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Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

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  • #16
    Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

    Originally posted by x1ang
    then again shouldn't people have the freedom to choose to do what is fun for them? i mean if they find more fun in buying a high level acct. than leveling it shouldn't they have the right to do so? i mean we can discourage it but we don't control their lives or decisions or money for that matter.. if anything you can always just remove them from the PT. (hehe i'm playing devil's advocate :D)
    well not when it is against the rules. The rules serve two purposes in this case.
    1) Try to make the game fun for everyone. You know that when you get to level 60 and you are in a party with someone else who's level 60, you should be able to expect them to know how to hold hate as a nin etc (for example). This means you are more likely to have a fun productive night.
    2) It draws a line. Different people may see different things as acceptable, the advantage of having a written set of rules is it means we are all working off the same page, and know the way the game is meant to be played.

    to give an analogy:
    My moral code belives possesion is wrong. Immoral infact. So i just go around using what i want taking what i need and disgarding it when i've finished with it. See a problem? Most peoples morals would disagree with me. they'd call me thief. This is where the law comes in. It defines a set of rules that everyone has to abide by. Check the law... Oh poo, i am a thief. It's set up that way to protect the majorities moral codes, by imposing them onto others. If you feel it infringes your freedom, well thats tough really, (if you are democratic or have some other representative system, where you live you can seek to change it, but thats a differnt debate as SE's TOS aren't democratically decided).
    In this case the majority would feel bought accounts spoil the game, SE feels the same way too (and it's their game) and it wasn't how it was intended to be played.

    Thats why the rules are there to protect the fun of the majority and not the freedom of the few. Thats why we can judge those who buy accounts (and therefore cheat) with both our personal morality (which is no more important than some one elses moral code, which is the point you make) and the moral code layed down in the game rules (which strengthen the argument against account buying, and your argument does not counter.

    (I know you are just playing DA, but it was too good a board to bounce my arguments off of not to . And isn't that the point?)
    Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


    • #17
      Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

      I'll never buy an account >.<

      1) keyword: BUY, pfft, I don't have that much money
      2) Ruins fun, I made a lot of great friends who were new too, so we both learned stuff togeher
      3) Embaressing


      • #18
        Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

        Frankly I don't see the point in buying accounts. I'm sure there's some reason out there... off in Retard land. I hear stories about retard land, nice stories.

        Anyways, Account buying seems to be quite the trend lately. Hopefully we'll see a decline in it.
        Last edited by Vair; 05-25-2006, 02:59 PM.
        "Oh, you ca'n't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're Mad."
        "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
        "You must be", said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

        Welcome to Alice in FFXI =P


        • #19
          Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

          Well, bought accounts are illegal. You can go read the user agreement for that.

          Bought accounts are easily detected. I've had several parties with bought characters. I had a JP player once asked me where Palborough Mines was. Level 53 BLM. Windy. Rank 6. I mean, c'mon, where were you when you had to do 2-3?

          Another time I partied with a RNG who was subbing NIN. Out of the blue, she asks people in the party how our NIN tank wasn't getting hit and what it means that his shadow lured an attack away from him. Then I realize she had not used Utsu: Ichi once when pulling. Then she asked what Utsusemi was, etc. I mean, this was level 51. She somehow got her NIN to level 25+ w/o Utsu: Ichi. Un-****ing-believable.

          To say this is just a case of stupidity or player ignorance shows just how much you know about these kinds of things. In reality, no one can be that stupid and be able to get this high up (50s) and be ignorant of many things. That's why I said that detecting players with bought accounts is not difficult.

          Getting someone to actually confess and then have them permanently removed from the game should be a priority IMHO.


          • #20
            Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

            One thing I've noticed is that NIN was a big "Trendy" job. The one that all the young people want to play. It's funny because it goes in cycles. Here's how I will explain it.

            First "Trendy" job was Dark Knight. Yes, everyone wants to play the DRK, with their super strong (but slow as HELL) attacks, they rip through monsters and do "1337" DMG.

            Then it was Dragoon. OMG, DRG, they're accuracte so they have a MUCH better DoT than DRKs. They also have a little pet that does a small DoT too, making them do a lot more "1337 D4|\/|4JEH!!!!!"

