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controler or mouse

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  • #16
    Re: controler or mouse

    Really giving what we feel is good and bad about each method would just be flat out bias to our opinion on which we feel is good. Things I hate about the mouse someone may find as advantages.

    I've tried the game with all 3, each of them give different capabilities and just depends greatly on your playstyle.

    For example if you like to play in 1st person if you tried to look around in 1st person this is the results you get from each choice:

    Controller (Analog joysticks): Degree of movement of the head looking up, down, left, or right without turning the character in that direction varies depending how far you push the analog in that direction.

    Keyboard: Look functions are an all or nothing on keyboard, you push to look up you look all the way up no in-between.

    Mouse: Look function controlled by how far from center you move the mouse. Has the greatest control of your look direction.

    So in that single instant Keyboard is the worst but the others are better. There are many more instances of one being worse then the others, it's pretty even distributed on which has what advantaged enough that you have to decided what you can do without and which functions you want to highlight more.

    If you are really skilled you can push to get the benefits from all 3 methods, that'll give you a great deal of power and ability then. For example mages could put a mouse to tremendous good use if they get a good view angle. With the mouse they can select a character and by keyboard quickly execute a spell on that character, while spell is in process prepare to select the next character with the mouse. This method completly beats out the [TAB] selecting method and allows their curing, buffing, or whatever exceed what a keyboard only player or even a controller player is capable of.

    It exceed both keyboard and controller in that not only is it a slimer macro list for spells, but the mouse user could select any alliance member with greater ease to assist them. Mouse has huge potential for Healers, it's a little more rocky on Mage DD's because a bad click could end up with them selecting the wrong mob and if not paying attention attacking the wrong mob.

    That downfall can be compensated with the right macro setup.
    Last edited by Macht; 06-13-2006, 04:26 PM.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #17
      Re: controler or mouse



      more controller


      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #18
        Re: controler or mouse

        I've tried all three in a variety of combinations and honestly, I've found the keyboard alone to be the best for me.

        Macros are easier to use on the keyboard and obviously typing is easier. Switching back and forth can be cumbersome and unnecessary.

        I would suggest you try out all three for yourself, though.

        On a side note, my very first day, I tried to use an older controller on my PC and set movement, perspective, and menu selection to the D-pad. All three to the same set of axis.

        That was fun.


        • #19
          Re: controler or mouse

          I just find it more convenient to use the keyboard for action and typing. I've never found the keyboard to hurt my ability to play the game.


          • #20
            Re: controler or mouse

            I feel handicapped when using a controller. While there are clearly some folk out there that think such a claim ridiculous, it's true. I don't feel like I'm in control when I'm using it.


            • #21
              Re: controler or mouse

              Keyboard all the way, I have complete control. =)

              "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


              • #22
                Re: controler or mouse

                Controller for movement. PS2 Dual Shock with Super Joybox USB converter.

                Keyboard for combat. Compaq pack-in.

                I sort of forget the mouse is even there. Logitech MX310. Wired Optical.


                • #23
                  Re: controler or mouse

                  Originally posted by Macht
                  If you are really skilled you can push to get the benefits from all 3 methods, that'll give you a great deal of power and ability then. For example mages could put a mouse to tremendous good use if they get a good view angle. With the mouse they can select a character and by keyboard quickly execute a spell on that character, while spell is in process prepare to select the next character with the mouse. This method completly beats out the [TAB] selecting method and allows their curing, buffing, or whatever exceed what a keyboard only player or even a controller player is capable of.
                  F1 - Target self
                  F2 - Target 2nd member
                  etc etc
                  F7 - Target self (again)
                  F8 - Target nearest NPC (monster or not)
                  F9 - Target nearest player

                  I don't remember what the rest do...but anyway, tabbing through targets is a really slow way to select your targets on keyboard.

                  I'm personally a keyboard fan. But again, it's really all about preference. I can't pick apart who uses a keyboard and who uses a controller unless they mention it themselves. If you want a cheap option to try both... Super Joy Box for the win.

                  Edit: I forgot to mention mouse. I don't use it for FFXI because the mouse jumps all over the place while you're doing other actions. Plus with how my keyboard/mouse is set-up, it's difficult for me to use the mouse and the keyboard at the same time. Even if they made the mouse stop jumping all over, I'm too used to targeting stuff with the keyboard at this point.
                  Last edited by Tirrock; 06-13-2006, 11:48 PM.
                  Generic Info!


                  • #24
                    Re: controler or mouse

                    I think the mouse support for FFXI is pretty weak. If you use it for targetting and you "miss" the target, the mouse hops to the bottom left corner of the screen due to the menu and you have to ESC you're way out of that


                    • #25
                      Re: controler or mouse

                      Originally posted by Tirrock
                      F1 - Target self
                      F2 - Target 2nd member
                      etc etc
                      F7 - Target self (again)
                      F8 - Target nearest NPC (monster or not)
                      F9 - Target nearest player

                      I don't remember what the rest do...but anyway, tabbing through targets is a really slow way to select your targets on keyboard.

                      I'm personally a keyboard fan. But again, it's really all about preference. I can't pick apart who uses a keyboard and who uses a controller unless they mention it themselves. If you want a cheap option to try both... Super Joy Box for the win.

                      Edit: I forgot to mention mouse. I don't use it for FFXI because the mouse jumps all over the place while you're doing other actions. Plus with how my keyboard/mouse is set-up, it's difficult for me to use the mouse and the keyboard at the same time. Even if they made the mouse stop jumping all over, I'm too used to targeting stuff with the keyboard at this point.
                      Lol, I elected to leave out that info on purpose just to see if someone would try to dispute my argument. Yes I know the F-Keys do that but you failed to read my message completly. I also stated that it beats out keyboard when assisting alliance members, Keyboard with the F-Keys only give you the leader of each alliance but not the other party members.

                      It's in an alliance like setup that mouse can down right beat the hell out of any other device for selecting members and maintaining a slim macro menu. Be a little more careful reading my posts next time.


                      Tirrock, FYI:

                      F10: Your party Leader (Alliance 0)
                      F11: First Alliance Leader (Alliance 1)
                      F12: Second Alliance Leader (Alliance 2)

                      In the end you'll have either 2 F-Keys that select you and 2 F-Keys that select one of your party members, or 3 F-Keys that select you.

                      Double Post Edited:
                      Originally posted by x1ang
                      I think the mouse support for FFXI is pretty weak. If you use it for targetting and you "miss" the target, the mouse hops to the bottom left corner of the screen due to the menu and you have to ESC you're way out of that
                      Yeah, there's actually a configuration somewere (Forgot if it's in game our outside of it) that allows you to stop the mouse from jumping to the menu screens.
                      Last edited by Macht; 06-14-2006, 09:19 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

                      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                      • #26
                        Re: controler or mouse

                        Originally posted by Macht
                        Tirrock, FYI:

                        F10: Your party Leader (Alliance 0)
                        F11: First Alliance Leader (Alliance 1)
                        F12: Second Alliance Leader (Alliance 2)

                        In the end you'll have either 2 F-Keys that select you and 2 F-Keys that select one of your party members, or 3 F-Keys that select you.
                        Is it the leaders? I thought it was the first member listed in each. Are leaders for Alliance 1 and 2 always listed first? I know F10 is functionally equivalent to F1.

                        Even on keyboard, I hardly ever use F1-F12 targeting (well, F8 at the AH). I have keys bound to menu/target up/down/left/right and just use the up/down to scroll through alliance and party members. I'm not saying that's faster than a mouse, either, I wouldn't know. But come on. Of course a mouse beats Tab targeting. Everything beats Tab targeting.
                        Ellipses on Fenrir
                        There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                        . . .


                        • #27
                          Re: controler or mouse

                          While mainly a keyboard person, I've found that I use all three.

                          Keyboard musts: EXP parties, missions, difficult quests. I'll do pretty much anything with it, though.

                          Controller options: screwing around, farming, crafting, AHing, easy quests where there is a lot of running around, low level parties/soloing where I don't need many macros.

                          Mouse options: crafting, AHing, running around town. Usually reserved for things that don't require much attention, so I can sit back and just wiggle the mouse.

                          Try all three, find what you like.

                          EDIT: There's also the Numpad vs WADS keyboard types. I originally learned to use numpad when I started on PS2, but I've since switched to my laptop where I have to use WADS. It's now moderately difficult to use the numpad configuration now. But if I forced myself to use it, the tables would probably switch.

                          i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                          I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                          • #28
                            Re: controler or mouse

                            Originally posted by Ellipses
                            Is it the leaders? I thought it was the first member listed in each. Are leaders for Alliance 1 and 2 always listed first? I know F10 is functionally equivalent to F1.

                            Even on keyboard, I hardly ever use F1-F12 targeting (well, F8 at the AH). I have keys bound to menu/target up/down/left/right and just use the up/down to scroll through alliance and party members. I'm not saying that's faster than a mouse, either, I wouldn't know. But come on. Of course a mouse beats Tab targeting. Everything beats Tab targeting.
                            It's suppose to be the leaders from some text on FFXI website had stated. As you have stated though with F10, I think it might just be selecting the 1st on each alliance list.

                            In either case if you want keyboard to beat out the mouse with quick keys then you'd have to make macros along the line of:

                            /ma "Cure <Tier>" <a00> - <a05> (For first alliance)
                            /ma "Cure <Tier>" <a10> - <a15> (For second alliance)

                            As you see with just that you pretty much consume 1 macro list for just a single spell to cover only the alliance members. Mouse still beats it then by that you can have a slimer macro list so more function and possibility.

                            Again though if you are able to do your task with just a big macro list then Mouse's advantages probably won't be something you'd really need. It all depends on what you are doing and what makes it the easiest for you.

                            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                            • #29
                              Re: controler or mouse

                              Ill be playing it on the PS2, and ill have all 3 i guess, but can i use all 3 at the same time?

                              Read if you don't value your braincells.


                              • #30
                                Re: controler or mouse

                                On the PS2 you probably won't have a mouse. Unless you really want one, but really, you don't need it.

                                You'll likely use the controller more than anything, and the keyboard just for typing. But hey! Maybe you'll like the keyboard more. Only time will tell.

                                I know you can use it on PC as well, but that controller that TGM loves really seems perfect for PS2 users. I'd give it a try if you can spare the money.

