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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
    Orcs-r-us Linkshell chat:

    Low lvl Orc: "Hey I just claimed Durahan!"
    Mid lvl Orc: "What does it drop?"
    Low lvl Orc: "Nothing, but it's an Elvaan in the middle of Davoi. "
    Everyone: omw

    Or something like that?
    lol @ Orcs-R-Us, yeah that was exactly what happened. I looked up and saw a angry horde of orcs coming full speed at me. I just thought it was funny because I was like "lol what's that guy gonna do." "I'm on a Blimp!" *40 Secs Later* *Dead*
    {New Sig in the works}
    "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

    Originally posted by Aksannyi
    "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
    Originally posted by Solymir
    What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Dahaks. That is all.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Oh man. Between AF and Windurst missions, I've had plently of woes in Davio. Hours and hours of being in an alliance with 6-7 others needing a coffer key, with one lvl 75 graciously (and much appreciated) helping out. BLMS and RNGS and maybe one other. Oh god. The horror. That and opening the stupid hut door for the windy mission countless times to get the stupid wand for the alliance(much fun in the process though, i might add). I was one of few that did the quest to get access to monastic caverns. It was fun. I got raped more by the orcs in that time than a lvl 10 back in the early days eating feathers from the silly bird men. I hate the bstmen. all of them. yagudo not so much as the others. but i hate them too.

        i do like the anticans. mostly because here in the south i kill a lot of ant nests. they had it coming. and if they dont like it, i'll do exactly as i do in game to them as i do irl. cast flood.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Durahansolo View Post
          I don't think you read my other posts. I have 81 Alchemy so I have no problem crafting my own, but thanks though. My problem is the dude that is buying the tree roots so I can't craft them. I spent 3 hours out in Gusgen the other day and got 1 Stack! And nobody has put any more up since I bought the last stack the other day.

          Also if you get beastman blood via every other leech without TH you either haxx or you might have it confused with fiend blood. So parse on drops or it didn't happen. Also, where were you farming them?

          I was running around in Pashhow for 6 hours one day farming them around where Bloodpool pops at. Ended up with 3 stacks which was pretty awesome because at that time they were 30k/stack so that saved me 90k.
          Yeah, that camp is basically where I was farming the bloods, I am now doing sea serpent grotto undead bats as they are higher level and Ill farm xp with my alt jobs as thread leeches are now too weak! =/
          I know the difference between fiend and beastman, I was farming stacks for my bloody bolt head skill up and I swear I was getting one off of every other leech.

          I might have just had a good night, I dont know.

          I had so much bloody bolts, I was giving them to my ls! lol

          FYI, almost each of my skills are 50+, save for smithing 37, goldsmithing 47, and leathercraft 49

          Yeah I know, I have no life when it comes to crafting.



          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Originally posted by Durahansolo View Post
            "I'm on a Blimp!"
            Meant to post this video yesterday.

            This is a parody of the second video lmao.
            [ame=""]YouTube - I'm On A Blimp (ft. Teddy) - EXPLICIT LYRICS[/ame]

            [ame=""]YouTube - I'm On A Boat (ft. T-Pain) - Album Version[/ame]
            Last edited by Durahansolo; 05-09-2009, 06:37 AM.
            {New Sig in the works}
            "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

            Originally posted by Aksannyi
            "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
            Originally posted by Solymir
            What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              HQ tiers my ass. I've gotten more breaks on Prism Powders after hitting 55 than I did skilling up on them.

              Also, screw that Mithra kid that doesn't actually ever sell Buffalo Meat. More accurately, screw me for not checking the wiki discussion page to see that it's not worth trying to buy your way to a bargain instead of just buying from the AH.
              Ellipses on Fenrir
              There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
              . . .


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Dahaks. That is all.
                Eugh. That's enough said really. Speaking of mobs that behave like total assholes, Ameretat. Soloed a couple yesterday for Jody's Acid. I thought Morbols really couldn't get more annoying until I fought one of these suckers. As if Vampiric Root isn't enough to aggravate anyone soloing with all sorts of buffs (Protect, Shell, Stoneskin, Phalanx, Sentinel and/or Reprisal, Barparalyze - try dispelling Phalanx when it has all those buffs up), it took me a couple of TP moves to realize that the bastards aren't going to use any other move.