            Then, people started to get around 60ish with DRK or DRG, then they noticed this little gem:

            RANGER!!!!!!!!!!!! This job used to be the end all, be all job. It outright did the most damage in the smallest amount of time. You could hit for thousands of damage with what is now considered "ok" gear. It owned in everything, XPing, HNMs, farming....NM just plain owned....Then SE nerfed, and lookey, the "Trendy" group all left the job. And now, all the RNGs I party with are actually GOOD.

            Then it went on to NIN. Yes, NIN is the "IT" job right now, but the trend is fading. Most NINs have some nice gear. Snipers, Scorpion Harnesses, Ahrat's +1. They do okay when tanking, but overall, the XP/HR is just standard. Most I party with don't use any Ninjutsu other than Utsusemi, and have trouble holding hate.

            The next job that will be trendy..... WARRIOR!!!!!!!!!! I've already seen countless WAR parties at all level Ranges on my server. And guess what. It's all the people I've seen for the past 2 years that do all the trendy jobs. It pisses me off. I can /sea all on my server, and there's ALWAYS, at least 3-4 WARs LFG, and rarely any mage jobs. WTF?

            Just please. When you see people leveling a job because it's what the "Best DD" or whatever is....just stop, and level another job. These people don't have any respect for the job they play, and therefore suck at it.

            I've actually known people who will buy and sell accounts accord to which job is "Trendy".....this one guy who kept thinking i was his friend would buy a new account each time a job got popular. I ended up having to tell him off. He's since quit the game, but IMO, it's not a bad thing.
            Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
            90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

            Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


            • #21
              Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

              the nice thing about playing DA is that it brings out more interesting ideas and whatnot, but lets get moving on. as aeni and ikkleste pointed out, it is against the ToS and, thus, it is a bannable offense and an action that is legitametly looked down by the FFXI community. yet, here's another idea: do we as players have the right to be vigilante's in enforcing the rules? would and should we just be limited to reporting acct. buyers to GMs (which there is no hard evidence except from the exact payment history - which I doubt SE or any of us can actually find)?

              also, as what ellipses and ikkleste had mentioned about decisions that tread over other's lives.. let's say a murderer finds killing people fun, thus the wrongness in the argument of people's right to do what is fun, should people have the right to punish the murderer? or should it be left to the government who enforces the rules (in FFXI case, SE)? Heh, a very extreme analogy but yeah it may be easy to determine who has bought an account, but it is very difficult to come up with hard evidence of it actually happening.


              • #22
                Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

                Originally posted by Rodin
                One thing I've noticed is that NIN was a big "Trendy" job. The one that all the young people want to play. It's funny because it goes in cycles. Here's how I will explain it.

                First "Trendy" job was Dark Knight. Yes, everyone wants to play the DRK, with their super strong (but slow as HELL) attacks, they rip through monsters and do "1337" DMG.

                Then it was Dragoon. OMG, DRG, they're accuracte so they have a MUCH better DoT than DRKs. They also have a little pet that does a small DoT too, making them do a lot more "1337 D4|\/|4JEH!!!!!"

                Then, people started to get around 60ish with DRK or DRG, then they noticed this little gem:

                RANGER!!!!!!!!!!!! This job used to be the end all, be all job. It outright did the most damage in the smallest amount of time. You could hit for thousands of damage with what is now considered "ok" gear. It owned in everything, XPing, HNMs, farming....NM just plain owned....Then SE nerfed, and lookey, the "Trendy" group all left the job. And now, all the RNGs I party with are actually GOOD.

                Then it went on to NIN. Yes, NIN is the "IT" job right now, but the trend is fading. Most NINs have some nice gear. Snipers, Scorpion Harnesses, Ahrat's +1. They do okay when tanking, but overall, the XP/HR is just standard. Most I party with don't use any Ninjutsu other than Utsusemi, and have trouble holding hate.

                The next job that will be trendy..... WARRIOR!!!!!!!!!! I've already seen countless WAR parties at all level Ranges on my server. And guess what. It's all the people I've seen for the past 2 years that do all the trendy jobs. It pisses me off. I can /sea all on my server, and there's ALWAYS, at least 3-4 WARs LFG, and rarely any mage jobs. WTF?

                Just please. When you see people leveling a job because it's what the "Best DD" or whatever is....just stop, and level another job. These people don't have any respect for the job they play, and therefore suck at it.

