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NOOB partys in valkurm

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  • #16
    Re: NOOB partys in valkurm

    lol i have only just started this game about two weeks ago and i wouldn't think about shouting at anyone if a WHM happens to be near when i need someone a raise you should see my character /bow /kneel /cheer but i know that there are a lot of new members on the dunes that just don't have any idea of common courtesy ( oh by the way loving this game loads)


    • #17
      Re: NOOB partys in valkurm

      In my day we just respawned at our home point because there weren't any high levels mages wandering around in the dunes just killing time. And we set our home point in the dunes because we knew we weren't going to get a raise. And we liked it! And that's the way it was.

      Now get off my lawn.


      • #18
        Re: NOOB partys in valkurm

        Originally posted by Aelathir
        In my day we just respawned at our home point because there weren't any high levels mages wandering around in the dunes just killing time. And we set our home point in the dunes because we knew we weren't going to get a raise. And we liked it! And that's the way it was.
        I agree.

        In my experience, it's better to just set HP in Dunes and go there when dead. Especially when the dead person is tank or healer. Yeah, you lose more exp when you HP, but the fact that you don't have to wait for weakness to wear makes it all worth it. You can regain your lost exp in a matter of a couple/few fights. Getting raised and waiting for weakness to wear is not worth the measly exp that you regain.

        Better to just suck it up and keep pounding those lizzies/crabs/gobs/flies/pugs.

        i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
        I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


        • #19
          Re: NOOB partys in valkurm

          Personally, I have never bothered charging anyone for a raise. WHMs take some abuse, it's true, but really you only get treated as badly as you allow yourself to be treated. If you don't want to raise someone, just tell them no. You're under no obligation to raise anyone, unless you're in a party with them.

          I remember one time I was hanging out with an exp party on the secret beach. We were going to exp in the tunnel, but one of the members was running from the Tav. Safehold, so were just killing random stuff on the beach while we waited. I get a /tell from some person saying "can u raise our tank at the outpost?"

          I say, "Sure, I'll be over in a minute." I tell my party I'll be back in a few, and of course no one minded since we were still waiting on our RDM any. I start walking, and as you know, it's a little bit of a hike from the tunnel to the outpost. I get another tell: "hurry up. wtf r u doing?"

          I was a little shocked. I just answered, "You know what? Forget it."

          I got back a "wtf? r u coming or not?" before I blacklisted him.

          The only other time I have ever been treated like that was by a NIN in Qufim who called me a "stupid, selfish whore" for refusing to stop fishing and PL him. >.>

          So, I guess my point is, don't charge; just refuse. ^-^


          • #20
            Re: NOOB partys in valkurm

            Originally posted by avhmia
            Personally, I have never bothered charging anyone for a raise. WHMs take some abuse, it's true, but really you only get treated as badly as you allow yourself to be treated. If you don't want to raise someone, just tell them no. You're under no obligation to raise anyone, unless you're in a party with them.

            I remember one time I was hanging out with an exp party on the secret beach. We were going to exp in the tunnel, but one of the members was running from the Tav. Safehold, so were just killing random stuff on the beach while we waited. I get a /tell from some person saying "can u raise our tank at the outpost?"

            I say, "Sure, I'll be over in a minute." I tell my party I'll be back in a few, and of course no one minded since we were still waiting on our RDM any. I start walking, and as you know, it's a little bit of a hike from the tunnel to the outpost. I get another tell: "hurry up. wtf r u doing?"

            I was a little shocked. I just answered, "You know what? Forget it."

            I got back a "wtf? r u coming or not?" before I blacklisted him.

            The only other time I have ever been treated like that was by a NIN in Qufim who called me a "stupid, selfish whore" for refusing to stop fishing and PL him. >.>

            So, I guess my point is, don't charge; just refuse. ^-^
            LOL I just can't believe those two stories. The nerve of some people sheesh!


            • #21
              Re: NOOB partys in valkurm

              Originally posted by Kirk
              LOL I just can't believe those two stories. The nerve of some people sheesh!
              Oh, wow. Just wow. I must be lucky, I've never gotten abuse like that. Maybe it's because I'm never off /anon.

              Or you could offer them a PL. "Go ahead, pull something REALLY hard, I'll heal you! Really I will. Promise. I wouldn't let you die. That Banshee looks good."

              /ma Warp <me>

              "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

              My job levels and goals.


              • #22
                Re: NOOB partys in valkurm

                For me, depending on my mood, a rude tell like that would get one of two responses. If I'm annoyed enough to not feel like doing the raise anyway, I'll just tell them "Nevermind, find another raise." The ensuing conversation usually involves a terse explanation of the insect-attractant properties of honey vs. the insect-repellant properties of vinegar, and a possible temporary blacklisting.

                If I'm in a good mood and still plan to do the raise, I'll get overly verbose and explanatory. People in this game are in awe of good grammar and spelling. Throw in a respectable vocabulary and I can usually have the offending party either laughing or apologizing by the time I get to them. Hopefully both.

                But yeah, if someone ever makes me feel like charging for a raise, I'll just say no instead. The only exception I can think of is if they offer to cover chocobo fees when a chocobo is involved.
                Ellipses on Fenrir
                There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                . . .


                • #23
                  Re: NOOB partys in valkurm

                  Well, as much as the horror stories stick out, the truth is I have probably raised hundreds of people in various places and levels over the years. Almost every one of them was at least polite, and usually quite grateful for the help. I'm happy with just 2 asses out of a few hundred nice people.


                  • #24
                    Re: NOOB partys in valkurm

                    On the other side of the coin, I was once reprimanded for offering a reward.

                    A friend and I were duoing in Tahrongi Canyon, and he died. I shouted for a raise, and here comes a WHM on a choco. We were in the middle of the mountain area, not near the main path, so this WHM most certainly didn't "stumble" upon us.

                    After the raise, I did the /kneel and {Thank You} bit, then said {Reward}? The WHM then went into a tirade about a Healer's honor and how it cheapens the experience to charge for a Raise, and so on.

                    I was merely recognizing the fact that this WHM obviously went out of his/her way and gave up a choco (an expensive Mea one) in BFE to raise my friend. I wanted to somehow reciprocate. Instead I got a lecture about my lack of honor.


                    • #25
                      Re: NOOB partys in valkurm

                      Originally posted by Nyru
                      I was merely recognizing the fact that this WHM obviously went out of his/her way and gave up a choco (an expensive Mea one) in BFE to raise my friend. I wanted to somehow reciprocate. Instead I got a lecture about my lack of honor.
                      Some WHMs (including me, to a tiny degree) are a little insulted when offered a reward, but the proper thing to do is just to politely decline. Sometimes it's hard to remember that the person offering is just trying to appreciate you and show you some gratitude, which is a gesture that should never, ever, ever be met with rudeness, even if the gesture is just a teensy bit inappropriate.

                      I should add, that offering to pay a WHM's choco or outpost warp fees isn't the same as offering a reward. I'm always very happy when people offer that, though I tend to decline anyway.


                      • #26
                        Re: NOOB partys in valkurm

                        I definitely wouldn't have /sh that I was charging 1k for raise because now every player in the dunes thinks you're a greedy whm who is trying to make money off others misfortune, when it was actually someone being rude to you.

                        If someone gets arsy with me about something like that then they get ignored, I have better things to do than trade insults with idiots. If someone offers a reward in their initial /tell I may take it depending on circumstances. If it's offered for random raises as I'm passing then usually I will politely decline and go away with a warm squishy feeling

