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Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

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  • Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

    My LS is all 360 users who have played through the Beta. None of us planned on subscribing, but we got hooked.

    As of now, we are on our advanced jobs, just hitting 20.

    Some of us have hit a wall tho, and are sick and tired of grinding. Seems all we do every night is grind grind grind. We have had a few other new players added to our LS that just started, and are at the same level with their first jobs.

    I guess one option we have is to get them caught up to the mission we are on (3-1).

    But other than that, what is there to do now??? We can raise our crafting (we have all chosen a different profession) but that is expensive, and will need to grind for supplies to trade or sell. There are quests that we can do, but seems the only ones left are the ones that take us to areas of level 40ish mobs.

    We could always switch back to our level 30s and grind them to 37 for a change, but that would still be grinding!

    What do you guys that have been playing for years do? Take a break from FFXI completely for a little bit? I know I have other games that I'd like to get back into (Call of Duty 2, Project Gotham Racing 3, ect....) but I don't know if I want to do that either.

    Thanks for the sig, Selphiie!!

    FFXI Xbox360 user ----- BLM 63 / RDM 36/ WHM 42 / THF 25
    DRK 26 / BST 21 / DRG 17 / WAR 17 / MNK 10 / SMN 9 / PUP 4 /
    BLU 1 / PLD 1 / BRD 1 / RNG 1 / NIN 1 / SAM 1
    Bonecraft 63 / Leathercraft 19 / Fishing 7 Windhurst Rank 5

  • #2
    Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

    Make up an event for your LS to do. Chocobo races, naked newbie runs, just head out and explore some zones you've never been to(bring a job you don't mind dying on though), etc. I recently took some of my LS members on a dungeon crawl with a limit on how high or low the levels of the jobs could be. It was merely a chance to hang out, slaughter whatever got in the way and to see how far a bunch of lowbies could get. I'm planning another one for June with a slight variation on the theme.

    There is plenty you can do if you just use a bit of imagination and look at the variety of ways you can make events out of the simplest of things the game provides.


    • #3
      Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

      Most of the game is xping. If you've done all the quests in your hometown (which you'll have to do later on anyway for fame), and you're missions are pretty much up to date, then there's not much to do until later lvls open up new quests and missions to do. If you guys are 20 at least, you could try some promys, but you'll probably lose. Something different at least.


      • #4
        Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

        Random quests and exploring new areas is what I usually do whenever I'm tired of the grind (which is most of the time). You could always do a BCNM or maybe a promyvion if you have enough people. They're an interesting change of pace from your normal exp party. Then there's ballista, but I forget what rank you need to be to get a license for that.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

          You could get a gang of folks together and do the Selbina Clay quest as a group (or other group related quests, I guess).

          Go exploring! There is a lot of world out there.

          Do the first three Promyvions. You don't even need an army of Rangers or Summoners to beat it, I swear!

          BCNMs are fun. You may want to wait until 40, I suppose, but there are some BCNM 20's that are kind of fun, and have a few good drops, I think. The gil you earn there could go a long way towards funding crafts and further leveling.

          Go on a tele crystal collection run for lower level LS members. Or do outpost runs as a group. Lots of fun.

          Really, the fun in this game is all about what you make of it. Sure, you can just grind 24/7, but as you've found, that gets old eventually. Doing stuff with your LS mates that gets people working and having fun together will pay off in the end, when you have a really tightly knit group of folks as you move further into the higher echelons of the game.


          • #6
            Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!


            Isn't the lowest level for BCNM at 40?

            I've been wanting to maybe try a Garrison as well....

            Thanks for the sig, Selphiie!!

            FFXI Xbox360 user ----- BLM 63 / RDM 36/ WHM 42 / THF 25
            DRK 26 / BST 21 / DRG 17 / WAR 17 / MNK 10 / SMN 9 / PUP 4 /
            BLU 1 / PLD 1 / BRD 1 / RNG 1 / NIN 1 / SAM 1
            Bonecraft 63 / Leathercraft 19 / Fishing 7 Windhurst Rank 5


            • #7
              Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!


