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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by Mog
    Before I say anything, no flamebait intended. Just didn't seem right to me to accuse of hating others for something that you did for you main character that obtained level 75 and rank 10. I'm going to assume that the majority of time that was spent on FFXI was with this character, and I think by now you should have a pretty good idea of what and what you don't like.
    Your assumptions have already made you look like an ass, don't throw gasoline on the fire you started. Just who do you think you are making claims of hypocrisy when you don't even address the real context of things you were quoting to begin with?

    Here, I'll quote the starting sentence of my pet peeve again:

    People with a level 75 job who level other jobs as "something to do" but don't play those jobs with the respect of their REAL main.

    Doesn't it piss you off just a little when you get out there to PT, get to camp and EXP for 15 minutes before someone in that PT leaves to go do Dynamis or CoPs? Moreover, when you see that person prancing about in HQ gear for their real main, but can't be bothered to get the proper gear or spells like having elemental staves, doesn't have Erase, didn't learn Ni spells, etc? Oh and don't get me started on the NINs skimping on hate tools.

    That's what I'm talking about here. The frustration of people not only taking the PT invite seriously, but people who won't even gear thier current job properly for their level, but will do so for their endgame job.

    I'd address the rest of what you said, but its clear you didn't really read my initial post to begin with.

    I treat all my jobs with an equal amount of respect, however, I'm pretty much finished with Foobar as the main character. That could change when I get Kitten to 75 on COR and RNG, might not. For now, Foobar is just a BST and being a soloist on that character, I have no one to piss off by logging to go play my current main character. If I do get a PT on him, I come properly geared to EXP and don't ditch PT just because some HNM window opened up.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 08-12-2006, 09:20 AM.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
      Your assumptions have already made you look like an ass, don't throw gasoline on the fire you started. Just who do you think you are making claims of hypocrisy when you don't even address the real context of things you were quoting to begin with?

      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
      People with a level 75 job who level other jobs as "something to do" but don't play those jobs with the respect of their REAL main.

      Doesn't it piss you off just a little when you get out there to PT, get to camp and EXP for 15 minutes before someone in that PT leaves to go do Dynamis or CoPs? Moreover, when you see that person prancing about in HQ gear for their real main, but can't be bothered to get the proper gear or spells like having elemental staves, doesn't have Erase, didn't learn Ni spells, etc? Oh and don't get me started on the NINs skimping on hate tools.
      Now this is a bit different from what you said before. People who play a second job "as something to do" that doesn't complement their main job can mean anything from skimping on gear and playing a job to kill time to spending any gil they have to buy excellant gear.

      I do agree with you that it's a rude thing for somebody to party as something to do before they go on a dynamis run "Lawl sorry guys! I have to do a dynamis run because I'm more important than you!" Yes. That aggrivates me more than anything. What doesn't aggrevate me is the fact that some people flaunt HQ staves and gear that they've received from other jobs.

      Whoop de doo!

      Flaunted gear does not indicate how well people do in a low-level party, and frankly if you get annoyed because I have HQ staves, you should really stop exmaining other people and get over yourself. I could give a damn if someone in my party is wearing all rare/ex gear. As long as he does his part in my party and doesn't slouch off, then I won't complain.

      However, it also aggrevates me when people gimp low level gear because they have a 75 job. It effects the party in a negative way and you can bet your ass that I will get mad.

      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
      I'd address the rest of what you said, but its clear you didn't really read my initial post to begin with.
      lol again. If you don't want to have a debate and throw in the ol' "He's not reading my posts right and I don't have to explain myself!" bologna, then don't reply to my posts at all.
      Last edited by Mog; 08-12-2006, 10:19 AM.
      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?


        /em points at above post

        Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
        Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
        Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

        My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

        Susan>> Babies are just like people.
        Susan>> Just smaller.
        [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
        [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
        Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
        [GM]Dave>> ...
        [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          neighbortaru>> removed RMT ad

          lolwut? He who is not mighty enough to purchase their own Mithral full plate fails at life.
          Last edited by neighbortaru; 08-12-2006, 09:18 PM.


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            stupid RMT, posting their crap in all the threads... *grumble*

            Thanks Yyg!


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Oh shi-


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                I hope this needs no explanation:

                Ok, for a bit of explanation. I was the WHM.


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by Murphie
                  I hope this needs no explanation:

                  Ok, for a bit of explanation. I was the WHM.
                  Let them die. It's the only way they'll figure out it's a bad idea.
                  I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                  HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Sounds like when I'm Whm, and the Blm pulls hate, so I stand there not curing him, and the Blm procedes to cast another big nuke... I figure that not curing the Blm is helping him because then he'll learn not to pull hate. But then the other mages will cure him, ruining my lesson.


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      People who spam abusive tells at you if you don't answer their party invite within 5 seconds.

                      Seriously, spent 5 hours lfp on my drk got an invite but then the guy said the party was probably disbanding so I shouldn't go. I guessed I wouldn't get another invite for a while so I went to the bathroom, then downstairs for a drink. Got back within 5 mins at most to find several /tells from someone making a party.

                      person>> {Party} {Do you need it?} *another one of my personal hates*
                      next chat line
                      person>> f***ing typical you are afk
                      person>> I f***ing hate idiots like you. Put you f***ing flag down if you're not at your computer
                      person>>I'll never invite you to one of my parties again f***ing n00b!

                      and so on......

                      Honestly, what's with people who do this? Its not like there aren't another xx melees lfp in that level range anyway. On my rdm/whm/pld/nin I can maybe understand (but not to this extreme) but on a melee?


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by queenuma
                        person>> {Party} {Do you need it?} *another one of my personal hates*
                        next chat line
                        person>> f***ing typical you are afk
                        person>> I f***ing hate idiots like you. Put you f***ing flag down if you're not at your computer
                        person>>I'll never invite you to one of my parties again f***ing n00b!
                        Don't worry about it. This is just a typical kid who likes to say the f-word a lot. His mom needs to drop him on his head a few more times.
                        ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          I hate it when I'm leveling my BST and some party sends me a tell asking me to move so they can camp there. If no one else was in the spot when I arrive, the spot is claimed as mine. I don't care if there are 6 of you compared to just me.

                          Balmor: Elvaan Male San D'oria Rank 7
                          BST 70 WAR 56 NIN 35 THF 30 MNK 30 PLD 22 DRG 19 RDM 13

                          Malag: Tarutaru Male Windurst Rank 10
                          BLM 75 WHM 37 BRD 20 THF 16 BST 14


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by Shep
                            I hate it when I'm leveling my BST and some party sends me a tell asking me to move so they can camp there. If no one else was in the spot when I arrive, the spot is claimed as mine. I don't care if there are 6 of you compared to just me.
                            Well, to be fair, its not terribly common to see a BST in a zone where other people might commonly EXP. Question is, do you find yourself EXPing BST in common EXP PT areas or not?

                            If not, I can understand the frustration of someone asking you to leave, as you already were EXPing there and most PTs don't venture out to EXP where you are. However, if you are EXPing as BST in a zone where PTs commonly EXP, you're bound to get some lip about it. While someone might be right to say its just as much an EXP zone for you as it is them, its still going to be the solo guy who looks like an ass for remaining there and killing off all the mobs.

                            When I play BST, I try to avoid the common EXP zones, really. But if I do find myself in a popular EXP zone, I make it a point to EXP off mobs the PTs are generally avoiding or ignoring. Taking out the aggro mobs they don't want is even better if you can handle doing so. They'll appreciate it.

                            Anyway, my two cents. I EXPed BST before the MPK update and only recently picked it back up, but I try to maintain the same courtesy I played it with as I did before. I know with ToA's release that common courtesy in popular EXP zones had gone out the window with high levels.

                            BSTs aren't so much the problem as noob BLU and RDM soloists or people levelling their NPC in a common EXP zone. There are plenty of othe places to go to level your NPC or solo monsters, why not go there and stop wasting EXP for the PTs there?


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Wojaom Woodlands tends to be the spot where I get this the most. I normally go to 1 of 2 spots. When I go there, there is hardly anyone around. If there is someone there, I try to find an alternative. I get the npc people every now and then, but they are nicer about it than parties that claim to own a certain spot.

                              Balmor: Elvaan Male San D'oria Rank 7
                              BST 70 WAR 56 NIN 35 THF 30 MNK 30 PLD 22 DRG 19 RDM 13

                              Malag: Tarutaru Male Windurst Rank 10
                              BLM 75 WHM 37 BRD 20 THF 16 BST 14


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Originally posted by queenuma
                                People who spam abusive tells at you if you don't answer their party invite within 5 seconds.

                                Seriously, spent 5 hours lfp on my drk got an invite but then the guy said the party was probably disbanding so I shouldn't go. I guessed I wouldn't get another invite for a while so I went to the bathroom, then downstairs for a drink. Got back within 5 mins at most to find several /tells from someone making a party.


                                [/i]Honestly, what's with people who do this? Its not like there aren't another xx melees lfp in that level range anyway. On my rdm/whm/pld/nin I can maybe understand (but not to this extreme) but on a melee?
                                I had a similar thing happen to me, except I didn't even have my flag up. I was in my MH in Windurst moving around some items. Left to go talk to my sister about something, came back 10 minutes, and found several tells from a character wanting me to head to Crawler's Nest because their RDM was about to leave. Blasted the same message several times, like I was ignoring him or something. I mean, I am in my house...with my flag not even up. Just because I am a RDM in their level range they send me a /tell and get mad because I won't answer.

                                But because I hate to not to respond to messages, I sent him a /tell saying I was sorry I missed his message. Never got a response back from him saying he got another player or nothing. Thought that was kinda rude...I mean, I at least explained I was away; he could have said he moved on or something.
                                You know what, you can kiss my...

                                Red Mage 38 | White Mage 10 | Black Mage 17 | Bard 10 | Ranger 03 | Alchemy 38 | Cooking 09

                                RDM: Rose Duelist Mithra

