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Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

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  • #16
    Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

    Originally posted by Matera
    You need to be partied with the buyer/buyee and then you have to talk to the person that you bought the pass from.
    How can I be partied with the buyer if I need the WP to get my character on the right server in the first place? /confused

    I'm going to be starting a new content ID in a few days but I want to be on the same server as my husband. If he buys the gold WP will we be able to take part in this Adventurer Recruitment Program?

    edit: nvm, I think I figured it out. I have to be partied to receive the items after I get on the server. Second question still stands: Is the Adventurer Recruitment Program automatically started if one buys a gold WP?
    Nibblonian: "You are the last hope of the universe."
    Fry: "So I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?"
    Nibblonian: "Yes, except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock."'

    Sisqi ~Fairy~WHM 75
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    • #17
      Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

      You won't, unless you delete whatever characters you currently have and use it for the first Content ID. If you do, however, you'll be good to go. Just talk to the World Pass guy once you get into the world while in a group, and you can collect your first reward.


      • #18
        Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

        The recruitment program is started when someone uses the gold world pass you buy
        And the item me and my friend got were the clock and soon to be the airship. I haven't once regretted my choice. The rest of the items to me, are just for outward looks, and don't have much use, outside of the moogle belts, but even those get put aside after the first few levels.

        A third friend's been jealous of my clock ever since I showed him a screenshot (and anytime I mention it)

        Most of the items you can get from seasonal events, except the clock and mini airship, so we figured we might as well get the unique stuff. If for some reason we get another gold world pass for someone else, we can get random event items that we're missing.


        • #19
          Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

          Originally posted by fallenintoshadows
          Yeah I heard about that, or you can get a vana'diel time piece or something.
          I have the timepiece its the only thing i wanted until they added the Airship now I want that to ^^

          The timepiece is nice it plays music and everything at the top of every hour

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          A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

          BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


          • #20
            Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

            I wish my moghouse was that furnished. Of course my mules have it worse, with their multitude of Water Jugs.


            • #21
              Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

              Wow, what an amazing MH...

              I'd reccomend going with the Halloween staves.

              Very useful.
              SUICHI IS DEAD.


              • #22
                Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

                Your mog house looks great! I'm tempted to get the timepiece now... anyone have a screenshot of the model airship? Apparently the propellers move or something?


                • #23
                  Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

                  Originally posted by Aeolus
                  Thats so gey, means my mates gonna get the HQ items and all I'll get NQ, booooh. Least I'll get that pumkin hat again xD
                  You're missing the point of Gold World Passes. They are an incentive for you to recruit people to the game that will play for at least a year. If you want HQ items, find someone that doesn't play, or wants to switch servers, and buy them a Gold World Pass.

                  Also of note, anyone with a Guide Beret can partner with anyone with a Sprout Beret. It doesn't have to just be the people that paired up because of the Gold World Pass. I've gotten several party invites from people many levels below me because I've put that I have a Guide Beret in my search comment when I've been feeling helpful and willing to help other people make full parties. If just one of them has a Sprout Beret, they can lower me to tehir level if they can't find my job in tehir level range at the time.
         (Adoulin install on NA PS2)
                  My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.


                  • #24
                    Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

                    Originally posted by bungiefan
                    You're missing the point of Gold World Passes. They are an incentive for you to recruit people to the game that will play for at least a year. If you want HQ items, find someone that doesn't play, or wants to switch servers, and buy them a Gold World Pass.

                    Also of note, anyone with a Guide Beret can partner with anyone with a Sprout Beret. It doesn't have to just be the people that paired up because of the Gold World Pass. I've gotten several party invites from people many levels below me because I've put that I have a Guide Beret in my search comment when I've been feeling helpful and willing to help other people make full parties. If just one of them has a Sprout Beret, they can lower me to tehir level if they can't find my job in tehir level range at the time.
                    wow thats really usefull, we need to get the word out
                    Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


                    • #25
                      Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

                      I do have some questions about the gold world pass.

                      I bought one for my friend and the NPC said something about the Gold World Pass cannot be used if your account has more than one character. I have a couple of mules on my account, does that mean I cannot get the items?

                      Also, if I can get the items. I invited my friend with my second character (the second content ID on my account). Does that mean I have to use my first content ID character? Because I really just use that character as a mule too. I play everything with my second character and I would like the items (like the beret) to be used with that character. Anyone have any ideas or answers?
                      You know what, you can kiss my...

                      Red Mage 38 | White Mage 10 | Black Mage 17 | Bard 10 | Ranger 03 | Alchemy 38 | Cooking 09

                      RDM: Rose Duelist Mithra


                      • #26
                        Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

                        You the inviter, gets the items with the character you bought the Gold World Pass with. As long as your friend doesn't have any characters yet, he can use the GWP. So you can still get the items if you have mules on your account, and you get the items with your second character.


                        • #27
                          Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

                          cool, that answers my questions then. He doesn't plan on getting any other characters, so that shouldn't be a problem.
                          You know what, you can kiss my...

                          Red Mage 38 | White Mage 10 | Black Mage 17 | Bard 10 | Ranger 03 | Alchemy 38 | Cooking 09

                          RDM: Rose Duelist Mithra


                          • #28
                            Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

                            After your friend joins the game with the gold world pass, he can still make more mules/characters. That doesn't affect getting items from the GWP, it's just using the GWP can only be done on the first character of the account. Once it's been used, then I don't think it matters what else you do.


                            • #29
                              Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

                              My suggestion

                              If you want a holiday event item, do NOT get them through the Gold WP thing. All previous event items are *always* given out during that event. The halloween stuff will be given out at halloween, the santa stuff will be given out during the winter holiday etc.

                              The *only* exceptions I can think of is the HQ yukata that has gold fishing+ which were replaced by Firework dispensing Yukatas that look exactly the same and the 'disguise belts' from the big new years event a few years back. Everything else is obtainable once every year.

                              My suggestions is to get the hat, the clock and the airship, either those or the disguise belt. One thing to not about the belts is that they're nation specific, you have to go to the right nation to get the belt you want. Bastok = Worm, Sandy = Rabbit and Windy = Mandy.
                              "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                              • #30
                                Re: Adventurer Recruitment Program Items

                                Originally posted by ultimaknight View Post
                                I do have some questions about the gold world pass.
                                I bought one for my friend and the NPC said something about the Gold World Pass cannot be used if your account has more than one character. I have a couple of mules on my account, does that mean I cannot get the items?
                                Also, if I can get the items. I invited my friend with my second character (the second content ID on my account). Does that mean I have to use my first content ID character? Because I really just use that character as a mule too. I play everything with my second character and I would like the items (like the beret) to be used with that character. Anyone have any ideas or answers?
                                You can BUY the pass no matter how many characters you have. However, the character that buys the pass is the one that must be in the party, and the one that gains the benefits. The pass can only be USED by someone who currently has no existing characters on their account, and they get the choice of NQ items, while your character gets the choice of HQ items.
                       (Adoulin install on NA PS2)
                                My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.

