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this game will be the end of me

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  • this game will be the end of me

    for the last like 3 months that iv had this game iv been really pissy when my parents tell me to get off a sec or anything, hung out with my friends alot less, like if they ask to hang out then ill like make up an excuse or somthing, i hardly get up off my ass to work out or anything, my school work has been slipping alot, anyone else have any problems such as this? ... i guess the warning they give is real
    Spider Torque <mine>
    HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>
    Phantom Earrings <mine>
    <Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>

    Remora Server - Ravd
    Rank 6

    58 Cooking

  • #2
    Re: this game will be the end of me

    Oh ya, specially the first six months, this game takes over your life, but then things start falling into place again. Just try to make it so it doesn't affect important things in your real life hehe.

    And yep that warning is real, if you keep playing life as you know it will change more than you think, I like to think my life changed for the better, but I've heard people who really went down the dark side lol.

    Edit> I had to quote this:

    You are living two lives.

    In one life you are Thomas A. Anderson, program writter for a respectable software company. You have a social security number, you pay your taxes, and help your land lady carry out her garbage.

    The other life is lived in computers where you are known by the hacker alias Neo and are guilty of virtually every crime we have a law for.

    One of this lives has a future, the other does not.

    Square-Enix has you...

    So my question is are you Red or Blue?
    Last edited by Raydeus; 06-01-2006, 08:15 AM.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #3
      Re: this game will be the end of me

      At least you realise it, now is the time to do something about it. Don't put it off. It's easy to turn round one day and realise your friends have moved on, you're unfit, and you are so far behind at school/work you don't have a chance of catching up.
      Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


      • #4
        Re: this game will be the end of me

        Yeah, it gets like that if you let it. Just force yourself to step away for a bit. Realize it's not a race. You don't have to level today, or farm, or craft, or do any other thing. It'll all be there tomorrow, next week, etc.

        I tend to play a lot for a few weeks, then hardly at all for a week, then off and on, then back to heavy play. Once you break away for a few days, you might find you'd rather be doing something else anyway. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
        Ellipses on Fenrir
        There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
        . . .


        • #5
          Re: this game will be the end of me

          yeah like everywhere i go all i can think about is this game and when i want to get back on its pritty bad.
          Spider Torque <mine>
          HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>
          Phantom Earrings <mine>
          <Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>

          Remora Server - Ravd
          Rank 6

          58 Cooking


          • #6
            Re: this game will be the end of me

            With my job lately, I've just not had the time I'd like to have. I don't like logging on if I don't have an entire day to spend either levelling or doing whatever. So simply *having* my job keeps me from becoming addicted. I've only been on XI a grand total of maybe 10 hours since last Friday.

            Though that will change this weekend. I'm going to start pushing towards 50 as I have quite a few days in a row off.
            "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

            ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


            • #7
              Re: this game will be the end of me

              Stop playing on weekdays, or just limit your play time on weekdays for no more than 1-2 hrs, it's what i do.

              Not only do i keep in touch with reality more, i also wont get bored of the game anytime soon, unlike people who play it all day everyday.. they burn out much faster.
              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


              • #8
                Re: this game will be the end of me

                Hi, my name is Bob, and I'm an alcoholic. Oh snaps, wrong thread.

                Lol, no worries. Just gotta moderate how you play. Set certain times where u play, and anything past that, live your life. The wonders of a set pt.


                • #9
                  Re: this game will be the end of me

                  The funniest thing about the warning is everyone thinks it's stupid and then 6 months and 33 playing days later, they realize it's absolutely deadly serious.


                  • #10
                    Re: this game will be the end of me

                    Originally posted by ikkleste
                    At least you realise it, now is the time to do something about it. Don't put it off. It's easy to turn round one day and realise your friends have moved on, you're unfit, and you are so far behind at school/work you don't have a chance of catching up.
                    Amen Ikkleste!
                    To die by the sword...hurts like hell!


                    • #11
                      Re: this game will be the end of me

                      Originally posted by Hamlet
                      The funniest thing about the warning is everyone thinks it's stupid and then 6 months and 33 playing days later, they realize it's absolutely deadly serious.
                      You mean 6 months & 60 playing days later.


                      • #12
                        Re: this game will be the end of me

                        This game has ruled pretty much the last four years of my life, although I did take a sabbatical for a year before being back for around the past 8/9 months.

                        You have to take time away from it, or you will end up hating either the game, or yourself.

                        But yeah, very addictive and very time consuming - but hell, I wouldnt have it any other way!

                        Which FF Character Are You?


                        • #13
                          Re: this game will be the end of me

                          Yeah, this game can and will take over your life if you let it.

                          My advice to anyone who knows they have an addictive personality and also enjoys video games...

                          Don't even start. It'll eat you whole.


                          • #14
                            Re: this game will be the end of me

                            Originally posted by Slaneyder the Tiny
                            My advice to anyone who knows they have an addictive personality and also enjoys video games...

                            Don't even start. It'll eat you whole.
                            That's what I told my best-friend's sister, she wanted to pick it up and I know her to be kinda psychotic about video games and she's got a very addictive personality for this stuff. She was going into her first year university and I said "If I hear you failed out of first year because of this game, I'm going over to your house and kicking the crap out of you and then deleting FF off your computer" she never got it >.> Thank god.

                            lol I have 160 days on this game and I look at it now and I'm like *crap, that's 160 days 24/7 playing a freaking video game...* Time to start thinking about something else. XD but I need corsair to 75 first >.> *addicted twitch*
                            Character information:

                            ^ Jotroge you roxs my soxs
                            Dayala :: 75 RDM / 75 WHM / 75COR / 75 SMN
                            EndlessAbyss HNMLS / GreatBelow Dynamis
                            Titan Server Rank 10 Sandy | Rank 10 Windy
                            RoZ: Completed | CoP: Completed | ToAU: TM Completed
                            AF2: 4/5 RDM 2/5 WHM
                            Crimson Gear: Hands: O Feet: O Legs: O Head: X Body: X
                            Zenith Gear: Hands: O Feet: O Legs: O Head: O Body: X


                            • #15
                              Re: this game will be the end of me

                              Originally posted by Dayala
                              lol I have 160 days on this game and I look at it now and I'm like *crap, that's 160 days 24/7 playing a freaking video game...* Time to start thinking about something else. XD but I need corsair to 75 first >.> *addicted twitch*
                              Meh, you would have spent that time doing something, and unless you're one of those super-motivated people (who make up only a tiny bit of population), it probably wouldn't have been that much more productive. Most of my coworkers get home from work around, say, 6pm, then stare at television until 11 or midnight. I spend the same time playing a video game which lets me interact with friends. They're just two halves of the same coin.

                              As long as you're not playing to the detriment of other things in your life-- you go to work/school, get enough sleep so that you can accomplish things there, get your laundry and other hygiene stuff taken care of, etc-- you're in good shape, in my opinion. People lose sight of those things for a lot of addictions: television, video games, drinking, excessive exercising, reading, etc. There's no reason that gaming should have some kind of inherent stigma attached to it.

