I am not making this up.
Okay, first of all, you need to know that for the time being, my husband and I, though -somewhat- happily married, are not living in the same part of the world right now. Long story, not going into it, but we don't see each othe regularly at this point.
Now that you know that, here's the story:
I joined a party to go hunting an Eldieme Coffer Key. I needed one for my RDM, and this WAR and I set up a party to go and find it. My husband (Tauro) decided to tag along so he could skill up on his scythe and some of his magic skills. We're doing good, just a party of six of us but no stupidity = easy pulls, kills, drops, etc.
Well, we are fighting a Haunt. We had this skillchain going on, and well, I guess Tauro missed the fact that it was coming, and used his WS in the middle of it, which screwed it up. If the skillchain had gone off ... well ... we all wouldn't have gotten Cursed. ; ; One of the high levels said, "Thanks, Tauro," to which my husband got really pissy, acting like he didn't do anything wrong (and maybe he thinks he didn't???) and started arguing about how "these mobs were easy to the high levels, a little less HP/MP wouldn't hurt. Maybe so, for the high levels, but for my level 52 butt, that stuff is no joke.
So I told him hey, don't worry about it, just calm down and we'll keep pulling. Well, my husband can come across as rather volatile through the typed word, so everyone took offense to what he was saying. (It really did sound like he was being a jerk, even to me, and I know him.) So I sent him a /tell that he should just calm down and quit arguing so we could get on with it.
At that point, he got really angry with me, and well, I took a screenshot and saved it in Paint so I could show all you guys. My /tells are in green, linkshell is that purpleish color, and party is the default blue color, just for the sake of helping you understand what you're looking at:

As you can see, he got ticked at me, and decided to leave the party.
The part he is saying about the teles is the Teleport-Yhoat quest, true he helped me kill Ivory Lizzes so I could get the drop faster, but I seriously didn't need his help to get it and we both know it.
On the bottom you see me saying OMG ... after that I said "My own husband just blisted me." There were some lol's ... but I was dead serious.
I don't know what his problem is today, but I honestly had to share this. I don't think anyone else has ever been blisted by their husband before.
Although I am fairly confident he will get over it, there's no way in hell I will ever ask for his help, or even party with him in-game ever again.
Okay, first of all, you need to know that for the time being, my husband and I, though -somewhat- happily married, are not living in the same part of the world right now. Long story, not going into it, but we don't see each othe regularly at this point.
Now that you know that, here's the story:
I joined a party to go hunting an Eldieme Coffer Key. I needed one for my RDM, and this WAR and I set up a party to go and find it. My husband (Tauro) decided to tag along so he could skill up on his scythe and some of his magic skills. We're doing good, just a party of six of us but no stupidity = easy pulls, kills, drops, etc.
Well, we are fighting a Haunt. We had this skillchain going on, and well, I guess Tauro missed the fact that it was coming, and used his WS in the middle of it, which screwed it up. If the skillchain had gone off ... well ... we all wouldn't have gotten Cursed. ; ; One of the high levels said, "Thanks, Tauro," to which my husband got really pissy, acting like he didn't do anything wrong (and maybe he thinks he didn't???) and started arguing about how "these mobs were easy to the high levels, a little less HP/MP wouldn't hurt. Maybe so, for the high levels, but for my level 52 butt, that stuff is no joke.
So I told him hey, don't worry about it, just calm down and we'll keep pulling. Well, my husband can come across as rather volatile through the typed word, so everyone took offense to what he was saying. (It really did sound like he was being a jerk, even to me, and I know him.) So I sent him a /tell that he should just calm down and quit arguing so we could get on with it.
At that point, he got really angry with me, and well, I took a screenshot and saved it in Paint so I could show all you guys. My /tells are in green, linkshell is that purpleish color, and party is the default blue color, just for the sake of helping you understand what you're looking at:

As you can see, he got ticked at me, and decided to leave the party.
The part he is saying about the teles is the Teleport-Yhoat quest, true he helped me kill Ivory Lizzes so I could get the drop faster, but I seriously didn't need his help to get it and we both know it.
On the bottom you see me saying OMG ... after that I said "My own husband just blisted me." There were some lol's ... but I was dead serious.
I don't know what his problem is today, but I honestly had to share this. I don't think anyone else has ever been blisted by their husband before.
Although I am fairly confident he will get over it, there's no way in hell I will ever ask for his help, or even party with him in-game ever again.