I was messing around in Lower Jeuno today, and got a suprise I never thought would happen. Remember how everyone acted when SE introduced the patch that made players trade gil? Several where happy because they could spend their spare time hunting down gilsellers/buyers.... well, they don't need to hunt them down anymore, they like to throw themselver in your face now.
Woogyspimp: Delivering your xxxk gil playername! Thank you for ordering from Mogs.com!
I saw this message twice in the breif 5 min. I was in Jeuno. Wouldn't it be more intelligent to use tells than to ballantly reveal your mules and consumers?
Woogyspimp: Delivering your xxxk gil playername! Thank you for ordering from Mogs.com!
I saw this message twice in the breif 5 min. I was in Jeuno. Wouldn't it be more intelligent to use tells than to ballantly reveal your mules and consumers?