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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    New one is the /tell spam and unsolicited invites to join some new (read: noob) Dynamis LS. Sure, I'm looking for a Dyna shell, but until SCH Relic comes out or BST and DRG are 75, my Taru isn't a priority for Dynamis. Kitten is.

    And these new shells seem to be just as "Northlands onry" as many of the old ones. News Flash, Kids: Spamming Northlands doesn't get newly-formed shells far and you're not the only ones that thought about spamming them even more once SE lowered the entry fee.

    One that contacted me on SCH was a Manaburn Northlands-Onry LS. Told them my taru needed city wins (I haven't cared to do Dyna on him since his first run there as BRD, which was torture enough, all these pre-nerf fucktard RNGs that can't sit still for Minuet to fire off thier cheapass Scorpion Arrows, they were almost as bad manaburn BLM noobs). But I told them my Mithra COR only needed Windy. No reply. Funny, most BLMs would kill for a COR. Oh well.

    And there there's the Maniquinn collector shells, who allow free lot in cities. First off, as much as I hate point systems, Dynamis warrants them. Secondly, Free Lot is a lure and stalling tactic until you decide its time to actually add a point system. By the time you settle on one, you might not actually have much of a shell left and a lot of pissed off people who don't like the system.

    Overall, I just see no planning or forethought in these new shells, just tonic salesmen. Think I'll hold out for an opening in an established LS and work on COR AF+1 in the meantime. Its not like I'm going to have much competition anyway.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      ok ill chime in

      Most of you know that ive only been playing this game for 4 days now but apparently i get alot of resistance from that

      Ive been leveling my Whm to 30 to get subjobs( finally got thier last night and unlocked dancer)

      And when i would create party's by level sync or otherwise players would notice that im 15/__ i dont have my subjob unlocked ( i do now tho) and would ask me if im new to the game .. I respond with a yes .. been playing for 3 days and players leave my group when they find this out. Now when i build my party for dunes or qufim island , i do 4 dps one tank and me as the healer . but apparently players dont trust my healing skillz before they ever saw them yet..

      Doesnt matter that i raided 7days a week , too times a day and 4 hours per raid in wow ,, my guild has sunwell plateu on farm status and both my toons are fully epiced out in gear form there. Or that i played SWG's consantly for 2 years and i was the second jedi to unlock on my server and eventualyl after 20 more jobs mastered i unlocked my second jedi ALL BEFORE THE CHANGE TO JEDI .. I mean , im a gamer , ive been playing video games since i was 8 , and never stopped . Im one of the few that can pick any class in any game and after a few hours playing it im just as good or better then players who been playing that class for a year! If already been told from my END GAME LINKSHELL that i heal better then many members that they raid with

      Ive been made to stay as a tank or a healer in many MMO's because i was good at it ... even tho i wanted to play something else.

      So anywho when someone leaves my party just cuz ive been playing for 3 days and dont trust my healing i get pissed!. Ive yet to lose ANYONE ever from my healing .. the only deaths ive had is dumb tanks pulling when i have zero mana.. And trust me i made many healing macros ,. and out of Mp macros , and i spam them everytime a Mob is almost dead and im outta MP..

      Anywho .. ive ranted a while , this girl is tired and pissed cuz Xbox live is down atm .. ive unlocked dancer and im level 5 now so i never wanna heal again.. unlocking it was a pain and im not looking forward to what i have to go threw to unlock ninja

      My grammer sucks , but thats cuz im a gamer and i never applies myself in school , i was busy beating bosses on my sega or super nintendo when i was a child >>


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        w1nddancer: People probably left your parties because a single, subless WHM can't take care of a party. It takes a subbed WHM and a backup healer to get things going smoothly. In addition to that, it doesn't matter how well you heal, someone who's been playing for 4 days doesn't know enough to lead a good party; doesn't know what mobs to fight and what mobs not to fight, doesn't have a grip on when the party's overhunting, what each job has to offer, the finer points of hate mechanics and other such things.

        It doesn't matter how often you've played other games, you're new to FFXI. Playing WoW won't teach you how to play FFXI well. Trusting a new player to make a party is a big risk and I don't blame anyone for being uneasy about that. I'm not criticizing you, it's good that you take the initiative to form your own parties. I'm just putting things in perspective.

