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help a n00b out please!!!!

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  • help a n00b out please!!!!

    ok, I'm a guy that DOESN'T like to stick to norms. I only like to join parties for farming, pvp, exploring, quests etc. NOT FOR EXP!!! I want to have a class combo that can solo for exp, but needs others for quests etc. I hate pet classes and NIN because they are both timely and noobish sometimes. I'd just like something basic that works. I've thought about weird combos like DRK/PUP or BLM/PLD. lol.. I'm that weird. Don't call me a noob, I just want to try different things to make my idea of a good game work.

    PS : I'm going to be changing from my Hume to a Galka, so try to build something with that in mind.

  • #2
    Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

    Wiseman40's soloing guide:
    Use the search button next time, please. That thread's even a sticky.

    drg/brd seems like a good fit for a galka. I know you hate pet classes, but it's not like you have to do anything special unlike bst or pup. Just fight and the drg fights with you. Use /brd to throw a threnody or something when you get below 25% life and your wyvern will heal you. 25% life is a lot safer for a galka than for other races, and you don't need any MP to do it. When you get your AF helmet, I think it becomes 50%.
    Last edited by Taskmage; 06-11-2006, 02:11 PM.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #3
      Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

      Yes, Galka would make for awesome DRG/BRD. I've been considering leveling my Galka mule just for that job combo. Galka DRG/BRD without expensive food = Hume DRG/BRD with expensive food. (The AF healing breath threshold for hybrid wyvern only goes up from 25% to 33%, as opposed to going from 33% to 50% with healing wyvern.)

      If you don't even want a pet that you don't have to control, and you don't want NIN even as a subjob you're left with... maybe BLM? Nearly any class can take out a handful of Easy Prey every hour, but that's going to be some excruciatingly slow leveling. You're ruling out practically every job combination that's been shown to have moderately effective soloing, so if you find one that works, feel free to let the rest of us know about it.
      Ellipses on Fenrir
      There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
      . . .


      • #4
        Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

        Yes, DRG/BRD would be the best soloing class for Galka. A BLM galka could also solo, but it will be extremely slow from 20-50 and 60-70.

        EDIT: I just want to add, that your a newb(newbie) not a n00b. Here are some diffrences:

        Newb(you): Excuse me, whats a good combination to solo?
        n00b: ZOMGWTF! PL me solo 2 teh 75!11!1one1!11eleventy-one!

        Newb:What is a good way I can make gil at my level?
        n00b:lolz u r rich! gimme ur gil! cn I hav ur sword?

        Newb:I'm stuck on this quest... what do I need to do?
        n00b: green ppl r evil! tey wnt me 2 git dem a rarab tail!
        Last edited by Neomage; 06-11-2006, 12:24 PM.
        Originally posted by Ellipses
        Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
        Originally posted by MCLV
        A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
        More Sig:


        • #5
          Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

          Soloing as a non-Pet Job does take a lot more time and effort. As a Galka, you would have plenty of options open to you. My husband often solos on his MNK, his THF and his WAR. I've tried farming on his galka but found resting all that HP can be tiresome.

          With a little research, time and patience, any race can solo any job to 75. It just takes a lot of work and dedication.


          • #6
            Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

            Originally posted by Taskmage
            sevenpointflaw's soloing guide:
            Use the search button next time, please. That thread's even a sticky.

            drg/brd seems like a good fit for a galka. I know you hate pet classes, but it's not like you have to do anything special unlike bst or pup. Just fight and the drg fights with you. Use /brd to throw a threnody or something when you get below 25% life and your wyvern will heal you. 25% life is a lot safer for a galka than for other races, and you don't need any MP to do it. When you get your AF helmet, I think it becomes 50%.
            Eh? My soloing guide? Have been writing in my sleep again?


            • #7
              Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

              Originally posted by CHAOBLACKDOOM
              ok, I'm a guy that DOESN'T like to stick to norms. I only like to join parties for farming, pvp, exploring, quests etc. NOT FOR EXP!!! I want to have a class combo that can solo for exp, but needs others for quests etc. I hate pet classes and NIN because they are both timely and noobish sometimes. I'd just like something basic that works. I've thought about weird combos like DRK/PUP or BLM/PLD. lol.. I'm that weird. Don't call me a noob, I just want to try different things to make my idea of a good game work.

              PS : I'm going to be changing from my Hume to a Galka, so try to build something with that in mind.
              Well, I mean, people do form parties for questing and BCNMs and such later on, but the principle reason parties are formed in this game is for EXP. So if you have your seek flag up and don't have a comment indicating what you're looking for, odds are all of the invites you get are going to be for exp parties. Go to search->edit comment and there are a plethora of different search comments you can put in so people know why you're seeking if it is not for xp.

              And honestly, if you want to solo, BST is *really* the only way to go. basically all other jobs are required to party past level 15ish. Except maybe puppetmaster, but opinions on the puppetmaster job experience at high levels are really discouraging to say the least.


              • #8
                Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

                Oi, sorry. I don't know why I always confuse you and Wiseman.

                Double Post Edited:
                Last edited by Taskmage; 06-11-2006, 02:11 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • #9
                  Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

                  well, I might stick with my Hume main also.. like I said, I'm really unsure (if I didn't, I am now XP) My first ever MMO was FFXI, but with the constant nurfing and being almost forced to play a pet/nin class to solo well, I feel kinda depressed. WoW has the pvp I like, but FFXI fills in the gaps that WoW has, which keeps me coming back. I love the structure that ffxi has, but with almost no pvp in it cept in special areas, I feel limited, which is something everyone hates. But I'll take Ellipses idea and look into each of the jobs and look into what works and what doesn't. Who knows, I might discover a new combo using different stuff no one thought would work.


                  • #10
                    Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

                    Try to get xp from beastman pets whenever you can. I think I got 3k in 1 hour doing that as a 67 Rdm @ bibiki bay. Of course the hard part is getting the pet away from the beastman... I loved doing that, and there aren't many opportunities at high levels anymore.


                    • #11
                      Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

                      well, since I love using melee and magic, would RDM/PLD or something using black magic with melee work? I know you guys are thinking DRK, which might work, but I like having SOME def so I don't get creamed.


                      • #12
                        Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

                        RDM/PLD would be...well, terrible doesn't begin to cover it, actually.


                        • #13
                          Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

                          Yeah, RDM/PLD you be really, really bad. In all honesty, the only job combos that can sucessfully, are:

                          RDM/NIN(but you would have to level NIN to 37)
                          DRG/mage(but a pet job)
                          BLM/RDM(you don't get to melee)
                          melee/NIN(once again, NIN sub)
                          SMN/WHM(pet job)
                          BST/WHM or NIN(pet job and NIN sub)
                          PLD/WHM(versus undead)
                          And possibly the new jobs. The only one here that best fit what you want, is a PLD/WHM, that only excells v.s. undead monsters. Even then, it is not as powerful as say, RDM/NIN or BLM/RDM. BLM/RDM would be decent, because even though you don't get to melee, it is made up in the big spells you get later. I would serriously give DRG/BRD a try, especially on Galka. Any melee/NIN can also be decent soloing, and RDM/NIN is proficent in it. Even though you don't wish to level NIN, it is really the only way to be the type of player your description matches(Melee + mage) full time. Other jobs and combinations can solo to, but they are really, really horrible.

                          I understand your desire to be what you want to be, and I don't intend to say you can't, but if you want ot have fun, you will have to be flexible, because the game won't be.

                          I can hardly belive I am saying this, but you may want to look into WoW. I have never played it, as I hate that type of game, but from what I understand (this may be wrong) most people solo to 60(the level cap) there, then join groups for dungon raids and the like.
                          Originally posted by Ellipses
                          Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                          Originally posted by MCLV
                          A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                          More Sig:


                          • #14
                            Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

                            Me and my friend were duoing as PUP/WAR today... occasionally, I got into some battles alone, and I was surprised how well I was able to solo as PUP. Puppet was keeping hate easily, and DDing well, not taking too much damage. With regen+healing it was able to stay alive really well. If you sub WHM, you'd also get access to -na spells and stuff, so it could be really good... just too bad you can't heal it with magic.


                            • #15
                              Re: help a n00b out please!!!!

                              rdm/pld would be bad. pld has little to nothing to offer as a sub in terms of useful spells and abilities, and you don't inherit the good defense of pld just by subbing it. drk can't really solo.

                              There are very few jobs in the game that are effective at both melee and spellcasting. Drk is a strong melee DD, but drk's offensive spells are weak almost to the point of being useless and their defense is poor. Rdms are a little better at nuking than drks and are very strong defensively, but their melee ability is only strong enough to get the job done - eventually.

                              Every job is designed to be strong in some areas and weak in others, thus necessitating teamwork. To be a strong soloer, you need a balance of offensive and defensive capability that allows you to safely kill reasonably strong things at a reasonably quick pace without incurring so much downtime that it kills your exp rate. The best jobs at this are the pet jobs, because their defensive ability comes from their disposable minion which can be easily replaced without incurring downtime, and ninja, because they use money as a damage shield which allows them to keep fighting until they run out. All jobs that you've ruled out. Other jobs that can solo without terrible amounts of downtime do it by subbing bst or nin.
                              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

