Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves
Blaming mages because they have an easier time getting invites is as dramatic as it gets, you choosed to be a DRG and all that came with it.
You might be bitter because you can't level the job you want to as fast as you would like to, but hating and blaming other jobs because they have an easier time getting invites is just wrong.
If DRKs hated you because you have high defense as a PLD or if mages blamed you because you have a pet as DRG would you feel you are getting some payback? Do you go tank every quest mob people asks you to while you are busy trying to play the game and enjoy your job doing stuff you like?
I wonder...
Edit> I do agree complaining about the cost of a scroll is wrong, but it's the same with melee who can't buy the uber gear.
In my experience the only people who bother other melee about their gear are either elitist morons (regardless of the job), or other melee who think that just because they spent 2 months farming to get their armor they cant put other melee down for not having uber gear.
Originally posted by ImpactionActionHero
You might be bitter because you can't level the job you want to as fast as you would like to, but hating and blaming other jobs because they have an easier time getting invites is just wrong.
If DRKs hated you because you have high defense as a PLD or if mages blamed you because you have a pet as DRG would you feel you are getting some payback? Do you go tank every quest mob people asks you to while you are busy trying to play the game and enjoy your job doing stuff you like?
I wonder...
Edit> I do agree complaining about the cost of a scroll is wrong, but it's the same with melee who can't buy the uber gear.
In my experience the only people who bother other melee about their gear are either elitist morons (regardless of the job), or other melee who think that just because they spent 2 months farming to get their armor they cant put other melee down for not having uber gear.