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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by Firewind View Post
    That is because the only DD jobs that benefit from /NIN are THF, RNG and BLM. Just about any other melee job gets far more use out of /WAR, /THF, /SAM (2 handers only), /DRG and /DNC than it ever will out of /NIN.

    TP burn style partying relies heavily on /nin. A drk/sam in a merit party might do a lot more damage than a drk/nin but if you are needing two or more cure 4-5's in a fight you aren't getting some of the point of TP burn (that drk/sam was a huge pain in the ass)

    Even pre TP burn /nin can be useful on DDs in exp depending on the situation.

    Have you ever tried solo tanking with just utsusemi ichi? It's hell. It seems like most of the way up to 37 I've been fighting things that double attack and/or have a TP move that's 3+ hits and there is nothing more depressing on nin than valiantly getting your ichi out while you have hate just to see the mob wipe 2 or all of your shadows immediately.

    A lot of the DD I've had while levelling ninja either refused to pull hate off me when I was dying and waiting for ichi recast to be up, or couldn't pull hate because they took incredible amounts of damage when they did pull hate, or were so badly geared that they provoked and then nothing happened. Having a DD that can pull hate off you and survive if you are a tank (particularly a nin tank) is a really nice thing to have. It can save you dying, the backliners a lot of mp and helps you chain higher.

    Last night I was tanking as 37 nin in East Ronfaure [s] against Colibri with a drg/war in the party. The piercing bonus made him a complete monster and while he could definitely pull hate off me and he didn't die because the whm was a good one, we could have chained higher if he had gone /nin so that he pulled hate a little less often and when he did pull hate he wasn't eating up so much of the whm's mp. Being a DD isn't always about maxing your damage at the expense of your or the parties survivability.

    Not that we are talking missions here but there are quite a few early CoP missions where just shoving /nin on all the frontliners can be a very good idea.
    I'm not saying /nin over everything all the time and I do agree that some people use /nin incorrectly and shove it on every single DD job without thinking but saying it's only useful for thf, rng and blm is completely wrong.
    Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Well, I've always approached leveling Ninja as I initially approached life.

      Kicking and screaming all the way!

      I just highly dislike tanking with nothing but Utsusemi: Ichi. I suspect I'd like it once I got Utsusemi: Ni, but I don't plan on taking Ninja past lvl 37.

      You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

      I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Originally posted by Saren View Post
        TP burn style partying relies heavily on /nin. A drk/sam in a merit party might do a lot more damage than a drk/nin but if you are needing two or more cure 4-5's in a fight you aren't getting some of the point of TP burn (that drk/sam was a huge pain in the ass)
        Funny thing happened to me....actually not that funny when you consider how much I hate nin. I decided to finish leveling my drk and every time I'd get a pt invite they'd want /nin (this was level 69ish, so ya {Huh?}). I got so few invites and so frustrated because my nin was only 22 that I stopped trying to lvl drk and set off to finish my nin. I hate fact the word hate isn't even strong enough. But I did it, I got nin to lvl 39 and did a dance of joy! Then I set off to lvl drk and THEN no one wanted /nin. WTF! Everybody in the house avoided me...

        In fact, I've never been to a party yet that asked for /nin or that berated me for not being /nin. You don't have to be /nin to not be a mp sponge, you just have to use your brain and play your job correctly for that party. The problem is many people just want to engage and blindly hit macros while watching tv or playing DS or are texting someone or.... If you say something to them about actually paying attention to the game, you usually get the response "OMG its just a game! Stop taking it so damn seriously!"

        (To all the asswipes that freely use this phrase...) FYI, its not the game that we take so seriously, it's the time that we spend playing the game that we take so seriously. As many of us are productive adults, our time in game is precious to us. Ever hear the old saying "Time is money!"? Well it is, so I'd like to spend my money doing something productive and not watching you drag me down so that I have to spend much more time exping than I should have to.
        Originally posted by Feba
        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
        Originally posted by Taskmage
        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
        Originally posted by DakAttack
        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Tek(Selphiie) View Post
          People who bitch and moan about not wanting to level Ninja subjob, especially when they want to level a job that puts it to good use like THF.

          I respect people more who bitch about leveling it, BUT still level it anyway while bitching, because they know and have accepted its usefulness in situations, more than i respect the little whiney kids who just whine about it and dont level it.