              You can do it at practically any level and it is, in my opinion, one of the most exciting events in the game. Especially, the early game.

              If I had to choose a favorite event for either personal enjoyment or an entertaining LS event, I would have to choose Garrison.

              I'd also suggest setting up some Eco-warriors for you and your friends. They're lots of fun with really good rewards.


              • #8
                Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

                quests. fame is good and will be needed for lots of things such as avatar fights, items, clearance for zones.

                missions! at lvl 30 you should be able to get past that dragon at 2-3? i forget but im sure you know what im talking about.

                like hamlet said, promyvions! they can be done at lv30 since they cap at 30. those 3 will keep you busy for some time as they provide a good challange.

                crafting as you said can be expensive but you can slowly lvl ur craft by farming your ingredients and crafting in the field. its slower and more prone to breaks but you initial investment is almost close to nothing other than time.

                camp some nms? bcnm 20 and 30s?

                if you can grind to 50, youll have lots more on your plate also. more missions, genkai, and af quests. all of which take up a lot of time your first time around. however, if you are trying to get away from grinding, its just something that cant be done. just gotta tough it out.

                taru edit: geez ppl post quickly.
                Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                • #9
                  Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

                  "What do you mean, talk to the guy? Why can't I attack! HEY GUYS I CAN'T ATTACK!"


                  • #10
                    Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

                    As has been said, most of the game at low levels is EXP. It makes sense when you think about it, you're not strong enough to do much else. At level 20ish some jobs don't even have a lot of the main abilities that define the job yet, so you're still going through a learning stage as to how your job works. The only other thing that is really open to you is the Eco-Warior quests and you don't want to try that if exping is so much of a problem for you.

                    If you can't find any enjoyment in exping, there's a good chance this game and others like it are not really for you.
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                    • #11
                      Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

                      Do a group event to catch LS members up on necessities or just to hang out together:

                      - Kazham Keys (Giddeus, Palborough, Yughott) for the Kazham Airship Pass for those who still need it.

                      - Missions 1-10 for those that need a standard airship pass (NOTE: You'll want to bring at least one high level friend for Mission 9 and 10 for rank 4 and 5 respectively).

                      - World Tour of Gate Crystals: Mea in Tahrongi Canyon, Holla in La Theine Plateau, Dem in Konschtat Highlands, Altep in Eastern Altepa Desert, Yhoat in Yhoator Jungle (requires access to Kazham Airship Pass, see above), and Vahzl in Xarcabard (very dangerous at below level 60, as everything on the way will aggro you).

                      - LS fishing event. Grab some cheap (willow) fishing rods and some stacks of Little Worms and go fishing together for moat carp. Gather the results, toss them on the AH and split the profits once you're finished.



                      • #12
                        Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

                        There are level 20 and 30 BCNMs as well. Some have quite decent drops. Promies are level 30.

                        What Omni said about people posting fast.
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • #13
                          Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

                          Originally posted by Lambeaus
                          Level 30 capped, and you will want to be close to or at the cap.

                          Originally posted by Lambeaus
                          Isn't the lowest level for BCNM at 40?
                          There are level 20 capped BCNM's but only a few jobs do well in them.

                          Originally posted by Lambeaus
                          I've been wanting to maybe try a Garrison as well....
                          At level 20 it might be odd to have the trigger items.
                          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                          • #14
                            Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

                            You can get most of the trigger items for the lower level garrisions while doing Kazham keys.


                            • #15
                              Re: Need something to do BESIDES grind!!!

                              Originally posted by Aelathir
                              You can get most of the trigger items for the lower level garrisions while doing Kazham keys.
                              Well that was just a personal observation, helping a bunch of people get their keys and getting my own I have seen the item for the Sarutabaruta garrison drop once, and that was for my own keys. I still have it actually.

                              BTW people it's Thursday afternoon, get back to work damn it.
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