        Also, being a gamer is no excuse to have poor grammar; if anything, gaming should improve grammar since you spend so much time reading through in-game text.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by w1nddancer View Post
          My grammer sucks , but thats cuz im a gamer and i never applies myself in school , i was busy beating bosses on my sega or super nintendo when i was a child >>
          This is not something you should be proud of.


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Wait... how do you have an endgame LS if you've only been playing four days?


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Armando View Post
              Also, being a gamer is no excuse to have poor grammar; if anything, gaming should improve grammar since you spend so much time reading through in-game text.
              Armando, take this whichever way makes you feel most comfortable: I love you, and have my babies.
              Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

              Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

              Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Some people just have some bizarre grammar and spelling switch they shut off on the way out of school or work. I guess its kinda like that swearing switch you turn off when you go to see your parents, step into a church, a place of government or a job interview.

                After that its back to "fuck," "shit" and "dammit."


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  I met someone and they invited me .. i listen to them as they raid every night

                  And yes i can run a party just fine even tho ive been playing for 4 days .. i know what mobs to kill and i know what level to sync to .. it doesnt take long to know that stuff ,, When im waiting on someone , im reading and reading every website that has anything on classes and strats. ( my favorite is FFXIclopedia)

                  And i perfectly do understand hate .. every MMO' has healing aggroe ,, its a very basic thing in these types of games..
                  And im sorry but ive been doing 16 hours a day now in dunes and quafim island and ive done it ALWAYS as the only healer .. the only party i ever regretted making was a party with all melee and we were fighting snips .. but while it too a few seconds longer to kill sometimes , we still had an amazing group and got gobs of xp. Its not hard to understand you need a tank , you need a healer , and you need a variety of dps to handle any situation . and if your the solo healer i like to include a Smn or a dancer for any healing that can be picked up while im resting my Mp and the group can chain pull mobs

                  As for healing without a subjob .. yes it can be done ,, i did it many many times already ,, anything below level 30 groups a Whm can easily heal by themselves as long as they stick to snip , worms , gobs and giants in qualfim.. However since i consider myself a harcore gamer , i went out and leveled Blm to15 just to have that extra 2 int 2 mnd and 15 Mp .. ( im guessing on stats) It didnt really make a diffrence in my healing and if anything at all , i was able to cast one more Cure1.

                  Also i think my grammer is fine , but im sure a english major can write up anything i type in red all over i was a math nerd and a science wiz . And no one is perfect , thier is nothing wrong with admitting your not perfect as long as you reckognize it and work on it is all that matters.

                  I was very amazed to find players who play this game for 3-4 yearswho never heard of Dungeons and dragons . It just goes to show you that doing a little of everything ( or in my case alot of everything) is better then being pigion holed into one game only. This game is based on D&D so much thats its sickning ,, and anyone who ever really got into the role playing experience of D&D will surelly agree.. I for one am very glad that many things that are common knowledge are used in this game too .. IE Str for warriors Dex for Thiefs , Duh.. Just makes my intro into this amazing game even more interesting and fun for this old gamer gal >>


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    Some people just have some bizarre grammar and spelling switch they shut off on the way out of school or work. I guess its kinda like that swearing switch you turn off when you go to see your parents, step into a church, a place of government or a job interview.

