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How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

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  • How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

    This game has so many RL comparisons to me it aint funny.

    For instance here are a few and please feel free to add on:

    You meet so many people along the way but just like in RL only a few really become
    close friends !!

    You have to be 20 before you can ride your first chocoboo like in RL you can't obtain your
    Drivers license until 18.

    When you have on your fancy AF gear and nice weapons people always check and examine you like in RL if you always have the best cars or best clothes people always be wow who is he/she.

    When you have a lot of gil you will always have firends like in RL a lot of money people always want to be your friend.

    It takes time for you to level any job or craft to become good at it and it doesnt happen overnight like in RL the skills we have learn has taken years for some of us to get where we are now.

    We all need each other in this game to survive like in RL we all depend on each other
    to make our lives happy and sucessful.

    There are so many more I can go on and on you have any?

  • #2
    Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

    1) Flight schedules for Airships like a real airport. In-flight meals are just as crappy too!
    2) Inflation.
    3) Crags. I am soooo glad I have one close to where I work. I just run out into highway traffic for a quick blood-port home - I live right next to the hospital!


    • #3
      Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

      Getting angry at somebody and causing their head to explode into flames.

      Avoiding co-workers is identical to avoiding aggro from random enemies. I run around behind them, I sneak by when they stop, I hide when they turn towards me. And I hate them.

      You can get married and not have sex just like real life!


      • #4
        Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

        hmmm that brings to mind another one..

        if you dont eat food or juices in this game you will not be healthy and strong
        like in RL lack of food and water you will die.

        linkshells are like real life friend groups or circles ( people you can depend on or just wanna talk or maybe able to help you out when in need.)


        • #5
          Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

          Comparisons to real life, eh?

          Well, alot of orcs look like humans I see everyday.
          The FF XI world is filled with 'tards, so is the real world.
          You can always blame somebody else for your mistakes, just like in real life.

          You can get married and not have sex just like real life!
          Haha, score.


          • #6
            Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

            Originally posted by Diogenes
            Comparisons to real life, eh?

            Well, alot of orcs look like humans I see everyday.
            The FF XI world is filled with 'tards, so is the real world.
            You can always blame somebody else for your mistakes, just like in real life.

            Haha, score.

            lol thats funny !!

            Gilsellers are like drug dealers they really screw up the enconmy !!


            • #7
              Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

              I sit in the car in traffic and scream, "Damn this lag sucks!"
              Hacked on 9/9/09
              FFXIAH - Omniblast


              • #8
                Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

                Well they got the working part down to a Science..........In game you gotta work your butt off to make a few bucks......Start at the bottom, lvl 1 CraftSkill items don't make you much money. But as you work your way up in ranks, you can make better money.

                Real life samething work your butt off.....Yeah its time consuming but you gotta pay the bills!!
                I fire up the grill.

                Lighter fluid, lighter fluid, lighter fluid.

                [GM]Dave>> FIRAGA III!!!

                I pretend not to notice Susan shaking her head as I throw the match

                Originally posted by Mog
                holy shit, apparently crazy is contageous. I turned his brain into the mind of a bulldog! nOO!!


                • #9
                  Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

                  Auction houses are like are like RL stores you have to shop around to get the best bargains or sales..

                  Beggars of Jeuno and lazy people just asking for gil in Jeuno..just like in RL if you give it to them they will always come back and ask someone for more..but like in RL if you can show them how to make Gil/money they wont be back again.

                  People helping People..isnt that what this game is all big community people of all races living in helping each RL we all need each other to survive...People regardless of race or class most times help when there is a crisis or someone in need.


                  • #10
                    Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

                    1.) If you shout in public, people think you're stupid.

                    2.) It's really, really hard to get help with much of anything.

                    3.) Many people keep small, furry animals in their homes.

                    4.) Auction houses are really great places to blow a lot of money.

                    5.) No one has the slightest clue where their taxes actually go.

                    6.) People on beaches tend not to do a whole lot.

                    7.) Any dogs you run across tend to have toxic breath.

                    8.) Pie makes people happy.

                    9.) Guys get over-excited when exposed to "women" in panties.

                    10.) The really scary monster always shows up right behind you.


                    • #11
                      Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

                      you have to fight the mobs you try to fish

                      RL: some of the fish fishermen catch will put up a fight
                      Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
                      Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7



                      • #12
                        Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

                        I work in retail (selling fabric; quilting cotton, wool suiting, bridal satin, that sort of thing) and I've sorted most of our regular customers into aggro and non-aggro. Non-aggro customers know what they want and where it is, or are just content to wander around until they see something they like; hence, they do not pester me. Aggro-type customers are 95% sight (eye contact) and 5% sound (knocking something over).

                        When someone asks me a question I can't answer about complicated tailoring, I {Call for help} and one of my co-workers soloing nearby will usually come to my aid.

                        If we're out of a regular-order fabric on the floor, I go to my Mog Safe (backstock) and ask Moogle (the part-time high-school guy-du-jour) if we have any more.

                        THF-type mobs are rare, but you can tell they've visited by the button cards still hanging on their pegs with one button missing.

                        Brides, bridesmaids and mothers-of-the-bride all link with each other, mostly around the satins and the little cabinet with veils and tiaras in it.

                        Anyone who can't read the back of a pattern envelope is a noob.

                        And lastly, the gil is so bad that it'll be next year before I can afford to put new tires on my Chocobo.


                        • #13
                          Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

                          Originally posted by Plight
                          1.) If you shout in public, people think you're stupid.

                          2.) It's really, really hard to get help with much of anything.

                          3.) Many people keep small, furry animals in their homes.

                          4.) Auction houses are really great places to blow a lot of money.

                          5.) No one has the slightest clue where their taxes actually go.

                          6.) People on beaches tend not to do a whole lot.

                          7.) Any dogs you run across tend to have toxic breath.

                          8.) Pie makes people happy.

                          9.) Guys get over-excited when exposed to "women" in panties.

                          10.) The really scary monster always shows up right behind you.
                          This pretty much goes up for every MMORPG.


                          • #14
                            Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

                            we all have jobs and all choose different paths in this RL sometimes we all leave our friends and choose different jobs and journey through life making new friends along the way.. but when you have old friends you have not seen in a while you can just stand and play catch up but never enough time to tell all of the things you have done or seen


                            • #15
                              Re: How many Real Life comparisons to FFXI can you think of?

                              Originally posted by Lasswyn
                              I work in retail (selling fabric; quilting cotton, wool suiting, bridal satin, that sort of thing) and I've sorted most of our regular customers into aggro and non-aggro. Non-aggro customers know what they want and where it is, or are just content to wander around until they see something they like; hence, they do not pester me. Aggro-type customers are 95% sight (eye contact) and 5% sound (knocking something over).

                              When someone asks me a question I can't answer about complicated tailoring, I {Call for help} and one of my co-workers soloing nearby will usually come to my aid.

                              If we're out of a regular-order fabric on the floor, I go to my Mog Safe (backstock) and ask Moogle (the part-time high-school guy-du-jour) if we have any more.

                              THF-type mobs are rare, but you can tell they've visited by the button cards still hanging on their pegs with one button missing.

                              Brides, bridesmaids and mothers-of-the-bride all link with each other, mostly around the satins and the little cabinet with veils and tiaras in it.

                              Anyone who can't read the back of a pattern envelope is a noob.

                              And lastly, the gil is so bad that it'll be next year before I can afford to put new tires on my Chocobo.
                              This person is a fountain of inspiration.

                              Very nice
                              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine

