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Why I never give new people gil.

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  • Why I never give new people gil.

    I know this thread has probably been made before.

    It will probably be made again.

    However, my wife has given me the best example I have ever seen as to why I blist people that beg for gil.

    Recently, out of boredom on the game, she started a brand new character on another server. It was a sort of "see how the other half lives" sort of thing. We've been longtime residents of Ramuh, and a new server would mean new challenges.

    She started a new Tarutaru in Bastok, our favorite starting city. A level 1 RDM, with no connections, high jobs, or friends to assist her.

    That also means none of the money we've made over the years of playing. Nor any gear.

    In a week time, she's made nearly 200k, and she has no jobs that have even reached level 10. How does she do it?

    For starters, she farmed one stack of wind crystals. Just one. That gave her money to AH larger items (Zeruhn Soot, Beehive Chips). She then invested in some pick axes and hit Zerhun mines and made a mint in Zinc Ores.

    So the next time someone sends you that dreaded tell ("can u give me gil"), tell them: In the time it took you to ask me that, you could have made some yourself.

  • #2
    Re: Why I never give new people gil.

    I gave a new player gil when he asked really nicely for it. I advised him (a warrior) to use it to buy an axe or great axe for better accuracy/damage. He ended up buying a potion tank with the money. I used the whole thing as a learning experience.

    It makes the player too dependent on outside help, for one. And they're much more likely to ask for more money (either from the person that gave them money last time or random people). Plus they generally don't have an idea of what to buy. New players tend to think that potions are needed for normal exp (I know I did when I started), when in fact they're generally too expensive for how much HP they restore to use often.
    Generic Info!


    • #3
      Re: Why I never give new people gil.

      Current fire crystal prices mean you can easily make 200-400k by the time you get your first job to lv10 if you know where to lv. Unfortunately that isnt all that much money anymore. Its enough to get you started tho.
      75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
      Woodworking 91.9+2
      ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


      • #4
        Re: Why I never give new people gil.

        But we old players already know where the gil is. There are too many things we already know that will make us capable of making gil right away: getting signet fro crystals, junks like rabbit meat and hide, bat wings, quests, so much more that we've learnt.

        Still, the fact remains, you shouldn't give new players gil. Instead, advice them about how to make money.
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • #5
          Re: Why I never give new people gil.

          I never give out gil to noobs...period. I was offered gil myself (I never asked for it) and I refused cuz I wanted to work for it - I wanted to do things on my own.

          Learn how to make it on your own and you'll never be out of gil. You'll never be the person that says 'I'm so broke.' Do something about it...this game is not about just leveling a's about taking a problem and solving it. Research in ways to make the gil. Discover what interests you; be it crafting, fishing, mining, gardening or even regional export and imports.

          I don't think that giving gil will 'teach' a person how to make it on their own. And hey it's like the real world, you dont know the value of a gil until you actually have to make it yourself.
          Race: Galka
          Main: PLD61
          Skills: Cooking 62, Clothcraft 22, Fishing 10
          Rank: 5
          Country: Sandy
          LS: ChainsofGod
          AF: Honour Sword ( )
          Gallant leggings ()
          Gallant Gauntlets ()
          Gallant Coronet ( )
          Gallant Breeches ( )
          Gallant Surcout ( )

          Server: Cerberus


          • #6
            Re: Why I never give new people gil.

            I've given newbs 300 gil and a yew rod and told them to start fishing in Bastok Markets/Windurst Woods.

            That's usually the sum total I give to a newbie to get them started. I tell them what to fish and how to do if.

            If they come back asking for money - they get blacklisted, if they come back asking how to fish better and what to do next - they get answers.


            • #7
              Re: Why I never give new people gil.

              I always ignore those tells. Hopefully that will send them a message that "they're on their own". If they keep begging, its /blist.
              Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
              Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7



              • #8
                Re: Why I never give new people gil.

                I like to help. I always have my mentor flag up just for the off chance that someone will need information, since I can be like a black-market info provider, practically.

                One day a month ago, I was in San d'Oria waiting for the in-game day to change so I could chocobo race on over to Windurst. During this time, I get a tell.

                newplayer>> hey could i have some help?
                Knives>> Oh! Yes, sure, what could I help with?
                newplayer>> where is the armor store

                So, after taking the time to find him (which can be hell since new players don't know about the <pos> function), I showed him the armory and weapons shop of South San. I was pretty happy with myself until this next part.

                Knives>> So, is there anything else I could help you with before I head off?
                newplayer>> ya can i have some money?
                *facevault* m(_ _)m

                I explained to him as best I could that I don't give money to anyone. Basically... one of the most important things about FFXI is the sense of accomplishment you get when you ARE able to buy that awesome item you need. I can't even afford the items I need to pimp out my thief, how can I afford to give gil to a newbie who can't fend for themselves even a little bit? /cry
                guh :D


                • #9
                  Re: Why I never give new people gil.

                  I've never given gil to anyone who asked for it. That being said, I HAVE shown new players around windy and bought them lowbie armor at the aromor shop and told them how to go out and kill things with signet on to make gil.
                  BLM75 RNG65 BRD50 NIN37 RDM37 WHM25 WAR25 BST21 THF7
                  Elemental Magic Skill Merits 1/5

                  Thanks to Kazuki for the awesome sig!


                  • #10
                    Re: Why I never give new people gil.

                    I'll generally, if asked, give new players a very small amount of gil, like 1000, just so that they can pay auction house fees to list thier loot. The 50 gil you get starting out doesn't really cut it, and there aren't a lot of monsters or quests you can get right off the bat that drop you much money for listing stuff.

                    I'll also give someone in thier 20s like up to 2k to get a chocobo or list something as well.. just cause I've been there and I know how much THAT sucks heh.

                    "Well, I have this item worth like 500k sitting in my mog house I want to sell... too bad I can't pay to list it >.<"

                    I also like to give newbies the best piece of starting advice in the game, IMHO. which is there are npc stores in this game!


                    • #11
                      Re: Why I never give new people gil.

                      I never give gil to nwebs, when they ask I just politely tell them how they can make the gil themselves by informing them of signet and how to stack items in their inventory they soon realise how to make enough for themselves by themselves.
                      A friend of mine is joining my server and she expects me to pay for here every need and I was going to! But then the other day I made a new character on a completey new server and I remembered the way I used to play when I was new, where every item you got was worth keeping to sell and told her she could easily make it on her own.

                      (btw you dont really need to give newbs money for ah fees, they can make themselves! even if they have 0 gil they can go fight beastmen who drop gil, even if it is small amounts, and use that gil to put items on to get more gil to put more items on!)


                      • #12
                        Re: Why I never give new people gil.

                        My friend and I just started on new servers for a fresh feel I guess.. We've already made around 30k~ each at level 6-8! Money's really easy in this game, especially if you figure out where you can NPC all the items you need.. For instance, I can't get poison from sandy magic shops unless it's second in conquest, but I had already gotten a linkpearl on that server and someone bought it in bastok for me and sent it to me.. I was wanting to pay him what it was worth (only 84 gil) but he replied "If you send me 84g, I will MPK you." Gotta love linkshell generiousity .

                        Corwynn's Journal

                        Red Mage for life.

                        What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?


                        • #13
                          Re: Why I never give new people gil.

                          Yah, that starting gil of 50 gil is just retarded. Maybe at one time, long ago, it was enough. But now with hyperinflation and even increases in AH fees, SE seriously needs to take better care of their new players.

                          Maybe a proposal is that with a new account and subsequent first content ID, a player will have a key item ticket which grants them 10 free auction listings. This will be limited to first time players only to keep this from being abused.


                          • #14
                            Re: Why I never give new people gil.

                            It'd work, you need to make it in the 3 countries only and you don't get a choice as to whether it's useable or not. Otherwise people are going to abuse it for listing 10 million gil items in jeuno

                            nah it's fine, I'm not above giving someone 1k just to help 'em list stuff.. I mean heck, in vana'diel these days 1,000g barely buys you some beef jerky


                            • #15
                              Re: Why I never give new people gil.

                              I am still pretty new at this game, but i was lucky to have someone notice my ? symbol above my head and gave me 4 PickAxe's. I was like "ok" what do i do with them, and he took me into the Mines and showed me how to mine and showed me how to put them on the AH. From then on if i was short on Gil i head strait to the mines. So when someone asks for Gil or whatnot, I will show them the same thing that I learned. I will not give gil away but i really don't mind giving something to a "newbie" that will show them how to make thier own money.
                              I fire up the grill.

                              Lighter fluid, lighter fluid, lighter fluid.

                              [GM]Dave>> FIRAGA III!!!

                              I pretend not to notice Susan shaking her head as I throw the match

                              Originally posted by Mog
                              holy shit, apparently crazy is contageous. I turned his brain into the mind of a bulldog! nOO!!

