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Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

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  • Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

    So last night I'm out looking for a party with my 21 NIN/WAR and I get a blind invite, which I accept. The party doesn't work out due to a 4 level gap so we break up and I find a new party. As members are starting to leave and replacements need to be found, the party leader decides he doesn't want to lead, and asks if one of us will take lead. With no takers, and the leader seemingly unwilling to invite people, I offer to take over and promptly fill the missing spot.

    Soon after, the BLM has to go, so I look around and find a BLU seeking. Being that he is the only DD around I quickly send him a /tell. I wait for a response, but nothing, so I figure what the hell and shoot him an invite. The invite is declined quickly and then a nice chat ensued.

    Me> So I guess that's a no then. (referring to my original /tell offering a party)
    BLU> I don't take blind invites!
    Me> That's why I sent you a /tell first.
    (after a bit of silence)
    BLU> Well what jobs and levels do you have?

    After I filled him in on the setup he quickly joined, and then informed us he might have to leave (why is your flag up?) . We waited for about 5 minutes for him to clear things up with his GF, and then he showed up. While waiting, another member (maybe from his LS) says in party chat, "Don't send blind invites!" I sent a /tell explaining that he could cut that sh!t out and to send a /tell if he had a problem.... but I sent it to the wrong person in my haste!

    So here is the question I pose to the fine players at FFXIOnline:
    Why are blind invites so bad?
    I understand why people don't accept them, but some people act as though I just insulted there grandmother. You have your flag up and you're mad because I invited you? I don't understand?
    75 Bard and holding..
    San d'Oria Rank 7
    Sky: O / Sea: X

  • #2
    Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

    All I expect is a /tell saying Hello, and would I like to pt. Of course, at this point, I'll jump on anything.

    If the definition of "blind invite" is someone saying hello and then inviting you, then thats all I've ever had.

    They aren't applying for a life-critical job, its a PT for goodness sake. Take the good with the bad and hold on to what you can.
    66MNK | 37WAR | 22SAM | 20THF | 20BST | 18 NIN | 17BLM | 10WHM
    Cooking 69 / Fishing 48
    01 / 10 on Hoo Mjuu the Torrent (Monster Signa: O)
    01 / 08 on Mee Deggi the Punisher (Ochiumsha Kote:
    01 / 04 on Quu Domi the Gallant (Sarutobi Kyahan: O)


    • #3
      Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

      Blind invites aren't really bad per se, but it does show a lack of experience on the leader's part, so odds are the pt is going to suck.

      But you sent a tell beforehand so your invite doesn't qualify as a blind invite.

      Basically, some people just need an excuse to get pissy. Whether it be this, or /checking them, or some other meaningless act that gives them an excuse to bitch.

      But when I get a blind invite, I definately question whethere I should join or not, especially considering 90% of the pts I've joined from blind invites turned out to really really suck.


      • #4
        Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

        I think it's mainly a courteuos thing to do. When I invite I usually just say "<Party> <Do you need it?>" or "Would you Like a Party?" Now that I think about it, I can't really see why it's a big deal. In my experience though, it seems that people who ask usually have better party setups then those who send blind invites. If that is true for other people then that is probably why they don't accept blinds.
        You kill one man, your a murderer
        Kill many and your a conquerer
        Kill them all... your a God.


        • #5
          Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

          I always wondered this also. Why get so dramatic over an invite. If I get a blind
          invite I will just then initiate the /tells. (where are you leveling? what is the
          party make up? etc)

          No need to get upset. If I want to party, I will party, if not I won't. If they won't
          reply to my questions or see it as me being picky, fine. I will look for a party
          where I am a better "fit". No harm no foul.

          I see every invite as an opportunity to level, whether it is blind or not. After all,
          I am "looking for group".


          • #6
            Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

            I guess what really burnt my up was the fact that I'm not new, and I don't blind invite. The reason I don't blind invite is because the player could be getting a warp 2, waiting on an invite from there buddy, whatever, I get that. I just didn't understand when /tell first then invite started to equal blind invite.
            75 Bard and holding..
            San d'Oria Rank 7
            Sky: O / Sea: X


            • #7
              Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

              Dunes, Qufim, and sometimes Kazham, I don't care. I'm right there, it's not like it's going to be a big deal to check the party list, and I won't lose much time.

