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My own husband blacklisted me -.-

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  • #76
    Re: My own husband blacklisted me -.-

    This topic is funny but I haven't gotten past page two yet. I'll have to read more later, it's a good laugh.

    ^lol, Pikachu

    Hay guyz sup asl?


    • #77
      Re: My own husband blacklisted me -.-

      Originally posted by Aksannyi
      Wow, everyone, I totally did not intend to incite a flame war, nor did I come here for marital advice. Really, this whole thing is qutie funny to me, that my own husband could actually b-list me.

      Once more, on the "F*** you's" ... we tease each other, we say dumb things. "You're doing it wrong." "No, I'm not." "Yes you are, dummy" "FU man!" And usually it ends in laughter because we can get silly like that.

      My husband and I are not going to get a divorce. Never did I mention anywhere that we would be. Whoever brought that up, stop. And everyone else please stop saying things like that, too. We're fine. He already removed me from his list.

      Also, thanks to the people sticking up for me because I (OMG!) play a game and have a kid. (Two, actually.) If my entire existence in this life were "wife" and "mom," I think I'd kill myself. Not that I don't love my family, mind you, but just that you can't only define yourself by things in such a way.

      Anyway, it's over. My husband and I are FINE. I repeat, my husband and I are FINE. It was just something I thought I'd share because I thought it was funny! I didn't mean to spark a huge debate about why married people who argue should get divorced or some stupid crap.

      So seriously, everyone, LIGHTEN UP. And I hate to sound like a bitch, but please stop giving me marital advice. That's not what I came here for. I came to share a story that I thought was funny, and you guys ran it in a totally opposite direction. Please just leave it as it is, lighthearted story of a silly argument.
      I dont know whats more sad...How you found it funny that he got mad enough to blist you...Or that he acctually did.


      • #78
        Re: My own husband blacklisted me -.-

        It's the metaphorical equivalent of slamming down a phone and yanking out the cord.. or storming off in a huff and slamming a door. I found it funny, and I'm glad the OP did too. Like he can get away that easily.. heheh. I think grandmom said it best.. ' How friggin embarassing to act like a 2 yr old and stomp off cause he isn't getting his way!' I guess it shows though, that party tensions can run high for the silliest reasons, I mean fighting over a missed SC, if parties did that every time they'd never get anything else done :p, being cursed by undead.. I mean really, what were you expecting to happen?


        • #79
          Re: My own husband blacklisted me -.-

          Originally posted by Aksannyi
          Nah, -we- don't fight regularly, but he manages to tick off a lot of people in-game. This was the first time he ever got that pissed at me while we were playing, so I think he just needs to cool off or something.

          And the -somewhat- was a joke, I guess I thought more people would catch that. No one is perfectly happily married, and all married people agree with that.

          I'm not to worried about him, I'm sure he'll message me on MSN tomorrow and if not apologize, kind of somehow acknowledge that he was a jerk. Sometimes we step back from our actions and later realize we were wrong.

          I just thought it was funny that my husband blisted me. Like he thinks that's going to get rid of me.
          WOW first time for that, I played with my EX for a year and got along fine helped each other and all, never held it against her or against me. We're Ex'es because she moved to another continent BTW..(for the asshats who like to make smart comments).

          I hope things go OK for ya Aksannyi
          It's Official Promathia Hates me....
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          • #80
            Re: My own husband blacklisted me -.-

            Originally posted by Yashin
            I dont know whats more sad...How you found it funny that he got mad enough to blist you...Or that he acctually did.
            What about the fact you think you're in a position to make a judgment.
            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



            • #81
              Re: My own husband blacklisted me -.-

              [QUOTE=Mhurron]What about the fact you think you're in a position to make a judgment.[/QUOTE]

              Good Lord, this thread was made in fun! We had an argument, he temporarily blacklisted me, everything's fine now and it's funny! How can you not laugh at something as ridiculous as this?

              Oh wait, I get it, because you think you're an expert on other people's lives and marriages? Is that it? For crying out loud people, honestly, how dare you judge me and my relationship. O.O

              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
              ~I has a blog~~
              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


              • #82
                Re: My own husband blacklisted me -.-

                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                We had an argument, he temporarily blacklisted me, everything's fine now and it's funny!
                I'd totally blacklist him.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • #83
                  Re: My own husband blacklisted me -.-

                  Anyway, did you guys sort things out Aks??? I hope you did!!


                  • #84
                    Re: My own husband blacklisted me -.-

                    Originally posted by Aksannyi

                    Oh wait, I get it, because you think you're an expert on other people's lives and marriages? Is that it? For crying out loud people, honestly, how dare you judge me and my relationship. O.O
                    Well, this is bound to happen when you air your private matters in public. Lesson learned.

                    As for the youngsters that have never been married or raised children within the confines of a marriage, come back in 10 years when you'll actually have a clue.

                    Thread closed.
                    Originally posted by Feba
                    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                    Originally posted by DakAttack
                    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.

