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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    1) Ignorant/lazy players - espically those with the mindset that NIN > PLD in all cases no matter what. There's nothing more frustrating when you are tanking for a party only to have a mage say "the PLD is taking too much dmg, get a NIN"... Yes NINs are great tanks (I don't want to hate on NIN so don't get me wrong), but so are PLDs. God forbid you may have to help heal your tank.

    2) People that talk to each other in /shout - hey, cool you found your friend in another party, now find the /tell command...

    3) Anyone that attempts to tell someone else how to do their job better - there is a way to suggest things, whether or not the person follows it is up to them...simply telling someone they play X job bad because they do/don't do something is just plain wrong

    4) People that flip out on the RDM for meleeing - look i agree that a RDM main purpose is to debuff, refresh, backup heal, etc. But hell, if they can manage to do it while meleeing let them. If it affects their performance, then meleeing is a definite no-no.
    My Paladin Oath

    FF Character Quiz


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      I think the main problem wih RDM meleeing is that the DMG they are doing isn't enough to counter the TP they give the mob, in most situations. I usually don't say much about it anyway though as long as they are doing a good job on the other fronts.

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      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Originally posted by Aeni
        PLDs that don't take a knee. Sure, you need all the enmity you can get, but I'm willing to bet one Cure IV bomb on someone in the orange will generate more hate than your fantasically stunning 40dmg Vorpal Blade.

        RNGs who should know better (Multiple merited jobs) still trying to melee on mobs even after patch. Ahaha ... >.>

        CORs who need to take lessons from BRDs on how to use their rolls. No, as a RDM healing for mp, I do not want your Chaos Roll. FFs...

        SAMs who complain about pulling and make a BRD pull. WTF, why are you sporting that Shigeto then and what's the use for Third Eye?

        A SMN knowing full well that he is main healer bringing out his avatars and spamming blood pacts like no tomorrow and I'm subbing BLM because the leader told me to and wanted me to be nuking. >.> Oh, best part is "Convert please. Convert please. Convert please." Lessee, did I miss any patch notes that made Convert a one-minute ability now?

        There's more, but I'll spare the long rant.

        Last pet peeve, the other RDMs that don't refresh DRKs. You know who you are. I've PT'd with many DRKs, both NA and JP who've sent /tells to me saying I was the bomb and the like because I put them into full rotation and not just "when I see a DRK hit 30 mp" bullshit other RDMs state. Most DRKs that I found out actually will use their mp if you refresh them. When they're down to 100 mp, they stop using their mp because they want to conserve it for stuns, not because they're lazy DRKs. You're the ****** ass lazy RDM for allowing any DRK to go under 50% mp pool before refreshing. /endrant
        Lol, On my COR last night I actually had a DRK that complained about giving him MP roll between battles. He sent me a tell "I've got MP roll" and I said, "And?" "Lol, I don't need it" "Sounds like a personal problem". Yet, he kept running back to the mages after every battle.

        Yea.... Alot of CORs dont know how to play their job. At the very least you can EASILY keep 3 rolls on the party and still have more than enough time to DD. Hell, I keep 4 and keep up TP with my wife to SC with her.

        On the topic of making BRD pull. I'm 75 BRD, and honestly, pulling is the most interesting part of my job. I didn't get to start doing it till like 73, but I wish I could have done it earlier.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Lakai
          I think the main problem wih RDM meleeing is that the DMG they are doing isn't enough to counter the TP they give the mob, in most situations. I usually don't say much about it anyway though as long as they are doing a good job on the other fronts.
          I understand this tought, but as a tank I could really care less about the TP they give the mob (if they hit at all). I feel that with that logic, we could all say that PLDs shouldn't be allowed to melee either. Yes hitting the mob does allow us to hold hate better, but (with the exception of Spirits Within) we really don't do any real damage to counter the TP we give the mob as well.

          More than anything that's the main reason why I don't care as a PLD if I see the RDM melee. If he's keeping up with all the other RDM duties and he wants to have a little fun trying to hit the mob, by all means have at it. Sometimes you can get lucky too and see an Enthunder hit paralyze a mob, which if always nice.
          My Paladin Oath

          FF Character Quiz


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            My pet peeves:

            It takes forever and a day to get anything done in this game. I get sick of logging on and not getting to XP because there aren't enough of the mandatory PT members in the right level range to get anything done. Soloing EP sucks as an option, but you do what you have to.

            I just don't have the time that I used to for the FFXI grind. Standing around for hours trying to get a PT together that wont keep crumling because nobody wants to wait for the additional needed members really sucks.

