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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    The reason people look at Sea access so sternly is this:

    Sky is easy to get.
    Anyone can camp an HNM or Grand.
    Salvage/Einherjar/Nyzul require minimal or no misson progress to unlock.
    All you need to do RoZ Dynamis is get 65 - that's not hard.
    All you need to do CoP Dynamis is get CoP 3-5 done - again, not hard.

    But Sea access? 100th floor on Nyzul Isle? Getting top rank in Assault?

    That takes coordination and commitment - that is what the linkshell you're looking into is looking for.

    I go and have my rants about RoZ endgame at times and people always like to pull the "team player" card on me when I say I'm not terribly interested in doing HNMs. Its not that I don't understand what it means to be a team player, I totally do, its just I think RoZ endgame is terribly broken.

    But where is this "team player" mentality when I go to do CoP, Assault or Nyzul Content?

    Gone. Totally.

    I go do a swift belt run on my SCH as a means of farming keys for CoP 4-2 and here I am sitting with big endgame players who are butt naked with no weapon trying to take Balior down. I lead CoP or Rank Mission statics and there's always someone with doesn't get the cutscenes done, even with a week of free time to do so. The people who talk about this teamwork thing only seem to mean teamwork in endgame. Apparently, I misunderstood and thought all this stuff meant teamwork, period.

    Endgame linkshells know about this, they don't want to sit there holding people's hands when they can still be doing thier endgame stuff. I'm one of the rarities that makes the effort to go back and help others with these, I'm able to stomach the frustrations and lead people to the wins. I do it because I like seeing my friends and accquaintances succeed. And all I really ask for is a simple "Thank you" for doing it.

    I had this sky shell on Titan. The leader and my fellow sackholders thought it would be a great idea to offer to help with Zilart Missions as a means of recruiting. I was against it because already having sky would show me some greater commitment.

    75% of the LS sat on thier asses waiting for the missions to happen. The rest took initiative and got the missions done because they were stoked to get sky and do the content there.

    Eventually, the leaders and other sacks got tired of doing the ZMs for other and started to require members to get access for themselves. It ended up that no one was really farming triggers up there but the sackholders themselves. Ha, told 'em doing the missions with members wouldn't work. And when the drama came, these people who sat on thier asses, not doing anything, they had the audacity to accuse us of giving ourselves extra points.

    We would farm the triggers and they would show up for a god fight... maybe. These guys just wanted the work done for them, they wanted us to carry them while they got the good stuff and left.

    Any surprise my Sky shell on Titan is dead now? No one wants to put up with that, we want initiative and teamwork.

    That means if I have to be the guy that sits there on my RNG and BST scanning for Zipanaca all the time and no one else does it - things just aren't going to work out. People gotta share the load on stuff like this, pull thier own weight.

    Its all about initiative and for those that have done it all, nothing says "initiative" like Sea access. Even with all the changes to CoPs, they're still a lot of work and challenge to get through and few wish to go back and help with them.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-09-2008, 09:29 PM.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      The thing i hate most about FFXI is hypocritical people. Players who say for example RDM has no place on the front line claiming we should only be a backline job, then turn around and make excuses that they wont do something the community expects them to do on one of their jobs. (.ie Pull on RNG)

      Or will complain when a RDM misses them with Haste or Refresh, but will completley with hold a buff because they are doing something they dont want to do. (.ie Corsairs Roll)

      Players like that really piss me off and im sure the same goes for many others.

      sig courtesy tgm
      retired -08


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
        The thing i hate most about FFXI is hypocritical people. Players who say for example RDM has no place on the front line claiming we should only be a backline job, then turn around and make excuses that they wont do something the community expects them to do on one of their jobs. (.ie Pull on RNG)

        Or will complain when a RDM misses them with Haste or Refresh, but will completley with hold a buff because they are doing something they dont want to do. (.ie Corsairs Roll)

        Players like that really piss me off and im sure the same goes for many others.
        People who don't read my posts in context tend to piss me off, but then, I'm more forgiving toward others than you.

        RDMs cry about what they get invited to do, yet they take the invites and do it anyway. Its fully within thier rights to turn down the invite and totally within thier power to build thier own PTs to get what they want, but do they?


        Then you have the RDMs who try to force what they want on a PT or prove that RDM melee can work in an environment people don't wish it to take place. When someone invites you to a party and you don't do what you're invited for, you're not proving anything, you're just being an ass and giving other RDMs a bad name.

        When I make a search comment saying I don't want to pull and turn down invites that ignore my wishes - who am I hurting?

        No one. People should learn to read search comments. I'm the one losing the invite here, and its not really hurting me.

        Just how many jobs out there could pull?


        Ultimately, I'm just affecting my own EXP gain there, the PT can always find someone else to pull. I don't owe them my presence and they don't owe me a party. I can wait to play how I want.

        But at least I'm not cutting corners to get my jobs to 75. I could have gone RNG and COR to 75 without /NIN, but I still levelled NIN. I could have don't without /WHM, but I still levelled it. Could have done without a lot of subjobs, really, but I make it a point to be professional and push my jobs to full potential - that means levelling the subjobs I may not like.

        Shit, I have to level these subjobs x2 for both characters sometimes. Do you have the patience to do WHM, NIN, BLM, DNC, BLU, DRK BRD and others to 37 two times? That's what I'm looking at. I'm about to start the 2nd run on DNC sub this week. Instead of seeing it as work, I just think about all the Beastmen seals i'll be putting away.

        And just because I don't like or don't want to level a subjob doesn't mean I have to deny its utility. I don't deny /NINs. I've pulled more than my fair share of PT as /NIN, I think I can be allowed to take a break for it at times and request that I don't pull. It gets really tiresome when people don't read the search comment.

        I real hypocrite would sing about the versatility of his job and then refuse to level /WHM.

        As for Corsair's Roll - PTs aren't entitled to it, they're entitled to whatever I think is a better means of EXP per hour and I'll take that by situation. Chances are if we have a BRD pulling in TP burn, that's the best case scenario for Corsairs roll.

        Don't like it? Tough shit.

        If you have invited my COR to pull, that means we don't have a BRD or THF doing it and I'm not going to waste my time trying to hit everyone with it, I'l miss someone and they'll cry like the greedy little punk. If you invite me to pull and I'm in the mood to do so - I'm going all out on a four buff cycle and you better hold on tight.

        I've made my fair share of rival manteele BRDs leave camp because when I AM in the mood to pull, I play for keeps. I don't care if Quick Draw recast is down for :30 more, I'll pull and I'll blink tank it until you're ready. I'll pull weakened. I don't sit they're thinking about my level buffer cuz its already capped. I don't sit there worrying about competition or playing nice - I just pull.

        I have my modes, sometimes I don't mind pulling, sometimes I do. If you don't understand how taxing and tiresome it can somtimes be, don't sit there and insist I should always do it just because I have a good weapon or ability to do it with.

        Somehow, in another thread we went from "You know, you should also ask RNGs, CORs and THFs if they want to pull, rather than expecting them to, sometimes they don't want to" to "OMG Kitten refuses to pull."

        Selective reading for the fucking fail.
        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-09-2008, 11:17 PM.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          BBQ you have some serious issues, i havent once complained about comming as main heal, i have infact said the same things you say about RDM. I put in my search /WHM [No Thanks], or [Burn][Party][No Thanks], [Skillchain][Burst][Yes Please].