          I also hate those kids who dont want to play a job to its full potential, meaning that they only want to level one subjob because they dont want to level X subjobs. Using THF again as an example, ive seen kids on these Linkshells who are trying to find every way to level THF without NIN or even WAR subjob. Just having DNC leveled is completely gimping yourself. Be versatile, have all the necessary subjobs leveled. Thats all.
          I'll level NIN as a Subjob once people stop expecting NIN to main tank especially without backup before 37 (Ni). That being one of my pet peeves, I probably won't be leveling NIN anymore anytime soon.
          We know the characters aren't real, we just don't care. :3


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            I think only one thing has ever really pissed me off. When I went for coffer keys for AF, I went with a large group of others (roughly about 8-9 people) who also needed AF, so we all went in turns. We all /random-ed, and I got last (as usual), so I had to wait for about 4 hours. When my turn came about, everyone complained that they were too tired to go on, and dropped the whole event without another thought. Needless to say, this caused me to blow about sixteen blood cells.
            This was the only time I was ever pissed off enough to send an Ipod crashing through a window (An Ipod because it was the closest thing at arm's length.)


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              I don't know why people complain about level NIN as a subjob. I had heaps of fun leveling it, and I bet it'd be even easier with level sync; you could have your linkshell party with you and actually know how to back up 'voke and all that.

              Either way, I don't see what is wrong with THF's trying out other subjobs (like WAR or DNC), it can be especially fun when in campaign to try something different as well. But I do agree you need to have all the necessary subjobs leveled to be as versitile as you can be, however do understand that not everyone has time to dedicate their life to this game and can only do so much.

              "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Lazy Beastmasters....

                A few days ago I was in duo with a dancer (I was bst)and saw another bst around our camp with his lfp sign up. Asked if he wanted to trio. Replied with no thank you waiting for full pt invite. I was ok with this since there was plenty of prey to go around. About 30 min later another bst camps over us I ask if she wanted to trio since she also had her lfp sign up..... almost the same exact response.

                What ever happened to the beastmasters that I have read so much about that love to duo and trio? To this day my bst has seen 2 duos with other bst and never a pt. I enjoy solo play, but when you solo right next to me WITH you lfp sign up and say no thanks that just diminishes my opinion of you as a bst.


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by Duncan Idaho View Post
                  Lazy Beastmasters....

                  A few days ago I was in duo with a dancer (I was bst)and saw another bst around our camp with his lfp sign up. Asked if he wanted to trio. Replied with no thank you waiting for full pt invite. I was ok with this since there was plenty of prey to go around. About 30 min later another bst camps over us I ask if she wanted to trio since she also had her lfp sign up..... almost the same exact response.

                  What ever happened to the beastmasters that I have read so much about that love to duo and trio? To this day my bst has seen 2 duos with other bst and never a pt. I enjoy solo play, but when you solo right next to me WITH you lfp sign up and say no thanks that just diminishes my opinion of you as a bst.
                  Well, for me, a duo/trio with another BST means one thing to me:

                  They're probably going to let me die when it comes down to a tense situation.

                  It always happens, so rather than trust someone else I'd rather just stay solo and be able to blame myself if I screw up.

                  Also, soloing means all loot is MINE!

                  Really, though, people these days (not just BSTs) have no concept of solo courtesy. They'll go out and solo things where people are partying, skill-up on mobs people are EXPing on, they'll see a BST and kill everything charmable within range without asking, etc.


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    i got one for you. greedy scheeming players. i once spent 8 hours waiting on morborlo(sp?) to pop. at about 5 hours in a person in my ls says "i'll help you" im like cool, less chance of someone else getting claim. so she comes out and hanges until it pops. we kill it and the brown belt item drops. i lot it and got a 4 she then lots and gets the item... im pissed right, but she says hey dont worry i'll help you tomorrow. so we go the next day and get claim it drops i get the item so im happy. now she examines me and once she sees i have a brown belt on she demands that i give her half the gil i get when i sell the belt... WTF? did i say i was selling the belt? NO. did i say if you help me i would give you anything? NO. Did you in fact not only swipe my drop the first time but then demand i give you gil for help that was not requested nor required in the first place? YES you did.

                    People like this can go straight to have and rot. she used to read this forum so i hope she see's this and chokes on it.

                    ok i'll stop bitching now.
                    Death and taxes...
                    Death and taxes...
                    DEATH and taxes...
                    I think I like it.


