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Why would you want to be /anon?

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  • #16
    Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

    Ok....a better question would be: why do drgs go anon? A friend drg of mine is ALWAYS, I mean ALWAYS anon. She must really be a private person.


    • #17
      Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

      Originally posted by Atma
      Heck, I seem to get more invites when I'm not seeking on rdm then when I am.
      Yeah, me too! I guess they think if a rdm has to put up their party flag to get an invite they must have a terrible rep.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #18
        Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

        As WHM, I get raise requests from all around the world, regardless of where I am or where they are. (Eastern Altepa to Aqueducts in Tavnazia, past a locked gate is my recent record for furthest away request.)

        Teleport requests are a given... I get them even when I have a search comment up saying I won't teleport people. (Oh, and if you ask a WHM to teleport you and they decline. Do not insist that they set their HP there just to teleport you. That gets annoying.)

        On SMN I get avatar fight offers, quite a few wanting me to solo the avatar. Not surprisingly, I don't get asked to fight diabolos though. (I still don't have him.)

        On either job, I get people asking for AF help. I used to do this all the time for people... But I've had so many people that don't even have the quest started when they ask me that I have to ask them if they have the quest started when they ask me. (Out of the last 10 AF tells I've gotten, I've done one. I did that one because he actually had the quest started, unlike the others.)
        Generic Info!


        • #19
          Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

          For me, its rare that I PT with out my boyfriend. I'm still getting the hang of the game and when I mess up it bothers me. So I usually go on /anon when I'm not pting with him. I don't like keeping people waiting for me when they could probably have found someone closer. And well yea, I dislike turning PT invites down.


          • #20
            Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

            Anon is useful for running around as Pld/Whm for Sneaks and Invisible, Pld/Blm for Warp when I need it, or Pld/Thf for running around for quests and such.

            I also go Anon when leveling lower level jobs, I just feel better that way for some reason.


            • #21
              Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

              WHM - it's already been said. Damn true. It's surprising to see how many invites I get when I'm just switching to WHM to run some errands or craft or something...

              SMN - if I'm /anon it's because I'm playing at work or something equally as stupid and know I don't have the time to party. I just don't like turning people down either =(.

              When you get to be a "high"-er level, sometimes you don't want to be bothered... Crafting, or picking up a rare scroll from Rabao, or checking on a notorious monster for 15 minutes while you're supposed to be writing code in your office... etc =p


              • #22
                Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

                I have a friend who is drg and often goes anon. this is because He is trying to solo drg to 75 (hes at 70now so not going too bad. Any way he goes anon because he subs whm maybe your friend does too and we have all heard why WHM do that


                • #23
                  Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

                  being the more popular jobs you can get tons of tell for PT when you're not in the mood. Or Whm getting tells for teleport/raise from across the world. Many more reasons really.... camping NM, AFKing, bazaaring, fishing, crafting, etc there are so many times I just odn't want to be bothered.
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso


                  • #24
                    Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

                    I go /anon to avoid harassment of people asking for party, PL, Raise, etc etc etc. Sometimes you have to go /anon in a party to avoid getting /tells asking you to be in someone else's party, and then getting offers of gil to switch. Why give up the party you're in for something that is unknown, only if your current company sucks.


                    • #25
                      Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

                      Only time I go /anon is when I'm in the Dunes as my WHM.

                      When out of the Dunes, un-/anon.

                      One scenario.

                      I get a tell. "Raise x 5 (Can I have it?)"
                      Then another one two seconds later. "Raise x 17 (Can I have it?) And Raise me 2 plz"
                      Then more come. "Raise x 10 (Can I Have it?)"

                      Yeah, a massive MPK slaughter. Saw the guy training Gobs and bogys onto people.
                      Ouch. Raise about six of them, and I get tells for raises on the Secret Beach, as people died there too.

                      If it were any other time, I would have done it. But come on. I got a pt invite to gustav Tunnel and I had to spend time Raising. There were no other Raisers in the Dunes either.
                      Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

                      Get creative and pretend these happened.
                      Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!



                      • #26
                        Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

                        If people are lfp and are /anon, they must be /anon by accident; I do that a lot and my LS tells me that i'm /anon.

                        I only go /anon cuz I get a lot of invites and /tells even when I'm not lfp.

                        So basically I only go /anon if I don't wanna be bothered, or if I'm going solo for a quest, mission, or just plain giling.

                        Race: Galka
                        Main: PLD61
                        Skills: Cooking 62, Clothcraft 22, Fishing 10
                        Rank: 5
                        Country: Sandy
                        LS: ChainsofGod
                        AF: Honour Sword ( )
                        Gallant leggings ()
                        Gallant Gauntlets ()
                        Gallant Coronet ( )
                        Gallant Breeches ( )
                        Gallant Surcout ( )

                        Server: Cerberus


                        • #27
                          Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

                          I go /anon and /invisible status simply because after 4 years I 've made alot of friends and sometimes I just wanna be left alone.

                          I play BLM/whm/smn/rdm/blu.....Invites for anything come alot. If im trying to focus on something I need to get done and i turn /invisible status off. I get tons of random tells from friends and associates.

                          My good friends know that I play at certain times during the day and /sea me durin gthose times. Wether they see me onlist or not. I havent taken off invisible status in 2 years. Not arrogance, just I would really like to focus on me sometimes.
                          It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                          それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                          A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                          BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                          • #28
                            Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

                            Slightly off topic, but do people seriously remember you badly if you politely turn down their party request?

                            I don't go /anon very often, my boyfriend told me after I got 25 on my whm that I should keep it on all the time. But I like helping and raising when I can, so I keep it off. I get party requests while I'm running around on that job and I usually use the {Thanks for the offer but I'll have to pass} translate. Will people really think badly of me because of that? D=

                            Which FF Character Are You?


                            • #29
                              Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

                              Why people go anon:

                              - To be left alone
                              - To hide underlevelled subjobs
                              - Because we forgot to take /anon off
                              - Cuz my primadonna BRD-self don't need you.
                              - To add mystery to their manthraness
                              - Because I don't want to trek across nine zones to raise you.
                              - Because you can buy a warp scroll, warp cudgel or OP.
                              - I get lots of tells, some are very dirty/flirty/inside humor, more tells leads to mistells. Ever tell a big, sweaty Galka not to grope you while you're AFK... that was meant for one of my female mithra friends >.>
                              Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-18-2006, 03:58 AM.


                              • #30
                                Re: Why would you want to be /anon?

                                I very very rarely go anon. Even when I leveled WHM and BLM I rarely did. I'd get the occasional party request, but I just turned them down (I try to answer every tell). But I totally get why people go anon on jobs like that.

                                Otherwise though, I don't generally bother.

