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Mentor Requirements Suck

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  • #31
    Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

    Originally posted by Asir
    Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Mentor program installed back when the level cap in the game was 50? I can understand at that time making the mentor level 30, but when they raised the level cap, they should've raised the level for becoming a mentor.
    Sorry, but you're mistaken. I took the test when it first came out, and the cap was 75. That being said, people with the mentor flag on Ramuh have the reputation for stupidity... Sorry to all the earnest mentors, but it's true. I've never put my flag on (well, except that first week after i got it), and I probably never will.
    BLM75 RNG65 BRD50 NIN37 RDM37 WHM25 WAR25 BST21 THF7
    Elemental Magic Skill Merits 1/5

    Thanks to Kazuki for the awesome sig!


    • #32
      Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

      I only use my mentor flag when i'm already guiding a noob around, or as a joke with friends. (No need to fear, THE MENTOR IS HERE!!)

      Honestly, it's useless, since no noob knows about it, and only idiots put the flag up consistantly anyway.


      • #33
        Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

        Originally posted by Feba
        ... only idiots put the flag up consistantly anyway.

        I've been using my mentor flag practically since the day the function was implemented. I've only been asked questions a small amount of times, though... And only a smidgeon of those were actually good questions.

        I think the mentor system could use an update. It's not exactly cake to search a mentor out over many areas, and when you do get in contact with one, they aren't always the sharpest knives in the drawer.
        guh :D


        • #34
          Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

          I meant, on my server.


          • #35
            Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

            Hahagirl is one of Phoenix's most prominent gilsellers. She's also a mentor.

            My crafting character has mentor status, and has done since December; I like helping people out. I've been asked maybe half a dozen questions since; and nothing rude. Stuff like where to buy maps in a town, and how outpost warp rings work. No one's come asking for gil, or anything like that. My main doesn't because she's normally very busy chatting to friends, LS etc.
            That said, I know many people who use mentor status to validate their online existance. I've seen many mentors invade camps, show a lack of knowledge, and just generally, treat their status as an e-peen extension. However, almost all of the really helpful people I know have had mentor status at some point.


            • #36
              Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

              Originally posted by Asir
              Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Mentor program installed back when the level cap in the game was 50? I can understand at that time making the mentor level 30, but when they raised the level cap, they should've raised the level for becoming a mentor.
              No, Mentor was installed back during... I think the CoP update.

              May have been the PS2.

              But from my experience, 90% of the people who always wear the /mentor tag are always in the bottom 10% of players.


              • #37
                Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                i tend to answer any and all questions thrown my way to the best of my ability. Even when i end up gettting some jerk pretending to ask me questions and then making himself look like he bought an account.

                (read: michaeljackson of hades server)

                He was in lvl 1 RSE as blm24 in qufim island. and he made fun of ME. i'm too nice sometimes...


                • #38
                  Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                  A general rule to follow is to not invite someone with the mentor flag up to a party. There are many people who have it that have no clue about DOT, hate, fame, buff/debuff stacking, quests, or missions. If someone was new and needed a tome of knowledge to ask questions from, they'd have better luck digging in the trash reading old fortune cookies.

                  That being said, the minimum requirements for mentor status should be raised to the very least a lvl 50 and Rank 6, as those were the top marks of the original FFXI prior to any expansions. Additionally, there should be an exam given as well, with 50 questions pulled randomly from an ever changing pool that gets updated or removed monthly. The act of looking up all of the questions may at least give mentors some level of education.


                  • #39
                    Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                    Originally posted by klvino
                    A general rule to follow is to not invite someone with the mentor flag up to a party. There are many people who have it that have no clue about DOT, hate, fame, buff/debuff stacking, quests, or missions. If someone was new and needed a tome of knowledge to ask questions from, they'd have better luck digging in the trash reading old fortune cookies.
                    i disagree entirely with your reasoning. I always have mentor status up because i like to help. since when did wanting to help people mean you were stupid?

                    Personally, i don't think there are any 'rules' to follow for selecting candidates for a party. Ther are so many things that can change from time to time, such as rank, you can change nation, be a returning player, or simply not have done them yet, this doesn't affect how you learn to play, a pretty sound idea is to level up and THEN do your lower ranks and rank 3 in one go. since rank 3 is 25cap, you could be rank 1 for a fair while, and still be competant.

                    i've been playing 3 years, i like people to see my mentor flag, and know i want to help.


                    • #40
                      Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                      Originally posted by klvino
                      A general rule to follow is to not invite someone with the mentor flag up to a party. There are many people who have it that have no clue about DOT, hate, fame, buff/debuff stacking, quests, or missions. If someone was new and needed a tome of knowledge to ask questions from, they'd have better luck digging in the trash reading old fortune cookies.
                      How does not knowing what is going on have anything to do with Mentor status. There are mentors that know a lot about the game, and there are those with multiple jobs at 75 without mentor status that cast dia and bio in a battle.

                      Originally posted by klvino
                      That being said, the minimum requirements for mentor status should be raised to the very least a lvl 50 and Rank 6
                      You can pretend that any type of changes would improve the perception of the program, but given time anyone can pass any 'exam' about a game. There are more then enough people at lvl50 and rank 6 or higher that are absolute morons.
                      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                      • #41
                        Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                        I used to have mentor on when it first came out. And for several months after that. The only random questions I got asked were "can u teleport-[location] me plz?". Okay, that was an exaggeration...but I seriously only got about three or four real questions when I had mentor on. (So that excludes the people asking for gil too.)

                        I get more questions about the game while sitting around as SMN than I ever did with mentor on as WHM...

                        I think it's because of how difficult it is for new players to even find mentors, or tell the difference between somebody seeking and somebody with mentor on when they look at search.
                        Generic Info!


                        • #42
                          Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                          How about as well as a test ... a level capped BCNM fight ... solo, which changes based on the job ... to test the players ... just a thought .. discuss


                          • #43
                            Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                            I like Davitron3000's idea about having different lvls of Mentors with different colored symbols. That way the higher lvl mentors can deal with higher lvl questions and the lowers be able help all the new people with there questions.
                            I fire up the grill.

                            Lighter fluid, lighter fluid, lighter fluid.

                            [GM]Dave>> FIRAGA III!!!

                            I pretend not to notice Susan shaking her head as I throw the match

                            Originally posted by Mog
                            holy shit, apparently crazy is contageous. I turned his brain into the mind of a bulldog! nOO!!


                            • #44
                              Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                              Meh, by the time you hit 50 one would hope that 1) you are in a linkshell and 2) you should be able to figure out :/


                              • #45
                                Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                                Usually I see certain RMT and peeps that act like noobs with the mentor tag on. 95% of the time, I don't trust them.
                                Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
                                Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7


