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No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

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  • #76
    Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

    Originally posted by Aelathir
    Nice analogy, Taskmage.^^

    Princegalka, I'm starting to get an inkling that you might just be trolling at this point. Honestly, it's not that difficult a concept to understand. If you're not getting it, it's not because we haven't explained it as many ways as we can possibly think of.
    Well I can give 2 hoots about what you think...

    besides you are a 65 whitemage so some of this may apply to you..

    yall whitemages are getting upset because the truth hurts...

    btw, I am no child I dont need you or anyone else to explain anything to me.

    I simply put it out there what I thought >.PERIOD !!


    • #77
      Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

      Originally posted by Princegalka
      Well I can give 2 hoots about what you think...

      besides you are a 65 whitemage so some of this may apply to you..

      yall whitemages are getting upset because the truth hurts...

      btw, I am no child I dont need you or anyone else to explain anything to me.

      I simply put it out there what I thought >.PERIOD !!
      Well, now it's more than an inkling.


      • #78
        Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

        If I have made fun of something you've said, it's because it was worthy of ridicule.

        If I have treated you like a child is it because you were acting like one.

        And if I have gone to excessive lengths to explain something to you, it's because your viewpoint displays an utter oblivousness to that concept.

        And yes, I have done each of those things by now.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #79
          Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

          Originally posted by samarium
          And if you want free Teleports, then get me a free scroll of Raise II. I don't see how I should have to pay 400k for a spell that I'll never get to see the benefits from.

          Don't be so stuck on yourself. You're a support job, these are the expenses of being supportive. Maybe next time I join a party I'll come without any equipment or food, because as a tank I really don't need all that Vit and Def to mitigate damage when the lack thereof substitues just fine. I hear the weather in Bibiki is nice this time of year.

          Like I said, mages are the number one source of 'high and mighty' drama. They just don't realize it because they're so busy being all high and mighty that when anybody points it out they just ignore it for being "beneath" them. When questioned further they scrounge for moments in history where they displayed examples of common courteousy, as if we all havn't been courteousy at some time or another.

          I have examples of awesome, selfless White Mages, I have examples of high and might White Mages, and I have example sof everything in between. Generally White Mages are selfless for one reason, and that's to get into a position where they feel they can act high and mighty.


          • #80
            Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

            Originally posted by ImpactionActionHero
            Don't be so stuck on yourself. You're a support job, these are the expenses of being supportive. Maybe next time I join a party I'll come without any equipment or food, because as a tank I really don't need all that Vit and Def to mitigate damage when the lack thereof substitues just fine. I hear the weather in Bibiki is nice this time of year.

            Like I said, mages are the number one source of 'high and mighty' drama. They just don't realize it because they're so busy being all high and mighty that when anybody points it out they just ignore it for being "beneath" them. When questioned further they scrounge for moments in history where they displayed examples of common courteousy, as if we all havn't been courteousy at some time or another.

            I have examples of awesome, selfless White Mages, I have examples of high and might White Mages, and I have example sof everything in between. Generally White Mages are selfless for one reason, and that's to get into a position where they feel they can act high and mighty.
            I certainly hope you're not serious. If you haven't realized by now that it has absolutely nothing to do with the job and absolutely everything to do with the person behind the job, then I don't know what to tell you.


            • #81
              Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

              Originally posted by ImpactionActionHero
              Don't be so stuck on yourself. You're a support job, these are the expenses of being supportive. Maybe next time I join a party I'll come without any equipment or food, because as a tank I really don't need all that Vit and Def to mitigate damage when the lack thereof substitues just fine. I hear the weather in Bibiki is nice this time of year.

              Like I said, mages are the number one source of 'high and mighty' drama. They just don't realize it because they're so busy being all high and mighty that when anybody points it out they just ignore it for being "beneath" them. When questioned further they scrounge for moments in history where they displayed examples of common courteousy, as if we all havn't been courteousy at some time or another.

              I have examples of awesome, selfless White Mages, I have examples of high and might White Mages, and I have example sof everything in between. Generally White Mages are selfless for one reason, and that's to get into a position where they feel they can act high and mighty.

              they want me to back off with what i said but now I am seeing that maybe its just not my friend its a lot of them.

              Just the stupid comments that some have made shows me that.

              I will still say i do have some friends that are whitemages that is not like that but from what I have seen and the comments that are being made I see that most are ..

              I dont care if they agree with me or not , I will still call it as I see it !!


              • #82
                Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                Originally posted by Aelathir
                I certainly hope you're not serious. If you haven't realized by now that it has absolutely nothing to do with the job and absolutely everything to do with the person behind the job, then I don't know what to tell you.
                Maybe it wasn't clear that, that's what I was pointing out. I know I said What Mage a lot, but it's the person behind the White Mage making the decisions, and it's the person behind the White Mage that dons the thorny attitude. It's a condition that many mages seem to adopt regardless of main job or sub job, and is more likely to happen faster when the person has had more exsposure to end game mages. I've seen it happen to friends and other people overtime, and I've noticed that most of the time they don't see it themselves. All I can do is humor them.

