Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?
New one is the /tell spam and unsolicited invites to join some new (read: noob) Dynamis LS. Sure, I'm looking for a Dyna shell, but until SCH Relic comes out or BST and DRG are 75, my Taru isn't a priority for Dynamis. Kitten is.
And these new shells seem to be just as "Northlands onry" as many of the old ones. News Flash, Kids: Spamming Northlands doesn't get newly-formed shells far and you're not the only ones that thought about spamming them even more once SE lowered the entry fee.
One that contacted me on SCH was a Manaburn Northlands-Onry LS. Told them my taru needed city wins (I haven't cared to do Dyna on him since his first run there as BRD, which was torture enough, all these pre-nerf fucktard RNGs that can't sit still for Minuet to fire off thier cheapass Scorpion Arrows, they were almost as bad manaburn BLM noobs). But I told them my Mithra COR only needed Windy. No reply. Funny, most BLMs would kill for a COR. Oh well.
And there there's the Maniquinn collector shells, who allow free lot in cities. First off, as much as I hate point systems, Dynamis warrants them. Secondly, Free Lot is a lure and stalling tactic until you decide its time to actually add a point system. By the time you settle on one, you might not actually have much of a shell left and a lot of pissed off people who don't like the system.
Overall, I just see no planning or forethought in these new shells, just tonic salesmen. Think I'll hold out for an opening in an established LS and work on COR AF+1 in the meantime. Its not like I'm going to have much competition anyway.
New one is the /tell spam and unsolicited invites to join some new (read: noob) Dynamis LS. Sure, I'm looking for a Dyna shell, but until SCH Relic comes out or BST and DRG are 75, my Taru isn't a priority for Dynamis. Kitten is.
And these new shells seem to be just as "Northlands onry" as many of the old ones. News Flash, Kids: Spamming Northlands doesn't get newly-formed shells far and you're not the only ones that thought about spamming them even more once SE lowered the entry fee.
One that contacted me on SCH was a Manaburn Northlands-Onry LS. Told them my taru needed city wins (I haven't cared to do Dyna on him since his first run there as BRD, which was torture enough, all these pre-nerf fucktard RNGs that can't sit still for Minuet to fire off thier cheapass Scorpion Arrows, they were almost as bad manaburn BLM noobs). But I told them my Mithra COR only needed Windy. No reply. Funny, most BLMs would kill for a COR. Oh well.
And there there's the Maniquinn collector shells, who allow free lot in cities. First off, as much as I hate point systems, Dynamis warrants them. Secondly, Free Lot is a lure and stalling tactic until you decide its time to actually add a point system. By the time you settle on one, you might not actually have much of a shell left and a lot of pissed off people who don't like the system.
Overall, I just see no planning or forethought in these new shells, just tonic salesmen. Think I'll hold out for an opening in an established LS and work on COR AF+1 in the meantime. Its not like I'm going to have much competition anyway.