                    After that its back to "fuck," "shit" and "dammit."
                    Well in a way I do that, not with grammar but with typing. I spend the entire day typing relatively perfectly, as I hate posting on forums with shitty punctuation/spelling and whatnot, and my job requires accurate data entry, so by the time I get home and log in capitalization and punctuation go out the window. By that time it's either all lower case, caps lock cruise control, or nothing at all.
                    Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                    Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                    Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      And i perfectly do understand hate .. every MMO' has healing aggroe ,, its a very basic thing in these types of games..
                      You understand the basics, but you don't know all the fine nuances of it. You may not know, for example, that if a player aggroed a monster, but hasn't done anything to the monster, you can heal him indefinitely without accumulating any hate with the mob. You can Protect/Shell/Haste/Cure/Paralyna/Regen the player all you want, you'll never get any hate for it, and if the player dies, the mob won't go after you.
                      And i perfectly do understand hate .. every MMO' has healing aggroe ,, its a very basic thing in these types of games..
                      And im sorry but ive been doing 16 hours a day now in dunes and quafim island and ive done it ALWAYS as the only healer .. the only party i ever regretted making was a party with all melee and we were fighting snips .. but while it too a few seconds longer to kill sometimes , we still had an amazing group and got gobs of xp. Its not hard to understand you need a tank , you need a healer , and you need a variety of dps to handle any situation . and if your the solo healer i like to include a Smn or a dancer for any healing that can be picked up while im resting my Mp and the group can chain pull mobs
                      And what isn't necessarily common sense, especially for a White Mage, is that if you plan to fight Crawlers, Beetles, or Crabs past the Yhoator levels you NEED a party member with Dispel because Cocoon, Rhino Guard, or Scissor Guard will bring all of your melee's damage to a screeching halt for over a minute. You also can't possibly know if your PLD, DRG, BLM, BRD, RNG, or THF is doing something stupid (or not doing something really useful that they should be doing) after just 4 days of playing. You may even think, because of lack of experience, that a party member is doing something wrong when he's doing it quite right. For example, anyone will tell you that a Dark Knight's best weapons are Great Sword and Scythe, but before Level 50, using a Great Axe for the Weapon Skill "Shield Break" is better than using a Great Sword or a Scythe. You also may not know that any WAR that isn't using a Great Axe and Shield Break and Acid Bolts is only using 1/10th of what he could be offering your party. The list goes on and on.

                      Either way, how good you are, what you know or don't know isn't the point; a new player leading a party is an accident waiting to happen 99% of the time. Few people are going to take the risk just because you claim you're part of the 1% that knows what you're doing right off the bat. That's really the bottom line; while it's inconvenient for you, it's quite reasonable for them to distrust you.

                      This game is based on D&D so much thats its sickning ,, and anyone who ever really got into the role playing experience of D&D will surelly agree.. I for one am very glad that many things that are common knowledge are used in this game too .. IE Str for warriors Dex for Thiefs , Duh.. Just makes my intro into this amazing game even more interesting and fun for this old gamer gal >>
                      Except that Thief only use DEX for exactly one thing - Sneak Attack - and for everything else, they still want to gear up with the exact same stats as the Warrior (in the same order too!): Haste, Accuracy, Attack, STR, and as a last-resort way to get a bit of extra Accuracy out of the inventory slots that are left over, DEX. A THF wearing DEX full time fails.
                      Originally posted by Callisto
                      Armando, take this whichever way makes you feel most comfortable: I love you, and have my babies.
                      You're gonna have to prove your love to me by moving to Midgard and joining my Nyzul group.
                      Last edited by Armando; 09-29-2008, 10:32 AM.


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by Armando View Post
                        You're gonna have to prove your love to me by moving to Midgard and joining my Nyzul group.
                        I already have my LS leader hawking me thinking I'm going to jump to CaitSith so I won't go there.

                        Also you'd be proud, took my RNG mule's WAR sub to 37 spamming Shield Break when I had TP early to start fights then SA Sturmwind later on. SA Shield Break was actually putting up surprising numbers, like 160~. Downside was he never unlocked DRG so I couldn't sub that
                        Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                        Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                        Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          New one:

                          I have my flag up as a 75 RDM.

                          My comment reads as such:

                          {Runic Portal} 6/6
                          No {Bard}, No {Party}, No exceptions!

                          Why, in the name of all that is holy, does this mean that I need to receive tells asking for:
                          • Teleporting you
                          • Helping you with a newb quest
                          • PLing
                          • Your crappy level sync party with no other healing support and certainly not a bard, which I believe I requested in my search comment.

                          And then, why do you continue to barrage me with tells after I've declined your request? No, having two RDMs in one party does not equal RDM + BRD. Call me princess, but I don't party with other RDMs. Ever. If you invite another RDM after you have me, I will leave. I don't party with other RDMs.

                          Granted, my comment does not say "{Level Sync} {No thanks.}," but I'm seeking as 75 RDM and I want to party with a Bard. It's obvious enough, isn't it? I want 25k/hr, not 6k/hr. (I'll have to remember to put that in my comment when I don't want to Level Sync, my personal oversight.)

                          I got tired of the /tells that were for anything but a merit party, and went /anon. Having my flag up for an experience points party does not mean that I'm available to help you!