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      For the first time in months I actually had a free night with nothing else to do but merit, which I seriously need to get done. I turned down a LS meripo because they were going on goofaround jobs(they wanted to do 2x BLU + some other shit and I kind of wanted good xp/hr since I almost never get to join a proper merit party)...3 hours lfg during JP primetime and absolutely nothing. 0 invites. With RDM/BRD/COR as 3 of my 4 75's, I couldn't find a party. Eventually I gave up and played Episode Two, but I'm still salty over what was probably my only chance to merit for the month getting totally wasted.
                      Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                      Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                      Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        I've personally found that the higher the population of a server on both sides, the more resistant JPs are to inviting NAs.

                        Yes, even on BRD, RDM or COR. Some of them are just that stuck-up.

                        I can't even comprehend it, really. Its not like there's anything major you'd need to communicate to the BRD in TP burn. Though I did have a JP BRD that was a complete idiot in manaburn last night.

                        Here I am on COR doing all the pulling while this jackass stays at camp and doesn't even sleep the shit for the BLMs when I get there. So I'm burning bullets to pull and light cards to sleep while he just plays ballad and then threnody for oe reason. But then after seeing how hard a time he had landing a threnody, it wasn't surprising that his sleeps didn't stick either.

                        A 5th BLM in his place would have been more useful or me coming on my SCH so he'd get the message that we actually wanted him to do some work. I was there are COR because I had two social LS buddies there and wanted to help them get more merits/EXP for thier BLMs via COR roll, particularly since one of them only gets to play once a week or so.

                        Worst part was the one useful and mostly brainless task the BRD couldn't even consistantly fufill - Ballad. I was hoping the luxury of having the BRD there would mean I could drop Evoker's for Wizard's Roll, but no, I had to give that up and just do Evoker's + Corsair's Roll.

                        Should have just kicked him and stuck with the other four BLMs since I was doing most of the work between the two of us.

                        But then, I don't have a problem with JP BRDs usually, I just don't like having a BRD around in manaburn period. Or RDM, to be honest. Both can be decent, but I just like COR + BLMx5 more.


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          I understand not getting an invite on BRD since there were already 6 BRDs in Bhaflau parties, and COR I could possibly see JPs not being as interested in me as /WAR, but I'm still pretty shocked that RDM/WHM got no bites, lol.
                          Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                          Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                          Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by Kyleet View Post
                            I'll level NIN as a Subjob once people stop expecting NIN to main tank especially without backup before 37 (Ni). That being one of my pet peeves, I probably won't be leveling NIN anymore anytime soon.
                            Nin can solo tank just fine pre-37 if they use their enfeebles and gear correctly.

                            Originally posted by Omecle View Post
                            Either way, I don't see what is wrong with THF's trying out other subjobs (like WAR or DNC), it can be especially fun when in campaign to try something different as well. But I do agree you need to have all the necessary subjobs leveled to be as versitile as you can be, however do understand that not everyone has time to dedicate their life to this game and can only do so much.
                            There's nothing wrong with having multiple subs, infact the complaint is that people don't have multiple subs. And not having time isn't an excuse because there is no time limit in this game. There's no reason to rush to 75 and gimp yourself along the way when going slower and getting good gear and the right subs would make things easier for you in the end.

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            Really, though, people these days (not just BSTs) have no concept of solo courtesy. They'll go out and solo things where people are partying, skill-up on mobs people are EXPing on, they'll see a BST and kill everything charmable within range without asking, etc.
                            These days? It's always been like that as far as I can remember. Even back when soloing was all but impossible for most jobs.

                            And to add to this thread, one of my pet peeves, and I prolly said this before but I just experianced it again last night, is when you're in campaign with nothing but a few PCs...and they all jump the NM as soon as he shows, right in front of the fort. Have so many people just never done campaign before and not realize the NMs entire army will be following him shortly and will massacre anyone dumb enough to be fighting already? Or are people just too dumb to learn from their mistakes?
                            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Well, Callisto, JPs skew hard to COR/WHM to start with. With level 22 bullets and a trump gun at merit level, usually, so COR/WAR is going to scare the hell out of them.

                              Risk taking? Spending the gil to play the job as a DD? That's just crazy thoughts man. Let's just all use level 22 bullets and not double up on 6, like, ever. Gamblers are supposed to be conservative and stuff.

                              RDM/WHM not getting any invites is a mystery to me as well. I mean, the language of health bars isn't so complex that it needs a major translation. The health bar goes down, you fill it with your cures and MP. Yeah, I need a course in Japanese to figure this out.


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                I think it's lowest common denominator ... somebody starts fighting and holds the NM in place, and people can either fight it there or sit about. Yes, this sort of thing leads to bodies everywhere, but there's always somebody not willing to wait...

