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The quest for the Chocobo License

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  • #16
    Re: The quest for the Chocobo License

    In my opinion the Chocobo quest is the dumbest quest in the game. My highest job is 43 so there may be worse out there. My objection isn't the amount of time it takes, but the fact you have to devote 5 hours to waiting to feed a giant bird (No chalenge just waiting). The Kazam keys at least you had to actively do things that kept you busy (Hunting mobs), but for the Choco quest the challenge is can I sit and wait for the bird to eat the greens for 5 hours.
    When I did this quest I setup an xbox near the computer and just re-traded the greens each hour while playing another game.
    Just my 5 gil (inflation from 2 :+D )


    • #17
      Re: The quest for the Chocobo License

      Originally posted by Mog
      Welcome to Jeuno, land of the shouting!
      I thought that was South Sandoria. Maybe that's just the land of stupid shouting.


      • #18
        Re: The quest for the Chocobo License

        I have a question. Does anyone know a good way to make gil in jueno or qufim? Because, i still have to feed thechocobo one grass and i have only 400 gil. I tried to sell some things on the ah, like two whm spells and a travelers hat and a self bow. The reason i tried to sell these is because that is all i had to sell at the time. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Plus I need gil to buy a new weapon and a lot of spells. I am a lv 20 rdm and have only like 5 of my bar spells and none of my en spells. So any suggestions would be good. Thanks for reading my extremely long post. And sorry for taking up your valuable time. Bye all.
        Thank you very much to Selphiie for this sig!


        • #19
          Re: The quest for the Chocobo License

          Well, buy all your spells at vendors and not from the AH. They'll rip you off for spells on the AH every time.

          At lvl 20, getting gil is going to be hard. You can't solo anything around Jueno really. You might have to just beg people for the gil. For most high lvls, 5k or whatever the greens cost doesn't mean much at all and sombody's bound to pity you.

          I normally don't condone begging, but the chocobo quest is pretty important and I'm sure people will agree and spot you the gil.

          Don't sell off important gear though.


          • #20
            Re: The quest for the Chocobo License

            I bought the grass, and wussed out but honestly found this very easy.

            start quest before the top of the hour, (well midnight in game) feed before and after midnight.
            Go get a party in quifm or something, by the time you get back you'll be in another day, feed before and after midnight.
            Log off, when you log on tomorrow feed again and the choco is yours.

            The whole quest seemed like a non-entity to me really and the OP's way sounds much more fun (if a little death intensive ^^). I did do my choco quest and first run to jeuno seperately. That was a challenge, especially as i took the hard route in to town, through sauromunge champaine. I remember having to do the choco quest or having to face walking out of jeuno as a level 20.

            Now i tend to do things like this the hard way, and farming up pointlessly difficult stuff myself when i could buy it for a pitance (i'm currently looking for my Kieser sword from the quifm weapons for the D tower map). Sure i could just buy one for virtually nothing, but wheres the fun in that, it'd be just another non-enitity choco quest, to me.

            Congrats on your bigbird. Congrats on the sense of achivement you must of felt having done the whole thing yourself. Congrats on learning the fun that can be had from doing things the hard way.
            Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.