              After that, I'd prefer a /tell just to start communication up. Where would the party be going? What members are there? That sort of thing. I'd rather know that stuff before joining, for two reasons. First, if the plan or the setup doesn't sound very good, I don't have to be out of the LFG pool for however long it takes to find that out. That's not a major thing, but it can make a difference depending on timing.

              Second, it's a lot more frustrating for parties to have someone join and then drop than it is to have them not join at all. I know I've gotten annoyed when the sixth member has finally joined, then decided not to go just as we're almost ready. I don't want to be that guy, either. If I get enough info to decide not to go before the invite, I can just politely say no and be on my way.

              Mostly I just take it as a sign of minimal respect and courtesy when someone sends a tell first. The more detail that tell has, the more ready I am to believe the party will be a good one (or at least have a good leader). It seems to me that if blind invites were the norm throughout the game, you'd end up wasting a lot more time on both ends, with people joining, checking, leaving, etc. So that's part of it too.
              Ellipses on Fenrir
              There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
              . . .


              • #8
                Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

                Easy (but quite the long post!).

                Imagine youre seeking so your friend can invite you for a BCNM run you have planned.
                Or because you want a teleport.
                Or because you DC'ed and came back short after.

                What will you do, if someone else sends you a blind invite? You decline it so your friend can invite you. Then you have an angry player yelling at you for declining the invite.

                But thats not the reason why people hate blind invites, its just something that could happen, the reason is because it shows a huge lack of etiquette, i for one like to atleast know that the other person cares just a tiny bit about me to the point of asking me before inviting me. Blind invites became reason of laughter and hate, but thats because people sometimes take things too extremely, im not gonna hate or yell at anyone because they sent me a blind invite, under normal circumstances anyway.

                Why you shouldnt blind invite: Its un-etical (sp), simply because you should put an effort into asking the person first. Same way as you expect the barman to say good day before asking what you want.

                What you should do at all times if you want to invite someone to an exp pt: Be polite enough to say "hello", thats all it takes, then add your current party members, and camp, if none of these are set yet, just tell him youre forming pt, and if he would like to join.

                In any case, you have a lv75 BRD, all of the stuff ive said, you should already know, i assume your only problem here is realising why people take blind invites so badly... well, let me be as direct as i am able: People behind their computers have a tendency to think theyre better and smarter than everyone else, AKA, rude.

                I still have a lot to say tho!

                In your particular situation, that BLU was extremely cocky and probably thought too high of himself anyway. Either that or he simply didnt see your first tell for some abnormal reason.

                About him leaving for 5 min, stuff sometimes comes up, cant be helped, he was seeking because he wanted to exp, but he also needed to afk a bit. It'd be serious if he seeked pt, got 100exp on a kill and left right after leveling up, now thats something to be pissed off about.

                AND ONE MORE THING! im on a roll:

                Dont judge a population of thousands of players on a few bad eggs, its all good ^^
                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                • #9
                  Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

                  Well I remember back in the day,when you sent a /t it was more informative than "{Party}{Do you need it?}" It went along the lines of "{Party} = Whm, Rdm, Blm, Sam, Thf @ {Qufim Island} F-8" But it was rude to just invite and not tell the parameters of what your party consisted of and where you were located. Now its rare to find this in a /t so actually the "{Party}{Do you need it?}" is just a formality. But the bottom line is, if people want a /t before an invite then send it. It takes a few seconds and very little effort and the respect you're showing by doing it goes a long way.
                  Originally posted by Feba
                  But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                  Originally posted by DakAttack
                  ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                  • #10
                    Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

                    In the case of the BLU I think he expected to part of some sort of bidding war or somthing, where he is the prize to be had.

                    I've never had that attitude as a MNK, so I don't really understand it. For me, every invite has been a tiny blessing.

                    Like I stated earlier, I've never had the details of a party before joining, because most times I either know I'll be the last member invited, and better jump on it, or the whole party is coming together and there is little or no information to be had.
                    66MNK | 37WAR | 22SAM | 20THF | 20BST | 18 NIN | 17BLM | 10WHM
                    Cooking 69 / Fishing 48
                    01 / 10 on Hoo Mjuu the Torrent (Monster Signa: O)
                    01 / 08 on Mee Deggi the Punisher (Ochiumsha Kote:
                    01 / 04 on Quu Domi the Gallant (Sarutobi Kyahan: O)


                    • #11
                      Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

                      Originally posted by Balfree
                      Imagine youre seeking so your friend can invite you for a BCNM run you have planned.
                      Or because you want a teleport.
                      Or because you DC'ed and came back short after.
                      Venturing off-topic a bit here, but I've never gotten why it's necessary to seek in any of those cases. Is there some way of inviting people I don't know about that only works if they have their flag up? (Honest question, I always do /pcmd add name or /sea all name > invite, so maybe there's something menu-ish?)
                      Ellipses on Fenrir
                      There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                      . . .


                      • #12
                        Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

                        You're a 75 BRD, you should know why blind invites are bad.

                        In any event....

                        Blind invites are like being asked to get into a car full of people you know nothing about. Why would I accept an invite, from some random person, to go and waste my time and money, without at least having a general idea of what the goal of the party is?

                        I'll be honest with you, I don't even like just getting a /tell with "party?" in it. It shows a lack of enthusiasm on the part of the Leader, and I do not want to waste my time in a party where the leader himself doesn't give 1/2 a damn to try and be as informative and knowledgable as possible.

                        When I make a PT, I always give the person I am inviting the level range, the proposed camp, the other members of the Pt, and how long we are partying. I don't see what is so hard about adding this information in, it will in the end only help you exp more than anything.

                        So yeah, Blind Invites are for hacks who don't give a damn, and noobs who don't know any better.
                        | PLD 75 | NIN 75 | SAM 72 | BRD 75 | RNG 48 | BLM 40 | WHM 37 |
                        Leader of the Templars of Baldur


                        • #13
                          Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

                          It is sort of dumb, but a tell saying "Party, do you need it?" is somehow better than just a blind invite. In a way, it's irrational because, like, of course I want a pt I have my flag up. But on the other hand, it's your first impression of the leader and the pt, and sending at least that much at least shows that you're experienced enough to know that sending a tell, ANY tell, is considered polite.

                          It's especially nice when they include pt members and where they want to xp, but that's rare, although more common in the 70s since there are many different places to lvl and not everyone has access to them.


                          • #14
                            Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

                            I'll be honest with you, I don't even like just getting a /tell with "party?" in it. It shows a lack of enthusiasm on the part of the Leader, and I do not want to waste my time in a party where the leader himself doesn't give 1/2 a damn to try and be as informative and knowledgable as possible.

                            When I make a PT, I always give the person I am inviting the level range, the proposed camp, the other members of the Pt, and how long we are partying. I don't see what is so hard about adding this information in, it will in the end only help you exp more than anything.

                            So yeah, Blind Invites are for hacks who don't give a damn, and noobs who don't know any better.
                            You're from a bit of a different generation I guess, having three jobs in the 70's would give me a different expectation too. It has become proper social behavior just to ask "Party?" before inviting you. Thats all. I'd say it has been a lack of enthusiasim not just of the leader, but of the entire playerbase to allow that behavior to continue.
                            66MNK | 37WAR | 22SAM | 20THF | 20BST | 18 NIN | 17BLM | 10WHM
                            Cooking 69 / Fishing 48
                            01 / 10 on Hoo Mjuu the Torrent (Monster Signa: O)
                            01 / 08 on Mee Deggi the Punisher (Ochiumsha Kote:
                            01 / 04 on Quu Domi the Gallant (Sarutobi Kyahan: O)


                            • #15
                              Re: Blind Invites: Why are they so bad?

                              Originally posted by Ellipses
                              Venturing off-topic a bit here, but I've never gotten why it's necessary to seek in any of those cases. Is there some way of inviting people I don't know about that only works if they have their flag up? (Honest question, I always do /pcmd add name or /sea all name > invite, so maybe there's something menu-ish?)
                              Thats true.

                              But i still put my flag up on many situations like those, mostly if the inviter is right next to me, and yes, yesterday i did it to get invited into my assault set, and got 2 invites that i declined and said only "sorry cant exp", and got a angry DRK calling me "just another rude RDM who thinks hes such hot shit".
                              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine

