A Note from the Author: [Removed at the request of Taskmage.]
I will not assist you in obtaining or controlling a third party program. This is intended to educate, not encourage. I look down upon the use of programs which significantly modify or abuse the game client software, especially for personal gain or convineance. You may AIM or Message me asking about the programs, but any asking for help to obtain or use one will result in a block.
Recently, I took up an old interest in programs which affect FFXI. While I have not- and never will- used third party programs for my own benefit, I have dabbled in them, just to see what was possible.
When I set off on my journey, I had only two things to guide me. Some botting forums [Just to be clear, I haven't- and won't- used bots either. Just interesting to see how complex or simple they were], and Google. For some reason, the botting forums look down on hacks. Yeah, you're so much better, aren't you.
Anyway, this left me with only one tool, Google. At first, it was all stuff you had to pay for, or random search engine spam. At one point, however, I wondered on to a forum [...removed so as not to anger the ffxionline mods...] [with] a link to another website. [...]
After some digging, and a constant mentioning of a certain program, I found a link containing the "ProgramA" pack, which I promptly downloaded. I played around with it for awhile. I had some idea of what it did, as I had downloaded a copy when it was first revealed, along with the rest of the warp bots (You can see the movies on my filefront site). While I could only get ProgramA-N and ProgramA-P working properly, and ProgramA-SB on top of that (Which I only used for about 10 seconds in Kazham, since I couldn't find a way to lower the speed back to normal). I had ProgramA-N on while I was walking around Al Zahbi to see what it said, when a name popped up. "Gate: Inner Sanctum". No... it can't be...can it? I fired up ProgramA, and set it to go. I pushed my standby button, and clicked the key. Bang Zoom! Up in the air and into...a wall. Well, this obviously isn't a gate. I adjusted a setting, and straight up into the air, over some, and dropped down in a small room. There were three targets, a ???, the Gate: Hall of Binding, and the door to the Inner Sanctum.
I clicked the door to the Inner Sanctum, and went inside. And there it was, the Astral Plinith. I ran up to it and looked at the area it was housed in. Almost reminded me of Movalpolos. I checked it, and was suprised to see it had text. I took some more screenshots, and ran out. I clicked on the ???. After a short black screen and some dialog about a narrow path, I was out by the Victory Gate. Really makes you wonder why SE adds all this stuff in, if we aren't even supposed to be back there..
But I had had enough for the night, and shut it off.
The next day, I log in, and go back to the hunt. The above mentioned forums had a link to another program, and a crack to make it work (Apperently, the other program had stolen things from the site to make it work. I didn't really care, I just wanted to see what was possible.)
After trying to figure it out for awhile, I start it up. This thing is full to the brim with features. Let me tell out about some of the things it can do. Not things like claimhack, fishbot, we already know plenty about those. Things like:
Moving while /healing- Yes, you read that right. You can move around while your character is in healing mode, using one setting. I had done the same thing with ProgramA-X by using the directional buttons while I was /healing. Either way it looks like you're buttracing around, but I imagine you can stack this setting with the Flee setting on the same program, unlike the buttons on ProgramA-X.
Map Editor- While this might seem lame, as it's just an outside copy of the map which you can alter some, clicking Anywhere on the map will warp you to that point. You don't need to find locations, just click where you wanna go!
Event Watcher- This detects things like Mob WSs. Again it might not seem like a big deal, but after it detects them, you can set it to auto react. So that BLM in your PT might not actually be that great at stunning Bomb Toss.
Japanese Translator- While it didn't work for me, this is supposed to take Japanese text in chat and translate it, ala babelfish I suppose. I don't really see harm in this, but i'm sure some idiot is going to, if not already has, disgrace english speakers the world over by trying to act Japanese. Le Sigh.
Move NPCs- This allows you to draw NPCs to you. They don't always work right when you do, and some will move back to their normal place if you take them too far. While I haven't experimented with this myself, I have a conversation about it some might enjoy.
As some who read my blog might know, I recently began having civil conversations with Kojiami. I told him of this little project, and when I brought this up, here's what he had to say:
Note: I have edited this minorly to keep Kojiami's AIM private, as well as keep from having instructions or tips on this website. The point and info of the conversation remains the same.
feba35: I just drew in an NPC with this program...
Kojiami: And?
feba35: make the mob come to you?
feba35: Overpowered much?
K: No, just a puppet
K: It isnt actually there
K: your client shows it there
K: however... it works with coffers and mining points
feba35: you could draw a coffer [to you]?
K: yup
K: Or ???s
K: Or a mining point [].
feba35: sounds like something you're familiar with
K: The last one >.>
Note : People from Alla should enjoy that.
feba35: so this NPC draw in is untracable?
K: [Unless they see you using the target, knowing that the action cannot be performed there]
K: and even than, 80% will mistake it for lag
feba35: So I could drag an NPC across town, and it's untracable?
