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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Maintenance on weekedays I can get access to the game rawr, rawr /wrists /fume etc etc

    Now that is out of my system:

    Valkurm Emperor. I have no idea how many times I've killed that thing but can I haz drop plz? It's really getting annoying now. I'm tempted to just give up and fund the RMTs by spending the 300-400k on the empy hairpin
    Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
    Reiko Takahashi
    - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
    Haters Gonna Hate


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Firewind View Post
      Valkurm Emperor
      Don't even try, it's the only way to maintain sanity.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Thanks I'll keep that in mind

        Bounding Boots I got on my second or third try but I let a DRK friend lot on them because the Hume F RSE boots are good enough for COR anyway since they have the same AGI boost but that bloody Empy Hairpin just doesn't want to drop.
        Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
        Reiko Takahashi
        - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
        Haters Gonna Hate


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Firewind View Post
          Valkurm Emperor. I have no idea how many times I've killed that thing but can I haz drop plz? It's really getting annoying now. I'm tempted to just give up and fund the RMTs by spending the 300-400k on the empy hairpin
          LOL, I'm leveling THF to 37 and I just thought the other day that I don't have emp hairpin or bounding boots. Instead of making a effort I just went back to leveling. I would like to have them for DNC though when I start back leveling it. I figure DNC will probably be my 3rd or 4th 75 job, working on BLU as my 2nd atm.
          {New Sig in the works}
          "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

          Originally posted by Aksannyi
          "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
          Originally posted by Solymir
          What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Originally posted by Nuriko View Post
            I think I'll have to do some MMM as solo BST, now that you've mentioned that. I have a 'vermin' rune, so it should be pretty easy with charmed pets and a jug or two for the end. For that matter, not linking will make things MUCH easier, as the time I tried this before I died to a trio of toughs that would not split up...
            You do know you can't charm the "Maze Lurker" mobs, right? It just says "The Maze Lurker is bound." So jugs or GTFO.

            I tried it twice, and the second time I might have finished except that efts link, and I got hate from three of them at once.
            Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
            99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
            F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

            >not having all jobs at 99

            Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Server's down again!!!

              I hate whitegate.

              I still got lost there, everytime. And I spend 95% of my time online in whitegate.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Originally posted by Inferknite View Post
                Server's down again!!!

                I hate whitegate.

                I still got lost there, everytime. And I spend 95% of my time online in whitegate.
                Oh lookie here:

                Originally posted by Inferknite View Post
                What ticks you off and sends you into a swirling inferno of anger and frustration?

                For me it's when random people check you in town and then comment on your gear. Now don't get me wrong I don't care about /checks, infact I check a lot of people myself but when they go out of thier way to mock your ENM or BCNM or SOLO gear or subjob it pisses me off >_>

                Take for example when I used to level drg/whm, I would get a lot of checks concerning my gear and how gimp it was. Now when I play DRG/WHM usually I'm just trying to solo a few more xp to level up, or just looking for a change of pace. For this reason I take off most of my Acc gear and replace it with MP gear.

                So next time you see a strange subjob/equipment combo there is no need to try to enlighten the player to the conventional choices

                Sorry that's my server-down rant for the day
                I found an OP.
                Originally posted by Armando
                No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                Originally posted by Armando
                Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                Originally posted by Taskmage
                GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                Originally posted by Taskmage
                However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                Matthew 16:15


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  I hate listening to people who think they know it all in /LS when I can't figure out where to find the actual facts behind what they are saying (so I can prove them wrong - because someone wrong on the internet bugs me).

                  This guy in my LS right now is going on about how Haste is over rated. But I can't seem to figure out how best to counter that without just looking incredulous and letting that stand for itself.


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?


                    Guys, what was I going to look up on the wiki this morning?
                    Ellipses on Fenrir
                    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                    . . .


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Originally posted by Ellipses View Post

                      Guys, what was I going to look up on the wiki this morning?
                      Why haste is over rated.
                      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by Elwynn View Post
                        You do know you can't charm the "Maze Lurker" mobs, right? It just says "The Maze Lurker is bound." So jugs or GTFO.

                        I tried it twice, and the second time I might have finished except that efts link, and I got hate from three of them at once.
                        Unless they changed this, you CAN charm the Maze Lurker mobs ... at least I was able to do so on my 'vermin' run. I went through the first half just fine, but was blocked by 3 T mobs that just refused to split up, as I said. Maybe I'll try it tonight and let you know...


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          LS refusing to help with my COR AF1 quest even though I only need a single person to use a Lamian Fang Key on one of my trips to the ??? . All for real reasons such as merit parties or endgame commitments. The only ones who did offer to help were unable to do so due to either lacking WG access or not having any staging points.

                          Getting moaned at by an LS member for later not wanting to helping with a SC party to break someone's Polearm latent.

                          Getting laughed at by the same LS member for helping out another LS member with a FoV NM without getting a page for myself.

                          Being told to shut up by the above LS member for asking again for help with my COR AF1 this morning.
                          Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                          Reiko Takahashi
                          - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                          Haters Gonna Hate


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                            Why haste is over rated.
                            Why would I need to look that up? It's common knowledge.
                            Ellipses on Fenrir
                            There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                            . . .


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              (Sarcasm)(Skill)(Up)(Party)(Please invite me.)
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Originally posted by Firewind View Post
                                LS refusing to help with my COR AF1 quest even though I only need a single person to use a Lamian Fang Key on one of my trips to the ??? . All for real reasons such as merit parties or endgame commitments. The only ones who did offer to help were unable to do so due to either lacking WG access or not having any staging points.

                                Getting moaned at by an LS member for later not wanting to helping with a SC party to break someone's Polearm latent.

                                Getting laughed at by the same LS member for helping out another LS member with a FoV NM without getting a page for myself.

                                Being told to shut up by the above LS member for asking again for help with my COR AF1 this morning.
                                Sounds like you need to join another linkshell.

                                Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                                This guy in my LS right now is going on about how Haste is over rated. But I can't seem to figure out how best to counter that without just looking incredulous and letting that stand for itself.
                                I'm going to assume he has never leveled a tank job before. Tell him to go level ninja and he'll turn into a hypocrite.
                                ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~