                I'm still wondering if there are any ToAU Morbols that actually do use something besides Vampiric Root, or if the Wiki contributors are being stupid again.


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Seeing other games rip off FFXI character models so blatantly they keep their fucking Bastok Aketon.

                  FUCK YOU, GUY ON THE LEFT.


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by Feba View Post
                    Seeing other games rip off FFXI character models so blatantly they keep their fucking Bastok Aketon.

                    FUCK YOU, GUY ON THE LEFT.
                    Wow, I hadn't noticed that before. Also, that game is terrible. I played it for all of.. 3 hours, then decided I couldn't stand it any longer.


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      It is always fun when you are out duoing with a friend and your friend dies. You CFH at 1/2 HP and somebody just stands there and watches both of you die, especially when they somewhat know you and are a higher level than you.

                      I'm tired of seeing people level sync or solo past 18 and lazily run around with a ultra gimp subjob. Your subjob does not automatically level with you. When you unlock it, you should immediately go to level it. I'd even be ok if you partied until 20 and then went and unlocked it afterwards so that way you'd no longer have to party in the dunes. But, don't just run around as MNK20/WAR3, you look like an idiot.

                      Why do we keep getting these idiots in our linkshell. A few months back we had a guy that we determined was a RMT in there because he stopped talking and he was level 27 with no subjob, he'd bee level syncing since like level 18. When I asked him if he wanted to get his subjob items he said nothing and never responded back. Recently we got this guy that we thought was just incredibly stupid, but I think he bought his character and it was a really stripped down account. If you guys don't believe this guy was stupid I will provide examples:

                      He asked where Norg was but somehow had Ninja unlocked and also didn't know where Kazham was. He also didn't know he had the Kazham Airship pass.

                      I mentioned he had Ninja unlocked, but he was over NIN20 and didn't have Utsusemi: Ichi.

                      He wasn't sure what teleports he had and didn't know where the teleports went either.

                      He claimed he had internet but didn't have a computer so he couldn't look up the maps for the quest to unlock Puppetmaster. I'm confused as to how he knew what to do when I asked him "Have you talked to X NPC already" and he replied "Yeah, I have to go to Arrapago Reef to grab something to unlock it." It is a rarity when people actually know and look up what NPC to talk to for someone else.

                      He had a Sky Orb and didn't know what it was used for.

                      He kept yelling out random auto-translates in the linkshell like he had tourettes syndrome.

                      He asked "How do I farm?" We thought he was being funny or silly but he was dead serious.

                      If that wasn't enough for you. We were sending tells back and forth about how stupid this guy was. Eventually we figured out that he might have bought his account, so I sent a tell asking the linkshell leader's BF what he thought about it. So we were trying to ask questions to trap the guy but failed miserably because the leader's BF blurted out "Hey dude, did you buy your account or did somebody give it to you?" and he said "I buyed it..." So the linkshell leader was being funny and asked if he bought his character off of ebay to which he replied "No, a book." Then she asks him was it via "Brogame" or some other one that I can't remember the name of and he didn't reply. So me being the funny guy I ask "Suppose I want to buy a character too, where would I go about doing that? XD" The linkshell leader LOL'd and then asked the same exact question that he failed to respond to. Eventually he logged off from all of the questioning lol.

                      But please...RMTs and people with bought characters...Please stay out of our shell because we will find you out sooner or later.


                      Also, this guy in our linkshell left for 1 month and the linkshell leader, which this is a social linkshell, decided that we could try a Assault or a Nyzul run. We decided on assault. We ran 2 runs, one with 6 people and one with 5 because I logged off for the night, and we lost both. So 3 days ago the guy comes back from college and is pissed off at everybody because we ran 2 noob failed assault runs without him. I think it's because he's the baby in the linkshell, but dude it is not RLY that serious.
                      Last edited by Durahansolo; 05-11-2009, 09:30 AM.
                      {New Sig in the works}
                      "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                      Originally posted by Aksannyi
                      "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                      Originally posted by Solymir
                      What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by Durahansolo View Post

                        He kept yelling out random auto-translates in the linkshell like he had tourettes syndrome.
                        Had someone in one of my shells do this. So I started /t'ing him with random translations. He told me to quit it. I kept doing it. He blisted me. In our shell, if you blist a leader you are kicked. So another leader reminded him of this so he unblisted me. I kept doing it. He got very pissed and then I made a deal with him. You stop doing it into ls chat and annoying 40 people and I'll stop doing it in /t's and annoying ONE person. He got the message.
                        Originally posted by Feba
                        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                        Originally posted by DakAttack
                        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Speaking of people who don't know how to farm, this person in Whitegate has been shouting for White Steel and Magnolia Lumber for about 2 months now. In all that time, she could've farmed them herself, or farmed the gil necessary to just buy an Uggalepih Pendant.

                          Thought I'd entertain the shouts once an asked her how much she would pay for each of those: "10K each..."



                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by Durahansolo View Post
                            I'm tired of seeing people level sync or solo past 18 and lazily run around with a ultra gimp subjob. Your subjob does not automatically level with you. When you unlock it, you should immediately go to level it. I'd even be ok if you partied until 20 and then went and unlocked it afterwards so that way you'd no longer have to party in the dunes. But, don't just run around as MNK20/WAR3, you look like an idiot.

                            A subjob is like sex, shouldn't have it till you're 18, but if you don't have it by 21, people laugh at you."
                            Originally posted by Van Wilder
                            Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                            Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                            I'M BACK BABY!


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Learning blue spells and lying guides. The blue mage hunting ground says you can learn asurian claws at 61 with af 64 without. I saw a shout for it an though hey why not go along, i wasnt doing anything else. I'm a 63 blue mage with capped blue magic for a 62, the af body puts me at the equivalent of a 65 blue mage skill wise.

                              The spell is 70 and I was thinking all the way through that this was a wasted trip but you cant pass up these opportunities, only went along as a healing blue mage as I'm not gonna be able to hit a 80+mob.

                              10 blue mages go 9 blue mages learn it, guess who failed, suprise, ff11 luck strikes again.

                              Oh yea then they all go who wants to get this spell and that spell and I'm sat there as the lowest member thinking whats the point. (but gutted I missed out on the chance to get all the 70 spells)

                              Think I'll do a shout when I hit 70 and cap my skills, seemed pretty easy to gather ppl for it.
                              Barsha: Sam 85 Blm 85 Blu 85 Drg 75 Rdm 78 Whm 49 Thf 49 War 49 Dnc 42 Nin 49 Drk 33
                              Alchemy 23 Cooking 23
                              Bastok 6-1 COP complete AU complete ZM complete WotG Wings Of Glory


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Originally posted by Reverent Knight View Post
                                Learning blue spells and lying guides. The blue mage hunting ground says you can learn asurian claws at 61 with af 64 without. I saw a shout for it an though hey why not go along, i wasnt doing anything else. I'm a 63 blue mage with capped blue magic for a 62, the af body puts me at the equivalent of a 65 blue mage skill wise.

                                The spell is 70 and I was thinking all the way through that this was a wasted trip but you cant pass up these opportunities, only went along as a healing blue mage as I'm not gonna be able to hit a 80+mob.

                                10 blue mages go 9 blue mages learn it, guess who failed, suprise, ff11 luck strikes again.

                                Oh yea then they all go who wants to get this spell and that spell and I'm sat there as the lowest member thinking whats the point. (but gutted I missed out on the chance to get all the 70 spells)

                                Think I'll do a shout when I hit 70 and cap my skills, seemed pretty easy to gather ppl for it.

                                Dude it happens, tis the life of a BLU. Some people learn their spells on the first try, and some it takes forever to learn some spells. Just be patient and you will get each and every spell you're lookin for.
                                Originally posted by Van Wilder
                                Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                                Originally posted by Taskmage
                                No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                                Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                                I'M BACK BABY!