                I've actually known people who will buy and sell accounts accord to which job is "Trendy".....this one guy who kept thinking i was his friend would buy a new account each time a job got popular. I ended up having to tell him off. He's since quit the game, but IMO, it's not a bad thing.

                I remeber DRK being the huge thing on my server on PC launch. I never unlocked because of that, even now its the only job not unlocked lol. People use to cry about nin (blink tanking) and its cost back then when I lvled nin as my only job. (utsusmei: Ni was only 35K when I Bought it!) Was 60 in a few months because only mabye 3 other blinking NA nin's at the time and everyone went drk where stuck at 30-40 because the over abundence of them. Ok, im done now

                Which FF Character Are You?


                • #23
                  Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

                  Originally posted by Feba
                  Hey Hey Hey! Don't go jumping to conclusions! That might not be a bought character!

                  Don't underestimate the power of stupidity!
                  Feba, if it were just stupidity, how did his character get to 66 in the first place? Oh, btw, the WHM was very on top of her game. If he HAD gotten silenced (he didn't), she would have had him up and casting again before he could have typed out the request.

                  Honestly, he didn't know how to use both utsusemi's together, didn't have silent oils, didn't know that DD's pull hate without voke, didn't understand that it wasn't the WHM's fault he died. What else can you think about this kind of person? This might be acceptable at 25NIN, understandable even by 30 NIN. But at 66, he sure as hell better know what the job entails. Otherwise 1) it isn't his account, 2) it's an account he bought, or 3) it's an account he paid to have PL'd (which is the same in the end as #2).

                  For those of you who play others' accounts, I have one question: Do you know the very most basic parts of that job, such as how to fulfill your role in the party? You should, if being trusted with a level 66 character. I know I wouldn't let someone kill MY character over and over just because they wanted to see what it was all about. I'd put them on level 5 MNK and let them have at it with the critters in Saruta. Not only does it risk deleveling your character, but you also have your reputation to worry about at this level. People will hold grudges. And I, for one, wouldn't PT with him again.

                  BTW, I didn't put this here to badmouth a player (thus why his name hasn't been mentioned). It all turned out OK in the end, because none of the rest of us died. Just thought I'd share this experience with the rest of you. Didn't know it would turn into a huge debate...

                  Oh, and yes, onzozo. I always get the O's confused...
                  BLM75 RNG65 BRD50 NIN37 RDM37 WHM25 WAR25 BST21 THF7
                  Elemental Magic Skill Merits 1/5

                  Thanks to Kazuki for the awesome sig!


                  • #24
                    Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

                    On the occasions when I've detected bought accounts by people who are clueless, I've kicked them from the party - when I'm not leader, I ask the leader to kick them before they make a fatal mistake that gets the rest of the party killed.

                    There's no excuse for playing a job that you simply do not understand.

                    The last time it happened to me was with a BLM in Boyahda Tree. We XP'd with this clown for almost an hour. He hit one magic burst, total, off Distortion skillchain... in one hour. And the spell he burst with? Frost. The rest of the time he was just randomly firing off spells on his magic list. Never once saw him switch elemental staves... even watched him cast Aero II with an Ice Staff. Aspir on Crawlers. Random casts of Sleep in the middle of fights.

                    The whole time the rest of us in the party are talking in tells and finally decide we'd had enough of him, so we ask him if he bought his account (which he denied and just said he was "rusty" and had to "fix his macros")... yeah, right. I don't remember what happened next, I think we got a link and he Bio'd it after I dropped a Lullaby on it, so we let it eat him and refused to Raise him afterwards, then kicked him from the party.

                    Strangely enough, we ended up making better XP per hour without him while we waited for a replacement. Sad but true.



                    • #25
                      Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

                      Originally posted by Icemage
                      Aspir on Crawlers.
                      Lol, I actually Drain and Aspir stuff to keep my dark magic capped on BLM, aspirable or not. I don't usually have any MP problems what-so-ever, unless the WHM ganks hate, gets killed, and I'm stuck main healing.
                      Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                      90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                      Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                      • #26
                        Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

                        I think that most of the people who buy these accounts are in the dark as to how ffxi really works. It look's good on paper, I have lots of money and I'll just buy this account and instantly be a powerful player.

                        While you might be powerful in some situations, the main thing you would miss without a working knowledge of the game, is that almost everything important in ffxi requires a team, party or group effort.

                        How badly a purchased account plays will become obvious in a short amount of time as the OP said. In the case of a Ninja tank, a very difficult job for any but the most experienced, it was obvious on the first pull.

                        I can understand why someone who quits the game would think they should be able to sell their character, after all they worked many months to get to where they are at.
                        But, the resulting inexperienced player who enters the game with a high level character is a like a time bomb that they have unleashed onto an unsuspecting population.

                        Once they get themselves and a few parties killed, their reputation will proceed them and they will be shunned by an ever growing number of people who will not party with them. So, the end result will be their wasting their money and allot of other peoples time who had the mis-fortune to party with them.

                        That is the main reason that when I quit this game, I will retire my character. I worked hard to get where I'm at and wouldn't consider selling my account. To think that my reputation would be dragged through the mud by someone playing my character poorly, wasting other player's time and xp, etc. is too high a price imo.

                        While I know it's just a virtual world, I want to leave it better than I found it.
                        FFXI: 75 PLD/37 War/32 WHM/30 BLM/28 NIN/14 RNG/10 SAM/8 BST
                        Server: Kujata
                        Country: Sand'Oria, Rank 10
                        Race: Elvaan

                        Japanese Proverb: Fall seven times, stand up eight.


                        • #27
                          Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

                          Originally posted by Aksannyi
                          Speaking of playing others' accounts, my husband always asked me to play for him when he was sleepy but still wanted to xp on his DRK. I'm a RDM by nature, and I know a bit about what DRKs do from the parties I've been in, but the most experience I've had with Dark Knight is leveling mine to 10. I told him I'd mess it up, and he'd end up looking stupid, but he would want me to play anyway.

                          I would, however, play for him when he went to the bathroom or if he was eating dinner, and only after watching what he was doing for a few fights so I could do what he does. He'd also warn his party that I would be playing for him, which served two purposes: 1. It meant that if I screwed up, he wouldn't look like an idiot, and 2. I would try that much harder to do a good job so I wouldn't get a reputation as being a stupid player. (Though I could just neglect to mention my character's name.)
                          o.O Like it's important what the hell anyone thinks of you. A messed up party play won't get you on the server black list ~.~ .

                          War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                          • #28
                            Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

                            Originally posted by Sweetkitty
                            o.O Like it's important what the hell anyone thinks of you. A messed up party play won't get you on the server black list ~.~ .
                            Actually, a lot depends on what people think about you. Your invite rate will drop if you're a bad player, piss people off...etc. It's just how life works. If you're noticed for doing a good job at work, you can get a promotion. If you're noticed for doing a bad job, there's no way in hell you're getting a promotion. Like the "Past Employers" section on a job application. The reason they have those is to find out what your past employers thought about you.
                            Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                            90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                            Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                            • #29
                              Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

                              Just some story...

                              1. I was talking to my new fishing friend just a few weeks ago. When some level 75Thf ran pass. And my friend said "that was me before I quit ^^"
                              D: I'd cry seeing my old char played by someone else

                              2. This was back when NA version was just released the first month. 57Mnk or 67Mnk? I can't remember but I met a very high level NA MNK hanging around in Bastok talking to people.
                              The conversation was about the MNK showing off that he levelled up very fast and got to that level in less than a month. I didn't care much at first.

                              Then the MNK said he didn't know how to use the auction house ... ok... So the low level newbies were trying to explain to him about the money being sent to mog house. He apparently also didn't know how to use mog house.

                              That was when I joined the party. A few people were explaining to him about mog house and that it is the "basic" he should know. He then mentioned "Basics are for low level players like you guys. I'm high level I don't need basics."

                              duh D:
                              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                              - Pablo Picasso


                              • #30
                                Re: Ah, When People Buy Accounts... -.-

                                Originally posted by Sweetkitty
                                o.O Like it's important what the hell anyone thinks of you. A messed up party play won't get you on the server black list ~.~ .
                                Won't get you on a server blacklist, but it can and will get you on a HNMLS blacklist when your application comes in for a vote.

                                The absolute last thing you want being posted as a comment about you when you're looking to do end-game activities is: "Sucks as a player. No skills. Can't do the job right. Dangerous to party members."

                                How do I know this happens? My HNMLS votes for every member who wants to join, and we discuss every potential member in detail, and bring up any past experiences our members have had with them.


