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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by Mog
    Don't worry about it. This is just a typical kid who likes to say the f-word a lot. His mom needs to drop him on his head a few more times.
    I prefer the fork to eye approach

    I came up with a great idea of a helmet (attatched to your pc via USB/firewire) that had two electronic arms with forks attatched. The software controlling the helmet would detect stupidity such as bad english (for example "ur", "kewl", "sum1" etc.) and profanities. The program would then administer appropriate eye-forking treatment depending on the level of stupidity.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      North American http://www.Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam! sellers with 24/7 support and delivery. Visit us at http://www.Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam! and our paypal feedback is 10,000!


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Originally posted by Averle
        North American http://www.Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam! sellers with 24/7 support and delivery. Visit us at http://www.Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam! and our paypal feedback is 10,000!
        Yeah, Keep trying dumb-ass


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam. Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam! (ok enought monty python for now)

          People who try and sell me stuff with real world money.
          And Spamers.
          Last edited by Thrasher; 08-18-2006, 08:08 AM. Reason: It was 3am and I was tired.


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Yay Ping!

            Pet Peeve: People who join a party when they know they have something to do in less than an hour. Especially later on when it takes more than an hour to get through a level of exp.


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Murphie
              Yay Ping!

              Pet Peeve: People who join a party when they know they have something to do in less than an hour. Especially later on when it takes more than an hour to get through a level of exp.
              This happened to me the other night at upper Tree fighting crawlers.
              Sam /tell me he has 40 mins or so. I say cool, just find a replacement and you can go whenever. 10mins later, we Escape elemental aggro... because we're better off walking our way back, then wasting 10mins fighting an elemental. At this point, he /tell me "maybe i'll just go now". At this point i say in /p chat "Just make sure you have a replacement before you go, [Name]".

              He says he's really tired, i say at least stay with us till your replacement comes, you already said 40mins and it was 10mins later that he wants to leave. Somehow i'm an asshole when i call him out on this and he gets offended. He's obviously not doing anything after the rest of the party zones back inside, i tell him to just leave, and party ends. I was 1k tnl too, not that i care about my own tnl's, theres always another party, but i would have lvl'd if he had just stayed for a replacement.



              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Here's another, Levels 50-55. Well, when you're not RDM, BRD, WHM NIN or PLD at least. If you're those jobs, you breeze these levels. But if you're anything else these levels are hell.

                Why? Well, there's always that RDM or BRD who caps his EXP at 50 and disbands because he hasn't done G1. Then there's that tank who needs to go do G2. Can't forget the leaders who can't find a tank or refresher, yet want to fight mobs that need dispel.

                At the very least, ToA allieviates things a little with the colibris at 54 - 60 so you no longer have to camp crabs for a jillion levels anymore and always struggle to find a RDM or BRD.


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  My pet peeve.... hard to say really. But I really hate it when I'm looking for a party in Jeuno, just sitting there minding my own buisness, when some random asshole comes up and says something along the lines of "Dragoons are a solo class n00b!" or "Lol, play a different job if you want a pt nub". Seriously, if I wanted to play another class for the sole fact of getting parties, I'd have done so about 45 levels ago.


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
                    Here's another, Levels 50-55. Well, when you're not RDM, BRD, WHM NIN or PLD at least. If you're those jobs, you breeze these levels. But if you're anything else these levels are hell.

                    Why? Well, there's always that RDM or BRD who caps his EXP at 50 and disbands because he hasn't done G1. Then there's that tank who needs to go do G2. Can't forget the leaders who can't find a tank or refresher, yet want to fight mobs that need dispel.

                    At the very least, ToA allieviates things a little with the colibris at 54 - 60 so you no longer have to camp crabs for a jillion levels anymore and always struggle to find a RDM or BRD.
                    Geez. I'd completely forgotten about how frustrating that level stretch can be with that.

                    The other side of that, of course is wanting to get EXP but being unable to because you haven't finished G1 or G2. I ran into that quite a bit on my old character, and it was frustrating as hell to be trying to get some folks together to do a G2 run, and you've got party invites pouring in right and left.


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Slacking casters demanding refresh. When I'm at 100 mp after hasting refreshing debuffing and emergency healing after first fight and the WHM which was doing gods know what with 95% mana spams me for refresh. Do yer ****ing job. Then I'll refresh you.
                      Insert signature -here-.


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        A rare frustration I experience as COR is people asking me for something that doesn't enhance party peformance - Corsair's Roll. This buff is a gimmick buff given to COR based off a trait the Lady Luck job had in FFX-2. Its cool to give an EXP buff, but its not helping people do thier jobs better.

                        I had a SMN who was doing nothing in my PT the other night, nothing but crabbing to other members in /tell that I wasn't doing Corsair's Roll. We're in the woodlands, EXPing on colibris with Sanction and Empress band on already. He eventually logged on us midfight and we just shrugged and invited someone to replace him. All beacuse I didn't do Corsair's Roll.

                        I've experience something similar as BRD, too - melees who wanted Madrigal (Accuracy buff) instead of Minuet (Attack buff) because either (1) they want to skimp on spending for sushis or (2) want to use attack foods instead.

                        Well (1) I won't cast Madrigal just because your'e a cheapass and (2) Minuet pwns your silly attack food.

                        In the event my COR gets people wanting Hunter's Roll (when they should be using sushi, I tend to let that slide on colibris) and Corsair's Roll, I simply tell them this "Eat sushi, pop your Empress band and shut up."


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          I hate that too...not only that, i'm not >>> RICH <<< i do the best i can with the money i i put this in my baz/ comment....." If you don't like what i have on.... BUY it for me.." , now ppl don't tell me i need this or i need that....o and thats how i got my Light and Drk. Hq staff's...Weeeeeeeeeeeeee....... Some one got them for me..SWEET .......Try will stop them....and u may get stuff too.....


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            30mnk 20whm 15thf 13war 9blm 5brd 23drg i teh nub


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Improper use of the shift or cap lock key.

                              And note im not just pointing out the poster above, earlier in the dunes there was this warrior who was going "WHY DOES PPL KEEP KICKING ME!!!!!!!!!!" and in shout too. And if you think that was bad, I filtered both say and shout because he was standing right next to our party saying things to us too. Then he started to emote, and I just blacklisted the guy.

                              I will live, and die by the Sword


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                All of my blacklists are either from Valkurm or Lower Jeuno, so I understand.