                I'm sorry if it seems like I'm spouting crap, but this all comes from personal experience. I suppose I can even it out by saying it's not JUST mages, but I'll have to be penalized again by saying a majority of it IS them.


                • #83
                  Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                  I can't think of a single thing anyone here has said that would lead you to believe that they are stuck on themselves. You're the only one being unreasonable.

                  Impaction - I think it might be more fair to say that people that have that sort of personality will generally be drawn to "princess" jobs so that they can continue to behave like that in game. It's hard to be a jerk that strings people along when you're playing a DRK.


                  • #84
                    Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                    First of all, Impaction calling out others for drama is the pot calling the kettle black.

                    Secondly, I don't think you understand what you read:
                    Originally posted by samarium
                    And if you want free Teleports, then get me a free scroll of Raise II.
                    Comparison of two absurd concepts. If you want to stop paying whms for saving you time and experience points, he wants you to stop charging them for saving you time and experience. Obviously both the teleporting and the obtaining Raise II scrolls is costing you both time, and you should both be compensated.
                    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                    • #85
                      Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                      Originally posted by Princegalka
                      THANKS SO MUCH FOR UNDERSTANDING !!

                      they want me to back off with what i said but now I am seeing that maybe its just not my friend its a lot of them.

                      Just the stupid comments that some have made shows me that.

                      I will still say i do have some friends that are whitemages that is not like that but from what I have seen and the comments that are being made I see that most are ..

                      I dont care if they agree with me or not , I will still call it as I see it !!
                      The way I see it your reference to judge a stuck up WHM is if they want to help you (with whatever it is you want help with) or not. Cry me a river, WHMs will help you if they want and when they want.

                      If you think you have any right just because you can't do things yourself then that's too bad.
                      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                      • #86
                        Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                        Originally posted by samarium
                        I don't see how I should have to pay 400k for a spell that I'll never get to see the benefits from.
                        Hey look at this, you missed a part, Taskmage.

                        And I'm dramatic? I would think it's hard to make that assumption without having actually played alongside me. When you take Dragoon up anywhere near as far as I did you learn how to create as less friction as possible. Do you even know how hard it is for any melee, much less Dragoon, to get anywhere? Mages have it so effing easy compared to anything I or my melee buddies have been through. Woahmfg people are pestering you for a raise!? I'm out there raising anybody who asks while I'm seeking as my Paladin, and I'm still out there helping people during my five hour Dragoon seekathon as long as it doesn't require me to take down my seek flag.

                        It's amazing how inconviencing a few tells can be while you're trying to heal your party, right? It must be even harder when trying to keep up with that damage sponge called Ninja.


                        • #87
                          Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                          Actually, I think it's perfectly reasonable to be bothered by the high cost of Raise II. No one needs an R2. But most people will demand it after a certain point. But who gives the WHM a raise 2? Unless you've got a neighboring WHM who doesn't mind popping over, the answer is nobody. So the WHM is spending nearly half a million gil on a completely unnecessary spell that people expect them to have.

                          Also, I think blaming people who play mage jobs for being wanted because there are only a handful of jobs that can fill that role, and a dozen that can fill a DD role is a bit ridiculous. If more people played mages, it wouldn't be an issue. Every MMO is like that. You play a healer? You get the fast invites. You play a DD? You might not get as many. That isn't the fault of the people playing those healing jobs.


                          • #88
                            Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                            Originally posted by Aelathir
                            Actually, I think it's perfectly reasonable to be bothered by the high cost of Raise II. No one needs an R2. But most people will demand it after a certain point. But who gives the WHM a raise 2? Unless you've got a neighboring WHM who doesn't mind popping over, the answer is nobody. So the WHM is spending nearly half a million gil on a completely unnecessary spell that people expect them to have.
                            How many mages have I seen that demand the melee have Haub? It's not necessary is it? No. It's the same situation.


                            • #89
                              Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                              It's not really. You do benefit from having a Haub. Because you do more damage, and get hit for less. The WHM recieves no direct benefit from having a higher level raise spell.

                              Also, I don't think it's fair to say that "mages" demand you have a Haub. I think it's "people". Other DD, the tank, whoever. It's not limited to mages.


                              • #90
                                Re: No Offense - but why are White Mages so stuck on themselves

                                Originally posted by ImpactionActionHero
                                Hey look at this ... damage sponge called Ninja.
                                I think it's fair to assume that anything on that line could be construed as sarcasm as well, though I see his point. If you come to a party naked you're screwing everyone including yourself. It doesn't hurt the white mage at all not to have R2, they pay half a mil purely for other people's benefit.

                                I don't know a thing about your behavior in game, but your disparaging posts about the paladin and dragoon jobs, including the one above, contradict your statement that you've learned to create as little friction as possible.

                                At any rate, it wasn't my intention to derail the thread, so I withdraw my comments toward you and apologize.

                                I'd still like to see what, if anything, princegalka says to defend his assertion that whms shouldn't be charging for teleports, having claimed an understanding of ecomomics and still not address why he should get to charge other people for what he farms at the same time.
                                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

