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EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

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  • #16
    Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

    I have to agree with the majority here. Tsikuro, your behavior was ill-suited and unbecoming of you. Just what you posted already showed your true colors. Whether or not you showed that conversation in entirety is besides the point. You had to wait 10-30 minutes (Not sure what you meant by that) Big ****** deal. I was with POL support for nearly 80 minutes on hold listening to the same music (Orchestral rendition of a theme song from FFV - good but not THAT good) just to get my account fixed up a year ago (I had to report a bad registration ID I got with my second account) and I never came here to discuss how bad the service was.

    Seriously, we already get enough ADD Emos posting shit on just about every forum and on just about every topic already...


    • #17
      Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

      Originally posted by Aeni
      I have to agree with the majority here. Tsikuro, your behavior was ill-suited and unbecoming of you. Just what you posted already showed your true colors. Whether or not you showed that conversation in entirety is besides the point. You had to wait 10-30 minutes (Not sure what you meant by that) Big ****** deal. I was with POL support for nearly 80 minutes on hold listening to the same music (Orchestral rendition of a theme song from FFV - good but not THAT good) just to get my account fixed up a year ago (I had to report a bad registration ID I got with my second account) and I never came here to discuss how bad the service was.

      Seriously, we already get enough ADD Emos posting shit on just about every forum and on just about every topic already...
      I'm sorry. No.
      He wasn't helpful at all. Not only did I wait in line for an hour, but he made me wait ten to thirty minutes in-between every single thing he said.
      Part of his job is to understand a customer's frustration.
      He did not explain anything to me, he did not help me. He did not do his job at all.
      It doesn't matter how much of an ass you are- their job is to help you. They make a living off helping people, and when they don't do anything at all, I think it's wrong.

      I spoke to another GM afterwards, though, and he cleared everything up for me. He -told- me that people have somehow been getting ahold of ToAU keys, and they've received multiple complaints like mine. He told me that if I mailed that page of the instruction manual to them, with my account ID, they would activate ToAU on it.


      • #18
        Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

        Originally posted by Tsikuro
        Matthew > Hi.
        GM Tydecat > hello9
        Matthew > 9 o.O
        Matthew > That's not even close to the '.' o_O
        GM Tydecat > mt
        Matthew > ...XD
        GM Tydecat > glad to see you are in a good mod
        Matthew > O_o
        Matthew > Jcblue Jr.
        Matthew > Am I supposed to ask /=
        Matthew > ><;
        Matthew > I have a cellphone.
        Matthew > Ooooooh.
        Matthew > umm...
        Matthew > ...=/
        Matthew > hello?
        Matthew > Seriously, it's been like half an hour since you've said anything.
        GM Tydecat > yes
        you come off as an ass from the beginning, and despite it not being the best customer service you can hardly blame him. WOuld it of hurt you to simply ask why he wasn't resopnding. a simple "excuse me are you still there?" after the first two mins instead of pulling silly faces and talking about cellphones, might of got a sensible responce like "This may take a while, i'm going to have to talk to my supervisor". yeah the GM didn't communicate well, but to be honest i wouldn't want to communicate with you either.
        Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


        • #19
          Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

          you werent exactly in a good mood. I understand frustration but bein an ass really won't get you anywhere with GM's.

          side note: Thank god it wasn't [GM] Dave that answered your call - with responses like that...well we all know what would happen.


          • #20
            Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

            OP: You were an asshole, end of story. I wouldn't help an asshole either.

            Girlfriend of the Whm: {That's too bad.} You're going to hate your life when you hit level 55 if you think that kind of exp loss is bad. Deal with it.


            • #21
              Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

              Regardless of the OP's behavior, customer service reps are supposed to be as professional as possible. Leaving someone hanging for half an hour at a time and not giving any information at all to the person you're supposedly helping aren't very professional any way you cut it.
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • #22
                Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

                Mobs agro through doors- now you know! It's weird that the GM said that you should file a Tech report about it. Maybe he doesn't know the game that well or just wanted a quick solution (i.e. trying to pass the buck). But in the end, no GM will ever restore xp, and especially from a non-issue.