          I dont hold my party back when i do go to party as a main heal RDM/DNC, i think i have provided substantial proof that it does work. While yes it is hypocritical of me to say how versatile my job is without having WHM leveled, but guess what its lvl 35 now, and i dont get anything special over the next 2 levels other than teleports and shellra 2. So that comment is null and void now. You know what else is funny this is my 2nd time taking RDM to 75 and having to level all these jobs again. I gave my original account to my brother then didnt play often for 2 years, he now has a 75 BLM and 70 WHM from us both hacking away at them so i wasnt about to take it back from him. So i started again. I see leveling my subjobs as enjoyment, i solo them all because i cant stand to party with retards who think they can set up a TP Burn party 10-37, and i dont build my own parties because people dont party properly anymore, a tank who refuses to get sata'd on. The only reason i didnt have WHM lvl'd is because i cant stand getting hit in the face and dying every 6 fights because of the prior reason. If WHM could solo better i would have had it right there at 37 long ago.

          As for your corsair roll i lived without it for 75 level's and dont care about it too much, i was putting it into refrence because when i pull in meripo, im still able to hit my refresh/haste cycle and keep a chain, and i sure as hell dont get and AoE haste or refresh. But you can easily take the second to say [Gather Together] [Corsair's Roll] and use your instant cast JA to hit everyone and if someone gets missed too bad you told them to gather. You speak all big and preachy about doing your jobs to there full potntial, but you come off as a slacker. Until I see you post up accurate numbers about how RNG is better off not pulling then it is pulling i will call you on it. Until you show me an accurate number about Corsairs Roll not benefiting the party ill call you on it.

          I have posted facts about RDM/DNC and how its equal to /WHM in a colibri party, but you still seem to think i am in the wrong. I dont like subbing WHM and main healing, but have no problem main healing with RDM/DNC because im doing something other than standing there. You continue to bring up the fact that i dont /WHM, but you know what its just like you. If im seeking on RDM/DNC or RDM/BLM and the party leader dosent ask me to main heal or /WHM you bet your ass im not subbing it. Why? because i keep it out of my list of jobs because i dont like it, i despise standing in one spot Babysiting a bunch of melee for 6 hours. If i get asked to come /WHM i simply say no thanks, and go campaign or solo, its the same exact thing you do. But you know what i dont go around saying, well if you didnt want to pull go level DRG, if you dont want to use rolls go level MNK, because im not hypocritical like that. I respect people who want to play there way. But you berate me every chance you get. Im sure if i went and posted how i play RDM/PLD with -41% DMG gear youd have some sorry ass excuse to say i couldnt be a Tank. Hell i might even make a post on how to be a RDM TANK, and RDM/THF, and how to be a RDM SC partner just to piss you off. I know how to play my job and I preform my job to the peak of its ability, just because i choose /DNC over /WHM for main healing dosent make me any less of a RDM. Id say the fact i can effectivley use it makes me a better RDM than most. Perhaps your just jealous. You stopped leveling RDM right at the peak of its Main Healing stage. Could it be your jealous of me because i found a way i dont have to backline ? I can share my secrets with you, I can teach you how to be the best job in the game. I mean can any other Job change its role simply by altering a subjob no i didnt think so.

          Maybe before you ramble on about how your better than other people for having your subs leveled, the fact you know how to turn down invites and cut people of from abilities, you should get off your high horse. Seriously you have some insightful posts alot of the time and i agree with you on alot of shit but christ you are a self righteous peice of shit sometimes. If its not your way its wrong, if i dont want to main heal i am wrong but if you dont want to pull your right, oh please forgive me BBQ /bow how could i ever said yourwrong.I am just a lowley peasent compared to your un rivaled glory of hypocricy. Give it a break man, you sound like an idiot right now.

          sig courtesy tgm
          retired -08


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            I'm well aware of why shells want their members to have Sea access. I even kind of agree with it. But that doesn't make it any easier for me when I have gone above and beyond in my own attempt to get there, only to be stymied by the greed and laziness/apathy of others.