K: yup
Basically, this program (and no doubt others as well) give you the ability to draw NPC targets to you. I don't know if it works on monsters, and I don't really care to find out.
For anyone who doesn't beleive me about this,
I guess Aldo just decided to come out and talk to one of his employees?
Camping Group- This program is very interesting. Basically, when someone in your group detects a mob popping (for those large spawns, I guess), EVERYONE can be set to either warp or run (and probably flee) there to attack the mob. This actually sets up a private server to link these accounts together.
I was just shocked by all these abilities, on top of the old location warping staples, powerleveling bots, and such. I didn't really try out most of it, like the above mentioned things, just a couple of the things which seemed the most insane (the above).
Well, I decided to see if there was anything else of note. AH Campers, Guildbots, Teletaxi scripts... all the old things we've all seen before..
Then something new. A program which reduced wait to 0. Not on NMs or spells, but on DB and AH. You know that "Please Wait.." Message? It still shows up, but this ignores it and opens it right back up. On AH there's no "Currently transacting.." or whatever, it goes straight to letting you bid again. You can bid again before your first bid is even over. Which is even worse, when stacked with one of the aforementioned AH campers. These are people who always manage to grab that 100G sword, if they wait long enough.
Basically, I wanted to let people know the advantages cheaters have over other players (and find out myself). Not to use them, but to know what is possible, and what isn't. Last I checked, their forums are working on injecting packets to dupe items. Apperently they've already found the code, and just need a proper way to send it. They're thinking of trading 1 moat crap for the effect of 8 stacks, to make Lu Shangs quest easier, and a things which are even scarier.
There might not be anything we can do about it but learn. I know i'm going to get some flack for this, but hey, I know i'm an honest player. I hardly even use windower plugins. I see it as guns being outlawed, but finding one and firing it anyway, to see how it works, as opposed to taking it and robbing someone or killing someone.
I've had people say I'm a cheater, but I don't really care. I want people to be aware of how serious third party progs are, not to get them themselves. If you do want it after this, I feel sorry for you.
Please don't waste your time flaming me for this, I'd like to hear what people have to think about some of this, and the frightening possibilities. Not how i'm so evil for stabbing a chocobo in the chest with a home point.
Mods, if you think anything is outside of FFXIOnline's Rules, PM me so I can edit it to be more friendly, as opposed to locking or deleting.
Once again, I would like to state that I do not support the usage of third party programs, and will not give support/links regarding their use.
I can explain what bombs can do, and I can't keep you from building one, but i'd rather a few people blow themselves up than everyone else be left in the dark..
I will not assist you in obtaining or controlling a third party program. This is intended to educate, not encourage. I look down upon the use of programs which significantly modify or abuse the game client software, especially for personal gain or convineance. You may AIM or Message me asking about the programs, but any asking for help to obtain or use one will result in a block.
Recently, I took up an old interest in programs which affect FFXI. While I have not- and never will- used third party programs for my own benefit, I have dabbled in them, just to see what was possible.
When I set off on my journey, I had only two things to guide me. Some botting forums [Just to be clear, I haven't- and won't- used bots either. Just interesting to see how complex or simple they were], and Google. For some reason, the botting forums look down on hacks. Yeah, you're so much better, aren't you.
Anyway, this left me with only one tool, Google. At first, it was all stuff you had to pay for, or random search engine spam. At one point, however, I wondered on to a forum [...removed so as not to anger the ffxionline mods...] [with] a link to another website. [...]
After some digging, and a constant mentioning of a certain program, I found a link containing the "ProgramA" pack, which I promptly downloaded. I played around with it for awhile. I had some idea of what it did, as I had downloaded a copy when it was first revealed, along with the rest of the warp bots (You can see the movies on my filefront site). While I could only get ProgramA-N and ProgramA-P working properly, and ProgramA-SB on top of that (Which I only used for about 10 seconds in Kazham, since I couldn't find a way to lower the speed back to normal). I had ProgramA-N on while I was walking around Al Zahbi to see what it said, when a name popped up. "Gate: Inner Sanctum". No... it can't be...can it? I fired up ProgramA, and set it to go. I pushed my standby button, and clicked the key. Bang Zoom! Up in the air and into...a wall. Well, this obviously isn't a gate. I adjusted a setting, and straight up into the air, over some, and dropped down in a small room. There were three targets, a ???, the Gate: Hall of Binding, and the door to the Inner Sanctum.
I clicked the door to the Inner Sanctum, and went inside. And there it was, the Astral Plinith. I ran up to it and looked at the area it was housed in. Almost reminded me of Movalpolos. I checked it, and was suprised to see it had text. I took some more screenshots, and ran out. I clicked on the ???. After a short black screen and some dialog about a narrow path, I was out by the Victory Gate. Really makes you wonder why SE adds all this stuff in, if we aren't even supposed to be back there..
But I had had enough for the night, and shut it off.
