the topic, so I'm really trying hard, you see, though I keep wondering if it would be better if I use /NIN instead and perhaps maybe I'd get to use Hasso 70% of the time instead of Wyvern Earring for 5% haste full-time.
                    Depending on some party setups it is sadly pointless or impossible to have the "most efficient" job/subjob and go full out. Especially for some jobs in particular, Dragoon and Samurai come to mind.

                    and class is starting, gotta run.

                    You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                    I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Originally posted by Takelli View Post

                      This is happening on my server too! I started to level alchemy, and as soon as I was able to make Vitriol Treant Bulbs, Water Crystals, and the Virtriol prices shot up! 4-5k a stack of water crystals.

                      I was about to be making about 40-50k a week selling acid bolts until the Acid Bolts started to get undercutted (Only reason why I leveled alchemy and Woodworking was so I can make money)! Jeuno went from 3k a stack to 2k a stack in about a days time. Its going back up, but its still only at about 2.5k last time I checked. Hell, I can get from selling the Acid bolts in Sandy.

                      I am starting to think that RMTs are trying to make the economy theirs so that people HAVE to buy money and items from them. If they succeded in trying to do what I think they are trying (Monopolize the economy, which is possible, but very hard), then we can just say good bye to FFXI.

                      SE needs to get these RMT sights shut down, and bann all RMTS (Not IP ban, but bann their Credit Card, Card Number, and Name that is on the card all together so that 1 specific card can not be used again.)
                      Rawr! I think the summer attracts RMT. The closer it gets to the summer, the more RMT pop up, and I think it is because they believe that there will be more people playing the game to buy their AH items to get them "Mad Lewt." Like I said in one of my last posts, there was one dude buying up all the alchemy items so nobody else could make Bloody Bolt Heads. I'm pretty sure with the amount of items he's bought and sold, he's probably made about 2-3 million in the last week. Because he's buying up all the Beastman Blood and Revival tree roots (Items that can be farmed onry), the market of Acid Bolts (20+ stacks in the AH) flooded and they dropped from 25k/stack to 15k/stack and eventually they will hit 9-10k/stack. You might laugh but I've seen it happen to the bolt market before, stupid RMT undercutting each other and killing the market for legit crafters. Water crystals are expensive. They go between about 1k-2k+ on our server, depending on the area that you are in compared to the other crystals that are 300-700. Usually earth crystals can go between 500-800g and sometimes more or less depending on if that nation is in first place or not (Earth crystals are used for bolts which can be quivered by the nation in first.).

                      Something I've never figured out in my 3 years of play....How the hell do RMT make money when they undercut each other and then the prices drop down to 1k profit. Now I'm starting to agree with Takelli, maybe they aren't trying to make profits, but to drive our profits down so that we can't make a living and have to buy gil. One day they're gonna piss me off and I'm going to start "fixing" the economy when they try to drive it down, maybe they also want that too so then they can make profits again.

                      Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
                      For some reason, Haubergeons have dropped to 140k on our server O.o

                      Originally posted by Osanpo View Post
                      Is he quite a new character? Even when i was about lvl 30 i didn't have a clue where places were and i was lucky to have people show me where places were, but when it came to me finding these places by myself i still didnt have a clue. When following, people dont tend to pay attenion to te places they are at even though the should. Maybe he's just bad at direction like me? XD
                      No he's not a new character, but seriously though: If you had to do a quest to get the kazham keys; Go to Kazham to get to Norg to unlock NIN; Go through 3 Jeuno areas to get to Qufim; Level ninja past 25 and I'm sure he's partied with at least one and seen him use utsusemi (and for that manner why didn't you ask What is that?"); Level ninja to 25 (I think he was 28 but deleveled like 3 times.) with only one or two ninjutsu spells and none of them are Utsusemi; Having all the teleports that are possible to have but not knowing where they actually go to (He asked a ls member to teleport him, when asked where to go he replied "Somewhere fun"); Not knowing how to type at all, how the hell did you try to type peeps and hit qeeqs instead, THAT IS TWO DIFFERENT SIDES OF THE KEYBOARD! Soooooo 1337 that you have to replace letters with other letter all the time; He claimed he was 14 years old about to be 15, but we all think that he was younger than that. He gave alot of 14's a bad rep lol. We were talking about random stuff one day and he jumps out and says something like "I like bloody mary's." Ahhhh so no wonder he is dumber than the below average 14y/o. Not being mean but MFWTF SRSLY.
                      Last edited by Durahansolo; 05-19-2009, 08:38 AM.
                      {New Sig in the works}
                      "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                      Originally posted by Aksannyi
                      "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                      Originally posted by Solymir
                      What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Anyone else miss the days when RMT simply meant a group 6 harmless DRGs in Davoi of varying gear quality from passable to level 1 RSE?

                        Now you can't even ignore them. The other day I got 5 telemarket /tells over the spam of half an hour.


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Originally posted by Durahansolo View Post
                          Now I'm starting to agree with Takelli, maybe they aren't trying to make profits, but to drive our profits down so that we can't make a living and have to buy gil. One day they're gonna piss me off and I'm going to start "fixing" the economy when they try to drive it down, maybe they also want that too so then they can make profits again.
                          I've actually gone RMT hunting when bored.

                          But their /tells are what really pisses me off. They make multiple characters and accounts and literally spamm you with /tells. And its all for the same website!

                          I Hope that SE can fix this issue with the RMTs soon. Otherwise ffxi will become a RMT playground.


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                            I Hope that SE can fix this issue with the RMTs soon. Otherwise ffxi will become a RMT playground.
                            They did. You will never get rid RMT entirely, it's just not possible.

                            I think the summer attracts RMT
                            Yep, all RMT. Couldn't have anything to do with school/college/university summer breaks, it's all RMT.

                            There are more players then RMT. Surprisingly, this means players may actually have a larger impact on most things.
                            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Originally posted by Durahansolo View Post
                              Not knowing how to type at all, how the hell did you try to type peeps and hit qeeqs instead, THAT IS TWO DIFFERENT SIDES OF THE KEYBOARD!
                              Sorry just had to put my two cents in about this... if you are on a ps2, the p and the q are right next together... my husband plays on a ps3 and he doesn't have a keyboard for it so he uses the ingame menu.
                              Tarutaru Female
                              Nations: Complete Zilart: Complete COP: Complete ACP: Complete


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Originally posted by Durahansolo View Post
                                We were talking about random stuff one day and he jumps out and says something like "I like bloody mary's." Ahhhh so no wonder he is dumber than the below average 14y/o. Not being mean but MFWTF SRSLY.
                                No shit. When I was 14 it was 7 & 7 or GTFO. Kids these days. (Although if my parents had had a wider selection in their <fingerquotes>secret</fingerquotes> liquor stash, who knows?)
                                Ellipses on Fenrir
                                There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                                . . .