            I mean, I don't even have any interest in/time for endgame events right now, so it's not that big a deal, but I still understand the frustration.
            Last edited by Murphie; 03-10-2008, 03:50 AM. Reason: removed my own personal whining, because it has no place in the discussion


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              People who don't read my posts in context tend to piss me off, but then, I'm more forgiving toward others than you.
              Let me see if I can get the context right with paraphrasing:
              People: (Off-handedly mentions RNG is an expected puller.)
              BBQ: "Hey, should ask RNG first if it's OK to make RNG pull, too."
              People: "Huh? It's part of the job."
              BBQ: "It is not! Besides, anyone can pull! Pellet Belt!"
              People: (Thinking, "Great, BBQ is off in the deep end again.")
              People: "Not practical for many jobs, despite Pellet Belt, BBQ. Since RNG always have ranged weapon, it's only natural to expect them to pull."
              BBQ: "Hey, I pay for ammo, I have the right to turn down parties which want me to pull!"
              And so on...

              Agree with you on one point: Anyone has the right to turn down any party for any reason. (Happy?)

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              RDMs cry about what they get invited to do, yet they take the invites and do it anyway. Its fully within thier rights to turn down the invite and totally within thier power to build thier own PTs to get what they want, but do they?
              Sure! I turned down invites to be replacements! Plus, a few RDMs on the board regularly turned down invites to be main healer, right?

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              When someone invites you to a party and you don't do what you're invited for, you're not proving anything, you're just being an ass and giving other RDMs a bad name.
              Can we agree that if a RNG takes an invite but refuses to pull, he'd be an "ass", too? Most people/parties do think RNGs are pullers, after all. (The ones without search comments saying they don't want to pull, that is. Search comment is the "get out of jail" card for all.)

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              People should learn to read search comments.
              That would be nice, wouldn't it?

              * * *

              Anyhow, there is a difference between "Not respecting the someone's wish as stated in search comments," and "Should ask every RNG if it's ok to make him the puller."

              Just so you know, in mid and low level parties without THFs, most RNGs automatically run out after Protectra and Shellra, and starts pulling without a word. In my experience, the only time to ask RNGs about pulling is when the party don't want them to pull, for whatever reason. YMMV.

              * * *

              Stop ignoring contrary evidences: Not all RDMs are whiny pushovers who hate main healing but do it anyway then complain afterwards. Fact is fact; many of us do have our particulars, and we stand fast when we can, and yield when we decide to, with little more than a few quips like "Sure miss the good old days of SC+MB" afterwards.

              Stop mocking RDM as a group of identical weaklings; exaggerating your position in any debate only erodes your credibility. You know all RNGs and CORs are not alike, and wouldn't appreciated if other people lump you with the worst of the worst bunch. Show the same courtesy to RDMs which you would like for RNGs and CORs.

              On more fact: The community expect RNGs to be puller at lower level; unless a particular RNG player declares otherwise, there's little practical need to obtain the RNG's permission before designating him as the puller. (And, yes, again, you are allowed to declare otherwise, and your wish should be respected or else the party should get another person instead.)
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
                Stop ignoring contrary evidences: Not all RDMs are whiny pushovers who hate main healing but do it anyway then complain afterwards. Fact is fact; many of us do have our particulars, and we stand fast when we can, and yield when we decide to, with little more than a few quips like "Sure miss the good old days of SC+MB" afterwards.
                Complaining is complaining and it seems to be the only thing RDMs outside of Murphie, Callisto and a couple others here do. Most people level RDM for the same motive they levelled BRD - merits. And they don't refuse main heal ever, its a handful of these nutty "career" RDMs that object and make the rest of you look bad for it.

                I do happen to know a few RDMs that tap the full potential of the job - they don't sit here and cry, cry, cry making it sound like RDM has it so hard in this game. The job is busy, entails a lot of responsibility - accept it going in or quit.

                I sit here and read posts by Callisto and he treats RDM like any other job he play, I sit here and read rants by MrMageo or others and its like I'm listening to a spoiled brat. It gets old.

                Stop mocking RDM as a group of identical weaklings; exaggerating your position in any debate only erodes your credibility. You know all RNGs and CORs are not alike, and wouldn't appreciated if other people lump you with the worst of the worst bunch. Show the same courtesy to RDMs which you would like for RNGs and CORs.
                Facts are "mocking" now? Damn, I should just stop telling the truth, I might hurt someone's feelings here. How many times did you stop levelling RDM to get what you needed before moving on and how often did others? I think that's a point that distinguishs a player from the rest in his class and those players are few.

                On more fact: The community expect RNGs to be puller at lower level; unless a particular RNG player declares otherwise, there's little practical need to obtain the RNG's permission before designating him as the puller. (And, yes, again, you are allowed to declare otherwise, and your wish should be respected or else the party should get another person instead.)
                Then what the hell have you been arguing about this whole time? "The community sees you as pullers." If you agree with me that a search comment is a declaration of what I expect from my invites and my right to turn them down, then just do it and stop this Devil's Advocate bullshit. Its been my point the whole damn time, whatever other point you're trying to prove is null and void if you accept the search comment bit. The community is always in the wrong if they're not reading the search comment and respecting a player's wishes.

                You know how many times I seek with a friend, how many times the fact that my DNC I'm invited to the PT and my comment is completely ignored just because they see "Oh, a healer, grab it!" My search comment said I was seeking with my friend - package deal.

                And yet, someone I've been seeking with lately is now mocking me for wanting people to respect the intentions behind my search comments. Guess I should stop mentioning them in mine, eh?
                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-10-2008, 05:40 AM.


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  COUGH Ok, let's get this thread back on track people! If you want to discuss the merits of pulling/healing/whatthefuckever then make another thread to do it and KEEP THE FLAMES OFF!

                  If you want to post a peeve related to the game, fine then do it but enough he said/she said.
                  Originally posted by Feba
                  But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                  Originally posted by DakAttack
                  ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    Complaining is complaining and it seems to be the only thing RDMs outside of Murphie, Callisto and a couple others here do. Most people level RDM for the same motive they levelled BRD - merits. And they don't refuse main heal ever, its a handful of these nutty "career" RDMs that object and make the rest of you look bad for it.

                    I do happen to know a few RDMs that tap the full potential of the job - they don't sit here and cry, cry, cry making it sound like RDM has it so hard in this game. The job is busy, entails a lot of responsibility - accept it going in or quit.

                    I sit here and read posts by Callisto and he treats RDM like any other job he play, I sit here and read rants by MrMageo or others and its like I'm listening to a spoiled brat. It gets old.
                    I did not level RDM as a merit job. I levelled RDM as my first to 75, mostly in the CoP era, over the course of about a year, and merits never even crossed my mind until the mid-60s. I got serious in the Dunes when I found it surprisingly fun to be the debuffer ("Wow, status ailments actually work in this game!"). I had a party in Qufim where I was explicitly asked to frontline and enjoyed that too, though it was bittersweet as I knew it'd never happen again since my melee damage was already falling behind at that low a level. I was warned that Refresh made RDM a whole new job that I may or may not like... and I liked that too, given a setup with two to five MP pools out of six members -- which, at the time, meant most parties.

                    I want to debuff in parties again. I want frontline ability that, while not matching a true DD's, is at least good enough that RDM melee in parties isn't so inconceivable that you can't even build a party around it (remember, you need five other people's cooperation to do that, and 75s are stubborn elitists by and large). I want a backline to Refresh. Is all that too much to ask?

                    Yes, I have 20-something merits; no, I didn't get them by playing meleeburn curebot whore. The first few my BLM friend and I got in the early stages of the ToAU era when meleeburn wasn't totally dominant yet. Most of them since I've gotten by duoing with him (sure, it's not wholesale debuffing, but I get to Gravity and Sleep and Haste and Refresh while he gets to blow things up -- and judging by the competition we get, other RDMs and BLMs also find this a suitable compromise). Recently, we've gotten a few in Campaign.

                    Even if I didn't have a BLM for a friend, though, I'd probably rarely seek in this environment; heck, I rarely spend my free alone time seeking in the first place. I'm not in it just for the points. If I were just in it for the points, I'd probably have at least four 75s by now, as opposed to one 75 and one practically accidental 70. (You'd be surprised how far pleas on a small LS for a healer can get you on WHM...)

                    Are you quite satisfied now?

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    You know how many times I seek with a friend, how many times the fact that my DNC I'm invited to the PT and my comment is completely ignored just because they see "Oh, a healer, grab it!" My search comment said I was seeking with my friend - package deal.

                    And yet, someone I've been seeking with lately is now mocking me for wanting people to respect the intentions behind my search comments. Guess I should stop mentioning them in mine, eh?
                    Doesn't sound like much of a friend. Sure, seeking in pairs is an exercise in frustration, particularly if the set isn't a natural pair (try LFG as a BLM + RNG set sometime)... but when whichever friend I'm seeking with or I get the inevitable invites for only one of us, we don't point that frustration at each other.

                    Incidentally, this brings me back on topic. Something else that annoys me on FFXI? People who have no real concept of friendship. The ones who suggest you dump your static partner, or who only put up a "friend" act as long as you're meeting their expectations in endgame, or use "friendship" as an excuse to demand you do work for them. -- Pteryx


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      His "friend" hes referring to is me, and thats fine I don't need him to lvl THF.

                      If hes willing to risk a good friendship over something stupid like "Rangers not pulling" thats fine by me :]
                      62Dancer | 75Corsair | 75Beastmaster | 75Paladin | 75Bard

                      Your resource for FFXI Farming


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        This thread has endured 174 pages and it would be a shame to close it because of a few people who can't follow rules.

                        GET BACK ON TOPIC!

                        Take your dispute to PM's.
                        Originally posted by Feba
                        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                        Originally posted by DakAttack
                        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          My pet peeve in FFXI is everything FFXI has become. I think I've shut down my account for the last time, because ToAU ruined everything.


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            -Warriors who won't take meripo invites unless there is a bard in the party. 8/10 Warriors seeking will have "Burn Party Only" or "Bard Party Please" there are the more uncommon ones who will straight out just say in not-auto translate "Won't party without a bard". It shows how spoiled some Warriors are, /shrug oh well, /invite Samurai.

                            -People who put "LOL" before a job name. "lolPUP / lolDRG" It shows how ignorant people can be towards jobs that aren't as bad as the community turned them out to be. I've had plenty of merit partys with PUP Main healers.

                            -<call> macros: <call> macros are perfectly fine to show the mage's MP to alert the puller or for the puller to alert the party that they are pulling, but to put <call2> whenever a MNKs Boost is ready or a <call3> whenever a WHM cures is just completely unnecessary.

                            -Role Play Macros: i appreciate a provoke macro that looks like this "{Provoke} <t>" simple, gets the point across, but provoke macros like "Get Over Here! <t> You are my current target and it is time to slay thee!" is just completely unnecessary. Don't even get me started on Ninjas who put Naruto phrases in their ninjutsu macros...

                            -Really girly girls(or guys pretending to be girls): OK seriously... not ALL girl gamers make kitty faces, talk about pretty frilly pink things and say "teehee" after everything they say. Im more inclined to beleive your a REAL mithra if you say "hey" when i /wave to you instead of "teehee =^.^= zomg heyazzzz ponies and unicorns and frilly pink loveable teddy bearzzz"

                            Thats all for now ._.
                            62Dancer | 75Corsair | 75Beastmaster | 75Paladin | 75Bard

                            Your resource for FFXI Farming


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Originally posted by Selphiie The Enchantress View Post
                              "teehee =^.^= zomg heyazzzz ponies and unicorns and frilly pink loveable teddy bearzzz"
                              That's going to be my new provoke macro.
                              Ellipses on Fenrir
                              There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                              . . .


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Originally posted by Ellipses View Post
                                That's going to be my new provoke macro.
                                If your going to do that you have to add "" or ":3" somewhere in there
                                62Dancer | 75Corsair | 75Beastmaster | 75Paladin | 75Bard

                                Your resource for FFXI Farming