                To the OP, you should've been dealing with customer support to begin with for registration issues. And your followup post contradicts your OP because a GM went out of his way to help you even though registration issues are not their responsiblity.


                • #23
                  Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

                  I will reiterate what the majority is saying. You were very disrespectful toward the GM and he's not the one who's at fault, you are.

                  While you think you were just joking around, calling him JcBlue jr was uncalled for and he never did anything that provoked that sort of response for you.

                  You get no sympathy from me, sorry.
                  ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                  • #24
                    Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

                    Originally posted by Djonma
                    I'm sorry but, mobs attacking through scenery that a player can't attack them through isn't not knowing about how aggro works.
                    The mob aggrod through SOLID scenery.
                    The GM accepted that it shouldn't have happened; my boyfriend had to file a technical problem report so they can fix it.
                    Are you saying that in Garlaige you shouldn't ever rest on the first floor because there's monsters downstairs that you can see the spell effects of? And they might suddenly come through the floor and kill you?
                    Garliage is different than SSG. the basement is far enough below you that any bats and beetles or whatever aggro mobs are out of range. That's not even close to a comparision.

                    In SSG, sahagin are sound aggro mobs. You should know that, if you didnt then its your fault for lack of knowledge. So actually it makes sense if you dont have sneak up. They can hear you on the other side of the door. Now, the fact that the door didnt open might be a glitch but the fact that it aggro'd you isnt. I know in some areas the mob will open the door and such, but just know that SSG is all sound aggro mobs. Still that being said, a lv. 30 character should never be w/o sneak in SSG. It's only asking for trouble. You can still rest while having sneak on. It sucks he died but that's just a lesson to be learned.

                    In areas where you know that you are grossly underleveled, keep sneak and/or invis up at all times. Asking the GM to reinstate XP loss is pretty ridiculous. They would have to dedicate a whole team of GM's to handle that if they actually did such a thing.

                    Now you know, remember and move forward.
                    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                    • #25
                      Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

                      Originally posted by Tsikuro
                      Matthew > Hi.
                      GM Tydecat > hello9
                      Matthew > 9 o.O
                      Matthew > That's not even close to the '.' o_O
                      GM Tydecat > mt
                      Matthew > ...XD
                      GM Tydecat > glad to see you are in a good mod
                      Matthew > O_o
                      Matthew > Jcblue Jr.
                      Matthew > Am I supposed to ask /=
                      Matthew > ><;
                      Matthew > I have a cellphone.
                      Matthew > Ooooooh.
                      Matthew > umm...
                      Matthew > ...=/
                      Matthew > hello?
                      Matthew > Seriously, it's been like half an hour since you've said anything.
                      GM Tydecat > yes
                      Matthew > ...yeah.
                      Matthew > Well, I'm glad we've come to an agreement.
                      GM Tydecat > why would you call me jc blue jr
                      Matthew > ...Because you are. XD
                      GM Tydecat > who?
                      Matthew > [GM]JcBlue Jr.
                      GM Tydecat > so me talking to my SGM about your issue gets me this?
                      Matthew > >_> Pretty much, yeah.
                      GM Tydecat > you players are funny
                      Matthew > You could've told me you were doing that XD
                      Matthew > All you said was 'hello9' and then went away. XD
                      GM Tydecat > MT
                      Matthew > >_>;;;;;;;;;;
                      GM Tydecat > gald
                      GM Tydecat > glad to see you are in a good mood going away
                      Matthew > Are you like ten? XD
                      Matthew > Bring your daughter to work day? XD
                      GM Tydecat > I am sorry that you are having this issue call tech support have a better night
                      Matthew > It's 6am -_-;
                      [Here I get kicked from chat]

                      He literally took 10-30minute breaks in-between saying something, and in the end, he didn't even tell me what he was doing, what his SGM told him, just told me to call tech support. What the hell is happening to GMs lately? >_<

                      Edit: To make things worst, I was in first place in the queue for about an hour.
                      When I came, it was empty.
                      Originally posted by Tsikuro
                      He wasn't helpful at all. Not only did I wait in line for an hour, but he made me wait ten to thirty minutes in-between every single thing he said.
                      If he took a 10 minute pause between every single thing he said, that means your entire conversation took 110 minutes. That's nearly 2 hours. If it was 30 minutes between them all, that would make it 330 minutes, or 5.5 hours.

                      Not only were you rude to him, but you overexaggerate to make yourself look good and GMs look bad. Please don't do this, people are smart enough to see through this kind of thing.
                      I crush up my pills and snort them like dust. They are my sugar. They are the sweetness in the days that have none. They drip through me like tupelo honey. Then they are gone. Then I need more. I always need more.

                      Sig thanks to Aksannyi of Dreams In Vana'diel


                      • #26
                        Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

                        Mobs can't open doors, ever. They go through them, and thin gates and walls too. Usually if you can see something on the other side of it, a mob can reach you. Does this mean mobs can go through ALL walls? No. A good test is going to GC towards the switches for the second or third gates. Go in a room next to a room full of IT pots and cast a spell. They won't aggro. Go in front of the door to their room and cast and they'll beat you down.

                        Some things mobs can and will go through, some things they can't. Doors, for the most part, will not stop mobs.
                        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                        • #27
                          Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

                          See, that's why I just do my scroll quests in SSG as a level 1. No exp loss, and if I die, I have my HP set in Norg!

                          Anyway, as for the main topic at hand: I agree that the OP was out of line. It isn't a customer service person's job to be belittled or harassed. He did nothing wrong.


                          • #28
                            Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

                            Just to interject a point of reference I work in a call center doing tech support for dsl internet. For the last few years on this job I have had customers belittle, insult, and threaten me. I have never understood why some people think being nasty is the way to make me more cooperative. You can imagine the level of assistance they are getting after treating me this way. I don't bother getting rude, but their problem is a lot more likely to remain unsolved. I have also had wonderful customers that after being nice to me tend to get assistance above and beyond what my requirements are. Bottom line if you want a customer support agent to follow his guideless exactly to the minimums required by his company be sure and insult him right from the start. Also please understand all agents are bound by certain limitations that there is no leeway on and other items are open to their interpetation so even being nice won't always get you what you want. This does make the discretionary things a tech does more likely to be in your favor if you just treat him the way you would expect to be treated if it was you taking the call.
                            Last edited by Theyaden; 06-01-2006, 02:42 PM.


                            • #29
                              Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

                              Originally posted by Tsikuro
                              He did not explain anything to me, he did not help me. He did not do his job at all.
                              It doesn't matter how much of an ass you are- their job is to help you. They make a living off helping people, and when they don't do anything at all, I think it's wrong.
                              And there we have it, the three words that will piss off every GM on our planet:

                              "It's your job."

                              Do you know what my job is? My job is to feed people to dragons. That's it.

                              If you think my job is to do whatever the hell you think is right, you are horribly misinformed (read: stupid).

                              I won't ban someone just because you want them banned.

                              I ban people just because I want them banned.

                              Don't tell me how to do my job. I know my job.

                              My job is dealing with morons who tell me how to do my job.

                              ~Gm Dave Blog
                              [LVL 5 BLM] FTW!

                              Definition of Noob:

                              Which FF Character Are You?


                              • #30
                                Re: EXTREMELY Unhelpful GMs.

                                Originally posted by waggyhang
                                And there we have it, the three words that will piss off every GM on our planet:

                                "It's your job."

                                Do you know what my job is? My job is to feed people to dragons. That's it.

                                If you think my job is to do whatever the hell you think is right, you are horribly misinformed (read: stupid).

                                I won't ban someone just because you want them banned.

                                I ban people just because I want them banned.

                                Don't tell me how to do my job. I know my job.

                                My job is dealing with morons who tell me how to do my job.

                                ~Gm Dave Blog
                                WOW, the ultimate QFT here kids. read up.
                                Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                                ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫

