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The Third Party [A Discussion]

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  • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

    Originally posted by Taodyn
    You still have not shown any actual proof (save for some basic conjecture) that a player could ever be deemed a third party. Trying to redefine the term Third Party beyond what is accepted in contract law is trying to run around the argument.
    Think of it this way since obviously it is too difficult for you.

    1st party, Square Enix, Inc.
    2nd party, You
    3rd party, person that doesn't agree to the contract either conciously or unconciously.

    When you violate the agreement

    2nd = 3rd.

    2nd party, you become a third party.

    Thusly you can create a 3rd party program while being a 2nd party. You've voilated the agreement.

    Also note, Cheat Codes and or Cheat devices. Windower is considered a cheat code or cheat device since the original intention of the program is not to allow someone a advantage by alt tabbing out to see any other window, and thus is a cheat device. The original intent of the program is and was to prevent the user from alt tabbing out. Thusly you have violated the agreement and have become a third party that is not previed to the 2nd party's agreements. (you lose all rights as a 3rd party when SEI contracted to you via the 2nd party agreement)
    Hacked on 9/9/09
    FFXIAH - Omniblast


    • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

      Yet, if you speed to study the effects of speeding, you ARE still speeding. If you use cheats, to studying what hacks can do, you are still hacking. While break rules alone isn't necessarily cheating, to break them intentionally is cheating.
      yes, hacking, breaking the rules, not cheating.

      Cheating implies that you're doing to gain an advantage, or deceive others.

      I don't see why you're bothering to argue, if you don't think what I did was wrong.


      • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

        Originally posted by Feba
        yes, hacking, breaking the rules, not cheating.

        Cheating implies that you're doing to gain an advantage, or deceive others..
        No it doesn't. Cheating is breaking the rules.
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



        • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

          Hm, I suppose it's more on how you define cheating. I see it as anything that violates the rule intentionally and has the potential to give you an unfair advantage over those w/o the program - the second part being less important than the first. As I said before, what's so bad with being called a cheater? I mean you can cheat with a good intent and still be called a cheater, but it would hold a different weight than those who use it to outright exploit others. I don't see the intent of what you did as wrong, but what you did as an action is literally wrong according to the rules.

          I'm not trying to argue with you on the grounds of whether or not you are a moral player, as I believe you are a moral player. I'm debating with you on the interpretation of what is considered cheating. ^^


          • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

            I agree with the cow-owl.
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

              Taskmage, this is completely off topic, but the Hoomoo (the name of the Cow-Owl) has a long, drawn out history. I was (and still am) feverishly active in a certian virtual petwebsite that everyone's little sister plays. Well, at said time, I pissed someone off IRL, who, being the social butterfly they were, figured the best way to get even with me, was to go on this websites chat board, call me a Faagoot and a Hoomoo (to get past filters). I was talking with an artist friend of mine, who drew the picture of the Hoomoo, and it is now like my little mascot at all forums and on my LJ :D


              • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

                XD That's excellent.
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

                  Originally posted by Illuen
                  Taskmage, this is completely off topic, but the Hoomoo (the name of the Cow-Owl) has a long, drawn out history. I was (and still am) feverishly active in a certian virtual petwebsite that everyone's little sister plays. Well, at said time, I pissed someone off IRL, who, being the social butterfly they were, figured the best way to get even with me, was to go on this websites chat board, call me a Faagoot and a Hoomoo (to get past filters). I was talking with an artist friend of mine, who drew the picture of the Hoomoo, and it is now like my little mascot at all forums and on my LJ :D
                  How creative! I never would have thought of something like that. Way to take something like that and make it your own.
                  ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                  ~I has a blog~~
                  ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                  • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

                    It almost makes up for the fact that at 20 (21 on 06/06/06) I still play neopets :D.


                    • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

                      You're gonna be 21 on 6/6/6? You're gonna die!

                      I'm just kidding with you, but dang ...
                      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                      ~I has a blog~~
                      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                      • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

                        6/6/6 Age 21. So Much Sinning.

                        Anyway, can we get back to the main topic?

                        This is the Topic

                        We are →Here←


                        • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

                          If by sinning you mean leveling SMN, then yes, I will be quite the sinner. Really, I am not going out to drink, or anything of the sort. I am having a peacefull dinner with three friends, and then home to play XI


                          • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

                            You know something?
                            That thing is you only make more general people know this kind of cheat and make them go find ways to get them more then people who know it.

                            This thread should never be made as it only make it worse then help.


                            • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

                              Was that english?

                              Either way, I don't really care what you have to say about it. I already stated my opinion on this in the first post.

                              Besides, if more people use this, that's almost a good thing. It forces SE to fix it.


                              • Re: The Third Party [A Discussion]

                                Wait, because these programs are wrong, more people should use them? How does that work. That is insane troll logic. that is 2+2=5 logic. What I get from that, is that you feel the only way that the game will ever be fixed is if the economy basicly crashes.

