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What's the fun in this?

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  • What's the fun in this?

    I've got a little rant here but it sets up the point I'm trying to make.

    So I get a party last night valkurm. I'm 13 blu/war and the party is filled up with a 12 whm/blm, a 14 war/nothing, 12thf/nothing and two 14 monks. They are killing liz so xp isn't good but the party is fun. I have to voke now and again and tank b/c the whm is elvaan and has no gear or mp. Like I said it was a fun, challenge. The monks leave b/c they don't like the xp, which I can understand, most people just want to get out of Valkurm as quick as possible. So then we replace them with a 13 brd and a 13 or 14 pup. As soon as the pup gets in the party he starts his metagamer chat.

    We start out with let's do crabs, oh wait no we have war tank, let blu tank, oh wait your def is a grand 5 lower than the max possible at this lvl and, this was the kicker, "I would feel better with a PL." Now the bard who is rank 10 is patiently doing her best at making the party better. While the rank 2 pup is doing nothing but complain and basically going on how he could solo all these mobs that are vt to him yet he wouldn't pull which I have seen many pups do successfully. The war made a mistake of saying that he is new and has only been playing for 5 days. The pup then goes on that in 5 days you should be 30+ with a subjob, yet offers no real suggestions to help this person. At this point I am "sorry, thanks for the party but I rather solo." The fun had been drained by this persons asanine comments.

    My questions are three. First, how can anybody expect a new player to be able to get through this game at the rate the pup suggested without first pouring over forums for extended periods of time? The second is (since I am fairly new myself) was I wrong in my course of action as far as what is generally accepted by the FFXI community? I guess I'll drop in a third being when do you feel the fun stops and the over attentitive party optimization begins?

    I realize now I probably should have sent the new player a tell at least and encouraged him to move forward, but I was flabbergasted by the request for a pl, which in my opinion takes the fun out of partying.

    Take The Quiz Yourself!

  • #2
    Re: What's the fun in this?

    Basically? There are a lot of assholes out there that play this game. You run into them from time to time. Valkurm is one of their favorite hanging out spots.

    It's why I solo as much as I do in the lower levels.

    And I don't think you were out of line at all. At those levels especially, I feel no remorse in dropping party if I'm not having fun.


    • #3
      Re: What's the fun in this?

      level 30 with subjob in 5 days.... that person is a moronc jerk.... it can be done... but not at a normal pace -.- instead of leaveing you should have told off the PUP and had him kicked from PT (if he was not leader) and then told the new guy not to listen to him :p
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #4
        Re: What's the fun in this?

        It certainly can't be done if you're new to the game altogether. Heck, most people don't even hit 10 in their first five days of play (not playtime, but just days having the game).


        • #5
          Re: What's the fun in this?

          If you are new, don't be surprised if it takes a month to have a job at thirty, an up to date sub, and rank three or four. Of course you can do it faster the more you've done it, but anybody who expects a new player to just grind all day rather than enjoy the early stages of the game must not have experienced those early stages themselves.


          • #6
            Re: What's the fun in this?

            1: PL'ing party's suck. We all know this. They create bad gamers.

            2: Whiny people suck. See above sentences.

            3: Valkurm is trying to eat me. It knows you are there and wants to eat you too.

            4: Next time slap the Rank 2 Pup. Don't ask for verification on the forums. Do it. Slap: Muppet Puppetmaster > Verbal Assault: Muppet Puppetmuster = Stupidity + a /kick from party MB. Go back to exp'ing, with the newbie feeling a sense of loyalty and confidence towards these people who stick up for him.

            Taking the above steps would have put the fun back into that party so long as everyone didn't round on you (however - you're a Blue Mage, you can solo).

            And yeah Valkurm can suck. It's a hateful place (wouldn't you be too with having to suffer all these people destroying a helpless and defenseless language?) and wants to eradicate all forms of gamer life inside it. It knows you are there and it screeches with torment every time someone dings inside it! The hounds (read Goblins) have been ordered to kill/maim and torture.

            - Saeriel.


            • #7
              Re: What's the fun in this?

              Some people get their rocks off on having all the "answers" and "giving" them to others. These people usually have no regard for if they're right or wrong, they just like to spew.

              I'd have probably kept my mouth shut too, so he didn't spew on me.
              66MNK | 37WAR | 22SAM | 20THF | 20BST | 18 NIN | 17BLM | 10WHM
              Cooking 69 / Fishing 48
              01 / 10 on Hoo Mjuu the Torrent (Monster Signa: O)
              01 / 08 on Mee Deggi the Punisher (Ochiumsha Kote:
              01 / 04 on Quu Domi the Gallant (Sarutobi Kyahan: O)


              • #8
                Re: What's the fun in this?

                The place breeds stupidity. I swear. No matter the rank or level of other people you encounter there, no one can be trusted! Any one of them might be a complete moron masqerading as someone in the know.

                Trust no one! /runs


                • #9
                  Re: What's the fun in this?

                  Originally posted by AngryUndead
                  I'd have probably kept my mouth shut too, so he didn't spew on me.
                  I wouldn't mind personally... then again - I'm pretty much impervious to it. ^^

                  Only time I ever seem to not get angry about morons is when I'm playing Bard... I swear - the spooniness just takes over and I'm all hippy. Or maybe it's the fact that I know - another invite is just around the corner.

                  - Saeriel.


                  • #10
                    Re: What's the fun in this?

                    1) Expectations can often be skewed by having a large oak tree jammed up one's rectum for too long.
                    2) I think the better course of action would have been to kick the PUP (You probably could have taken the lizzies with 5 members), but leaving is fine. I probably would have apologized to all the other members.
                    3) Honestly, it doesn't bother me until I can tell it's bothering someone else, or it's disrupting our actual partying. If people are missing opportunities because they're too busy criticizing each other, I get annoyed. If I can tell it's making someone feel bad for not being decked out in all-HQ, I get annoyed. (On the other hand, if it's making someone feel bad for having outdated gear that's clearly messing with their performance, I'll jump right in; screw you, Gimpy McBronzeGear.)

                    I haven't had that many parties where any of that was a problem. I don't know if it's skewed perspective of what you read in forums about people's expectations vs. what you see in game, or if it's just becoming less common for people to be assinine to your face, or if Remora is just more "meh, whatever" than other servers. But I could honestly count on one hand the number of times someone has ccomplained in party about someone else for any reason other than performance. Not a single one past the Dunes so far. And I've yet to come across any behavior in the Dunes that I didn't just muddle through and shrug off. Well, okay, there was the "/em rapes <t> all night" guy that I still have blacklisted, but that's it.
                    Ellipses on Fenrir
                    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                    . . .


                    • #11
                      Re: What's the fun in this?

                      The war made a mistake of saying that he is new and has only been playing for 5 days. The pup then goes on that in 5 days you should be 30+ with a subjob,
                      I'm sorry... I can't help but lol at this part xD
                      This guy would be in my blist.... forever....
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #12
                        Re: What's the fun in this?

                        Oh... and there's a secret mark that good melee's wear in Valkurm...

                        It's like a ward against the zone's evil affecting them.

                        The Mighty + Vision ring combo. They may not be nice people though still... but they're in the know. I've yet to meet a bad melee wearing those at that level.


                        • #13
                          Re: What's the fun in this?

                          That is a terrible emote. >.>;

                          I'm not afraid to tell someone that level 1 RSE is generally a poor way to go about equipping yourself (I encountered a Taru BLM wearing it in Gustav once. And he had the audacity to call me elitist for suggesting that hey, maybe it was time to get some gear!), but especially in the dunes I'm pretty lenient.

                          Then again, there was that PLD I partied with the other day who forgot to bring a sword to the fight. That was...awkward.


                          • #14
                            Re: What's the fun in this?

                            Originally posted by Aelathir
                            Then again, there was that PLD I partied with the other day who forgot to bring a sword to the fight. That was...awkward.

                            Thank you.. that really made me laugh a lot.

                            heeheehee ahahahaha

                            I dunno what you can say to counter that.

                            - Saeriel.


                            • #15
                              Re: What's the fun in this?

                              Halfway through the fight I was like... "Um...[Hand to Hand]?" and he was like "lolz", which wasn't really the reaction I was hoping for. "Oh, I forgot to equip my sword", or "hey, let me go grab my sword" or "does anyone have a sword I can borrow" would have all been acceptable. Instead he just suggested we keep going.

