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No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

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  • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

    Originally posted by Furryfate
    This topic is not uniting people, it's dividing them!
    sure you would say that you are a 59 whitemage !!


    • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

      Originally posted by Princegalka
      sure you would say that you are a 59 whitemage !!
      If you think we lead such a charmed life, I challege you to level WHM for a while and get back to us about how high and mighty we are.


      • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

        Originally posted by Aelathir
        If you think we lead such a charmed life, I challege you to level WHM for a while and get back to us about how high and mighty we are.
        /salute Aelathir

        That is a great idea. Princegalka level up a WHM this weekend and get a taste of our lives!


        • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

          Originally posted by Princegalka
          sure you would say that you are a 59 whitemage !!
          And in an ironic twist of fate, the Trolls started advancing on Al Zhabi as I was reading this.


          • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

            Originally posted by Aelathir
            If you think we lead such a charmed life, I challege you to level WHM for a while and get back to us about how high and mighty we are.

            Actually that is not a bad idea. I will do that this weekend and get back to you..

            I am a Galka , a very humble one because of my prior melee jobs' it should be fun I am looking forward to it..

            One thing for sure I can assure you that raise's and Teleports will always be free !!

            thanks so much for the suggestion !!

            Double Post Edited:
            Originally posted by Furryfate
            /salute Aelathir

            That is a great idea. Princegalka level up a WHM this weekend and get a taste of our lives!
            Furryfate.. I have been trying to refrain because you are my RL friend but you are one of the exact ones this post was made for.

            You make your living by Teleports and have even told me that you wont teleport if is less than the gil that you want..

            I have no problem with leveling a whitemage but you my friend has changed and whitemage has gone too your head.

            Rememeber the days when I was a warrior and you was a monk and we use to talk of how bad whitemages was how high and mighty they where and now you have become one yourself.

            The job shouldnt change you but maybe thats how you where all along.

            I will level my Galka this weekend but I can assure you I will never become one of them or you !!
            Last edited by Princegalka; 06-16-2006, 12:56 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


            • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

              While taking White Mage to 37 I was badger free, and I enjoyed it. Actually being needed was vastly different from what I had experienced so far. I doubt I'd still enjoy it past ffity, the mind numbing hours of healing would get to me.


              • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                Originally posted by ImpactionActionHero
                While taking White Mage to 37 I was badger free, and I enjoyed it. Actually being needed was vastly different from what I had experienced so far. I doubt I'd still enjoy it past ffity, the mind numbing hours of healing would get to me.
                25- is almost entirely badger free. 37- is relatively badger free. 42- is mostly badger free. 42+ and it just gets worse and worse.

                Honestly the choices become get used to people treating you like dirt, and just ignore it, or play another job. Most career whm go with the first option if they don't chainge mains after Raise2 or AF.


                • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                  Well put me down for a life time of Raises and Teleports.

                  My Monk will gladly need it. I will do a search to see where you are and expect you ASAP to give me a teleport-Holla.

                  Tell your exp party, that they have to wait until you come and raise me at the Nest while you party far away.


                  • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                    I now want a badger jug pet.

                    Chop chop.


                    • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                      Originally posted by Furryfate
                      Well put me down for a life time of Raises and Teleports.

                      My Monk will gladly need it. I will do a search to see where you are and expect you ASAP to give me a teleport-Holla.

                      Tell your exp party, that they have to wait until you come and raise me at the Nest while you party far away.


                      • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                        I'm done with this topic it makes no sense. And as far as not teleporting people until the price is right. Ask some of my LS members if they go for free. Also ask some highups and others that are known if they don't get free rides after numerous teleports.

                        To put a friend or any WHM out there shows that you are only pissed due to me not helping you when you decide to get on.

                        Have fun leveling a Mage and I hope you don't get bashed like we are right now.

                        BTW teleporting for money has gotten really old after the begining. Now a days I don't even teleport unless I'm bored or it's to help someone I know. Or I need a quick 50-60k for food and such.

                        Teleporting is one of our ways to make gil-just like Farming! DEAL WITH IT!


                        • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                          The whole thing seems more and more like envy to me as time goes by. WHM only sucks because they get the attention, and invites, and free teleports that he doesn't? I don't know. Just a theory.


                          • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                            Originally posted by Furryfate
                            This topic is not uniting people, it's dividing them!
                            No I believe its united people reading it. I'd have to say most people see this as little more then a 'poor melee' thread.
                            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                            • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                              Originally posted by Aelathir
                              The whole thing seems more and more like envy to me as time goes by. WHM only sucks because they get the attention, and invites, and free teleports that he doesn't? I don't know. Just a theory.
                              WELL YOUR THEORY IS WRONG and again spoken like a true uppidty white mage..

                              Jealous of what , eny of what please.... like he said he just sits back in the corner and throws a cure.. how hard is that

                              its not making sense because both you and him are white mages ..go figure !!

                              ask him why he dont level his monk job no more.. because he dont get invites thats why..

                              sure yall get the attention, but I could care less about that.

                              I choose Dragoon because it was what I wanted to do.. he choose monk because it was what he wanted to do but because the invites stop coming it was easy for him to just start another job.

                              you dont have a clue of what you are talking about.


                              • Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                                Yes, I'm far too uppity to have one.

