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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by Sevv View Post
    Lol Clyus is in my endgame shell =x
    Note the different spellings: Clyus vs Cylus...

    Perhaps Sevv's was a type-o, perhaps not. I just wanted to bring it to your attention.

    WHM99 - RDM99 - WAR99 - BRD99 - MNK99 - BLM99 - DNC99 - SCH 99 - BST 99
    WorldSlayers ~ Asura


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by 711rocks View Post
      i had a party vs trolls once
      I first read that as a party with trolls.

      Originally posted by Truece View Post
      Note the different spellings: Clyus vs Cylus...
      Perhaps Sevv's was a type-o, perhaps not. I just wanted to bring it to your attention.
      Ya, Sevv can't actually type correctly.

      Anyway, my irritation. No help. It is becoming seemingly impossible to find help for things. I was even starting to offer gil for a tank to help with Windy 9-2 and still nothing.

      Yes I know that 9-2 isn't open to everyone, but in the hours we were shouting with a gil reward, someone who has access walked into the Whitegate.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Personally, I'm getting a bit annoyed by a total inability to do Assault ... I even ended up in a PT for Besieged, and after they went to do an Assault and didn't want me as WHM67. I was lucky enough to do ONE assault so far, when somebody did a level-capped one for a change...


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
          Should have said this earlier ...
          It could have been this guy doing something like, "/em examines you." and then putting that in /say to piss off a wide range of people. People do that sometimes just to be assholes.
          Regardless, he's an asshole, so I guess it really doesn't matter.
          Nah cylus would make the comment about someone.

          Originally posted by Truece View Post
          Note the different spellings: Clyus vs Cylus...
          Perhaps Sevv's was a type-o, perhaps not. I just wanted to bring it to your attention.
          Nah I just can't spell his name right ever.

          Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
          Ya, Sevv can't actually type correctly.
          ^- correct
          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Today's Pet Peeve is brought to you by the complete lack of party invites on Kujata!

            Seriously, I don't get it. I've gotten more duo invites than anything else. But why would I team up in Qufim to duo, when everything is already EP to me, and I'm barely getting any exp for them as it is? This way at least I get to keep all of my drops.

            Plus, if I'm duoing with some random, I can't get a party invite!

            Good times.
            Pet peeve posts have the power to work miracles! I got a party invite (JP) just a few minutes after posting this. :O

            Of course, it may not pan out, but we'll see.
            Last edited by Murphie; 10-19-2007, 05:13 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              lol Murphie

              My Pet peeve is noone will randomly send me all their Gil!

              ....still waiting....


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                I will send all my gil to whomever is named Bautier on this server. Maybe you will get it!


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?


                  Best get transferring!


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    My stupid, clumsy fingers. Always getting in the way and crap.

                    This time around, I'm trying to train myself to use the (customized compact layout) keyboard only instead of controller + keyboard. Yumpin' yimminy. Walk forward, turn left a bit, adjust camera up and to the right, fire a macro, and start attacking should not take ten whole seconds.
                    Ellipses on Fenrir
                    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                    . . .


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                      I will send all my gil to whomever is named Raydeus on this server.

                      Originally posted by Ellipses View Post
                      My stupid, clumsy fingers. Always getting in the way and crap.

                      This time around, I'm trying to train myself to use the (customized compact layout) keyboard only instead of controller + keyboard. Yumpin' yimminy. Walk forward, turn left a bit, adjust camera up and to the right, fire a macro, and start attacking should not take ten whole seconds.
                      Are you playing using a laptop? I prefer full keyboard over compact because using the num pad to move and target is so much easier.
                      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                        Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                        I will send all my gil to whomever is not named Raydeus on this server. Maybe you will get it!
                        Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                          Are you playing using a laptop? I prefer full keyboard over compact because using the num pad to move and target is so much easier.
                          No, I'm playing on a full keyboard. I just don't like the full layout because it means having to take my hands away from home row position. And also because all key commands have to use alt or ctrl under full layout (so I can't have useful target left/right/up/down keys under my fingers, for example).
                          Ellipses on Fenrir
                          There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                          . . .


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
                            Aka... <_<

                            Originally posted by Ellipses View Post
                            No, I'm playing on a full keyboard. I just don't like the full layout because it means having to take my hands away from home row position. And also because all key commands have to use alt or ctrl under full layout (so I can't have useful target left/right/up/down keys under my fingers, for example).
                            Oh I see, maybe I should give that a try. But I don't know if I'd be able to survive without the numpad. >_<
                            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              I tried using the keyboard to play, I just couldn't make my fingers make it work.
                              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                              ~I has a blog~~
                              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                                Aka... <_<
                                What? all I did was stare at Fran until my ps2 control spazzed and ended it chucking it to the floor <_<

                                Oh and another peeve >_>
                                No one invites thfs anymore ;_; How am I supposed to get exp back if i can't get a party ;_; Curse you Dynamis - Xarcabard!
                                Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi

