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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    How about people who don't know what jobs can do? Or people who play their job really badly?

    I'm in a party and I'm playing my COR. Sure, some of my gear should have been updated by now, but I'm still doing really well. We also have a RDM in the party.

    Whom responds about once every five minutes.

    The mages are asking for refresh every time it wears, and it takes him a while to put it back on. The melee (as well as myself) have to scream at him to use dispel. He doesn't respond much faster.

    After a while, I start getting really annoyed with this guy. I don't remember what started the time out, but finally I asked him WTF his problem was (Okay, okay, I was a lot more polite than that...) and he said he was fine. I point out his slow responses and he says he's doing a better refresh job than me.

    He must have been confusing my constant (and I mean CONSTANT o.o) Evoker's Roll with his own Refresh spell. I point out he's wrong and he ignores me like he's deaf.

    So I confront his dispelling, and tell him if he can't do any better I'll have to take over his job for him. He says I can't dispel.

    Next fight he probably decided to dispel faster just to make me look bad, but I had a quicker reflex than he did. Beetle uses Rhino Shield, I immediately dispel it with my nice little Dark Shot ability I've had for a long time now. He casts dispel, and it takes no effect. He didn't make a remark but I'm pretty sure he was thinking "WTF?!"

    Suddenly, I notice that the WAR in the party has given me leader. I search the server and I happen to find a JP RDM that's willing to join, and I pause the party again to try and give the RDM one last chance. As I had guessed, he didn't respond.

    He seemed to be AWOL last couple of fights anyway.

    (Eiyoko) Going once...
    (Eiyoko) Going twice...
    /pcmd kick reallybadrdm

    The party got a kick out of it, no pun intended. The new RDM arrives, and the old RDM stands there idle for quite a while.

    In that very same party, the tank keeps dying because the BLM ants seem to be Ancient-Magic happy that day or something. He starts blaming it on where we're partying and he says he's going to quit if he dies again. It's his fault he's not playing his job all that well, but that's besides the point. He pulls an attitude for a while, says something quite rude to me, and he gets booted. Sorry, man, but you're a tank. If you don't want to die more than other jobs play another job. He gets replaced with a JP Paladin (I have no idea, there were quite a few JPs around that night O.o) I scored two or three levels that night before we all left.

    The Moral of the Story: Just because a job gets quick invites doesn't mean it's an easy job to play.

    It doesn't mean you can slack off at it either.

    Note: I like Paladin tanks. And I like Red Mages too. But I hate Paladins and Red Mages that don't know what they're doing.

    Edit: Page 117 ftw


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Considering I'm on unknown suspension and was unable to play tonight... I read thru this ENTIRE thread. ...from page 1 to 117. Took a while. >.> Anyways...

      1) People who have made it to 45+ and still have no idea how to play their job. ...or play it poorly on purpose.
      -- Partying blm the other night (47ish I think.) We had an rdm who refreshed nobody but himself. Not me, not the whm, not the pld, not the drk, NOBODY. Typically with stuff like refresh, despite the fact it's their job I don't demand anything. I ask brd's for the INT etude in tell, but make it explicitly clear that if they have more important things to do, not to worry about it, and that I'll be fine. Now if he had been busy main healing, enfeebling etc, I wouldn't have been so bothered. Now I've heard rumors that Bio and Dia stack after a recent update, but I haven't verified it. A fight would start. ...his typical actions during party: Refresh (himself) >> Dia >> Bio >> Dia II >> Bio II >> Aero II >> Aero II >> Aero II >> Aero II >> etc... until whatever we were fighting was dead. He'd then rest. Next fight, same thing. After a rather nasty double link on ants, both the whm and I were near empty on mp. After an hour, finally said "{Refresh} {Please}"
      He refreshed himself (despite having full mp) and knelt down. --

      2) People who refuse to party at lower levels with those who don't have subjobs.
      --We all didn't have a subjob at one point in time. Repeatedly I've been invited to a low-mid teens party and seen from the leader, "only seeking has no subjob {No, Thanks.}"

      3) /NIN ONRY!
      --Parties, meripo whatever. ...if it's so good why doesn't everbody sub ninja from 24 on. Overcrowding in typical party spots anyways keeps chains low anyways for my drg 1-75. You say mp sponge cuz I'm /war. I say you're lazy for not wanting to drop below 600 mp at any time. You want fast kills? Let me go /war and deal as much damage as I can. You do your job and cure. This somewhat ties to four.

      4) ToAU PARTY ONLY!
      -- Decide with LS to have a nice little LS Meripo party. Blu/nin, Sam/war, Mnk/war, another Blu/nin, Rdm/whm and me as Drg/Blu. Both blues complain because after checking the mire, Bhaflau Thickets and Mamool Ja S.P., they were just overcrowded, that we had to go to Bibiki Bay. We got down there, and there was NO competition for mobs. Roaming, with no care for links, we were getting chain 12-13 easily. But both blu's kept saying over and over and over, "This place sucks. I hate this place. Let's go to Aht Urghan. This place blows." we end up going to Greater Colibri. Between the two parties on the 2nd level, and us and a second on the lowest level... mmm... chain 5 rocks.

      5) Meripo Mob Holding.
      -- Same party, Greater Colibri. I understand the nasty desire to want chain 800 for huge merit points. But there is no reason that your brd needs to have up to 6 (Yes 6) slept mobs at a time. Mobs do respawn, but don't be a mob-wh*re.

      Last one:
      6) Running off Solo players.
      -- This happened CONSTANTLY while soloin' Drg/blu. My chief exp from 60-65 was Lesser Colibri. 65-68 was Puks. 68-72 was Colibri. I would scout typical camps, because they are commonly leveled at. Worst cast was I had been out in Bhaflau Thickets where NOBODY had even come around for 2 hours. I was 2k from hitting 72. A party shows up. Decides this is where they are camping. So close to leveling, been there forever. So I keep killing colibri. Not 30 seconds later four tells pop in, all give or take: "Hey, you're killing our mobs, you wanna f*ck off?" No, I'm not in a party. Yes I'm 72, but I'm chaining to 5 and getting great exp. I'll leave when I level, but not until. Solo Bst, solo Pup, Solo Drg have a right to exp if they want to. ...but it goes both ways. I hate parties deciding they have more right to a camp than me. the same time if a party has a camp, and a solo player just rolls in and starts killing, it's just wrong.

      There ya go.
      Last edited by DeebsTundra; 10-07-2007, 02:09 AM.


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Originally posted by DeebsTundra View Post
        3) /NIN ONRY!
        --Parties, meripo whatever. ...if it's so good why doesn't everbody sub ninja from 24 on. Overcrowding in typical party spots anyways keeps chains low anyways for my drg 1-75. You say mp sponge cuz I'm /war. I say you're lazy for not wanting to drop below 600 mp at any time. You want fast kills? Let me go /war and deal as much damage as I can. You do your job and cure. This somewhat ties to four.
        I know you were being sarcastic, but there are reasons why you're asked to sub /NIN in meripo. If you can't see that...


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Eiyoko View Post

          In that very same party, the tank keeps dying because the BLM ants seem to be Ancient-Magic happy that day or something. He starts blaming it on where we're partying and he says he's going to quit if he dies again. It's his fault he's not playing his job all that well, but that's besides the point. He pulls an attitude for a while, says something quite rude to me, and he gets booted. Sorry, man, but you're a tank. If you don't want to die more than other jobs play another job. He gets replaced with a JP Paladin (I have no idea, there were quite a few JPs around that night O.o) I scored two or three levels that night before we all left.
          First, I'm assuming that your war was the tank, so I'll go off that.

          It doesn't matter how well he does his job. If the blm Ants are killing him, it's NOT HIS FAULT. He can't heal himself, he can't debuff the BLM, and he can't buff himself. It's the main healer's and debuffer's job to make sure he doesn't die down there. Mainly, to make sure the enemy dies before it can do too much damage. Yes, a PLD (with echo screens and juice) is better called for in this case, but with a WAR tank, it's all about HP. If he kept dying, yes he was doing his job. He probably* knew it better than 90% of the WARs I see. But there's a point where other party members are responsible for doing THEIR jobs to keep him alive long enough to obliterate the enemy. A freaking BLM ant should go down fast. I hope you were increasing damage rather than playing with party HP/MP rates.

          *Unless he was a WAR/NIN... in which case at that level (I assume before 50), he deserved whatever he got.


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Originally posted by Taermus View Post
            First, I'm assuming that your war was the tank, so I'll go off that.

            End of the post made it pretty clear it was a PLD

            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Not so much a pet peeve, but something that often leaves me scratching my head:

              Why is it that Galka players, when confronted with penis(or lack thereof) jokes, they launch into a tirade?
              "Hey, this ain't a tail, I just tucked my junk to the back,"
              "I'm hung like a mule buddy, it's just tucked into my slops!"

              Come on fellas, quit deluding yourselves. You chose a job that not only lacks a penis, but lacks any gender to specify whatsoever. Therefore, you are rendered defenseless before all phallic cracks made at you, and are in no position to proclaim masculinity.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                You mean "race," but I know what you mean, nonetheless.
                Originally posted by Armando
                No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                Originally posted by Armando
                Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                Originally posted by Taskmage
                GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                Originally posted by Taskmage
                However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                Matthew 16:15


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
                  Not so much a pet peeve, but something that often leaves me scratching my head:
                  Why is it that Galka players, when confronted with penis(or lack thereof) jokes, they launch into a tirade?
                  "Hey, this ain't a tail, I just tucked my junk to the back,"
                  "I'm hung like a mule buddy, it's just tucked into my slops!"
                  Come on fellas, quit deluding yourselves. You chose a job that not only lacks a penis, but lacks any gender to specify whatsoever. Therefore, you are rendered defenseless before all phallic cracks made at you, and are in no position to proclaim masculinity.
                  Galka are basically counted as male. We are restricted to male only gear and can not marry with other male characters. If we are not, I want my Lilac Corsage and Wedding dress damn it.

                  What about the Shadowlord (forgetting his Galkan name) and Cordelia? Did they not have a romantic relationship? Just because Galka are reincarnated, doesn't mean we don't have a penis.

                  "The absense of evidence is not the evidence of absense."


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by Auron517 View Post
                    What about the Shadowlord (forgetting his Galkan name) and Cordelia? Did they not have a romantic relationship?
                    romantic relationships aren't always physical

                    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      See what I mean? Denial. In about every Galka player.


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by Auron517 View Post
                        Galka are basically counted as male. We are restricted to male only gear and can not marry with other male characters. If we are not, I want my Lilac Corsage and Wedding dress damn it.
                        What about the Shadowlord (forgetting his Galkan name) and Cordelia? Did they not have a romantic relationship? Just because Galka are reincarnated, doesn't mean we don't have a penis.
                        "The absense of evidence is not the evidence of absense."
                        : I always say the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
                        : What?
                        : Simply because you don't have evidence that something does exist does not mean that you have evidence that something doesn't exist.
                        : What?
                        : What country you from?
                        : What?
                        : "What" ain't no country I ever heard of. They speak english in "What"?
                        : What?
                        : ENGLISH, MUTHAFUCKER!! DO YOU SPEAK IT!?
                        : Yeah
                        : So you understand the words I'm sayin' to you.
                        : Yeah
                        : Well what I'm sayin' is that there are known knowns and that there are known unknowns but there's also unknown unknowns. Things we don't know that we don't know.
                        : What?

                        Not that I have any stack in the arguement, I just wanted to say that. XD
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
                          romantic relationships aren't always physical
                          I'm going to point out that Galka have tails and let that burn into your imaginations.


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Mithra have tails too. Also, lizards. I'm not sure what any of that means.


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
                              romantic relationships aren't always physical
                              I agree, I never said they had to be physical. I just said they had a romantic relationship...between a male and a female.

                              Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
                              See what I mean? Denial. In about every Galka player.
                              I'm not in denial about anything. It's just ignorant to say that Galka aren't male, when they obviously are considered males in the game.

                              When I click on the Stats button in menu, it says "Race: Galka male". Once again, there may not be female Galka, but how does that rule out the possibility of a penis?
                              Last edited by Auron517; 10-07-2007, 07:12 PM.


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Raogrimm has a perfectly functional tongue, which is really all Cornelia is likely to be concerned with.

