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-Also Mages who don't carry oils and powders because they think they can get away with using sneak and invis even in magic aggro zones and risk the whole party/alliance because they dont want to dish out 5-6k for a stack of oils or powders.
-Mages who don't carry echo drops and then get mad when other mages who are smart enough to carry echo drops don't silena them fast enough. Seriously, Echo drops are NOT that expensive, its not that hard to always have a stack on you in the situation where you need to un-silena yourself. (Same goes with ALL MP users, Paladins/Blue Mages/DRKs/etc)
-People who ask you to cast a spell/cast a song while your in the middle of another song/spell cast. Seriously, I'm sorry but im in the middle of casting another spell and the mob happened to paralyzga the front line jobs, then the NIN SPAMS "Para <call1> PARA ME!"
-(I know ive said this before but ill just say it again). People who tell you (if your a BRD or COR) what rolls/songs to use. Seriously, I AM THE BARD, i know which songs to use in whichever situations, Mijin Gakure mobs? Yes i know to Fire Carol, NIN tanking? Yes i know to March. You don't need to tell me what I know. What do you want me to tell you each time to cast Utsusemi if your a NIN?
-People who come to events, get the item they want, and then leave. Seriously, today during a Swift Belt run, one guy got his swift belt and then immediately tried to leave. "Can i go?" he was the third guy who got his Belt, and the two people before him stayed to help without a problem, but once this guy got his Belt he immeditaley wanted to leave. Thats really stupid, i hate how people are so selfish in this game, i know theres a degree of selfishness but seriously, we helped you with your belt, we stayed to help you, why cant you stay to help others, i would understand if he had to go to do something irl, or an event, but the second it dropped onto him the first thing he said was "So, can i go now?"
-This is really pissing me the *Chunk* off I have a friend who started the game before me, and like god 4-5 months ago i was 75PLD he was 50PLD needing help with GK quests. I remember helping him through that and being like his PLD mentor. Today i find out he has freaking Sea access and 1/1 on Airship. Its going to be the 4th week of failure for Airship for me and its really pissing me the *Chunk* off, im sick of seeing people who
1) dont play as much as me
2) Started the game long after i did
Who have all the luck and get so far ahead. Where is the luck? Gosh Dang...
-People who try to pass off this "I pay 12.95 a month for this game, i can sub what i want", my response is, "Yeah, but the 5 other people in the party pay 12.95 a month to play the game and play it RIGHT, your gimping the 5 other people who want to pay to play the game right." They are cookie cutter subjobs for a reason, THEY WORK! Yes, every subjob is going to have its pros and cons, but if you show up to a lvl 45PT as THF/WHM and try to tell me you can keep constantly pulling with no method of refresh and blink thats not a 100% guaranteed block with that 40MP, then im going to boot you. go lvl /nin, go lvl /war, Stop trying to burn your jobs so fast that your too lazy to lvl the subjobs for them. "I dont want to lvl /NIN its too expensiveeeeee" Me: "Then go farm for gil" Noob: "Im too lazy to farm". Me: "Then quit the job if your too lazy to play it RIGHT."
-Ninjas post 40+ who only use Utsusemi, seriously, use Ninjutsu enfeebles, use elemental wheel, NINs werent given them for shits and giggles. If your too cheap to lvl a job that is a money sink then stop lvling the job. People think tanking is not taking hits, its about keeping the mobs hate so it doesnt kill the rest of the party, and you cant do much outside of provoke as NIN without your Ninjutsu.
-I am seeing alot of merit lvl DDs recently that are 75DD/12NIN... omg just sub something that isnt gimp, it isnt about shadows... go lvl your NIN subjob, go get Utsu:ni, or just sub /war, ANYTHING but show up with a gimp lvl 12NIN subjob.
/endrant for a bit
Been really terribly busy in game lately thats why i havent been on the forums as much, so i have more to rant about hehe ^^
Originally posted by Selphiie The EnchantressView Post
-People who ask you to cast a spell/cast a song while your in the middle of another song/spell cast. Seriously, I'm sorry but im in the middle of casting another spell and the mob happened to paralyzga the front line jobs, then the NIN SPAMS "Para <call1> PARA ME!"
Totally. The leader of my Dynamis shell is notorious for this, especially when I'm his healer. It's like he doesn't trust me to Paralyna him when I'm done with the spell I'm casting. I have to spell it out for him (both in /p and on vent) that I can read his status effects on my screen.
Originally posted by Selphiie The EnchantressView Post
Mages who don't carry echo drops and then get mad when other mages who are smart enough to carry echo drops don't silena them fast enough. Seriously, Echo drops are NOT that expensive, its not that hard to always have a stack on you in the situation where you need to un-silena yourself. (Same goes with ALL MP users, Paladins/Blue Mages/DRKs/etc)
Drives me fucking nuts. One of my biggest peeves in this game.
Proud hater of Windows Vista since Windows XP Service Pack Two!
My limit break involves a moose, the demon Baphomet, and a Kuiper Belt object. It takes four hours and you cant skip any of the cutscenes.
She's coming around for another pass! Do we Fight, Use an Item, or Run? FIGHT, ITEM, or RUN? DECIDE!
Dont look a gift lion in the mouth!
Perscription strength Assault!
Side effects may include joint pain, loss of mobility, and fainting.
Proud hater of Windows Vista since Windows XP Service Pack Two!
My limit break involves a moose, the demon Baphomet, and a Kuiper Belt object. It takes four hours and you cant skip any of the cutscenes.
She's coming around for another pass! Do we Fight, Use an Item, or Run? FIGHT, ITEM, or RUN? DECIDE!
Dont look a gift lion in the mouth!
Perscription strength Assault!
Side effects may include joint pain, loss of mobility, and fainting.
What ticks you off and sends you into a swirling inferno of anger and frustration?
For me it's when random people check you in town and then comment on your gear. Now don't get me wrong I don't care about /checks, infact I check a lot of people myself but when they go out of thier way to mock your ENM or BCNM or SOLO gear or subjob it pisses me off >_>
i used to get this alot until i put up a message saying:
Don't like my gear or sub? well...
When i want your oppinion i'll give it to you!
now kindly piss off!
that seemed to do the trick, except i got random tells saying nice message... alot but i ignored them. my biggest pet peeve would have to be, elitist snobs who know it all and are unaffraid to share this information with you non stop for an entire party...
Death and taxes... Death and taxes... DEATHand taxes... I think I like it.
If your highest job level is 50, you should not be signing up to join a CoP static that is being created with the intent to do all of the missions in a short time-frame. It's just irresponsible. You certainly should not be forced on the static by the LS leader, who isn't even going to be participating in said static.
K ti's been a while snce i RANTED lol jk but since this ade me want to smash my new laptop I thought someone should find it funny.
No party on blm in 2 days mainly chaining ep mobs geting 50/60 exp b4 i rest up with the odd dc of course.Then I get killed by a skink who can run and cast apparently.No raises around so I hp loose ~400-500 exp.Then besieged starts I got 520. Annoied that I made 20 exp all day.But then Invite : warp too WG > Jeuno outside garlige I dc come back that was 15 mins ago still timed out on FFXI.Odds r i'll get the already logged in try in a few messege when I log in and party is on 2k exp
It ain't tanking unless you get hit
To those who are about to tank I salute you.
Originally posted by Selphiie The EnchantressView Post
-People who come to events, get the item they want, and then leave. Seriously, today during a Swift Belt run, one guy got his swift belt and then immediately tried to leave. "Can i go?" he was the third guy who got his Belt, and the two people before him stayed to help without a problem, but once this guy got his Belt he immeditaley wanted to leave. Thats really stupid, i hate how people are so selfish in this game, i know theres a degree of selfishness but seriously, we helped you with your belt, we stayed to help you, why cant you stay to help others, i would understand if he had to go to do something irl, or an event, but the second it dropped onto him the first thing he said was "So, can i go now?"
That reminds me of an O-Hat run where I got my O-Hat. We probably have at least 10 people who needed it that run. One guy doesn't even show up on time, and joins us at the pop site after the first two Hakutaku fights. Instead of determining pop order once up front, we were /randoming after each fight to see who would get to go next. This later comer ends up lucking out with his /random and gets his O-Hat. He fought Hakutaku maybe twice that afternoon before he "had to leave". Meanwhile, everyone else stuck around for a good 5+ hours. He might have logged of for a short while to do something IRL. But I did a search for him maybe an hour after he left the alliance, and he was in an exp pt in Bibiki Bay.
Makes me ill every time I think about this.
lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
Fishing 60