Last night I was typing in the web address for I accidently typed in Which sent me to the IGE site. I noticed they had articles so I started reading them. I found one that made me start laughing. This is some seriously funny stuff. To answer any people who might say "Do you buy gil?" I don't. Never will I buy a single gil, ever.
The article found on IGE's Website:
"Play Nice, Don't Monopolize!
Hundreds of thousands of people, like you, enjoy playing Final Fantasy XI. Everyone plays to have a good time. Friendliness, courtesy, and respect for others are as important in the online world as they are in real life. We encourage all players to be good citizens of the gaming community. Exploits, hacks, and monopolizing camp spots so other people can’t acquire good items are destructive to the whole game experience for everyone. Game economies are not helped by making it difficult for other players to play and enjoy the game. Any activity that makes playing the games less fun hurts us all. We encourage you to use common sense, common courtesy, and enjoy the marvelous adventures in the games. Help everyone have fun and all else follows."
Funny stuff, huh? Right, don't monopolize. Why? So you guys at IGE can steal everything? Please... don't make me laugh. Wait, too late.
Ok, I'm not advertising. I just thought it was funny. Ok? If you think it's too much I'll take iot off, no problem.
The article found on IGE's Website:
"Play Nice, Don't Monopolize!
Hundreds of thousands of people, like you, enjoy playing Final Fantasy XI. Everyone plays to have a good time. Friendliness, courtesy, and respect for others are as important in the online world as they are in real life. We encourage all players to be good citizens of the gaming community. Exploits, hacks, and monopolizing camp spots so other people can’t acquire good items are destructive to the whole game experience for everyone. Game economies are not helped by making it difficult for other players to play and enjoy the game. Any activity that makes playing the games less fun hurts us all. We encourage you to use common sense, common courtesy, and enjoy the marvelous adventures in the games. Help everyone have fun and all else follows."
Funny stuff, huh? Right, don't monopolize. Why? So you guys at IGE can steal everything? Please... don't make me laugh. Wait, too late.
Ok, I'm not advertising. I just thought it was funny. Ok? If you think it's too much I'll take iot off, no problem.