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visual Quality of FFO: XI

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  • #46
    Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

    Originally posted by Raydeus
    At first I also thought FFXI should've been called FF online.

    But after seeing the way the battle system and the way you travel across areas in XII is a direct continuation of XI's system I had to agree that this is in fact FFXI and that it wasn't like they just had thrown XI at it just because.

    Now I have no doubts about calling XI, well... XI

    yeah that is kind of how I se ti too :p

    P.S. Graphics dont matter ^.^ (trying to get back on topic here)
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • #47
      Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

      Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say they don't matter. But they certainly aren't the only reason I play. I happen to think that the world of Vana'diel is really beautiful and wonderfully crafted. The people, the places, the gear - gorgeous. They may not be photo-realistic, but everything in the world looks like it belongs there, which is more than I can say for other MMOs that are newer than FFXI.


      • #48
        Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

        Originally posted by Aelathir
        I happen to think that the world of Vana'diel is really beautiful and wonderfully crafted. The people, the places, the gear - gorgeous. They may not be photo-realistic, but everything in the world looks like it belongs there, which is more than I can say for other MMOs that are newer than FFXI.
        So true, if you increase the background res via registry the game looks great (specially if you are forcing 16x AF).

        The only thing the game really needs is 32-bit high res textures and further drawing distance (Why don't they just sell a PC upgrade expansion pack ). Other than that the game is very well crafted.
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #49
          Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

          just one thing you dont need better bandwith to use better grapic cus the grapic is all upp to your comp. it only get comandos from the server so create f.ex create galka male name??? at cordinater ??,?? or some thing like that and then it is up to your comp to create that galka and how he shal look. if you understand.
          Well doh.

          You said FFX had better graphics than FFXI, and its true, and what i said was about the immense ammount of graphics and objects and stuff the game (FFXI) has to load up, if the graphics were as sharp as in FFX, you wouldnt be able to play with a regular computer.. you would have very nitid galkas popping around you, and your computer would probably melt into a puddle of stinky goo when that last taru couldnt squeeze in after the 10k trees and the 10 million bushes
          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


          • #50
            Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

            I would love a larger draw distance for PC users (without having to resort to third party plugins). Although to be honest, until I update my video card I sometimes still have troubles with the default draw distance as it is.


            • #51
              Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

              Hello plastic face and obnoxious color man.

              And this is just.. lolable

              FFXI is so much more classy, even if not sharper, a painting cannot be judged by what type of brush was used, or what technique was used to paint it, the final result is what matters, and FFXI's smooth and realistic textures > anything
              Attached Files
              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


              • #52
                Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

                Yeah, I played EQ2 at launch, and...not that great looking. Sadly, my PC, which is able to render FFXI beautifully (except in especially crowded locations), could barely show half of what EQ2 was capable of.

                Not that I was missing much. Even at top performance, EQ2's artistic style is just not my cup of tea.


                • #53
                  Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

                  Few questions I did see answered here guess I'll answer.

                  One was questioning why the game is set to 30 FPS and all models were set to that and questioning why SE didn't use the clock to sync it.

                  Simple to make the game modular so it can be used by PS2 and PC they couldn't, the PS2 is pumping out some decent power that lets it match odds with an XBox yet it's processor is half that of the XBox. Hell the PS2's processor is below the PC's requirements to sync it like that wasn't possible it ended up versioning the game and SE already stated from day 1 they wouldn't do that it added to much risk.

                  Second I saw was a debate about the Offical name.

                  Final Fantasy XI: Online

                  Check the link if you don't believe me, the Online is a version reffrence to indicate it's the first of the expansions. The order goes:

                  Final Fantasy XI: Online
                  Final Fantasy XI: Rise of the Zilarts
                  Final Fantasy XI: Chains of Promethia
                  Final Fantasy XI: Treasures of Aht Urhgan

                  As you see it's mearly a refference for it's version, the game itself is Final Fantasy XI.

                  Third is about .dat swapping and graphic hacking.

                  These were explained in detail on these forums before, it was nearly 3 years ago that the thread was posted for the graphic hacks. As for the .dat swapping it's mearly getting .dats you want and switching them. The .dat if you look at them with the FFXI Tool you'll notice they carry the graphics for spell effects, glow effects, map images, zone model, npc skeleton, npc mesh, npc motion, pc race skeleton, pc face mesh, pc head mesh (for headgear), pc body mesh, pc arm mesh, pc leg mesh, pc feet mesh, pc main weapon mesh, pc sub weapon mesh, pc ranged weapon mesh, and just about anything else you see in the game.

                  As far as making your own .dats currently about the only things you can do is EN version change the mesh, create new mesh, change the skeleton weight, add material, add effects, and retexture the model. In the JP version stuff you can change the mesh, create new mesh, change the skeleton weight, add material, add effects, retexture the model, and create new motions. The only thing I see so far that you can't do in both is add to the skeleton or alter the skeleton, that's the last thing I've yet to see and would be handy to give motion even more potential (For example can create out a little visual buddy, trails behind you when you walk sits with you when you go to sit or whatever).

                  Think that's about it on here. As for the post complaining about FFXI graphics sucking, seriously give me another MMORPG game that can match that of Lineage II or FFXI. As far as MMORPG games go the biggest control they have really is how clean and well designed their models are, and as another Mod here has proven FFXI's models are definatly done very well that the only thing that hindered their beauty was the processing power to make the models move at any decent frame rate.