            Outside of that, another thing that drives me nuts is where you run into people who can't skillchain and nobody has the patience in the PT to make them learn. It drives me nuts when people just say to forget about the skillchains because soandso isn't getting it. I say drill them until they get it or kick them from the PT if they dont want to learn. I'm always willing to teach, but I hate it when people want to be lazy to the detriment of the PT.


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Stiker
              More than anything that's the main reason why I don't care as a PLD if I see the RDM melee. If he's keeping up with all the other RDM duties and he wants to have a little fun trying to hit the mob, by all means have at it. Sometimes you can get lucky too and see an Enthunder hit paralyze a mob, which if always nice.
              Enthunder doesn't Paralyze, nor does Shock Spikes.

              En-spells just do elemental damage. Spike Spells have an added effect.

              Ice Spikes causes paralysis IF the BLM or RDM using it is hit. And in EXP, how often is that going to happen with a RDM?

              I don't like RDMs meleeing because they don't understand that there is a radius to mob hate. The closer you are to the mob curing or nuking, the more likely the mob is going to turn off the tank and start wailing on you.

              Don't believe me? Go level Beastmaster and see for yourself. Having a pet tank and keep hate is a very delicate situation. Pets can't provoke, so if you are in close proximity to your pet and the mob its fighting, the smallest Cure or even Dia can rip hate right off them.

              I suppose this leads to another set up pet peeves.

              Good Samaritians who try to heal Beastmasters

              Its a hassle enough to go to EXP in places EXP PTs are not and its something I do out of respect for other players EXP per hour.

              I don't need help. I wouldn't be playing BST if I wanted help. Don't Cure me, ever, period. It destroys all the effort put into getting my pet to tank and it starts to wail on you. I have to almost always enable /blockaid to prevent this now.

              The only think a BST ever wants from a passerby is Raise - that's about it.

              BSTs who get PLed

              Other jobs that get PLed get slightly hindered in the ability to do their jobs. BST gets hindered 100 percent by actively accepting/seeking PLs. Just about every dynamic of the job that you could have learned goes to waste.

              Common cop-out is "Its just for Wings of Fury."

              Well, Enjoy losing a ton of seals to Wings of Fury. The PL won't be there to save you.

              Noob soloists/Lack of solo etiquette

              Yes Valkrum Dunes is where you went to EXP at level 15 - in EXP PTs. Its not a place to solo, farm to EXP your NPC (NPCs start out at level 30, WTF). BLUs, RDMs, and BSTs I'm looking right at you, kids.

              Here's how its done, go look up alternate EXP zones of a comprable level, this way, EXP PTs don't bitch at you for EXPing on their mobs. Go somewhere else to get your EXP/NPC levels/Enemy Skills.

              Here's another option, if you must stay in a common EXP PT zone - EXP on things the EXP PTs are not. Think yin/yang. The EXP PTs will appreciate that.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
                Enthunder doesn't Paralyze, nor does Shock Spikes.

                En-spells just do elemental damage. Spike Spells have an added effect.
                Maybe I have it confused with those stunning the mob. I have definitely been in a party and seen this happen with Enthunder. Plus I've also been unable to act in battle due to being hit with Shock Spikes before.
                My Paladin Oath

                FF Character Quiz


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Maybe I have it confused with those stunning the mob. I have definitely been in a party and seen this happen with Enthunder
                  Shock Spikes stuns, Enthunder does not.


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by Stiker
                    Maybe I have it confused with those stunning the mob. I have definitely been in a party and seen this happen with Enthunder. Plus I've also been unable to act in battle due to being hit with Shock Spikes before.
                    Shock Spikes give a chance at stunning the person that gets hit with it (After they hit you of course) Ice Spikes does it with paralyze.

                    En-spells don't cause status effects at all (Been soloing on RDM a lot lately and I can attest to this)


                    It doesn't matter whether the BRD can do it or not, simply a matter of principle that if someone who is usually called to do so starts to complain about it. Like a RNG that said he doesn't want to pull. Yer a RNG, that's your job. Don't want to do it? /kick


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      OK thanks for clearing that issue up everyone.
                      My Paladin Oath

                      FF Character Quiz


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by Aeni
                        Shock Spikes give a chance at stunning the person that gets hit with it (After they hit you of course) Ice Spikes does it with paralyze.

                        En-spells don't cause status effects at all (Been soloing on RDM a lot lately and I can attest to this)


                        It doesn't matter whether the BRD can do it or not, simply a matter of principle that if someone who is usually called to do so starts to complain about it. Like a RNG that said he doesn't want to pull. Yer a RNG, that's your job. Don't want to do it? /kick
                        Honestly, alot of SAMs dont really know they are pullers as well. How often is a SAM forced to pull? Usually you have a RNG or THF to do this. Now if the SAM had a ranged weapon, and still refused /kick. But I mean, if he geniuenly did not know he might be expected to pull then there's no problem. When you start playing SMN you probably wont know that you may have to pull sometimes. When I was first asked to pull as a BRD i was like... ummm.... no? Then someone pointed out to me that's it's more beneificul to the party for me to pull because it doesn't take away from the damage that the DD is doing.


