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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    - New players that ask for advice then expect you to hold their hand through the rest of the game. I love new players but when they ask how to do something and they're told, they should attempt it themselves instead of expecting everyone to drop what they're doing to do it for them.

    - "I'm bored." This really ticks me off. There are hundreds of things to do in this game yet there's always people complaining about being bored. My Ramuh LS ended up like this a lot so I took it upon myself to create some fun events for everyone to just hang out and do together. Out of 30 people, only 6 showed up. During the event I worked hard to plan, those same people that complained about being bored were complaining about being bored without even attempting to join the six of us that went out to do the event.

    - Gimps. Yes, underleveled subs bother me but there's a type of gimp that bothers me even more then that. The worst gimps, in my opinion, are those that will go 20-30 levels without updating some of their key pieces of gear to make them better. For example, I landed in a party a while back which had me as BLM and another BLM. I checked the other BLM to see if he had anything I might've missed in terms of equipment and I was shocked. Onyx Earrings, Windurst Ring and Shell Ring, Heki Obi+1, Brass Hairpin, Justice Badge and a Hermit's Wand. He did at least have the NQ of Seer's Gear on. I did a /sea for him a week or two later and he was closing in on level 70 while I was still stuck at level 42 because I deleveled because of his over-nuking.

    - "Bio and Dia now stack as of 2 updates ago." This is something I have been hearing for over 2 years now and yet I still can't find the updates for. When I play a job, I do all the research I can on how to do it well. That includes rereading previous updates so I don't get surprised by some change SE cooked up. And every argument has it as "it happened 2 updates ago" but I shut them up by asking them to point me in the direction of the update since I can't seem to find it anywhere on the POL site.

    - My husband. I swear, this man is going to drive me to drink if he keeps this up. First, he constantly asks me for advice on gear and weapons on Jobs I've never even touched before. When he hit level 50 MNK, he had the nerve to ask me which weapons would be best for him. This is just one small beef I have with him. There's also his farming luck. Every morning, I wake up and see him playing. Not a bad thing, gives me a chance to catch up on emails and such. But to wake up and hear "Hey hun. I killed 3 NMs this morning and got all their drops." every morning is enough to make me want to aggro my frying pan to his face. I'm lucky if I even get to see the name of an NM, let alone take one on.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Taruun
      Also.. don't emote sexual things... had a party in the dunes where the mithra was emoting /snuggles up to you.
      /gives you a kiss.
      /smiles sexily at you.
      Every. Battle. Seriously. Do you WANT sexual harrassment from the teenage boys who play?
      I'm catching up, and this may have already been mentioned, but.... that mithra probably IS a teenage boy!

      Double Post Edited:
      Originally posted by Caspian
      I always took it mean either rolling your eyes, or I've used it in sequence of:
      Like I'm looking both ways because I just said or did something really stupid and want to see if anyone else noticed.
      In addition, I've seen it used (and used it) as a way of implying "I wonder if I could murder you in your sleep and get away with it."
      Last edited by jiral; 06-23-2006, 11:48 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Originally posted by Kittykunoichi
        People who can't stop for a moment and go explore Vana'diel. Thats what all those artists and deseigners worked on! Let's go out and enjoy it. Yes I'd rather go relax and craft in Sanctuary of Zi'Tah than level with idiots for 5 hours on end.
        Craft? In the Sanctuary? Yeeeeees. Its pretty with nice music!
        YESSS!!!! Zi'tah must have one the best pieces of music in this game.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          My in-game pet peeve: people who overuse the phrases "onry" and "ftw". I've seen some players in LS chat who like to throw those phrases out every other sentence. Seriously. Give me a break!

          My forum pet peeve: poorly chosen thread titles. A title such as "I have a question" aren't helpful for determining what the thread is about. Instead, put the question itself in the thread title! Incomplete thread titles also drive me nuts. You know, it's those thread titles like, "Have you ever..." or "How do you get...". I want to be able to scan thread titles and figure out which threads interest me.
          lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
          Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
          Fishing 60

          Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
          Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
          Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
          Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Pet peeves, eh?

            First and foremost, people who want everything but don't want to do anything to get it. They want sky access, but they want YOU to get it for them, for example.

            People who want to blitz CoP missions. Ugh. How many unprepared, backstabbing noobish jerks have I had to suffer on these. They want to fight the boss, but they're too chicken to face any other mob in the area. Yeah, rather than face the monsters, let's try to avoid the true sight mobs and link as many as possible in the process. SE doesn't put the monster there if it can't be beaten people, just f'n KILL IT... the BCNM will still be there, trust me.

            People who just won't help with BCNMs - "I have no seals" yet they'll loiter about Jeuno all day. "Its not the one I want to do" but its the one I happen to NEED. People seem to get really, really selfish when it comes to BCNMs.

            People who value their level/EXP - TAKE RAISE 1, please. Sitting and crying for R3 while Kirin, Tiamat or what have you is eating your friends is not gonna help the alliance get a win. Stop thinking of yourself and take one for the team, you pantywaist. Its not a RDM, PLD or BRD's fault you don't buffer EXP before a big fight.

            Job elitiests - You make this game a miserable experience for those who want to have fun. All jobs have a purpose, all jobs have a role to play.

            People who say "orz" and "onry" all the time. It wasn't funny last year, it wasn't funny in 2004, its not funny now. You're not funny and no one is laughing at, with or near you.


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              People who think pullers get mobs out of some magic box that never empties. The fact that we killed everything is GOOD, dammit. 7k an hour is VERY GOOD. Let me get a drink, take a whiz, and the mobs will respawn, and we'll get another several chains.

              People who camp on top of you.

              Then, complain about you pulling "their" mobs.

              People who don't take the opportunity to go afk when everyone else does, instead waiting until they all get back.

              People who don't realize that many jobs change drastically from one set of levels to another. Subs, equipment types, otherwise.

              People who "won't invite you if..." Like I'm there to impress them. Oh, no, I don't have an Juggernaut. Get me one or shut up. Won't invite me? Like I live to pt with you? Get over yourself.


              The fact I suck at fishing. Nobody's fault but my own.

              People who don't know that by being in my hometown, I can get to the campsite (or anywhere) faster. Outposts, people. Outposts. Why am I coming to Jeuno, just to waste a warp cudgel charge? No thanks.

              Windurst does not have an "h."

              Someone already mentioned it, but "Craig." Craig is some guy. Where we are going is a "Crag."

              A lot of things people already mentioned.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Originally posted by LyonheartLakshmi
                My forum pet peeve: poorly chosen thread titles. A title such as "I have a question" aren't helpful for determining what the thread is about. Instead, put the question itself in the thread title! Incomplete thread titles also drive me nuts. You know, it's those thread titles like, "Have you ever..." or "How do you get...". I want to be able to scan thread titles and figure out which threads interest me.
                But you did answer my question Lyonheart, even though the title of my thread was "Another 'Newb' question." At least you aren't being so annoyed by it that you wouldn't help a "Newb".
                Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb. - Dark Helmet


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Windurst does not have an "h."
                  Ah yes I forgot that. Thank you.
                  Originally posted by Ellipses
                  Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                  Originally posted by MCLV
                  A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                  More Sig:


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    7: People who use LS's as stepping stones to get them somewhere else. That truly ticks me off.


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                      7: People who use LS's as stepping stones to get them somewhere else. That truly ticks me off.
                      Funny how they're also the same people who usually don't have the initiative to get things done for themselves, but don't mind finding as many people as possible to use.


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
                        Funny how they're also the same people who usually don't have the initiative to get things done for themselves, but don't mind finding as many people as possible to use.
                        I've found this to be very true (regardless of MMO). I'm sometimes shocked at how bold some people are with the help requests, and then they move on as soon as they get what they want, and no one seems to realize that they just got used.


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          -Getting into a party, and just KNOWING that that party isn't going to go anywhere for the next 1 to 2 hours, but you really wanted to party, and hope you somehow pull through.... then it ends up exactly like your gut called it in the first place.

                          I think, common to most of these parties, the leader does things sloooooooowly (responding to comments, sending invites to a high-demand job that just popped on the search list, and so forth), and you were the first person he or she invited. Then the inevitable 'I can't find X job.' , and you just go aaaarrgh... but you don't want to be rude... so you wait... anyway, yeah, I'm sure everyone's had parties like that.

                          Here's one that's been popping up disturbingly often for myself

                          -Okay, someone's shouting for help with something. Through one way or another, they /tell you asking for help (nicely), and you agree. The peeve part hasn't come up yet. Then, you ask if anyone else is helping, as the party's pretty small. They say 'yeah, I have a group that wants to do this too, and we're going to alliance.'

                          Okay, here's the peeve part: So the to-be-allianced party comes and meets your party, and get allianced, the party leader says 'okay, we're ready, let's go...' ... Then the allianced party says something like "Okay, cool, but first, we just have to get our PartyMemberX his BLM AF hat, we'll be done really quick."

                          WHAT? HUH?! Why on earth did you agree to help the other party leader in the first place if you had stuff to do?! Getting your Final AF Quest done isn't a 'really quick' process compared to other things like throwing some ramen on the stove for dinner, going to the WC, ordering a Pizza, and what have you.

                          To finish the story, we got to Bedeaux (Coffer Key hunting party), traversed all the way to the crosshairs shaped area with the doors that all the key hunting parties use, and managed to get 2 coffer keys (which was all our party needed) before they even got done getting back to Jeuno. The BLM AF getting party decided that 'they'd get the coffer key they needed later.' and disbanded. Oi.
                          Wevrain - Shiva


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by PTT
                            To finish the story, we got to Bedeaux (Coffer Key hunting party), traversed all the way to the crosshairs shaped area with the doors that all the key hunting parties use, and managed to get 2 coffer keys (which was all our party needed) before they even got done getting back to Jeuno. The BLM AF getting party decided that 'they'd get the coffer key they needed later.' and disbanded. Oi.
                            This reminds me of the time I got a group of folks together for my Tavnaizan Bell for WHM. I shouted for folks to come and Skill Up, and eventually I got several folks (who were nice enough to grab a few friends) to join, and we set off for Eldieme.

                            Unfortunately, once there they seemed to completely forget about the fact that we were there for a Bell in addition to skillups. They ran way ahead (far from the bell droppers), shouted at me to heal them (not even the BLMs would cure themselves), and got me killed three times. Then they suddenly all had something to do and warped out. It was the worst FFXI experience I'd ever had. I was so angry.

                            Later on a RDM friend of mine came back, and we duo'd the Bell dropping Shadows and eventually got one for me.^^


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              People who sing up for events and don't even show up.

                              I have to admit though I have been guilty of doing this twice but they were both for rl reasons and I had no access to internet at the time.


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Oi papi, there are many. I'll keep them to a minimum.

                                1. Why so many activites are more reliant on luck then skill. Example: Lebros Cavern Assault - if you win or lose is dependant on how fast the mines drop off the mobs.

                                2. Why 99% of CoP activities require items recieved by venturing into the heart of darkness and spending hours on end there, killing mobs in a mind-blowing tedium fashion.

                                3. When so many people use too many abbriviations to the point where you can never understand what they're saying. Example: lol k omw 2 u @ dunes sve pt spt 4 me kk??

                                That is all. For now.

