Especially high-level accounts.
The other day, I was in a PT as RNG with a BRD friend of mine and a THF I've klnown for almost two and a half years. The WHM was a friend of the BRDs, and the BLM and NIN were pick-ups. As we get into Ordelle's, the NIN starts whining about not having silent oils and demands, "Someone come get me!"
We decided to go kill toramas, and the THF pulls the first one. 15 seconds later, the NIN is eating dirt and screaming at the WHM for "Letting him die."
I had three shadows, and the THF's three were gone by now and he was at half life. So, barrage, Eagle Eye Shot... Now I've got the Torama's attention. Sidewinder, utsusemi, pray for my life. Luckily, I still had a sliver with the WHM and my BRD friend healing me while the BLM made quick work of the rest of its life.
The only death was the NIN, and frankly it was a miracle. Everyone was stunned at his quick death. A 66 NIN should be able to handle a single mob, right? Well, apparently it must be the WHM's fault he died.
This nooby NIN was hitting on me (because my female avatar was "hott") ever since the party formed, and he continued sending me tells. I told him, point-blank, that if he thought it was the WHM's fault he died, he was a noob. He went off on a tangent about how the WHM didn't heal him (which she did), and I told him,
"Y'know, I'm not a NIN, but I tanked him for a whole 30 seconds all by myself!
"Huh? How did u get hate? U don't even have war sub!"
"LMFAO, what are you, braindead?!"
Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that someone with a 66 NIN should know how to use Ichi and Ni together to keep himself alive longer that 15 seconds? And that it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that Sidewinder + Barrage + Eagle Eye Shot = MASSIVE hate?
Anyway, I DID have a point, and it's this: People shouldn't buy accounts. Because when they buy accounts and make fools of themselves (and yes, they WILL be fools), it ends up that people all over the net get to laugh at them and what they've done.
The other day, I was in a PT as RNG with a BRD friend of mine and a THF I've klnown for almost two and a half years. The WHM was a friend of the BRDs, and the BLM and NIN were pick-ups. As we get into Ordelle's, the NIN starts whining about not having silent oils and demands, "Someone come get me!"
We decided to go kill toramas, and the THF pulls the first one. 15 seconds later, the NIN is eating dirt and screaming at the WHM for "Letting him die."
I had three shadows, and the THF's three were gone by now and he was at half life. So, barrage, Eagle Eye Shot... Now I've got the Torama's attention. Sidewinder, utsusemi, pray for my life. Luckily, I still had a sliver with the WHM and my BRD friend healing me while the BLM made quick work of the rest of its life.
The only death was the NIN, and frankly it was a miracle. Everyone was stunned at his quick death. A 66 NIN should be able to handle a single mob, right? Well, apparently it must be the WHM's fault he died.
This nooby NIN was hitting on me (because my female avatar was "hott") ever since the party formed, and he continued sending me tells. I told him, point-blank, that if he thought it was the WHM's fault he died, he was a noob. He went off on a tangent about how the WHM didn't heal him (which she did), and I told him,
"Y'know, I'm not a NIN, but I tanked him for a whole 30 seconds all by myself!

"Huh? How did u get hate? U don't even have war sub!"
"LMFAO, what are you, braindead?!"
Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that someone with a 66 NIN should know how to use Ichi and Ni together to keep himself alive longer that 15 seconds? And that it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that Sidewinder + Barrage + Eagle Eye Shot = MASSIVE hate?
Anyway, I DID have a point, and it's this: People shouldn't buy accounts. Because when they buy accounts and make fools of themselves (and yes, they WILL be fools), it ends up that people all over the net get to laugh at them and what they've done.
