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Mentor Requirements Suck

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  • #16
    Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

    Everytime this subject comes up, I think back to the lvl 18 Galka Drg/Blm in lvl 1 armor and half gear I pted with in the dunes who insisted on pulling with Poison that proudly bragged about being a Mentor....

    When I play, I get asked a lot of questions and end up helping lots of people. This isn't because I've played for X days or reached X lvl, it's just because I try to learn what I can about this game. And despite being the one to usually answer questions and help out newbs, I have *NEVER* even bothered to think about getting a Mentor status. I talked to one of the NPCs once and never came back. It's the fact that so many mentors are just flat out bad at this game and give crappy, if any advice at all, that I don't bother getting it.
    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


    • #17
      Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

      I'm one of the few folks in my LS who actually researches the things that they want/need to do, which can be kind of frustrating. Last night I pretty much talked one of our PLDs through his first three AF because he didn't want to look anything up. Sure, I was busy curing my party in Qufim, but he needed help, and I was able to help him.

      I don't think 30 is enough. Just based on what I've seen of most mentors out there.


      • #18
        Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

        Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Mentor program installed back when the level cap in the game was 50? I can understand at that time making the mentor level 30, but when they raised the level cap, they should've raised the level for becoming a mentor.

        I would give up my M symbol if it meant I could regain it later through a test to weed out those that would use it as a status of them reaching level 30. I wouldn't suggest making it a rank/level thing since I have met a lot of Rank 10s with level 75 jobs that know diddly squat about the game.


        • #19
          Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

          problem with a test is that too many people can look stuff up online.


          • #20
            Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

            Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
            problem with a test is that too many people can look stuff up online.
            But not the lazy ones? I dunno. I've got nothin' here.


            • #21
              Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

              Originally posted by Aelathir
              But not the lazy ones? I dunno. I've got nothin' here.
              I'd think the lazy ones looking for a spoon-fed answer are more likely too look it up online.


              • #22
                Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
                problem with a test is that too many people can look stuff up online.
                1. Have a very large pool of questions, much larger than the number of questions given on any given test.
                2. Give enough questions per test that taking it is annoying, even with an answer key.
                3. Randomize the order of the possible answers, so that the guides can't just be "1 2 2 4 1 4" or something.

                Do all that, and even if someone does have a guide, there's a chance they'll at least learn the correct answers themselves. "Bio cancels Dia? OMG!"
                Ellipses on Fenrir
                There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                . . .


                • #23
                  Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                  NDA for those who take the test? Or maybe...yeah, ok fine. Testing is probably not the best idea.

                  Unless there were like, a ton of questions that constantly changed. That would be neat.

                  Adding to what Ellipses said:

                  Having the test change every month or so with totally new questions and answers (while keeping the random, large number, etc. that you have going).


                  • #24
                    Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                    You do have a point there SPF. Perhaps some kind of randomized test although with a game like this, they could only have so many options and some .DAT miners would probably post every single answer somewhere. Guess us good mentors will have to hope those needing help will find us instead of the ones where M stands for Moron.

                    Edit: Darn people typing at the same time I am.

                    Originally posted by Ellipsis
                    "Bio cancels Dia? OMG!"
                    You wouldn't believe how many people I still get into an arguement with about this. Mostly BLMs that claim to have a level 75 RDM on 5 servers (exagerrated but you get the point.).


                    • #25
                      Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                      A test would be a great idea but it would definately have to be randomized or something so people couldn't cheat otherwise it would be just as pointless as the other requirements.


                      • #26
                        Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                        Originally posted by Asir
                        You wouldn't believe how many people I still get into an arguement with about this. Mostly BLMs that claim to have a level 75 RDM on 5 servers (exagerrated but you get the point.).
                        I got into an argument in Boyhada about this issue once. The RDM ended up calling us all assholes and warping out mid-fight. All because I said that Bio overwrites Dia.


                        • #27
                          Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                          I have Mentor status up alot an rarely do I get asked questions other than 'Wut tht M next to ur name for?'

                          Most people prefer to just /shout their questions an hope somebody replies, rude as that is...
                          Last edited by Cade; 06-12-2006, 10:14 AM.
                          "We're all stupid, so lets go adventure in our ignorance together!"


                          • #28
                            Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                            A friend of mine is a mentor and hes constantly getting questions, especially if he's hanging around in Jeuno.

                            There's an easy way to find out if the Mentor you are gonna ask knows at least something about the game, Rank, level, job combo, etc. will give you an idea about how much time they've spent playing.
                            Most mentors I've come across are anon. But you're right, when you can see their rank etc it helps.


                            • #29
                              Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                              Yeah, sometimes the alphabet annoys me to. Name starting with 'A' + high level WHM + rank 10 = your one stop shop for gilz [sic], teh ph4t gears [sic], and the occasional earnest newbie looking for advice.

                              When I first started, I looked to mentors for help and didn't get much of any consequence. One level 60 "mentor" even got offended that I, a lowly 25 WHM, would dare to bother him with a question about raise (I think I wanted to know if the rumors about Divine Seal helping raise were true or now, and who would be better to answer than a high-level whm?). I asked him why he bothered turning his flag on if he didn't want questions... I don't think he even bothered to answer.

                              I really wish there was more to the mentor program. I honestly adore helping people out, answering questions, and giving advice on stuff. It would be awesome if the program was a little more restricted and a lot better promoted.


                              • #30
                                Re: Mentor Requirements Suck

                                A quite nice person with the mentor flag synthed some bullets for me yesterday for mats, rather then the mats + 50k I was offering for help.

                                I would chalk it up as the first, and probably last, time I've ever gotten assistance with the mentor flag up heh.

                                Gameplay related questions: /l
                                INTELLIGENT job-related questions: /sea all 75 <job>, find one who is not in a party or looking for party, /tell <name> {Excuse Me...}, Do you mind a question, or are you busy at the moment?