The next day, I log in, and go back to the hunt. The above mentioned forums had a link to another program, and a crack to make it work (Apperently, the other program had stolen things from the site to make it work. I didn't really care, I just wanted to see what was possible.)
After trying to figure it out for awhile, I start it up. This thing is full to the brim with features. Let me tell out about some of the things it can do. Not things like claimhack, fishbot, we already know plenty about those. Things like:
Moving while /healing- Yes, you read that right. You can move around while your character is in healing mode, using one setting. I had done the same thing with ProgramA-X by using the directional buttons while I was /healing. Either way it looks like you're buttracing around, but I imagine you can stack this setting with the Flee setting on the same program, unlike the buttons on ProgramA-X.
Map Editor- While this might seem lame, as it's just an outside copy of the map which you can alter some, clicking Anywhere on the map will warp you to that point. You don't need to find locations, just click where you wanna go!
Event Watcher- This detects things like Mob WSs. Again it might not seem like a big deal, but after it detects them, you can set it to auto react. So that BLM in your PT might not actually be that great at stunning Bomb Toss.
Japanese Translator- While it didn't work for me, this is supposed to take Japanese text in chat and translate it, ala babelfish I suppose. I don't really see harm in this, but i'm sure some idiot is going to, if not already has, disgrace english speakers the world over by trying to act Japanese. Le Sigh.
Move NPCs- This allows you to draw NPCs to you. They don't always work right when you do, and some will move back to their normal place if you take them too far. While I haven't experimented with this myself, I have a conversation about it some might enjoy.
As some who read my blog might know, I recently began having civil conversations with Kojiami. I told him of this little project, and when I brought this up, here's what he had to say:
Note: I have edited this minorly to keep Kojiami's AIM private, as well as keep from having instructions or tips on this website. The point and info of the conversation remains the same.
feba35: I just drew in an NPC with this program...
Kojiami: And?
feba35: make the mob come to you?
feba35: Overpowered much?
K: No, just a puppet
K: It isnt actually there
K: your client shows it there
K: however... it works with coffers and mining points
feba35: you could draw a coffer [to you]?
K: yup
K: Or ???s
K: Or a mining point [].
feba35: sounds like something you're familiar with

K: The last one >.>
Note : People from Alla should enjoy that.
feba35: so this NPC draw in is untracable?
K: [Unless they see you using the target, knowing that the action cannot be performed there]
K: and even than, 80% will mistake it for lag
feba35: So I could drag an NPC across town, and it's untracable?
K: yup
Basically, this program (and no doubt others as well) give you the ability to draw NPC targets to you. I don't know if it works on monsters, and I don't really care to find out.
For anyone who doesn't beleive me about this,

I guess Aldo just decided to come out and talk to one of his employees?
Camping Group- This program is very interesting. Basically, when someone in your group detects a mob popping (for those large spawns, I guess), EVERYONE can be set to either warp or run (and probably flee) there to attack the mob. This actually sets up a private server to link these accounts together.
I was just shocked by all these abilities, on top of the old location warping staples, powerleveling bots, and such. I didn't really try out most of it, like the above mentioned things, just a couple of the things which seemed the most insane (the above).
Well, I decided to see if there was anything else of note. AH Campers, Guildbots, Teletaxi scripts... all the old things we've all seen before..
Then something new. A program which reduced wait to 0. Not on NMs or spells, but on DB and AH. You know that "Please Wait.." Message? It still shows up, but this ignores it and opens it right back up. On AH there's no "Currently transacting.." or whatever, it goes straight to letting you bid again. You can bid again before your first bid is even over. Which is even worse, when stacked with one of the aforementioned AH campers. These are people who always manage to grab that 100G sword, if they wait long enough.
Basically, I wanted to let people know the advantages cheaters have over other players (and find out myself). Not to use them, but to know what is possible, and what isn't. Last I checked, their forums are working on injecting packets to dupe items. Apperently they've already found the code, and just need a proper way to send it. They're thinking of trading 1 moat crap for the effect of 8 stacks, to make Lu Shangs quest easier, and a things which are even scarier.
There might not be anything we can do about it but learn. I know i'm going to get some flack for this, but hey, I know i'm an honest player. I hardly even use windower plugins. I see it as guns being outlawed, but finding one and firing it anyway, to see how it works, as opposed to taking it and robbing someone or killing someone.
I've had people say I'm a cheater, but I don't really care. I want people to be aware of how serious third party progs are, not to get them themselves. If you do want it after this, I feel sorry for you.
Please don't waste your time flaming me for this, I'd like to hear what people have to think about some of this, and the frightening possibilities. Not how i'm so evil for stabbing a chocobo in the chest with a home point.
Mods, if you think anything is outside of FFXIOnline's Rules, PM me so I can edit it to be more friendly, as opposed to locking or deleting.
Once again, I would like to state that I do not support the usage of third party programs, and will not give support/links regarding their use.
I can explain what bombs can do, and I can't keep you from building one, but i'd rather a few people blow themselves up than everyone else be left in the dark..