                  Then to add out of all the MMORPGs there is only 1 MMO that currently has actually attempted to update their graphics. That is EverQuest still in my opinion it's graphics are incredibly crappy, but it is an improvement to how they were previously.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                  • #54
                    Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

                    Originally posted by Macht
                    Then to add out of all the MMORPGs there is only 1 MMO that currently has actually attempted to update their graphics. That is EverQuest still in my opinion it's graphics are incredibly crappy, but it is an improvement to how they were previously.
                    Excellent points all around, although you did forget one other game that updated it's graphics.

                    Dark Age of Camelot updated their graphics with the Catacombs expansion (I think). They are still kind of rough looking, but not really that bad, considering the game came out in 1999.


                    • #55
                      Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

                      Originally posted by Macht
                      One was questioning why the game is set to 30 FPS and all models were set to that and questioning why SE didn't use the clock to sync it.

                      Simple to make the game modular so it can be used by PS2 and PC they couldn't, the PS2 is pumping out some decent power that lets it match odds with an XBox yet it's processor is half that of the XBox.
                      The clock computers sync to is a literal timing device not the CPU frequency which is variable. Also the frequency of the various processors is irrelevant to timing or performance comparisons as they are 3 different architectures.

                      ok stupid X stopped recognizing my keyboard, anyway
                      Timing devices are different across devices but are accessed via a library that abstracts the actual device code anyway. The simple fact that the PS2 can keep time lets you know there is a real, reliable time source in the box. Unless you're an idiot, you'll be using that to sync things as it will be the only non-variable source. FPS and CPU frequency will change over time.

                      All the limits in the game are so no matter what platform you use everyone plays the same game and has the same experience, there is one code base to debug and it limits the number of errors that a programmer may make.
                      Last edited by Mhurron; 06-19-2006, 02:39 PM.
                      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                      • #56
                        Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

                        Originally posted by Balfree
                        Well doh.

                        You said FFX had better graphics than FFXI, and its true, and what i said was about the immense ammount of graphics and objects and stuff the game (FFXI) has to load up, if the graphics were as sharp as in FFX, you wouldnt be able to play with a regular computer.. you would have very nitid galkas popping around you, and your computer would probably melt into a puddle of stinky goo when that last taru couldnt squeeze in after the 10k trees and the 10 million bushes
                        True. I would think the biggest problem with going beyond 30FPS, or rather the reason FFXI cannot do it is mainly the bandwidth itself.

                        Originally posted by Balfree
                        Hello plastic face and obnoxious color man.

                        And this is just.. lolable

                        FFXI is so much more classy, even if not sharper, a painting cannot be judged by what type of brush was used, or what technique was used to paint it, the final result is what matters, and FFXI's smooth and realistic textures > anything
                        Agreed. While my computer can handle EQ2 quite well now and the likes, I don't think I like the particular graphics they used in EQ2. Seems a bit too colorful as opposed to realistic (to give an example, F.E.A.R. has IMO the most stunning realistic graphics of any video game), and FFXI seems to have the best mixture on both fronts.


                        • #57
                          Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

                          Those EQ2 graphics just remind me of watching really bad CGI. Like the one arcade Mortal Kombat That had all the crappy acting and crappy CGI cutscenes. FFXI doesn't have a lot of facial expressions, but I would think a lack of them in EQ2 would be way too noticable.

                          Anyway, its been said before, but to just reiterate: You're probably not gonna get the graphics to the 'holy crap' status you want them to be at. If they are that important to you, then not playing will probably be your best bet. Yes, considering current game graphics, they're not the most amazing things ever, but they certainly don't suck and aren't by any means "terrible". I still think the game looks quite nice. The only thing I really ever notice at all is certain clothes on Galkans. They stretched the textures so much, that sometimes the equipment doesn't look as good. However thats one small instance and doesn't make the game any less enjoyable imo.
                          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                          PSN: Caspian


                          • #58
                            Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

                            Originally posted by Mhurron
                            All the limits in the game are so no matter what platform you use everyone plays the same game and has the same experience, there is one code base to debug and it limits the number of errors that a programmer may make.
                            That's the point I was trying to make, as far as accessing a library and what not do remember that PS2 is Linux based and PC is using Microsoft's Windows OS. Likely that the library between the two are different, what I more or less ment to put up as showing how drastically different the game console was to the PC. That difference means no fine tuning with libraries provided by the system it has to be general for it be modular.

                            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                            • #59
                              Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

                              Originally posted by Macht
                              PS2 is Linux based and PC is using Microsoft's Windows OS. Likely that the library between the two are different
                              Doubtful, it should be in the standard C library.

                              Originally posted by Macht
                              what I more or less ment to put up as showing how drastically different the game console was to the PC. That difference means no fine tuning with libraries provided by the system it has to be general for it be modular.
                              C was designed not to change across platforms. The compiler on the other hand does know how to do optimizations dependent on what you tell it the target is. That's the benefit of writing in a high level language.

                              And since it wasn't until around the P3 that ia32 machines could do what SGI machines of the early 90's could do, the performance difference between a PS2 and the minimum requirements for FFXI on the PC aren't that different when you think in terms of actual performance.
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                              • #60
                                Re: visual Quality of FFO: XI

                                Originally posted by Macht
                                Final Fantasy XI: Rise of the Zilarts
                                Final Fantasy XI: Chains of Promethia
                                Final Fantasy XI: Rise of the Zilart
                                Final Fantasy XI: Chains of Promathia