                          Just getting annoyed with people the past few days I guess.
                          ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                          ~I has a blog~~
                          ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by w1nddancer View Post
                            I met someone and they invited me .. i listen to them as they raid every night

                            And yes i can run a party just fine even tho ive been playing for 4 days .. i know what mobs to kill and i know what level to sync to .. it doesnt take long to know that stuff ,, When im waiting on someone , im reading and reading every website that has anything on classes and strats. ( my favorite is FFXIclopedia)

                            And i perfectly do understand hate .. every MMO' has healing aggroe ,, its a very basic thing in these types of games..
                            And im sorry but ive been doing 16 hours a day now in dunes and quafim island and ive done it ALWAYS as the only healer .. the only party i ever regretted making was a party with all melee and we were fighting snips .. but while it too a few seconds longer to kill sometimes , we still had an amazing group and got gobs of xp. Its not hard to understand you need a tank , you need a healer , and you need a variety of dps to handle any situation . and if your the solo healer i like to include a Smn or a dancer for any healing that can be picked up while im resting my Mp and the group can chain pull mobs

                            As for healing without a subjob .. yes it can be done ,, i did it many many times already ,, anything below level 30 groups a Whm can easily heal by themselves as long as they stick to snip , worms , gobs and giants in qualfim.. However since i consider myself a harcore gamer , i went out and leveled Blm to15 just to have that extra 2 int 2 mnd and 15 Mp .. ( im guessing on stats) It didnt really make a diffrence in my healing and if anything at all , i was able to cast one more Cure1.

                            Also i think my grammer is fine , but im sure a english major can write up anything i type in red all over i was a math nerd and a science wiz . And no one is perfect , thier is nothing wrong with admitting your not perfect as long as you reckognize it and work on it is all that matters.

                            I was very amazed to find players who play this game for 3-4 yearswho never heard of Dungeons and dragons . It just goes to show you that doing a little of everything ( or in my case alot of everything) is better then being pigion holed into one game only. This game is based on D&D so much thats its sickning ,, and anyone who ever really got into the role playing experience of D&D will surelly agree.. I for one am very glad that many things that are common knowledge are used in this game too .. IE Str for warriors Dex for Thiefs , Duh.. Just makes my intro into this amazing game even more interesting and fun for this old gamer gal >>
                            I don't care how experienced with WoW someone is, if you have no sub job until 30 that screams N00B to me and everyone else. I know I won't party with anyone that does that because its either a n00b or gil seller. Btw, how exactly are they supposed to know you are this "experienced" mmo'er anyways? The only way they know is how you present yourself and presenting yourself with no sub when you should have one is not the way to do it.

                            Fyi, the only healer in a melee burn style party without a power leveler does not get gobs of experience in the dunes. It's just not possible and I've been through the dunes about 2 dozen times, half of them healer jobs.

                            I'm not even going to touch on the grammer/capitalization/etc bs. I would think an "old gamer gal" would present herself better.

                            And I'm going to go there.......WTF are you doing playing a game(s) for 16 hours while you have young ones!?
                            Last edited by TheGrandMom; 09-29-2008, 11:22 AM.
                            Originally posted by Feba
                            But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                            Originally posted by DakAttack
                            ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                              And then, why do you continue to barrage me with tells after I've declined your request? No, having two RDMs in one party does not equal RDM + BRD. Call me princess, but I don't party with other RDMs. Ever. If you invite another RDM after you have me, I will leave. I don't party with other RDMs.
                              A COR would be just as a good as a BRD, dingleberry.

                              Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                              Granted, my comment does not say "{Level Sync} {No thanks.}," but I'm seeking as 75 RDM and I want to party with a Bard. It's obvious enough, isn't it? I want 25k/hr, not 6k/hr. (I'll have to remember to put that in my comment when I don't want to Level Sync, my personal oversight.)
                              I actually do have specific comments regarding Level Sync in my comment that I would only accept 70+ on PLD, yet got at least 10 invites over the weekend for level 30ish ones. You'd think a game with no voice chat support might be populated with a few more people capable of reading text, but eh.
                              Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                              Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                              Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Aksannyi you make me sad. Gone to the dark side ; ; The Pink.
                                Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi

