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Making some gil just using the AH: A Guide

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  • Making some gil just using the AH: A Guide

    Now before we start, don't complain that this has been done before or what not, I know, Im just trying to spread it to the others who don't know about it

    Now to start.

    (its a good idea to have around 100k or so before you start this)

    This guide is not for the person who wants to make 3 mil gil in a day, in fact this is a slower form of income.

    Making money using just the AH is pretty easy, some may not find it Moral or whatever but I like to think of it as just another way to make money.

    Now what you are gonna need is to research your servers AH. Find some cheap items (anywhere from 10k-40k) whose prices fluctuate often (my favorite is elm logs or moat carp.. both can range from 5k-12k on my server).

    Once you have found an item that sells relatively well and prices change all the time, its time to start making gil. Now this method of making money takes some patience.

    Once you have your item and it is at a low price in AH (for example, if moat carps sell for 10-12k on your server usually but they can drop in price down to 4-6k) buy them at the low 4-6k price. Buy about 6-7 stacks of them. Your next plan is to hold them in your mog house or a mule. Wait a few days keep checking the prices and once they start going up back to their normal higher price, put those babies on the AH. They should sell relatively quick and you just made a profit of around 30-40k.

    It's not big money I know but I tend to farm, log, mine or whatever on top of this method. That way you get that income plus a nice little bonus.

    There we have it, making some not too shabby gil just from spending 3 minutes at the AH.

  • #2
    Re: Making some gil just using the AH: A Guide

    i have seen high turnover, high-selling items literally go stale overnight. one night bone chips going 12k a stack on windy ah and sold as soon as i listed them, next night 50 stacks of bone chips up on windy ah and none of it was moving.

    as a chocobo digger, that is not a good sign to see your high turnover items sitting on the AH after 2-3 days.
    Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
    Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7


    • #3
      Re: Making some gil just using the AH: A Guide

      Which is why I would recommend a mule in all of the starting cities, while if 1 item isnt selling in a certain city, it could be selling for 10k more in another.


      • #4
        Re: Making some gil just using the AH: A Guide

        heh, if you need some chump change (teleporting money or chocobo money) you can buy DRK absorb- scrolls for 1k and sell them to NPCs if your fame is decent. Any scroll past lvl 40 or so that you can buy for 1k, you can NPC for more than 1k.

        Another thing to NPC is if there's a rare item and you see one person buying 3 or more for cheap, then they're most likely NPCing it.

        That or play the 1g game where you just go try to buy random stuff for 1g


        • #5
          Re: Making some gil just using the AH: A Guide

          What the OP is suggesting is called Speculation, nothing new or wrong about it except that it's place in games is new with the introduction of inter player trading of items

          A place where the controls and check of the real world speculation market, do not exist.

          50,000 Gil a stack beehive chips go go go!
          Teh Jobs - 75- nin (I spend more time at 74 =P ) / 50-pld / 55-thf (currently leveling)/ 48-rdm / 43-war / 43-rng / 35-brd / 37-blm /34-whm / 20-sam / 16-mnk
          Teh crafts 81 Alchemy / 59 Woodcraft / 51 Cooking


          • #6
            Re: Making some gil just using the AH: A Guide

            Also the speculation can screw you over. I had a few stacks of rainbow cloth I made before the ToAU expansion came out... after it came out... I lost a lot of money
            Both from prices of cloth being lower plus the price kept dropping and I kept pulling it off the AH to lower the price


            • #7
              Re: Making some gil just using the AH: A Guide

              if price of one consumable drops in one AH there is a solid chance it will drop at another. peeps see 60 stacks of bone chips on AH with a suddenly stale turnover, so they will put bone chips up elsewhere. well, someone else that is buying bonechips see one AH having 60 stacks of bone chips up, another just 5 - well they will go to the one with 60 stacks with every intent on undercutting and if they're not successful they won't buy at all.

              so i always put up consumables slightly less than the AH price, so if undercutting does happen chances are it hit the peeps that tried to raise the price the hardest.
              Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
              Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7