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Omgwtfbbq kitten please don't take this as a flame but i have to disagree with some of your peeves.

                          By your signature I can see that you're still at a stage where pet hate is INCREDIBLY unstable ^^, and whilst your partially correct about the hate range, its more a case of either being within the hate circle or outside of it. Theres not an inbetween.

                          As for BST's using common xp spots, thats fine. Party xp spots often offer great BST xp too. No its not alright for a BST to turn up and ruin a party's xp that was there before, nor is it ok for a party to do the same to the bst.
                          But in the end, normal xp partys often have ALOT more options than a BST for effective XP spots.

                          As for some peeves;

                          1) People who shout for help with something from people when they don't meet their own set requirements. E.g. a level 50 something shouting for help from 70+ ONLY for a mission or quest, or a level 75 Melee trying to gather 5 BLM or SMN only to zerg a BC for them.

                          2) Just blatant lack of respect for other people.


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
                            I don't like RDMs meleeing because they don't understand that there is a radius to mob hate. The closer you are to the mob curing or nuking, the more likely the mob is going to turn off the tank and start wailing on you.
                            I guess I don't mind them meleing so much as long as their not gimping their spellcasting abilities and their already limited mana pool by subbing war/monk/ninja (Levels 25-39)
                            Seeing yet another Redmage/ninja drives me up the wall. Ninja is a nice job, but it is not the best sub for everything.
                            As long as the rdm isn't main healer they can get away with a little added hate since it's the blackmage, monk, and whitemage that usually gets the mob peeling off.

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
                            Good Samaritians who try to heal Beastmasters

                            Its a hassle enough to go to EXP in places EXP PTs are not and its something I do out of respect for other players EXP per hour.

                            I don't need help. I wouldn't be playing BST if I wanted help. Don't Cure me, ever, period. It destroys all the effort put into getting my pet to tank and it starts to wail on you. I have to almost always enable /blockaid to prevent this now.

                            The only think a BST ever wants from a passerby is Raise - that's about it.
                            If I run across a person who is getting their but kicked while I'm riding through the zone as a whm I will generally throw protect II, Shell II and a few cures, wait a little to make sure the mob is not following me and then leave. (Me deciding I'll do this for everyone, but the Beastmasters would to me, be just showing hate toward the job) The beastmasters are usually quite appreciative of a save just like any other job. The ones with JP characters in their bazar tend to /bow and the NA usually either /bow or /tell thanks. Blockaid is definately the way to go if you don't want it and some players (Various jobs) do this. I shrug and keep going throwing random protects at people in the zone since I'm now on foot.

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
                            Noob soloists/Lack of solo etiquette

                            Here's how its done, go look up alternate EXP zones of a comprable level, this way, EXP PTs don't bitch at you for EXPing on their mobs. Go somewhere else to get your EXP/NPC levels/Enemy Skills.
                            I agree completely about the solo exping. If I'm soliong somewhere I'm not likely to be hunting IT's so I can more safely navigate zones that would be hostile for lower level parties. (There is always some risk if the mobs are XPable but thats just part of the fun)

                            One thing to add on ingame anoyances. Actually this trend just confuses me
                            People in a starter zone /anon when they still have the ? showing me they haven't reached level 6 yet. Come on I don't care what your mad skilz are noone is going to hound you for pt's or other assistance when your a subless 1-5 level character.


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              1. Single word macros from mages that don't tell me if they have the status, or they're casting the status. Just saying in party chat {Dia} will end up with an Erase coming your way a second later. (Though I will admit that after the first time I'll know the macro, still, it's a pet peeve.)

                              2. A little wierd pet peeve is that I don't mind people telling me if they have a status effect on them, but I don't like it when they ask for it the second it's on. Sheesh, can I get a little casting time please?

                              3. If getting silenced will kill you, please bring echo drops.
                              The last remaining evil white mage on Ramuh.
                              Killing tanks since 2004

                              Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey
                              "I can picture in my mind a world without war,
                              a world without hate.
                              And I can picture us attacking that world,
                              because they'd never expect it."


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Originally posted by Taskmage
                                Too many people in the same place and not enough oxygen between them.

                                Yap My biggest

                                Originally posted by Spinnthrift

                                4: Non adventurers.

                                Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
                                Serpheroth, Seperoth, Seferoth, Siferoph, Setheroth, Seferoph, Xsepherothx, Xxsephirofxx, etc.

                                I dont even have people like thuis as friends...
                                It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                                それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                                A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                                BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage

