So last night I'm out looking for a party with my 21 NIN/WAR and I get a blind invite, which I accept. The party doesn't work out due to a 4 level gap so we break up and I find a new party. As members are starting to leave and replacements need to be found, the party leader decides he doesn't want to lead, and asks if one of us will take lead. With no takers, and the leader seemingly unwilling to invite people, I offer to take over and promptly fill the missing spot.
Soon after, the BLM has to go, so I look around and find a BLU seeking. Being that he is the only DD around I quickly send him a /tell. I wait for a response, but nothing, so I figure what the hell and shoot him an invite. The invite is declined quickly and then a nice chat ensued.
Me> So I guess that's a no then. (referring to my original /tell offering a party)
BLU> I don't take blind invites!
Me> That's why I sent you a /tell first.
(after a bit of silence)
BLU> Well what jobs and levels do you have?
After I filled him in on the setup he quickly joined, and then informed us he might have to leave (why is your flag up?)
. We waited for about 5 minutes for him to clear things up with his GF, and then he showed up. While waiting, another member (maybe from his LS) says in party chat, "Don't send blind invites!" I sent a /tell explaining that he could cut that sh!t out and to send a /tell if he had a problem.... but I sent it to the wrong person in my haste!
So here is the question I pose to the fine players at FFXIOnline:
Why are blind invites so bad?
I understand why people don't accept them, but some people act as though I just insulted there grandmother. You have your flag up and you're mad because I invited you? I don't understand?
Soon after, the BLM has to go, so I look around and find a BLU seeking. Being that he is the only DD around I quickly send him a /tell. I wait for a response, but nothing, so I figure what the hell and shoot him an invite. The invite is declined quickly and then a nice chat ensued.
Me> So I guess that's a no then. (referring to my original /tell offering a party)
BLU> I don't take blind invites!

Me> That's why I sent you a /tell first.
(after a bit of silence)
BLU> Well what jobs and levels do you have?
After I filled him in on the setup he quickly joined, and then informed us he might have to leave (why is your flag up?)

So here is the question I pose to the fine players at FFXIOnline:
Why are blind invites so bad?
I understand why people don't accept them, but some people act as though I just insulted there grandmother. You have your flag up and you're mad because I invited you? I don't understand?
